The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Tell us, how could that Card be abused?
Thank God for the Constitution, protects us from fake Patriots like most GOP voters...
We already know it doesn't mean a damned thing to you and your Marxist brethren.
Thank God for the Constitution. You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. LOL. The Cold War is over. We won. In other words well regulated capitalism won. Known as socialism everywhere but brain dead GOP Dupe world.
The cold war is over but we lost. You dickhead voters who voted for the 1/2 white faggot almost fundamentally transformed the US into a 3rd would shit hole, and the Japanese, or Germans or the Soviet Union couldn't get close to doing that...

Socialism...for the brain dead zombies....

the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers, they love them because they are cheap and easily bullied. They only pay attention when they are blaming them for all problems during one of their many corrupt economic depressions...
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers, they love them because they are cheap and easily bullied. They only pay attention when they are blaming them for all problems during one of their many corrupt economic depressions...
Legalize pot and extend NAFTA so their home countries aren't GOP shitholes...
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers, they love them because they are cheap and easily bullied. They only pay attention when they are blaming them for all problems during one of their many corrupt economic depressions...
they love them but they are trying to keep them out of the US??!!
makes no sense
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers, they love them because they are cheap and easily bullied. They only pay attention when they are blaming them for all problems during one of their many corrupt economic depressions...
Legalize pot and extend NAFTA so their home countries aren't GOP shitholes...

You admire yourself so much you quote yourself? LOL
The Confederates get proven right again and agai

Biggest mistake Lincoln made is to not let the south secede......

If the south had seceded, today Trump would be spewing that we need a WALL along the Mason-Dixon line.........LOL
Thank God for the Constitution, protects us from fake Patriots like most GOP voters...
We already know it doesn't mean a damned thing to you and your Marxist brethren.
Thank God for the Constitution. You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. LOL. The Cold War is over. We won. In other words well regulated capitalism won. Known as socialism everywhere but brain dead GOP Dupe world.
The cold war is over but we lost. You dickhead voters who voted for the 1/2 white faggot almost fundamentally transformed the US into a 3rd would shit hole, and the Japanese, or Germans or the Soviet Union couldn't get close to doing that...

Socialism...for the brain dead zombies....

Just as full of it as Reagan, super duper. What is your definition of socialism, super duper? All you idiots know is that it's horrible and probably communism LOL
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Deport every last illegal then there's no need for an ID card.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
As the founders intended... Only land owning white men could vote. There was a well thought out reason for this. Any changes since; aren’t their fault...
Wrong again dickhead....Who was the first casualty of the Revolutionary War? I hate assholes like you who willingly propagate the misinformation about this country. It sickens me that we have fuckers in this country who will willingly allow EVIL to flourish and take this Great Country and turn it into a 3rd world shitter.....

The First Hero of the Revolution
Crispus Attucks has been immortalized as the first casualty of the American Revolutionary War and the first African American hero. He was in the front line of a group 50 patriots defying British troops when suddenly shots were fired. Crispus was the first person shot and killed with two bullets in the chest in the historic event that became known as The Boston Massacre. Four men died and six were wounded. As an African American patriot Crispus Attucks represents the 5,000 African American soldiers who fought for an independent America.
The single biggest threat to the Constitution?

Right-wing Authoritarians who want to disenfranchise The People so that the Elites have free rein to sack the country.

Rednecks acting as unwitting agents for Robber Barons who will reward them by robbing them last...


"There's a sucker born every minute." - P.T. Barnum
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Deport every last illegal then there's no need for an ID card.
Send the empathetic liberals along with them, we dont need shitter like that in this country.. After they find out how fucked up Mexico and other Socialist countries really are, they will be pounding on the wall, to be let in...
...the weakness is when you let in much less educated people by the HUNDREDS of thousands
...these cultures create shit holes [ why are they leaving if their country is not a shithole??!! ]
the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.
the GOP doesn't give a damn about illegal workers, they love them because they are cheap and easily bullied. They only pay attention when they are blaming them for all problems during one of their many corrupt economic depressions...
Legalize pot and extend NAFTA so their home countries aren't GOP shitholes...

You admire yourself so much you quote yourself? LOL

Only way he can have an intelligent conversation.
The single biggest threat to the Constitution?

Right-wing Authoritarians who want to disenfranchise The People so that the Elites have free rein to sack the country.

It was Dem's caught rigging their primary for the Clinton elites, while Trump defeated every last elite GOP candidate and became president. Stop projecting.
The single biggest threat to the Constitution?

Right-wing Authoritarians who want to disenfranchise The People so that the Elites have free rein to sack the country.

Rednecks acting as unwitting agents for Robber Barons who will reward them by robbing them last...

Surely you are not this myopic?
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
When you say communist you say you are a brainwashed functional GOP moron... Nobody is for communism.
Karl Marx (the father of communism) used the terms socialism and communism interchangeably. The anti socialists are on to something.
Send the empathetic liberals along with them, we dont need shitter like that in this country.. After they find out how fucked up Mexico and other Socialist countries really are, they will be pounding on the wall, to be let in...

I wouldn't be that Mexico.

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