The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

That is among the most foolish answers I have seen. Government charity has divided this society not strengthened it.

Government should help people needing help
Billionaires don't need help
Why should anyone be forced at the point of a gun or imprisonment to contribute to a charity they do not agree with?

I have never had a gun pointed at me
Have you?
Stop paying your taxes and men with guns will come to acquaint you with the law. Stop paying your property tax and men with guns will come to forcefully and violently remove you from what was your property and oversee its' sale. Stop asking idiotic questions.

No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
You live in a democracy and a republic, ignoramus right-wing Dupe. A republic is defined as representative democracy for crying out loud. You Republican voters are past ridiculous...
Government should help people needing help
Billionaires don't need help
Why should anyone be forced at the point of a gun or imprisonment to contribute to a charity they do not agree with?

I have never had a gun pointed at me
Have you?
Stop paying your taxes and men with guns will come to acquaint you with the law. Stop paying your property tax and men with guns will come to forcefully and violently remove you from what was your property and oversee its' sale. Stop asking idiotic questions.

No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.

It is no longer your property
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
The real weakness in our Constitution is that the Bill of Rights, while a great idea, is not strong enough to protect our liberty from government oppression and other people using the government for thievery.
Such as the gop's never ending War on Drugs and abortion choice and ridiculously low-tax rates on the rich?

Or the thievery of the filthy ass Democrats on the working people of this country to fund their welfare queens and Illegals.
One reason there is so much confusion about communism and socialism is because of
McCarthyism. Schools were afraid to teach the subject. I took a course in college and the instructor warned us to put covers on our books so he and the school would not be accused of teaching communism.
The real weakness in our Constitution is that the Bill of Rights, while a great idea, is not strong enough to protect our liberty from government oppression and other people using the government for thievery.
Such as the gop's never ending War on Drugs and abortion choice and ridiculously low-tax rates on the rich?

Or the thievery of the filthy ass Democrats on the working people of this country to fund their welfare queens and Illegals.
Your beliefs that u fund illegals is incorrect. They don't vote either. Pass a national ID card like every other country with this problem has, and the GOP blocks. Blaming the unfortunate is a disgrace. The GOP Cuts services on the non rich. So that their greedy idiot Rich Masters can pay ridiculously low taxes. You are brainwashed. You don't know that but you know every detail of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. All lies. therest of the world and law enforcement agrees.
The real weakness in our Constitution is that the Bill of Rights, while a great idea, is not strong enough to protect our liberty from government oppression and other people using the government for thievery.
Such as the gop's never ending War on Drugs and abortion choice and ridiculously low-tax rates on the rich?

Or the thievery of the filthy ass Democrats on the working people of this country to fund their welfare queens and Illegals.
There are plenty of Republican people on welfare too you know they all voted for Trump. It's part of the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history that we have now after 35 years of the GOP screwing everybody but the rich over, super dupe.
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
You live in a democracy and a republic, ignoramus right-wing Dupe. A republic is defined as representative democracy for crying out loud. You Republican voters are past ridiculous...
Your ignorance is tiring, boring and astounding.
definition of republic:
Definition of republic
1a(1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

b(1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit the French Fourth Republic

For example the US is governed by the Law of the Land the constitution.

Switzerland is a democracy the electorate votes to make the law.
Why should anyone be forced at the point of a gun or imprisonment to contribute to a charity they do not agree with?

I have never had a gun pointed at me
Have you?
Stop paying your taxes and men with guns will come to acquaint you with the law. Stop paying your property tax and men with guns will come to forcefully and violently remove you from what was your property and oversee its' sale. Stop asking idiotic questions.

No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.

It is no longer your property
You are right taken by force and violence by men with guns, representatives of the government. Your stupidity makes a mule look compliant.
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
You live in a democracy and a republic, ignoramus right-wing Dupe. A republic is defined as representative democracy for crying out loud. You Republican voters are past ridiculous...
Your ignorance is tiring, boring and astounding.
definition of republic:
Definition of republic
1a(1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

b(1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit the French Fourth Republic

For example the US is governed by the Law of the Land the constitution.

Switzerland is a democracy the electorate votes to make the law.
b(1) yes, representative democracy is a republic. You want a diagram?
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
You live in a democracy and a republic, ignoramus right-wing Dupe. A republic is defined as representative democracy for crying out loud. You Republican voters are past ridiculous...
Your ignorance is tiring, boring and astounding.
definition of republic:
Definition of republic
1a(1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

b(1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit the French Fourth Republic

For example the US is governed by the Law of the Land the constitution.

Switzerland is a democracy the electorate votes to make the law.
b(1) yes, representative democracy is a republic. You want a diagram?
Definition of democracy Merriam Webster:
1a : government by the people especially : rule of the majority

b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

2 : a political unit that has a democratic government

The constitution is the supreme law of the land in the US. The United States is a constitutional republic. Look here I have taught you more in this thread than you learned in all you suspect degrees.
Your sophomoric insults do little more than make you look the fool you are. I am done with your ignorance every point you make is wrong and proven wrong. Open your mind and learn something. The constitution rules the US not the majority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
You live in a democracy and a republic, ignoramus right-wing Dupe. A republic is defined as representative democracy for crying out loud. You Republican voters are past ridiculous...
Your ignorance is tiring, boring and astounding.
definition of republic:
Definition of republic
1a(1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

b(1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law

(2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government

c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit the French Fourth Republic

For example the US is governed by the Law of the Land the constitution.

Switzerland is a democracy the electorate votes to make the law.
b(1) yes, representative democracy is a republic. You want a diagram?
Definition of democracy Merriam Webster:
1a : government by the people especially : rule of the majority

b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

2 : a political unit that has a democratic government

The constitution is the supreme law of the land in the US. The United States is a constitutional republic. Look here I have taught you more in this thread than you learned in all you suspect degrees.
Your sophomoric insults do little more than make you look the fool you are. I am done with your ignorance every point you make is wrong and proven wrong. Open your mind and learn something. The constitution rules the US not the majority.
Yes we are a constitutional representative democracy or Republic LOL. You are an idiot
I have never had a gun pointed at me
Have you?
Stop paying your taxes and men with guns will come to acquaint you with the law. Stop paying your property tax and men with guns will come to forcefully and violently remove you from what was your property and oversee its' sale. Stop asking idiotic questions.

No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.

It is no longer your property
You are right taken by force and violence by men with guns, representatives of the government. Your stupidity makes a mule look compliant.
How many times have armed men come to your door to take your money
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
Stop paying your taxes and men with guns will come to acquaint you with the law. Stop paying your property tax and men with guns will come to forcefully and violently remove you from what was your property and oversee its' sale. Stop asking idiotic questions.

No they won't
They will just seize your income and bank accounts

Seems fair to me
You are a flat out liar. Those arrested for tax evasion are arrested by men with guns.
Your telling me the sheriff won't evict your from your property for non payment of property tax? There is no point in speaking with a liar.

It is no longer your property
You are right taken by force and violence by men with guns, representatives of the government. Your stupidity makes a mule look compliant.
How many times have armed men come to your door to take your money

I had an irs agent find me, found me out back by my barn......i immediately assumed the position.... don't wanna dis authority......but she was nice .....i didn't ask if she CC'd....

Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
yet either way , it's 'representative'.....but apparently not in ratio w/populace .....otherwise it'd be 4350 vs 435.....~S~
I didn't agree with the invasion of Iraq yet I had to pay for it
Niether did I, nor the invasion of North Viet Nam, nor the second invasion of Iraq, nor the Patriot Act I could go on. Yes my taxes helped pay for them that is why I vociferously protest the actions of Bush both, Clinton (I got to visit that vacation paradise Kosovo because Bill got a bj in the oval office, Obama and when Mr. Trump exceeds his authority.
That is the way things work in a Democracy
You don't always get what you want
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters

LOL, wow. The Gov is the "master".

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