The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

I'll get back to the OP. I agree that this is a huge weakness. Of all the way the founders worried about corruption, this is the avenue the government used to chip away at individual freedom. Offering benefits for votes has been the single biggest disaster in our history. The politicians that win are the ones that promise the most stuff. This thread idea comes around quite often, and for good reason. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, and democrats never rest on how much more they can take. I heard recently the amount of tax revenue of the lowest 40% with both the sales and income taxes included. I think it was a single digit number. I am disabled, and I receive aid, but I vote republican because I realize nobody owes me anything. I don't push for more aid and I appreciate what I do get. Giving an unlimited wish list to people who shoulder none of the burden is nuts. Personally, I would be fine with having employment as a requirement for voting. I had my time, I had my chance. When people retire, it is time to turn in the keys. People suck, but I really do believe that working Americans would take great care of the elderly(Our Parents) and the disabled(Family Members). It just seems like common sense that people should not be given an unlimited wish list with no personal consequences.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

I'll get back to the OP. I agree that this is a huge weakness. Of all the way the founders worried about corruption, this is the avenue the government used to chip away at individual freedom. Offering benefits for votes has been the single biggest disaster in our history. The politicians that win are the ones that promise the most stuff. This thread idea comes around quite often, and for good reason. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, and democrats never rest on how much more they can take. I heard recently the amount of tax revenue of the lowest 40% with both the sales and income taxes included. I think it was a single digit number. I am disabled, and I receive aid, but I vote republican because I realize nobody owes me anything. I don't push for more aid and I appreciate what I do get. Giving an unlimited wish list to people who shoulder none of the burden is nuts. Personally, I would be fine with having employment as a requirement for voting. I had my time, I had my chance. When people retire, it is time to turn in the keys. People suck, but I really do believe that working Americans would take great care of the elderly(Our Parents) and the disabled(Family Members). It just seems like common sense that people should not be given an unlimited wish list with no personal consequences.
Lousy management does that. We really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Means tested welfare can take care of the rest.
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
And I believe that most poor people would vote for an opportunity to get out of the slums than a $300.00 a month check more than anything else. Being poor doesn't mean STUPID.
so you would be ok with a written voter qualification test? Democrats would hate that because it would eliminate 50% of their base ie those who use voting as a way to steal welfare from those who work.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
Why do you refuse to understand the definition between communism and socialism, super duper. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP BS propaganda knows the difference. GOP idiocy
Why do you refuse to understand the definition between communism and socialism, super duper. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP BS propaganda knows the difference. GOP idiocy
Marx used then interchangably and so does Sanders. Why stop at socialism? Ever heard a liberal who will stop growing government no matter how big it already is?
. GOP idiocy

Alger Hiss and Maxine Waters were/are not idiots:

Maxine Waters:
“Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing … uh, umm. … Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”
Ever heard of Bernie Sanders, Cold War dinosaur?

dinosaur and current liberal hero:
Looks like Bernie Sanders is running for president again, despite ...

1 day ago - Bernie Sanders is laying the groundwork to launch a bigger presidential campaign than his first, as advisers predict he would open the 2020
What is the difference between Communism and Socialism ...

Jan 5, 2018 - Communism and socialism are umbrella terms referring to left-wing ... of the term "communism" – one referring to theory, the other to politics as .
I forget who said it, but some wise person pointed out that when the People realize that they can vote themselves money from the public trough, Democracy is doomed.

And they are doing just that when they vote for politicians who promise "free" medical care, "free" college, guaranteed annual wage, and things of that nature.

In my opinion, Voter's ID's should be passed out by the IRS, and if you haven't paid at least a thousand dollars in FIT, you don't get one. And that includes retired people......ESPECIALLY retired people (I am one of them).

What could be fairer than that?
Why do you refuse to understand the definition between communism and socialism, super duper. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP BS propaganda knows the difference. GOP idiocy
Marx used then interchangably and so does Sanders. Why stop at socialism? Ever heard a liberal who will stop growing government no matter how big it already is?
Read the Wikipedia article on socialism. There have been three definitions of socialism. First the Marxist theory, 2nd the wonderful USSR, and when people found out the USSR had no democracy of any kind, socialism split and is now what Bernie wants and every other Rich modern country has, an always democratic Fair capitalist Society with a good safety net. Welcome to reality GOP super dupe. "we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed....
I forget who said it, but some wise person pointed out that when the People realize that they can vote themselves money from the public trough, Democracy is doomed.

And they are doing just that when they vote for politicians who promise "free" medical care, "free" college, guaranteed annual wage, and things of that nature.

In my opinion, Voter's ID's should be passed out by the IRS, and if you haven't paid at least a thousand dollars in FIT, you don't get one. And that includes retired people......ESPECIALLY retired people (I am one of them).

What could be fairer than that?
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.
And I believe that most poor people would vote for an opportunity to get out of the slums than a $300.00 a month check more than anything else. Being poor doesn't mean STUPID.
so you would be ok with a written voter qualification test? Democrats would hate that because it would eliminate 50% of their base ie those who use voting as a way to steal welfare from those who work.

Of course I would. I really don't think you could find anyone Dumber, regarding civics and how government works than someone that supported and
And I believe that most poor people would vote for an opportunity to get out of the slums than a $300.00 a month check more than anything else. Being poor doesn't mean STUPID.
so you would be ok with a written voter qualification test? Democrats would hate that because it would eliminate 50% of their base ie those who use voting as a way to steal welfare from those who work.

Yeah, of course I would support that. I don't think you could find a person so dumb of civics & the 3 branches of government, their powers & how they function than a half brained Trump Tard.


The Dunning Kruger effect.

But I think it would be handled easier by installing Super Delegates into the Republican primary process.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
Why do you refuse to understand the definition between communism and socialism, super duper. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP BS propaganda knows the difference. GOP idiocy
Socialism has been defined since the eighteenth century, communism since the nineteenth century. Every credible resource from the Encyclopedia Britannica through text books, dictionaries and thousands of resources reflect the Merriam Webster definition of socialism. Your refusal to accept the definition of socialism means we have nothing to talk about. Your refusal leads me to believe you are woefully ignorant of any political theory and are parroting something you have been told by others either ignorant or with
insidious motives. Go read some Engels, Luxemburg, Lassalle, Behul, Orwell (George Orwell was a socialist his view of such a society in Animal Farm and 1984 are enlightening. Marx Das Kapital, and Communist Manifesto are musts since Marx based his theories on socialism. Just read some economics studies and political studies. Cure your stubborn ignorance with knowledge. Otherwise we have no basis for any discussion. I have no idea what you are talking about and you refuse to see what I am talking about.
Last edited:
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
Why do you refuse to understand the definition between communism and socialism, super duper. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP BS propaganda knows the difference. GOP idiocy
Socialism has been defined since the eighteenth century, communism since the nineteenth century. Every credible resource from the Encyclopedia Britannica through text books, dictionaries and thousands of resources reflect the Merriam Webster definition of socialism. Your refusal to accept the definition of socialism means we have nothing to talk about. Your refusal leads me to believe you are woefully ignorant of any political theory and are parroting something you have been told by others either ignorant or with
insidious motives. Go read some Engels, Luxemburg, Lassalle, Behul, Orwell (George Orwell was a socialist his view of such a society in Animal Farm and 1984 are enlightening. Marx Das Kapital, and Communist Manifesto are musts since Marx based his theories on socialism. Just read some economics studies and political studies. Cure your stubborn ignorance with knowledge. Otherwise we have no basis for any discussion. I have no idea what you are talking about and you refuse to see what I am talking about.
And I suppose Nazis are socialist? LOL.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
Why do you refuse to understand the definition between communism and socialism, super duper. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP BS propaganda knows the difference. GOP idiocy
Socialism has been defined since the eighteenth century, communism since the nineteenth century. Every credible resource from the Encyclopedia Britannica through text books, dictionaries and thousands of resources reflect the Merriam Webster definition of socialism. Your refusal to accept the definition of socialism means we have nothing to talk about. Your refusal leads me to believe you are woefully ignorant of any political theory and are parroting something you have been told by others either ignorant or with
insidious motives. Go read some Engels, Luxemburg, Lassalle, Behul, Orwell (George Orwell was a socialist his view of such a society in Animal Farm and 1984 are enlightening. Marx Das Kapital, and Communist Manifesto are musts since Marx based his theories on socialism. Just read some economics studies and political studies. Cure your stubborn ignorance with knowledge. Otherwise we have no basis for any discussion. I have no idea what you are talking about and you refuse to see what I am talking about.
Merriam Webster obviously didn't want to piss off right wing jackass es...

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