The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

I'll get back to the OP. I agree that this is a huge weakness. Of all the way the founders worried about corruption, this is the avenue the government used to chip away at individual freedom. Offering benefits for votes has been the single biggest disaster in our history. The politicians that win are the ones that promise the most stuff. This thread idea comes around quite often, and for good reason. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, and democrats never rest on how much more they can take. I heard recently the amount of tax revenue of the lowest 40% with both the sales and income taxes included. I think it was a single digit number. I am disabled, and I receive aid, but I vote republican because I realize nobody owes me anything. I don't push for more aid and I appreciate what I do get. Giving an unlimited wish list to people who shoulder none of the burden is nuts. Personally, I would be fine with having employment as a requirement for voting. I had my time, I had my chance. When people retire, it is time to turn in the keys. People suck, but I really do believe that working Americans would take great care of the elderly(Our Parents) and the disabled(Family Members). It just seems like common sense that people should not be given an unlimited wish list with no personal consequences.
Well we have to stop at the bullshit and just forget reading the rest , we in no way have one of the most progressive tax rates in the world , that just nonsense looking for a home in the brain dead.

The bottom 40 % pay around 8% after sales and income tax combined. That isn't fair? What in the world is your idea of fair? I'm hearing more hate the rich vibes, but I'm pretty sure that includes whatever middle class is left. Medicare, food stamps, disability, unemployment benefits. Good grief, what is this only the rich can afford freedom stuff?
Did I hurt your feeling buddy. I don't give a flying fuck how much they pay in taxes ,Since 81 corporate profits were 200 billion , now they are up to 2 trillion a year and Since the trickle down bozo lie, nothing has gone to anyone except the few at the top , so their profit is up 10 times what it was in 81 , the golden few that the trickle down lie was written for got it all. Just this one year they received 1.8 trillion more then they earned in 81. But no one else got a thing. Maybe a good number for taxes with these people would be double or triple what they pay now. It wouldn't even dent the extra 1.8 trillion they received this year extra over what they got in 81. Tripling it wouldn't even make a dent. My point about needing to be rich to get the freedom that this country stands , you figure it out big guy.

So businesses are doing well and you want their money? Not paying measurable taxes is enough? All the services currently available are not enough? You want more because others are doing well, and you think it ought to be yours? That is messed up.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

When America was founded not everyone could vote. That was a good call.

Today, everyone can vote... even the illegals... a disaster.

Everything for free, yay. Giving an unlimited wish list to people who are not greatful for what they have is indeed a disaster. The government gets bigger and bigger, people get less choices and pay more, and yet it is all propaganda.
I forget who said it, but some wise person pointed out that when the People realize that they can vote themselves money from the public trough, Democracy is doomed.

And they are doing just that when they vote for politicians who promise "free" medical care, "free" college, guaranteed annual wage, and things of that nature.

In my opinion, Voter's ID's should be passed out by the IRS, and if you haven't paid at least a thousand dollars in FIT, you don't get one. And that includes retired people......ESPECIALLY retired people (I am one of them).

What could be fairer than that?
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.

At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
capitalism let's people die every day, simply because they have no capital.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
capitalism let's people die every day, simply because they have no capital.

This isn't the 1800's. Grandma isn't going off the cliff.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
capitalism let's people die every day, simply because they have no capital.

This isn't the 1800's. Grandma isn't going off the cliff.
socialism isn't killing millions a day either.
I forget who said it, but some wise person pointed out that when the People realize that they can vote themselves money from the public trough, Democracy is doomed.

And they are doing just that when they vote for politicians who promise "free" medical care, "free" college, guaranteed annual wage, and things of that nature.

In my opinion, Voter's ID's should be passed out by the IRS, and if you haven't paid at least a thousand dollars in FIT, you don't get one. And that includes retired people......ESPECIALLY retired people (I am one of them).

What could be fairer than that?
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.

At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
Who said anything about the middle class pay more in taxes, super duper? Democrats have been for tax cuts for the middle class and working class forever, but taxing the rich more. The rich are incredibly bloated and we don't have enough investment in America and Americans for 35 years now. Snap out of it.
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.

At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
Who said anything about the middle class pay more in taxes, super duper? Democrats have been for tax cuts for the middle class and working class forever, but taxing the rich more. The rich are incredibly bloated and we don't have enough investment in America and Americans for 35 years now. Snap out of it.

How much does a person have to earn before they make your hit list? I've heard that if you flat out confiscate every dollar over one million earned, that it will come nowhere close to free healthcare, free education, or student loan forgiveness. The soak the rich mantra is a flat out lie. So is your claim of keeping your hands off the middle class. You guys literally tax people for being alive, and you're telling me the middle class isn't a target? It starts getting pretty ugly when you run out of people's money.
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said
At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
Who said anything about the middle class pay more in taxes, super duper? Democrats have been for tax cuts for the middle class and working class forever, but taxing the rich more. The rich are incredibly bloated and we don't have enough investment in America and Americans for 35 years now. Snap out of it.

How much does a person have to earn before they make your hit list? I've heard that if you flat out confiscate every dollar over one million earned, that it will come nowhere close to free healthcare, free education, or student loan forgiveness. The soak the rich mantra is a flat out lie. So is your claim of keeping your hands off the middle class. You guys literally tax people for being alive, and you're telling me the middle class isn't a target? It starts getting pretty ugly when you run out of people's money.
After 35 years of giveaway to the rich in tax rates, the rich are now paying the same oh percentage in all taxes as the middle class & all the new wealth ends up in their hands, dumbass dupe. Google the only tax graph you need to know. All the dupes know about is federal income taxes, the only progressive tax we have.
Touchy Touchy Frank. So how do you go about squeezing more form the rich? You can't monkey with the sales tax, and you already soak people in the income tax. You tried the death tax. You love the middle class so much, you almost wiped it out. Congrats.
Touchy Touchy Frank. So how do you go about squeezing more form the rich? You can't monkey with the sales tax, and you already soak people in the income tax. You tried the death tax. You love the middle class so much, you almost wiped it out. Congrats.
Franco is short for Francophile. We should go back to JFK's top tax rate of 70%, the only way to get CEO pay back 2 fair levels... We should raise the upper limit on payroll taxes... and make it tied to inflation. And raise state and local taxes on them too, right now the non rich pay a lot more percentage wise on those taxes than the richest. For 30 years now States and localities have been raising taxes and fees to make up for Less Federal Aid. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
Thank you for the detailed response. Instead of increasing taxes, we should probably just cut spending, but governments are incapable of doing this. I guess my biggest question has always been why create universal government programs when targeted spending such as food stamps and medicaid have been effective? You must admit that government programs are more expensive and less efficient than if there was competition. Going back to the OP, I think it is fair for the bottom 40% to at least make a token contribution, get some skin in the game. Do you not find it odd that many who go to pay their taxes actually come out with a net profit? It can not be positive that people can vote like it is Christmas without a bill. Politicians pay for votes, and the ones who pay the most ALWAYS win. I'm not saying it is impossible to have a highly successful big government program, but it is pretty clear with our politicians that that is not likely.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

I'll get back to the OP. I agree that this is a huge weakness. Of all the way the founders worried about corruption, this is the avenue the government used to chip away at individual freedom. Offering benefits for votes has been the single biggest disaster in our history. The politicians that win are the ones that promise the most stuff. This thread idea comes around quite often, and for good reason. We have one of the most progressive tax codes in the world, and democrats never rest on how much more they can take. I heard recently the amount of tax revenue of the lowest 40% with both the sales and income taxes included. I think it was a single digit number. I am disabled, and I receive aid, but I vote republican because I realize nobody owes me anything. I don't push for more aid and I appreciate what I do get. Giving an unlimited wish list to people who shoulder none of the burden is nuts. Personally, I would be fine with having employment as a requirement for voting. I had my time, I had my chance. When people retire, it is time to turn in the keys. People suck, but I really do believe that working Americans would take great care of the elderly(Our Parents) and the disabled(Family Members). It just seems like common sense that people should not be given an unlimited wish list with no personal consequences.
Well we have to stop at the bullshit and just forget reading the rest , we in no way have one of the most progressive tax rates in the world , that just nonsense looking for a home in the brain dead.

The bottom 40 % pay around 8% after sales and income tax combined. That isn't fair? What in the world is your idea of fair? I'm hearing more hate the rich vibes, but I'm pretty sure that includes whatever middle class is left. Medicare, food stamps, disability, unemployment benefits. Good grief, what is this only the rich can afford freedom stuff?
Did I hurt your feeling buddy. I don't give a flying fuck how much they pay in taxes ,Since 81 corporate profits were 200 billion , now they are up to 2 trillion a year and Since the trickle down bozo lie, nothing has gone to anyone except the few at the top , so their profit is up 10 times what it was in 81 , the golden few that the trickle down lie was written for got it all. Just this one year they received 1.8 trillion more then they earned in 81. But no one else got a thing. Maybe a good number for taxes with these people would be double or triple what they pay now. It wouldn't even dent the extra 1.8 trillion they received this year extra over what they got in 81. Tripling it wouldn't even make a dent. My point about needing to be rich to get the freedom that this country stands , you figure it out big guy.
That's just nonsense. You intelligence is showing.

So businesses are doing well and you want their money? Not paying measurable taxes is enough? All the services currently available are not enough? You want more because others are doing well, and you think it ought to be yours? That is messed up.
I forget who said it, but some wise person pointed out that when the People realize that they can vote themselves money from the public trough, Democracy is doomed.

And they are doing just that when they vote for politicians who promise "free" medical care, "free" college, guaranteed annual wage, and things of that nature.

In my opinion, Voter's ID's should be passed out by the IRS, and if you haven't paid at least a thousand dollars in FIT, you don't get one. And that includes retired people......ESPECIALLY retired people (I am one of them).

What could be fairer than that?
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.

At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
But tax cuts for the wealthy , and corporate welfare , which is a thousand time more money then your pitiful weak list. But that you support with all your heart , only the wealthy and big b should get any of the new wealth of this country. Fuck the worker. fuck the poor. we know your routine , it comes out of everyone of you haters comments here.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on

Socialism killed 120 million and yet Sanders tells us we ought to be socialist? German parents had the brains to stop naming their children Adolf after WW2 so why doesn't Sanders have the brains to stop calling himself a socialist?
capitalism let's people die every day, simply because they have no capital.
Well many right wing economists says there is no conscience in capitalism , nor should there be.
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.

At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
But tax cuts for the wealthy , and corporate welfare , which is a thousand time more money then your pitiful weak list. But that you support with all your heart , only the wealthy and big b should get any of the new wealth of this country. Fuck the worker. fuck the poor. we know your routine , it comes out of everyone of you haters comments here.

Taxation on one's bartering their labor for a fiat currency with no intrinsic value is thievery by gun point. Consumption taxes are constitutional, taxes on profits derived from a profit in commerce is constitutional......stealing a percentage of one's earnings isn't. "constitutional"...never has been and never will be if the united states of America's constitution was to be upheld.
Every citizen should be able to vote. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich GOP is touching, super duper dupe.

At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
Who said anything about the middle class pay more in taxes, super duper? Democrats have been for tax cuts for the middle class and working class forever, but taxing the rich more. The rich are incredibly bloated and we don't have enough investment in America and Americans for 35 years now. Snap out of it.
Actually the worker in this country wages have gone down since 81 and in 81 business made 200 billion in profits and 45 years later the worker is making less but business now make over 2 trillion a year in profit all going to the golden few. Exactly they way the right planned it to be and exactly the way they want to keep it. They simple have to go. This country has to get rid of this right wing group of haters and let another conservative group that has a heart and cares about someone other then themselves create a new conservative party, this one is dead anyway.
At what point does someone become an evil rich douche? What is the magic number? Let's say a teacher earns 30k. Is he or she evil and greedy? What if two teachers get married? 60k. Evil and Greedy? What about mechanics, construction workers, accountants? What is the magic evil, greedy, douche threshold? I'm guessing it is anyone who has a job.
Anyone have a clue on this tripe???
I should have said greedy idiot GOP rich, that's the difference. Democrat Rich are fine, they want to pay more in Taxes and invest in Americans and America for a change...

I find it troubling that someone in the middle class would voluntarily give their hard earnings to the government for solar panels, illegal aliens, and electric cars.
Who said anything about the middle class pay more in taxes, super duper? Democrats have been for tax cuts for the middle class and working class forever, but taxing the rich more. The rich are incredibly bloated and we don't have enough investment in America and Americans for 35 years now. Snap out of it.
Actually the worker in this country wages have gone down since 81 and in 81 business made 200 billion in profits and 45 years later the worker is making less but business now make over 2 trillion a year in profit all going to the golden few. Exactly they way the right planned it to be and exactly the way they want to keep it. They simple have to go. This country has to get rid of this right wing group of haters and let another conservative group that has a heart and cares about someone other then themselves create a new conservative party, this one is dead anyway.

The middle class reached it's apex in 1970, dumb ass. The controllers of the monetary system decide whom the winners and losers are. The controllers hijacked the leftard clown posse party right around that time and it ain't no coincidence that the decline of the middle class started. Poor people are easier to control, leave less of a carbon footprint and if they have to depend on "da gubermint", they will forfeit independence because he that pays the piper picks the tune.

You are an ignorant little sack of commie shit.......but I knew that over two years ago when you poked your nose into this forum.

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