The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

I can see you sitting there with your eyes shut, your fingers in your ears and your hand over your mouth. Real truth is foreign to you.
Just make sure you don't read or watch any of the 99% of respected media that thinks you are insane, super duper. Try the BBC France 24 the hindustani times etc etc etc. Anyting not owned by Rupert Murdoch and his idiot fellow GOP scumbag billionaires, super duper.

I don't care what you, the Gov or the media think about me. Unlike you I don't rely on the opinions of other people to validate who I am. Did your get past High School in any real emotional manner?
Trump has about 15% approval in the world and so does your alternative ridiculous world, super duper.

So what, why are you so obsessed with the approval of others?
I am obsessed with fact and truth. Too bad the GOP doesn't give a damn about it...
That is not just a lie it is a damned lie.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.


The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution is the constant misinterpretations, summary legislative abuse, along with canned FF quotes by fascist jingoists

'We the People' means all of us, warts and all, not 'We the chosen few'

Finish the line.

We the people of the United States. That's citizens, the chosen few.
Reagan tax rates over the last 30 years have given us this giveaway to the rich mess, dumbass. We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.

It's a very small club and it is comprised of both Republican's AND Dems

Great. That has nothing to do with the point, dope.

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans. Now franco is a disingenuous partisan, does that describe you too?
Total b*******, super duper. There are just as many which Democrats s as Republicans if not more. And they want to raise taxes on themselves. The amount of crap you believe is amazing, super duper. The problem is the amazing number of brainwashed duped twits of thG
BS propaganda.

You simply are not a bright individual.
Y'all have it backwards. The single biggest weakness of liberalism is the Constitution. That's why they have been attacking it for the last hundred years. There is no "separation of church and state" found in the Constitution and there is no "right to privacy" which is the foundation of Roe v Wade.
Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
Why do you think lefties have been trying to keep Constitutional judges off the Supreme Court? The Constitution is all we have left when a tyrannical media teams up with the democrat party which is hell bent to destroy the fabric of society.. FDR tried it and he had the support of the media at the time but he couldn't quite destroy the foundation of law and justice even though he nominated a former KKK member to the Court and tried to expand the Court to twenty liberals. If the crazy radical left ever get's it's slimy claws on the Constitution, democracy is doomed.
Just make sure you don't read or watch any of the 99% of respected media that thinks you are insane, super duper. Try the BBC France 24 the hindustani times etc etc etc. Anyting not owned by Rupert Murdoch and his idiot fellow GOP scumbag billionaires, super duper.

I don't care what you, the Gov or the media think about me. Unlike you I don't rely on the opinions of other people to validate who I am. Did your get past High School in any real emotional manner?
Trump has about 15% approval in the world and so does your alternative ridiculous world, super duper.

So what, why are you so obsessed with the approval of others?
I am obsessed with fact and truth. Too bad the GOP doesn't give a damn about it...
That is not just a lie it is a damned lie.
So why have none of your phony scandals about Hillary Obama holder learner the FBI and the CIA ever made it to a courtroom or respected media, super duper dupe? So then you are a conspiracy theory nut job...
Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Why do you think lefties have been trying to keep Constitutional judges off the Supreme Court? The Constitution is all we have left when a tyrannical media teams up with the democrat party which is hell bent to destroy the fabric of society.. FDR tried it and he had the support of the media at the time but he couldn't quite destroy the foundation of law and justice even though he nominated a former KKK member to the Court and tried to expand the Court to twenty liberals. If the crazy radical left ever get's it's slimy claws on the Constitution, democracy is doomed.
The only people obsessed with the Supreme Court are right-wing morons like you. All these judges are alright in my book. The problem is the inequality and unfairness of this GOP mess will never be fixed until Democrats get a big Landslide with Senate 60 votes. For a full 8 years I would guess. all the GOP ever wants to do is cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest, super duper.
I don't care what you, the Gov or the media think about me. Unlike you I don't rely on the opinions of other people to validate who I am. Did your get past High School in any real emotional manner?
Trump has about 15% approval in the world and so does your alternative ridiculous world, super duper.

So what, why are you so obsessed with the approval of others?
I am obsessed with fact and truth. Too bad the GOP doesn't give a damn about it...
That is not just a lie it is a damned lie.
So why have none of your phony scandals about Hillary Obama holder learner the FBI and the CIA ever made it to a courtroom or respected media, super duper dupe? So then you are a conspiracy theory nut job...
What are you talking about? Your idiocy factor has reached new heights. Until a matter goes to trial it remains nothing more than conjecture and the pricipals are innocernt until found guilty by a jury of their peers. That is and has been my stance.
Go back to your moms basement pop a Mountain Dew open some Doritos and relax.
I didn’t need trump to cut my taxes. He just caused inflation by giving everyone a tax break and added to the debt.

It should have been a middle class only tax break. That would have benefitted everyone because the middle class will spend that money at the makers business’

Show us where that $3k per year that Trump gave you gets eaten up by inflation. We’re standing by.
When you give everyone money it doesn’t cause inflation? My bad if I’m wrong

You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox
You begging wack-jobs fucked insisted on expanding our underclass to a point which rivals filthy thirdworld we have way too many takers and not nearly enough makers. You can’t have a plethora of free shit for yourself and for your illegal buddy Gustavo...not gonna fuckin happen.
If I were a beggar like you I’d get behind a movement to deport the fuck out of disgusting thirdworlders and close the fucking border for good. It’s the only pathway for you pet humans to get spoon fed more free shit. GET ON IT!
Reagan tax rates over the last 30 years have given us this giveaway to the rich mess, dumbass. We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.

It's a very small club and it is comprised of both Republican's AND Dems

Great. That has nothing to do with the point, dope.

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans. Now franco is a disingenuous partisan, does that describe you too?

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans.

Of course I don't in any way, dope. That would just be dumb.

Obviously you are completely incompetent in following a point.
Show us where that $3k per year that Trump gave you gets eaten up by inflation. We’re standing by.
When you give everyone money it doesn’t cause inflation? My bad if I’m wrong

You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
Reagan tax rates over the last 30 years have given us this giveaway to the rich mess, dumbass. We need a democratic landslide to bring us back into world leadership again.

So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.

It's a very small club and it is comprised of both Republican's AND Dems

Great. That has nothing to do with the point, dope.

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans. Now franco is a disingenuous partisan, does that describe you too?

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans.

Of course I don't in any way, dope. That would just be dumb.

Obviously you are completely incompetent in following a point.

Nope. You post what you post. You and franco are twins.
Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??

nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??

nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was sure right about you.
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??

nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
Yes, super duper, your idiotic idea that communism is socialism and socialism is communism is stupid. Now right Wingers actually believe that Nazism is socialism because they put socialism in their name. Your! brain-dead beliefs are bumper sticker stupid and simplistic. "We are all Socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... There are plenty of countries that have democracy and Socialist Party and Communist Party, very different and just as I say. Snap out of it.
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
Yes, super duper, your idiotic idea that communism is socialism and socialism is communism is stupid. Now right Wingers actually believe that Nazism is socialism because they put socialism in their name. Your! brain-dead beliefs are bumper sticker stupid and simplistic. "We are all Socialists now!"---Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed... There are plenty of countries that have democracy and Socialist Party and Communist Party, very different and just as I say. Snap out of it.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
So true. The richest in America before Reagan were worth a little over one billion. Now the richest is over a hundred billion.

It's a very small club and it is comprised of both Republican's AND Dems

Great. That has nothing to do with the point, dope.

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans. Now franco is a disingenuous partisan, does that describe you too?

Of course it does, you and franco want everyone to believe that the rich are comprised of only Republicans.

Of course I don't in any way, dope. That would just be dumb.

Obviously you are completely incompetent in following a point.

Nope. You post what you post. You and franco are twins.

You are truly dopey.

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