The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
In a democracy the majority rule. In a constitutional republic the law as presented in the constitution rules. The United States is a constitutional republic. If the US is a democracy where the majority rule why isn't Mrs. Clinton president? The constitution overrode the majority as it has in case after case. Reality sucks for you and those who wish like you.
Constitution's Bill of Rights gives us freedom from liberalism but we don't have because we have too much democracy.

say what?

Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
In a democracy the majority rule. In a constitutional republic the law as presented in the constitution rules. The United States is a constitutional republic. If the US is a democracy where the majority rule why isn't Mrs. Clinton president? The constitution overrode the majority as it has in case after case. Reality sucks for you and those who wish like you.
Constitution's Bill of Rights gives us freedom from liberalism but we don't have because we have too much democracy.
Anyone here have a clue what this means???
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

A weakness for the Republicans certainly.
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
another fake Patriot brainwashed by phony scandals into not believing in our institutions. Dangerous shit heads...

LOL, I'm sensing hostility detest everyone who thinks differently that you. I get it.

That's not thinking.
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
Again you lie like a rug. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. You need to understand what political system you live under lest you let your alligator mouth overload your humming bird ass.
No matter what form of government it always devolves into masters and serfs. People like you hasten that devolution.
A republic is a form of democracy

We the People are the masters
A republic is governed by law in the case of the USA the constitution. In a democracy a vote can negate everything that went before. You have become too boring.
A republic is a form of democracy
In a democracy the majority rule. In a constitutional republic the law as presented in the constitution rules. The United States is a constitutional republic. If the US is a democracy where the majority rule why isn't Mrs. Clinton president? The constitution overrode the majority as it has in case after case. Reality sucks for you and those who wish like you.
Constitution's Bill of Rights gives us freedom from liberalism but we don't have because we have too much democracy.
Bill of Rights was written by Liberals
Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
You're right about communism, a dictatorship that owns all industry and businesses, it doesn't exist here, but socialism as understood by all non right-wing dupes,that is as always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net, is more than half the country. It's time for the GOP dupes to recognize that the Cold War is over and so is the definition of socialism as communism.
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
It is not just that

Have you noticed people going through your garbage and those black helicopters flying over your house?
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
Actually there are many things that protect our privacy, like a warrant being necessary to look at all kinds of information they have on us.
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
It is not just that

Have you noticed people going through your garbage and those black helicopters flying over your house?

Your ignorance should be embarrassing for you.
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
Actually there are many things that protect our privacy, like a warrant being necessary to look at all kinds of information they have on us.

HUH.....and hose Warrantless FISA searches? The NSA collects everything you do. They have every post you've made on here, they've got every email you've ever sent and every call is recorded. Look up the Data Storage unit in Utah and get back to me.
A lot has changed since 1920, including the definition of socialism and the definition of communism. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry.socialism started out as theoretical Marxism, then became defined as USSR communism. Since World War II at least socialism means fair capitalism with a good safety net. See New Zealand Australia Canada Etc. And us when ObamaCare is everywhere, even if we are give away to the rich GOP mess, super duper Cold War dinosaur.

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

YUP, he is virtually advocating for a 1984 system.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

YUP, he is virtually advocating for a 1984 system.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

LOL, you're as bad as palos. Do you really think that you saying this 200 times a day makes it true?
You're in favor of making EVERYONE do what YOU think is "fair".
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
Reagan tax rates over the last 30 years have given us this giveaway to the rich mess, dumbass. We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.
War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

YUP, he is virtually advocating for a 1984 system.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

LOL, you're as bad as palos. Do you really think that you saying this 200 times a day makes it true?
You're in favor of making EVERYONE do what YOU think is "fair".
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
Reagan tax rates over the last 30 years have given us this giveaway to the rich mess, dumbass. We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.

It's a very small club and it is comprised of both Republican's AND Dems
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
It is not just that

Have you noticed people going through your garbage and those black helicopters flying over your house?

Your ignorance should be embarrassing for you.
Ditto your brainwashed paranoia...
Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
It is not just that

Have you noticed people going through your garbage and those black helicopters flying over your house?

Your ignorance should be embarrassing for you.
Ditto your brainwashed paranoia...

You're too lazy to learn any truth but that which you choose. So much for those "degrees".
So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.
All while the money has never been worth less.
After 35 years of GOP give away to the rich tax rates and policy, and cutting services for the rest, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern dupes don't know that but you know every detail of imaginary Democratic scandals....
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?

You tell us. How is my passport abused?

LOL, they track you EVERYWHERE you go. You can't leave the Country without it, you can't get back in if you lose it. ALL of these ID methods are nothing but tracking devices. You/we have no privacy, the Patriot Act took that away. The Fourth is a thing of the past.
Actually there are many things that protect our privacy, like a warrant being necessary to look at all kinds of information they have on us.

HUH.....and hose Warrantless FISA searches? The NSA collects everything you do. They have every post you've made on here, they've got every email you've ever sent and every call is recorded. Look up the Data Storage unit in Utah and get back to me.
And any law enforcement agency needs a warrant to look at it.

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