The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

When you give everyone money it doesn’t cause inflation? My bad if I’m wrong

You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
And I made more this year so I’ll get more than that this year why? So what? Bernie Sanders got a tax break too that doesn’t mean we’re all voting republican just because we got a stupid tax cut.
You don’t really think inflation has climbed by $3k per year do you?
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
And I made more this year so I’ll get more than that this year why? So what? Bernie Sanders got a tax break too that doesn’t mean we’re all voting republican just because we got a stupid tax cut.

But you said this...
”Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.”
The reality is, you are a beneficiary of the “cuts”. Do you hear how sane people would think that sounds strange?
Nobody productive and sane has ever said “I hate this dumb tax break I got.”.....NOBODY
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
And I made more this year so I’ll get more than that this year why? So what? Bernie Sanders got a tax break too that doesn’t mean we’re all voting republican just because we got a stupid tax cut.

But you said this...
”Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.”
The reality is, you are a beneficiary of the “cuts”. Do you hear how sane people would think that sounds strange?
Nobody productive and sane has ever said “I hate this dumb tax break I got.”.....NOBODY
What cuts must be coming to pay for the $3k a year I get. Will i5 be my social security or Medicare? You guys used to worry about the debt you aren’t today why?
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
And I made more this year so I’ll get more than that this year why? So what? Bernie Sanders got a tax break too that doesn’t mean we’re all voting republican just because we got a stupid tax cut.

But you said this...
”Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.”
The reality is, you are a beneficiary of the “cuts”. Do you hear how sane people would think that sounds strange?
Nobody productive and sane has ever said “I hate this dumb tax break I got.”.....NOBODY
What cuts must be coming to pay for the $3k a year I get. Will i5 be my social security or Medicare? You guys used to worry about the debt you aren’t today why?

The sky might fall tomorrow...are you worried about that as well?
Pave your own way bud...take control of your own up, stop begging and do your own thing.
Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
You're right about communism, a dictatorship that owns all industry and businesses, it doesn't exist here, but socialism as understood by all non right-wing dupes,that is as always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net, is more than half the country. It's time for the GOP dupes to recognize that the Cold War is over and so is the definition of socialism as communism.
There is one prime , that has to be included to be considered socialist. That is the means of production is owned by the government and I believe they also have to be the distributor of the production. (the seller) without that there is no socialism. It exists nowhere in this country nor have I ever heard anyone in this country suggesting that's the way to go, never in my 73 years.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
And I made more this year so I’ll get more than that this year why? So what? Bernie Sanders got a tax break too that doesn’t mean we’re all voting republican just because we got a stupid tax cut.

But you said this...
”Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.”
The reality is, you are a beneficiary of the “cuts”. Do you hear how sane people would think that sounds strange?
Nobody productive and sane has ever said “I hate this dumb tax break I got.”.....NOBODY
What cuts must be coming to pay for the $3k a year I get. Will i5 be my social security or Medicare? You guys used to worry about the debt you aren’t today why?

The sky might fall tomorrow...are you worried about that as well?
Pave your own way bud...take control of your own up, stop begging and do your own thing.
Oh I am
Y'all have it backwards. The single biggest weakness of liberalism is the Constitution. That's why they have been attacking it for the last hundred years. There is no "separation of church and state" found in the Constitution and there is no "right to privacy" which is the foundation of Roe v Wade.
What a a bullshitter, no clue ,hell we aren't even a Christian country , that couldn't have been made clearer then in the treaty of Tripoli with writers and signers of the declaration of independents and the constitution, as congressmen and voters on this treaty , it was supported 100% by congress and the president Article 11 of the treat states "“As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”" TO REPEAT MYSELF YOU JUST DON"T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
Yes Obamacare is closer to communism than capitalism. Ddo you understand?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
How do you argue with that??
nothing to argue with?? Why change subject??? Question is are you a communist for Obamacommie care and single payer? why? Are you like Sanders and waters? do you want a communist economy?
The only thing these haters prove with their stupid remarks about communism and socialism is that they are just that, brainless , they have no idea what either is. Not even a clue , just each and everyone of these low level minds have their own interpretation of what they are. Usually absolutely a laugh but it is one of their hate tools , There is as much communism in this country and as much socialism in this country as there are 2 1/2 dollar gold pieces
You're right about communism, a dictatorship that owns all industry and businesses, it doesn't exist here, but socialism as understood by all non right-wing dupes,that is as always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net, is more than half the country. It's time for the GOP dupes to recognize that the Cold War is over and so is the definition of socialism as communism.
There is one prime , that has to be included to be considered socialist. That is the means of production is owned by the government and I believe they also have to be the distributor of the production. (the seller) without that there is no socialism. It exists nowhere in this country nor have I ever heard anyone in this country suggesting that's the way to go, never in my 73 years.
Ever heard of Bernie Sanders, Cold War dinosaur? The rest of the world thinks socialism is simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. See last post
Last edited:
If beef, chicken, gas, furniture, gas and electric bills, car registration, gas taxes, sure inflation could eat up my tax break. Or if trump and republicans deregulate the investment industry and they start putting in hidden fees like they did on Bush’s watch but obama and Elizabeth Warren put a stop to. That shits probably back again.

Ultimately I don’t think republican policies benefit us down the line. Then you’ll blame democrats for the cuts to Medicare and social security

You see the point? Republicans are not good for the middle class.

I’m doing fine, right now. And I should be ok. But then I thought that in 2000 and bush caused the Great Recession.

And you guys can’t ever accept responsibility unless it’s for Obama’s great economy he handed you
What the republicans have turned into are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion , it's biggest enemy.
If the masses are dumb enough to vote gop or not show up to vote at all they deserve what the rich dole out to us.

Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.

Less for more. And we vote for this every 8 years. America has bad long term memory. And most aren’t interested in politics. Half the ones that are are brainwashed by rush and fox

Hold said you got a $3k per year tax cut. Were you being dishonest?
And I made more this year so I’ll get more than that this year why? So what? Bernie Sanders got a tax break too that doesn’t mean we’re all voting republican just because we got a stupid tax cut.

But you said this...
”Higher taxes on us to make up for their tax breaks and cuts to our social programs.”
The reality is, you are a beneficiary of the “cuts”. Do you hear how sane people would think that sounds strange?
Nobody productive and sane has ever said “I hate this dumb tax break I got.”.....NOBODY
Accept people who worry about the good of the country and their fellow citizens. Not GOP I guess. That's a trillion dollars extra debt. Same thing that happened under Reagan and w. You have no morals or ideals.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.

I agree that there should be something in the Constitution that protects us from STUPID VOTERS. The electoral college sure didn't do it's job in 2016, that's for certain.



I think this could be handled easily by adding SUPER DELEGATES to the primary process of the Republican party as Democrats have done. Both parties should require several years of income tax returns prior to allowing any candidate to throw their hat into the ring. We certainly don't need candidates who can be held hostage by investments, or investments in foreign countries.

But our amendments such as the 2nd amendment, the 14th amendment & others are protected under the 5th amendment. To repeal, change, rewrite requires 2/3's vote in the Senate, 2/3's vote in the House, and then it has to be ratified by 2/3's of the state legislatures. So I don't think you have anything to worry about regarding gun confiscation.

And I believe that most poor people would vote for an opportunity to get out of the slums than a $300.00 a month check more than anything else. Being poor doesn't mean STUPID.
Last edited:
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
France has a centrist right or two party, and a communist and a Socialist Party and they know what they are doing dip s***. So do all the other European successful democracies.why are we the only rich country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and healthy middle class and working class and a national ID card to end illegal immigration? Because of you idiot GOP voters that's why and their ridiculous and disgraceful propaganda machine.
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you.
Any actual argument, super duper? You're welcome for the lesson about life in the outside world LOL
"Stupid is as stupid does" Forests' mom was certainly right about you. You are too stupid to even talk to.
So no argument just stupid talking points and insults. Very impressive
Here read the article on socialism in Wikipedia and you'll find it agrees with me as do everything outside your bubble of BS propaganda, dumbass.
Socialism - Wikipedia on
Name some successful socialist nations do the same with communist nations.
Be so kind as to point out which socialist/communist nations people are clamoring to become citizens.
There are no successful communist countries. They are dictatorships that own all industry and business. Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Every successful modern country is socialist, even if the United States is a rip off by the GOP with the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, thanks to the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
Ignorance is forgiveable willful ignorance not so much.
Words have defined meaning. They do not mean what you want or hope they mean.
To wit Merriam Webster defines Socialism:
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed. Your sentencee "Socialist countries are simply fair capitalism" is a fine example of an oxymoron. A socialist society by definition must own and control the means of production and distribution of the nation. If you argue government welfare is socialism think again. Government welfare is charity nothing more nothing less. The Nordic nations so many like to point to as examples of socialism are free market capitalists with large welfare expenditures.
seems like Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off right wing assholes and silly dupes like you.... Socialism is a huge, any society where the government owns or regulates business and industry. Sorry the world of political science is not covered by dictionary definitions. It doesn't make sense to say socialism is government owning and controlling business and industry. Every definition I've ever seen before says owns or regulates. I've had this discussion in Europe and everyone outside your bubble of right-wing bologna agrees with me.
Wrong the one prime to be socialist is the means of production is OWNED by the government and the sales ar also done by that government. Without that it is not socialism.
Yes I understand that you are a brainwashed ignorant provincial GOP dupe, for the billionth time. Outside your bubble of b*******, communism is that and socialism is not LOL
Ahhh What?
A lot has changed since 1920, including the definition of socialism and the definition of communism. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry.socialism started out as theoretical Marxism, then became defined as USSR communism. Since World War II at least socialism means fair capitalism with a good safety net. See New Zealand Australia Canada Etc. And us when ObamaCare is everywhere, even if we are give away to the rich GOP mess, super duper Cold War dinosaur.

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

YUP, he is virtually advocating for a 1984 system.
I'm in favor of fair capitalism with a good safety net, conspiracy Nut Job brainwashed functional GOP moron. Why are we the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good vacations good infrastructure cheap college in training, national ID card 2 and illegal immigration? The scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes like you. All to save the greedy idiot Rich GOP billionaires from paying their fair share.

LOL, you're as bad as palos. Do you really think that you saying this 200 times a day makes it true?
You're in favor of making EVERYONE do what YOU think is "fair".
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in GOP propaganda that everyone in the world outside your bubble nose is crap. What do you have against a healthy middle and working class? 35 years of GOP dominance and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. You don't know that, but you know every phony Scandal and misinformation the GOP propaganda machine spews at you.

Oh dear God, a history major. You read all those books and thought freedom was a bad idea?

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