The single largest problem in the U.S.?

What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?


It divides the county to the point that everything becomes about politics and then divides us even further.

Now going to a movie or out to eat or a play is no longer about recreation for a good 2/3 of the country the 1/3 on the right wing and the 1/3 on the left wing will make everything about politics.
BrokeLoser don't have illegal Mexicans where I live. I have family in Texas, they say build the wall. A wall seems like communist China. But you guys know best, I guess.

Dang, what state do you live in? We're all moving there.
East Tennessee, mountains on this side of the state.

Hey can sit on your hands and not care if that’s what you want to do....hell, that became the American way for way too long...”It doesn’t effect me so I don’t care”.
Ask good Texans and good Californians if they wish they would have taken action decades ago to force politicians to do their job and stop illegal immigration. Here in south Mexifornia, real Americans are foreigners, this is no bullshit. Illegals call all the shots out here now as politicians know they are the populous...I promise, I’m not making this shit up. Good luck pretending that illegals will never make their way to the TN mountains.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Conservative droolers.
We don't have a Latino neighborhood. I mean we have black neighborhoods but nothing strictly Latino.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
I guess I can use your argument towards your OP point with Illegals so you can se how dumb it is...

people are always going to be seeking a better life and be attracted to a country with wealth and opportunities. They will always find ways to get here... Thats just part of the deal... that'll never change.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
I can't limit to one thing. I'll say two things that are a threat to our individual freedoms:
1. Marxist/Socialist agenda.
2. Islam.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?


Progressive Socialist Democrats aided and abetted by the Progressive Socialist Media.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.
You do realize Clinton did the same thing to Sanders AND Trump right? Not only then but she smeared and attacked the women her husband raped.
Too many adults working at jobs that pay less than 20 dollars per hour and have little benefits. Having a degree has never been more important than this time in our history.
Too many adults working at jobs that pay less than 20 dollars per hour and have little benefits. Having a degree has never been more important than this time in our history.

Having a degree in sociology, women's studies, or African American studies helps no one and they should be paid minimum wage at best.

BTW, I have a Master's and make less than $17.00 an hour.
Too many workers with no college or tech school degrees. Bad bad sign. Playing into the hands of corporate America. They want hard work for little pay without a pist secondary degree.
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better

“lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division”
Give us an example of this happening now?

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