The Sound of Settled Science

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Poor baby needs to fabricate strawmen to defend the propaganda he’s swallowed whole without thinking.

what propaganda. I'm 57 years old. I know it's warmer now than when I was a kid.
There you have it folks. ‘Science’ of the Left.
I remember our winters. It's warmer.

Memories tend to be terribly flawed. What region are you from? I would be happy to provide you with a regional temperature history to demonstrate that relying on your memory to accurately determine any long term trend is a wasted effort.
Well, if you want a long term trend, are you disputing that the planet is growing warmer?

The planet is still warming its way out of the little ice age. As you can see, prior to the onset of the little ice age, the temperature was warmer than the present, and there is no reason to suppose that the warming won't continue till such time as it is at least as warm, if not warmer.

There is plenty of actual data out there...and the actual data conflicts with the story that activist scientists, politicians, and the media tell you. It is there if you are inclined to be bothered to look for the truth. According to climate science, the GISP2 ice core temperature reconstruction is the gold standard for temperature reconstructions. It doesn't tell the same story that you have been told. The earth is warming, sure..but it isn't isn't unprecedented...and for the degree or so of warming that we have seen over the past 150 years, we aren't even close to the maximum temperatures over the past 10,000 years and in fact, it is cooler now, than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years.

Poor baby needs to fabricate strawmen to defend the propaganda he’s swallowed whole without thinking.

what propaganda. I'm 57 years old. I know it's warmer now than when I was a kid.

Science says the mean annual surface temperature has risen about 0.8degC in your lifetime.. Give or take a tenth of a degree based on your real age.. If you can TELL the ANNUAL AVERAGE has changed by 0.8Degc, you're very unique and was extremely sensitive as a baby...

That's about 1.4DegF.. The average year to year daily variance (middle of N. Hemisphere) in temperature is on the order of +/- 4 to 8 degF... Don't think you're really measuring Global Warming.. Perhaps you're out of shape and putting on weight???
I'm 53-years-old and I remember there used to be a man who visited our home on Christmas Eve and left presents for me and my brother to open.

Now I'm an adult and I've learned this man isn't real, just a story told to children to keep them believing in the spirit of Christmas.

But ask any liberal, and he'll tell you this man was killed by global warming when all the glaciers disappeared at the North Pole.
Memories tend to be terribly flawed. What region are you from? I would be happy to provide you with a regional temperature history to demonstrate that relying on your memory to accurately determine any long term trend is a wasted effort.

Everyone can play 'Let's lie with statistics".

The reality- 95% of climate scientists say that the world IS getting warmer, and that the few who don't are on the payroll of the oil companies.

I know this much. When I grew up in Chicago in the 1970's... winters were fucking brutal. They drove mayors out of office.

Now. Meh, if we have snow on the ground by Christmas, it's unusual.
Science says the mean annual surface temperature has risen about 0.8degC in your lifetime.. Give or take a tenth of a degree based on your real age.. If you can TELL the ANNUAL AVERAGE has changed by 0.8Degc, you're very unique and was extremely sensitive as a baby...

That's about 1.4DegF.. The average year to year daily variance (middle of N. Hemisphere) in temperature is on the order of +/- 4 to 8 degF... Don't think you're really measuring Global Warming.. Perhaps you're out of shape and putting on weight???

No, I really don't think the lack of blizzards like we had when I was a kid has anything to do with my weight. But you keep doing the bidding of the oil companies, buddy. Our descendants can play the live version of Mad Max.

So let's be honest, this isn't about the science. You can cherry pick any data to try to deny it. This is about not wanting to give government the authority to do things like ban SUV's or mandate energy efficiency standards.
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I'm 53-years-old and I remember there used to be a man who visited our home on Christmas Eve and left presents for me and my brother to open.

Now I'm an adult and I've learned this man isn't real, just a story told to children to keep them believing in the spirit of Christmas.

But ask any liberal, and he'll tell you this man was killed by global warming when all the glaciers disappeared at the North Pole.

Please point out where a liberal has said this. Thanks.

YOu do believe theirs a magic man in the sky who will punish you for having the wrong kind of sex, so you are still engaging in magic thinking.
Memories tend to be terribly flawed. What region are you from? I would be happy to provide you with a regional temperature history to demonstrate that relying on your memory to accurately determine any long term trend is a wasted effort.

Everyone can play 'Let's lie with statistics".

The reality- 95% of climate scientists say that the world IS getting warmer, and that the few who don't are on the payroll of the oil companies.

I know this much. When I grew up in Chicago in the 1970's... winters were fucking brutal. They drove mayors out of office.

Now. Meh, if we have snow on the ground by Christmas, it's unusual.

And you don't think that might have something to do with a billion tons of concrete being added to the city since the 70's? Ever bother to look at what the temperature looks like outside of the city? Or the fact that kids in the 70's spent a hell of a lot more time outside, even in the winter than people do now? Do just a bit of research and you will find that there have been both colder and warmer periods than both the 1970's and the present.

Like I said...personal memory is generally terribly flawed..especially about something as trivial as a fraction of a degree.
Science says the mean annual surface temperature has risen about 0.8degC in your lifetime.. Give or take a tenth of a degree based on your real age.. If you can TELL the ANNUAL AVERAGE has changed by 0.8Degc, you're very unique and was extremely sensitive as a baby...

That's about 1.4DegF.. The average year to year daily variance (middle of N. Hemisphere) in temperature is on the order of +/- 4 to 8 degF... Don't think you're really measuring Global Warming.. Perhaps you're out of shape and putting on weight???

No, I really don't think the lack of blizzards like we had when I was a kid has anything to do with my weight. But you keep doing the bidding of the oil companies, buddy. Our descendants can play the live version of Mad Max.

Here is a link to the national weather looks at the warmest and coldest in you will see if you are able to look at the truth...the 70's hardly rate. They certainly weren't the coldest temperatures ever recorded nor are they the warmest...they were just average...your memory is flawed..

Chicago, IL Temperature Records
And you don't think that might have something to do with a billion tons of concrete being added to the city since the 70's? Ever bother to look at what the temperature looks like outside of the city? Or the fact that kids in the 70's spent a hell of a lot more time outside, even in the winter than people do now? Do just a bit of research and you will find that there have been both colder and warmer periods than both the 1970's and the present.

Wow, those are irrelevant facts. How much time kids spend outside has an effect on how much snow we aren't getting?

Look, i realize that Climate Denial is a hobby for you guys, because you are more afraid of mean old government than survival. "I don't care if future generations have to live in a desert, I don't want the Gummit telling me what kind of car to drive.'

At least be honest to admit this is about your own selfishness, you'll feel better.
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Here is a link to the national weather looks at the warmest and coldest in you will see if you are able to look at the truth...the 70's hardly rate. They certainly weren't the coldest temperatures ever recorded nor are they the warmest...they were just average...your memory is flawed..

Wow, that was a nice data d ump that had nothing to do with the point.

Um, no, it really wasn't. I remember the snow was so deep the sidewalks were like trenches and we had to go out and shovel every couple of hours sometimes to keep the sidewalk clear.

And poor Mayor Bilandic lost his job, and we got stuck with Jane Byrne because the city had a hissy over the snow.
Poor baby needs to fabricate strawmen to defend the propaganda he’s swallowed whole without thinking.

what propaganda. I'm 57 years old. I know it's warmer now than when I was a kid.
Oh, you had it lucky. When I was a kid it was so hot my shoes would melt on the sidewalk. Which I had to walk uphill to school. Uphill both directions.
Wow, those are irrelevant facts. How much time kids spend outside has an effect on how much snow we aren't getting?

You don't think the amount of time you spent out in the cold during the 70's influenced your perception of the weather? You really don't know much about how your mind works do you?

Look, i realize that Climate Denial is a hobby for you guys, because you are more afraid of mean old government than survival. "I don't care if future generations have to live in a desert, I don't want the Gummit telling me what kind of car to drive.

What exactly do you think I am "denying"?

At least be honest to admit this is about your own selfishness, you'll feel better.

Do I want to see trillions of dollars wasted on bullshit pseudoscience? Of course not. Only a moron would want such a thing.
Um, no, it really wasn't. I remember the snow was so deep the sidewalks were like trenches and we had to go out and shovel every couple of hours sometimes to keep the sidewalk clear.

Chicago's snowiest winters of the past 100 years...go back further and you find even heavier snow...go back to the little ice age and 89 inches is probably insignificant in comparison...go back 20,000 years and chicago was under a glacier....You really think you can distinguish between an 89 inch total winter and a 73 inch total 40 years later? Bullshit.

89.7 inches: 1978-79

82.3 inches: 1977-78

77.0 inches: 1969-70

73.4 inches: 2013-14

68.4 inches: 1966-67

66.4 inches: 1951-52

64.1 inches: 1917-18

60.3 inches: 2007-08
No, I really don't think the lack of blizzards like we had when I was a kid has anything to do with my weight. But you keep doing the bidding of the oil companies, buddy. Our descendants can play the live version of Mad Max.

Funny you're reminiscing about blizzards you remember from your stroller days and your incredible ability to detect that 0.8DegC change in the GMASTemperature since you were weaned --- on a day when a 8" snowfall in Minnesota broke a 115 year record..

Weather is weather.. CLimate is not.. And a 0.8degC change in your lifetime has not been responsible for any particular severe weather event.

I've never read a scientific article on GW from an oil company.. And I've read a lot of them...

Take that back.. I read ONE from Exxon.. It was the internal document they wrote in the 80s that got subpoeaned or otherwise revealed. And the projections for future temperatures that their scientists made turned out to be FAR MORE ACCURATE than most of the other catastrophic predictions from 35 years ago...
Do I want to see trillions of dollars wasted on bullshit pseudoscience? Of course not. Only a moron would want such a thing.

sorry, buddy, the Science was settled a long time ago.. now it's the Oil Industry fighting tooth and nail against people wanting to put it out of business.
I've never read a scientific article on GW from an oil company.. And I've read a lot of them...

Yawn, you climate deniers are like Flat-Earthers and Moon Landing Conspiracy theorists.... The problem isn't the quality of the evidence, it's that you fear the conclusions of what to do about them.
Do I want to see trillions of dollars wasted on bullshit pseudoscience? Of course not. Only a moron would want such a thing.

sorry, buddy, the Science was settled a long time ago.. now it's the Oil Industry fighting tooth and nail against people wanting to put it out of business.

Spoken like a true denier. The fact is that actual science is rarely ever settled. The primary mission of actual scientists is devising experiments an an attempt to falsify the mainstream hypothesis. Every time an attempt to falsify it fails, the hypothesis becomes stronger. Tell me, when was the last time you heard about a climate scientist working on an experiment designed to falsify the AGW hypothesis? Would that be never? Climate science avoids anything that might falsify the hypothesis by cherry picking everything.

The term "settled science" implies an overwhelming body of evidence supporting the hypothesis.. Allow me to demonstrate how unsettled the science actually is and how badly you have been duped.

I challenge you to provide a single piece...not an overwhelming body of evidence, not proof, not even a substantial body of evidence, but a single solitary piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

Of course you won't be able to produce any such evidence because none exists....imagine, settled science that doesn't include a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. How much more duped could you get?

So now feel free to start fabricating excuses for not being able to slap me down with a single piece of observed measured evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...
I've never read a scientific article on GW from an oil company.. And I've read a lot of them...

Yawn, you climate deniers are like Flat-Earthers and Moon Landing Conspiracy theorists.... The problem isn't the quality of the evidence, it's that you fear the conclusions of what to do about them.

What's the matter guy...I asked you what you think I am answer? You are quick to call someone a denier, but unable to state why? Are you just a pre programed bot incapable of any actual thought? What do you think I am denying?
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