The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

the DUMBASS ''patriots are the dems/left/'''leftist'' that LOVE criminals/illegals
...they protest FOR these DANGEROUS jackasses that get justifiably shot by cops and they protest FOR ILLEGALS.......
..I've been asking many times for an explanation on why they love criminals and illegals--I get no answer
Pass a National ID card and enforce it like other modern countries. Blocked by the GOP forever because it's communist LOL. Brainwashed functional morons.

Deport every last illegal then there's no need for an ID card.
Send the empathetic liberals along with them, we dont need shitter like that in this country.. After they find out how fucked up Mexico and other Socialist countries really are, they will be pounding on the wall, to be let in...
think Australia
and New Zealand and stop being so stupid...
The door to the most Socialist Country has been opened to you Liberals called Cuba. Instead of bitching and moaning how life sucks here in the US because Capitalism isnt FAIR for shit fuck lazy liberals like you, go there see what it is like, and if you like it seek permanent citizenship there...I get $100,000 that you wouldn't last 6 months there, and be begging to get back in this country....
That is communism, moron. The Franco in my name stands for Francophile, and I wouldn't even move there for long, but I certainly would like to bring their ideas here, as opposed to this giveaway to the rich GOP mess you brainwashed functional morons love so much.
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.

LOL, thanks for making my point.

"as determined by the Supreme Court"

They do this according to their political bent. This is exactly why BOTH sides fight over these appts.
Tell me, did you support Kavanaugh or Gorsuch?
Thank God for the Constitution. You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. LOL. The Cold War is over. We won. In other words well regulated capitalism won. Known as socialism everywhere but brain dead GOP Dupe world.
STFU, commie moonbat....Here's your guide...

View attachment 232082
That's communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone knows that doesn't work, but well regulated capitalism does. That is what everyone knows as socialism everywhere but GOP Dupe world...
I noticed that you didnt bother with the Margaret Thatcher video, so well regulated capitalism or socialism only works until everyone's money runs out, then Communism comes in and FORCES all you shit fucks to get off your liberal lazy ass, and work, or you get shot... Damn the USSR (United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic) tried it under Lenin, but after a while, no one wanted to work. Zombies dont like to think, they want others to think for them, which is why they voted for the "Smartest" woman in the world, who kept falling down, cant drive herself, and doesn't know what "Classified" information is, oh yeah, and her rapist husband was cheating on her....
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.

LOL, thanks for making my point.

"as determined by the Supreme Court"

They do this according to their political bent. This is exactly why BOTH sides fight over these appts.
Tell me, did you support Kavanaugh or Gorsuch?
When someone nominates someone so stupid they believe socialism is communism and the clintons are murdering pedophiles, then we'll get worried.
The OP is incorrect. The Biggest Weakness of The Constitution is that it is meaningless if people don't value the individual rights it enumerates and the restrictions on government power it specifies to protect those rights.
It doesn't enumerate any individual rights and its constraints were ignored on day one.

View attachment 232083

I suggest you try reading it again.
Thank God for the Constitution. You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. LOL. The Cold War is over. We won. In other words well regulated capitalism won. Known as socialism everywhere but brain dead GOP Dupe world.
STFU, commie moonbat....Here's your guide...

View attachment 232082
That's communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone knows that doesn't work, but well regulated capitalism does. That is what everyone knows as socialism everywhere but GOP Dupe world...
I noticed that you didnt bother with the Margaret Thatcher video, so well regulated capitalism or socialism only works until everyone's money runs out, then Communism comes in and FORCES all you shit fucks to get off your liberal lazy ass, and work, or you get shot... Damn the USSR (United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic) tried it under Lenin, but after a while, no one wanted to work. Zombies dont like to think, they want others to think for them, which is why they voted for the "Smartest" woman in the world, who kept falling down, cant drive herself, and doesn't know what "Classified" information is, oh yeah, and her rapist husband was cheating on her....
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, and has only been put in by violent revolution, and is dead. Except in brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe world.
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.

LOL, thanks for making my point.

"as determined by the Supreme Court"

They do this according to their political bent. This is exactly why BOTH sides fight over these appts.
Tell me, did you support Kavanaugh or Gorsuch?
When someone nominates someone so stupid they believe socialism is communism and the clintons are murdering pedophiles, then we'll get worried.

Your intentions are quite clear. YOU fully believe that compulsion to obey what you think is true is perfectly fine.
I do not.
The Single Biggest Weakness of the Constitution:

It's actually conflict of interest for the poor to be voting since they are merely voting for money (democracy as theft) in their pockets rather than for the commonweal. This points to what turns out to be the biggest weakness of the Constitution. It has no conceptual arguments. It should say, for example, you have to be 35 years old to be president and to vote to insure you have enough wisdom and experience. Similarly, the 10th Amendment should clearly say liberal central govt is illegal in America because monopolistic liberal central govt has been the source of evil in human history. Without conceptual arguments the Constitution has little meaning.Liberals can turn it into a living communist Constitution. If the concept of the 10th Amendment had been as clear as the percept of the Second Amendment America would be sitting pretty today instead of staring down the barrel of Sanders, Warren, Waters, Booker, Ocasio-Cortez communist gun.
The single weakness of the Constitution is the childlike presumption that men are going to obey the laws that they profess to adhere to, and want everyone else to knuckle under to.

Didn't take but until the Whiskey Rebellion -didn't even make it through one prez- before that rag got disregarded.

View attachment 232077
Thank God for the Constitution, protects us from fake Patriots like most GOP voters...
define/what is a fake patriot....???!!

I'm still trying to figure out what a "brainwashed functional GOP moron" and a "Super Dupetastic Dupity Dupe" is.

He's repeated the same things over 500 times the last few years.
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.

LOL, thanks for making my point.

"as determined by the Supreme Court"

They do this according to their political bent. This is exactly why BOTH sides fight over these appts.
Tell me, did you support Kavanaugh or Gorsuch?
When someone nominates someone so stupid they believe socialism is communism and the clintons are murdering pedophiles, then we'll get worried.

And another retard liberal(Redundant statement I know) going to ignore. Pretty soon I can have my IQ back up to 135..
Thank God for the Constitution. You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. LOL. The Cold War is over. We won. In other words well regulated capitalism won. Known as socialism everywhere but brain dead GOP Dupe world.
STFU, commie moonbat....Here's your guide...

View attachment 232082
That's communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone knows that doesn't work, but well regulated capitalism does. That is what everyone knows as socialism everywhere but GOP Dupe world...
I noticed that you didnt bother with the Margaret Thatcher video, so well regulated capitalism or socialism only works until everyone's money runs out, then Communism comes in and FORCES all you shit fucks to get off your liberal lazy ass, and work, or you get shot... Damn the USSR (United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic) tried it under Lenin, but after a while, no one wanted to work. Zombies dont like to think, they want others to think for them, which is why they voted for the "Smartest" woman in the world, who kept falling down, cant drive herself, and doesn't know what "Classified" information is, oh yeah, and her rapist husband was cheating on her....
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, and has only been put in by violent revolution, and is dead. Except in brainwashed functional moron GOP dupe world.

Call it whatever you want to, the end results are the same:

Socialism=Democratic Socialism=Communism.

At least Vladimir Lenin told the truth one time in his miserable life, when he said "The goal of socialism is communism."
there's a weakness?
the weakness is with the humans

The weakness is the ability for the document to be amended.
If the libtards keep forcing the issue, then the war is going to not go their way.

Police assassinations has turned the men in blue against liberals.
Military has been hated by the left, military will go against liberals.
The United States has more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they dont like liberals, who burn cities and abuse women...

Yep if and when it happens, we should go back to the first 10 of the Bill of Rights, we dont need anything after that...
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.

LOL, thanks for making my point.

"as determined by the Supreme Court"

They do this according to their political bent. This is exactly why BOTH sides fight over these appts.
Tell me, did you support Kavanaugh or Gorsuch?
When someone nominates someone so stupid they believe socialism is communism and the clintons are murdering pedophiles, then we'll get worried.

Your intentions are quite clear. YOU fully believe that compulsion to obey what you think is true is perfectly fine.
I do not.
I'll go with every respected journalists and media and TV station and law enforcement in the world. You go with your tiny Republican propaganda machine and all its phony scandals and misinformation that go nowhere in the real world, super duper. Poor America...
there's a weakness?
the weakness is with the humans

The weakness is the ability for the document to be amended.
If the libtards keep forcing the issue, then the war is going to not go their way.

Police assassinations has turned the men in blue against liberals.
Military has been hated by the left, military will go against liberals.
The United States has more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they dont like liberals, who burn cities and abuse women...

Yep if and when it happens, we should go back to the first 10 of the Bill of Rights, we dont need anything after that...
The police will take care of you brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs....
The only "weakness" it presents is how "We the People" have allowed the Courts to twist it into whatever they have decided it says given their particular political bent.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

It was the original understanding and intent of the Founding Generation that the courts would determine what the Constitution means.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

That the Constitution prohibits conservatives from codifying their ignorance, fear, and hate is not justification for their unwarranted attack on the courts.

LOL, thanks for making my point.

"as determined by the Supreme Court"

They do this according to their political bent. This is exactly why BOTH sides fight over these appts.
Tell me, did you support Kavanaugh or Gorsuch?
When someone nominates someone so stupid they believe socialism is communism and the clintons are murdering pedophiles, then we'll get worried.

Your intentions are quite clear. YOU fully believe that compulsion to obey what you think is true is perfectly fine.
I do not.
I'll go with every respected journalists and media and TV station and law enforcement in the world. You go with your tiny Republican propaganda machine and all its phony scandals and misinformation that go nowhere in the real world, super duper. Poor America...

I'm not republican and I don't need anyone to validate what I think. I know what I know and unlike you I do not feel the need to compel anyone else to think just like me.
there's a weakness?
the weakness is with the humans

The weakness is the ability for the document to be amended.
If the libtards keep forcing the issue, then the war is going to not go their way.

Police assassinations has turned the men in blue against liberals.
Military has been hated by the left, military will go against liberals.
The United States has more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, and they dont like liberals, who burn cities and abuse women...

Yep if and when it happens, we should go back to the first 10 of the Bill of Rights, we dont need anything after that...
The police will take care of you brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs....

Awwwww and there it is...the compulsory instincts of a true authoritarian.
laws/the Constitution/company policy books/school rules/etc are GUIDES/guide books!!!!
they can't cover EVERYthing/EVERY situation
they CAN'T be written in stone
times change drastically/critically/etc
guiding the path--
this isn't 1776 anymore

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