The Sky is Falling...!! and you global warming supporters..Ha..ha..ha....!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The sky is falling… sort of. Over the last 10 years, the height of clouds has been shrinking, according to new research.

it could have an important effect on global climate change.
Clouds that are lower in the atmosphere would allow Earth to cool more efficiently, potentially offsetting some of the warming caused by greenhouse gases.

Shrinking Sky! Cloud Tops Dropping Closer to Earth, NASA Satellite Finds | Atmospheric Science & Climate Change | Cloud Formation & Height | LiveScience
"We don't know exactly what causes the cloud heights to lower," study researcher Roger Davies of the University of Auckland in New Zealand said in a statement. "But it must be due to a change in the circulation patterns that give rise to cloud formation at high altitude."
Clouds are a wildcard in understanding Earth's climate. Ephemeral as they are, they're difficult to track over time, and factors such as height and location make a big difference in whether clouds will slow the effects of global warming or exacerbate them. And no one fully understands how clouds will respond to a warming climate.

from your same article.

they are saying this could potentially reduce climate change, yet a sentence later they admit they do not know why this is happening or how clouds respond to climate change.
The sky is falling… sort of. Over the last 10 years, the height of clouds has been shrinking, according to new research.

it could have an important effect on global climate change.
Clouds that are lower in the atmosphere would allow Earth to cool more efficiently, potentially offsetting some of the warming caused by greenhouse gases.

Shrinking Sky! Cloud Tops Dropping Closer to Earth, NASA Satellite Finds | Atmospheric Science & Climate Change | Cloud Formation & Height | LiveScience
"We don't know exactly what causes the cloud heights to lower," study researcher Roger Davies of the University of Auckland in New Zealand said in a statement. "But it must be due to a change in the circulation patterns that give rise to cloud formation at high altitude."
Clouds are a wildcard in understanding Earth's climate. Ephemeral as they are, they're difficult to track over time, and factors such as height and location make a big difference in whether clouds will slow the effects of global warming or exacerbate them. And no one fully understands how clouds will respond to a warming climate.

from your same article.

they are saying this could potentially reduce climate change, yet a sentence later they admit they do not know why this is happening or how clouds respond to climate change.

YET YOU are feeling the AFFECT of the "global warming" crowd today when you fill up!

WARNING.. THIS is NOT a total reason.. BUT two reasons why you are paying more:
A) EPA threatened refineries fines etc. and a 450,000 barrel a day refinery in St. Croix
is ClOSING because of EPA potential fines! The owners made a business decision that was BECAUSE of over enthusiastic EPAs that are responding to concerns of "Global Warming" and you are paying for that today in higher gas prices!

B) This "chicken little mentality" of the "global warming" crowd is another factor.
These same supporters ALL BENT out of shape over 385 billion tons of glaciers world wide MELTING! And when they melt they according to Algore will raise sea levels!


385 billion tons of melted glaciers EQUALS .000056% of the total volume of
There are 343 quintillion gallons of water in all the oceans.
How many gallons of water does the ocean have

This is the same as 23 ounces of water in an 648,000 gallons of an Olympic pool!"]"]

NOW SEE HOW POORLY you global warming supporters UNDERSTAND MATH!

The answer, just reported in Nature: between 2003 and 2010, about 385 billion tons of ice have vanished into the sea each year — enough, says Wahr, “to fill Lake Erie with water eight times over, or cover the entire U.S. with water to a depth of a foot and a half.” Avg. Global Annual Net Ice Loss - 385 Billion Tons - Filling Lake Erie Eight Times Over - Democratic Underground

385 billion tons for 7 years equals at 64 oz per gallon == 84 TRILLION Gallons WOW!!!
84 trillion gallons divided by:
343 quintillion gallons in all the OCEANS of the EARTH!!!

0.000025% that is 2.5/10,000th of ONE Percent of the OCEANS!!!
That is like comparing 10 ounces of water in a 648,000 gallon Olympic pool!

BUT the chicken LITTLES NEVER looked at the math!
so your admitting that global warming is real, its just not a serious threat yet? how about the rise in global temperatures:
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

i am much more inclined to believe this math than yours:
Warming to Cause Catastrophic Rise in Sea Level?

Most scientists agree that global warming presents the greatest threat to the environment.

There is little doubt that the Earth is heating up. In the last century the average temperature has climbed about 0.6 degrees Celsius (about 1 degree Fahrenheit) around the world.
From the melting of the ice cap on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest peak, to the loss of coral reefs as oceans become warmer, the effects of global warming are often clear. However, the biggest danger, many experts warn, is that global warming will cause sea levels to rise dramatically. Thermal expansion has already raised the oceans 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). But that's nothing compared to what would happen if, for example, Greenland's massive ice sheet were to melt.

NASA and National Geographic are much more reputable sources than the French Tribune and The Democratic Underground....
so your admitting that global warming is real, its just not a serious threat yet? how about the rise in global temperatures:
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

i am much more inclined to believe this math than yours:
Warming to Cause Catastrophic Rise in Sea Level?

Most scientists agree that global warming presents the greatest threat to the environment.

There is little doubt that the Earth is heating up. In the last century the average temperature has climbed about 0.6 degrees Celsius (about 1 degree Fahrenheit) around the world.
From the melting of the ice cap on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest peak, to the loss of coral reefs as oceans become warmer, the effects of global warming are often clear. However, the biggest danger, many experts warn, is that global warming will cause sea levels to rise dramatically. Thermal expansion has already raised the oceans 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). But that's nothing compared to what would happen if, for example, Greenland's massive ice sheet were to melt.

NASA and National Geographic are much more reputable sources than the French Tribune and The Democratic Underground....

Simple arithmetic is what I'm using!
385 billion tons over 7 years EQUALS 5.39 quadrillion lbs of ice OK??
Do you agree there are 64 ozs in 1 gallon?
So divide 5.39 quadrillion lbs by 64 ozs GUESS how many gallons that is?
84.2 trillion gallons
There are 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons of water in ALL the oceans!
84.2 trillion is .000025% of all the water in all the oceans!
NOW for the first issue.. raising sea levels?? DO you think after 7 years of
5.39 quadrillion lbs of ice melting has RAISED the sea level???

One unexpected study result from GRACE was that the estimated ice loss from high Asian mountain ranges like the Himalaya, the Pamir and the Tien Shan was only about 4 billion tons of ice annually. Some previous ground-based estimates of ice loss in these high Asian mountains have ranged up to 50 billion tons annually.


THINK then if they were off by 90% for Himalayas 4 billion vs projected 50 billion
THEY MAY well be off by 90% on 385 billion or less then 40 billion a year!

By no these SCIENTISTS could NOT be wrong.. AFTER all simple
arithmetic would show that even at 385 billion tons (wrong!) there is less then
.000056% of all the water in the oceans!

NASA - NASA Mission Takes Stock of Earths Melting Land Ice

NOTE the math is mine... YOU could do it too if you took the time !
The statistics came from NASA!!!

.000056% of all the WATERS in the ocean is equal t0 385 billion tons of melted ice!
JUST to make sure PLEASE check and see if my arithmetic is correct...
385 billion tons of water at 64 oz per gallon?
That is .000056% of the 2.682 quadrillion TONS of water in all the oceans!
that is the same as 10 oz of water in a 648,000 gallon swimming pool!
I'll be the first to admit that the Earth is getting warmer. 1 degree over the last 100 years is an increase. What I dispute is that it's caused by man, there are theories that it has been caused by increased sunspot activity. Truth is, I don't know, and neither does anybody else.

Now, if it is caused by man, what purpose does it serve to hamstring our own economy with the Kyoto agreement when the 2 biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, China and India, are not required to reduce THEIR emissions?

And if Al Gore is so damned certain the oceans are going to rise, why did he just buy a beachfront mansion in Ca.?





my point is simple... do the arithmetic folks!
Really melting glaciers will add as much water as adding 10 ozs to Al's POOL!
This is exactly the kind of stuff that is dismissed outright by the AGW true believers. If it doesnt conform to the annointed view, its BS.

Bottom line consider climate change "science" is as goofball as it gets.
JUST to make sure PLEASE check and see if my arithmetic is correct...
385 billion tons of water at 64 oz per gallon?
That is .000056% of the 2.682 quadrillion TONS of water in all the oceans!
that is the same as 10 oz of water in a 648,000 gallon swimming pool!

128 oz./gallon, guy.
I'll be the first to admit that the Earth is getting warmer. 1 degree over the last 100 years is an increase. What I dispute is that it's caused by man, there are theories that it has been caused by increased sunspot activity. Truth is, I don't know, and neither does anybody else.

Now, if it is caused by man, what purpose does it serve to hamstring our own economy with the Kyoto agreement when the 2 biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, China and India, are not required to reduce THEIR emissions?

And if Al Gore is so damned certain the oceans are going to rise, why did he just buy a beachfront mansion in Ca.?






These committed AGW true believers all have a genetic predisposition for perpetually being duped. Most would happily purchase a $1000 bag of dog doo if it was packaged up just right. Guys like Gore.....very clever and realizes it.

Ever stay up at night and see the dozens of quirky "As Seen On TV" gadgets that people go out and buy? Most people dont buy this shit, but the people pushing this scam stuff knows there are a segment of the population that are total suckers. Like Gore...these people are brilliant.
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I'll be the first to admit that the Earth is getting warmer. 1 degree over the last 100 years is an increase. What I dispute is that it's caused by man, there are theories that it has been caused by increased sunspot activity. Truth is, I don't know, and neither does anybody else.

Now, if it is caused by man, what purpose does it serve to hamstring our own economy with the Kyoto agreement when the 2 biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, China and India, are not required to reduce THEIR emissions?

And if Al Gore is so damned certain the oceans are going to rise, why did he just buy a beachfront mansion in Ca.?






Because he can?
Gore's cottage would fit in the master bath of Limbaugh's place in Palm Beach.
Why is Rush's place bigger? Perhaps because more people take him seriously.
so your admitting that global warming is real, its just not a serious threat yet? how about the rise in global temperatures:
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

i am much more inclined to believe this math than yours:
Warming to Cause Catastrophic Rise in Sea Level?

Most scientists agree that global warming presents the greatest threat to the environment.

There is little doubt that the Earth is heating up. In the last century the average temperature has climbed about 0.6 degrees Celsius (about 1 degree Fahrenheit) around the world.
From the melting of the ice cap on Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest peak, to the loss of coral reefs as oceans become warmer, the effects of global warming are often clear. However, the biggest danger, many experts warn, is that global warming will cause sea levels to rise dramatically. Thermal expansion has already raised the oceans 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters). But that's nothing compared to what would happen if, for example, Greenland's massive ice sheet were to melt.

NASA and National Geographic are much more reputable sources than the French Tribune and The Democratic Underground....

Simple arithmetic is what I'm using!
385 billion tons over 7 years EQUALS 5.39 quadrillion lbs of ice OK??
Do you agree there are 64 ozs in 1 gallon?
So divide 5.39 quadrillion lbs by 64 ozs GUESS how many gallons that is?
84.2 trillion gallons
There are 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons of water in ALL the oceans!
84.2 trillion is .000025% of all the water in all the oceans!
NOW for the first issue.. raising sea levels?? DO you think after 7 years of
5.39 quadrillion lbs of ice melting has RAISED the sea level???

One unexpected study result from GRACE was that the estimated ice loss from high Asian mountain ranges like the Himalaya, the Pamir and the Tien Shan was only about 4 billion tons of ice annually. Some previous ground-based estimates of ice loss in these high Asian mountains have ranged up to 50 billion tons annually.


THINK then if they were off by 90% for Himalayas 4 billion vs projected 50 billion
THEY MAY well be off by 90% on 385 billion or less then 40 billion a year!

By no these SCIENTISTS could NOT be wrong.. AFTER all simple
arithmetic would show that even at 385 billion tons (wrong!) there is less then
.000056% of all the water in the oceans!

NASA - NASA Mission Takes Stock of Earths Melting Land Ice

NOTE the math is mine... YOU could do it too if you took the time !
The statistics came from NASA!!!

.000056% of all the WATERS in the ocean is equal t0 385 billion tons of melted ice!
ok your math isnt entirely accurate.

385 tons billion a year time 7 years is 2,695,000,000,000 tons ~ 5,390,000,000,000,000 lbs
water weighs approx 8.3 lbs per gallon. this would mean it would be 649,397,590,361,445 gallons
The Weight of Water

if you use your number 343,423,668,428,484,000,000 gallons as all the water in the ocean... then it actually 2.34% increase.
Percentage Calculators

your math skills are completely lacking apparently.
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2.34% huh The average depth of the world's oceans is roughly 13,000 feet. Please show me where the oceans have risen by 280 feet.
a percent increase in gallons does not directly transfer to the same percent increase in the depths of the ocean. i just did the math that healthmyths asked someone to do. i used his numbers, not mine. it just dispels his claim that is all.
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I come in here at night and thank God for the k00ks.........this place would suck if not for the k00ks.
my point is simple... do the arithmetic folks!
Really melting glaciers will add as much water as adding 10 ozs to Al's POOL!

Real stupid. Combined glacial and ice cap melt will add a meter to two meters by 2100. Providing the West Anarctic Ice Shelf doesn't shed a few chunks. Then it will be a bit more, kind of like a mechanics 'a bit more' on the bill.

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