The sources of Trump's wiretap claim are revealed today by the Washington Post

Okay... and?

Not into comprehension are you? What does the second column say? Glad though, that you wanted it posted again.

According to a guy on TV last night they capture everyone's conversation, including everything you do on the web. The question is why would additional FISA warrants be required if the conversations were picked up in normal surveillance?

He was referring to meta dat Where they do the same thing the phone company does. They record who called who, when, and for how long. The actual conversations are not recorded. They can then use that information to see who is repeatedly calling a bad guy, in order to get a warrant or start an investigation.
Supposed transcripts of calls made form there.
The location of the originating call is meaningless when the receiving end is the target of monitoring.

And so far, you have yet to prove which end is being monitored. You are just assuming, just like you assumed collusion just because conversations took place. And you continue to push that narrative even though it has been debunked on multiple levels.

Are you daft? I'm not assuming anything.


We know only what we've been told by mostly holdovers from the maobama regime. Excuse me if I don't take it at face value. But that still doesn't explain you regressives continuing to push the collusion tale after it has been debunked.

The meetings happened. Trump and his people have not been honest about any of their dealings with Russian officials. That is all fact.

No, that's your assumptions. You were told the conversations were routine, all evidence to date has backed that up and you still refuse to accept it.
We know only what we've been told by mostly holdovers from the maobama regime. Excuse me if I don't take it at face value. But that still doesn't explain you regressives continuing to push the collusion tale after it has been debunked.

Occam's razor. Did the NSA wiretap the hundreds of phones in Trump tower, hoping to get the phone that Flynn would use, in hopes he would call somebody they could legally tap?

Or did the NSA have a tap on the russian embassy, and caught Flynn calling up their ambassador?

Once again, why would they need additional warrants if everything was captured in normal surveillance?
According to a guy on TV last night they capture everyone's conversation, including everything you do on the web. The question is why would additional FISA warrants be required if the conversations were picked up in normal surveillance?

He was referring to meta dat Where they do the same thing the phone company does. They record who called who, when, and for how long. The actual conversations are not recorded. They can then use that information to see who is repeatedly calling a bad guy, in order to get a warrant or start an investigation.

No, he actually said all content is recorded and he also said he testified to that effect in a court proceeding. You can find it in the last half of the Hannity show for last night.
No, he actually said all content is recorded and he also said he testified to that effect in a court proceeding. You can find it in the last half of the Hannity show for last night.

You said: According to a guy on TV last night they capture everyone's conversation, including everything you do on the web.

If you add up all the phone calls, the facebook, the youtube cat videos people watch, and all the other data flowing across the communications infrastructure, you would quickly find that the amount of data is too big to record all of it.

NSA “touches” more of Internet than Google

In a memo issued last Friday, the National Security Agency (NSA) provided details of its ongoing network surveillance operations intended to assuage concerns about its scope, content, and oversight.

According to figures published by a major tech provider, the Internet carries 1,826 Petabytes of information per day. In its foreign intelligence mission, NSA touches about 1.6 percent of that. However, of the 1.6 percent of the data, only 0.025 percent is actually selected for review. The net effect is that NSA analysts look at 0.00004 percent of the world's traffic in conducting their mission—that's less than one part in a million. Put another way, if a standard basketball court represented the global communications environment, NSA's total collection would be represented by an area smaller than a dime on that basketball court.
No, that's your assumptions. You were told the conversations were routine, all evidence to date has backed that up and you still refuse to accept it.

We were also told the conversations never happened.

Really, we were told about the phone calls between Putin and other leaders and Trump, how do you think those calls are made? The times and dates are arranged by their staffs with back and forth calls, or did you think they just happened by osmosis?
The President may authorize, through the Attorney General, electronic surveillance without a court order for the period of one year, provided that it is only to acquire foreign intelligence information,[5] that it is solely directed at communications or property controlled exclusively by foreign powers,[6] that there is no substantial likelihood that it will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party, and that it be conducted only in accordance with defined minimization procedures.[7]


"Minimization procedures" is defined to mean procedures that minimize the acquisition of information concerning United States persons, allow the retention of information that is evidence of a crime, and require a court order be obtained in order to retain communication involving a United States person for longer than 72 hours.

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

Thank you for posting it.

Do you have evidence that there is a violation?

Are you kidding? The Flynn leak.

What was leaked?

Are you playing dumb? An edited transcript/recording of Flynn. It was obtained by a FISA authorized wiretap (allegedly, we haven't been given that evidence). That recording and transcript should had been deleted within 72 hours per FISA rules. The fact that it was passed around and leaked means a felony was committed. Even Rep Jim Himes (D) on the House Intelligence Committee agrees with that.
Are you actually dumb?
There was no transcript leaked. Where is it?
Who was it passed around to?
Who said it wasn't deleted or otherwise retained as evidence? Who says it hasn't been handled properly? No one.
The only thing leaked was that the meeting actually occurred and later that Flynn actually did speak about sanctions.

You seem to be contradicting yourself. You're claiming there was no leak, yet also state that we know a meeting actually occurred and Flynn spoke about sanctions. So you've answered your own question.

Transcripts were leaked to Obama staff and summarized information to the media. That's why we're all talking about it.

Rep. Jim Himes (D) who sits on the House Intel Committee says the information regarding Flynn was mishandled and leaked, which he agrees is a felony.
Really, we were told about the phone calls between Putin and other leaders and Trump, how do you think those calls are made?

We know that Trump edited the transcript of his phone call to the mexican president. Since both countries released a transcript, and Trumps had comments about the wall, edited out of them. Yet they were included in the mexican transcript.
No, he actually said all content is recorded and he also said he testified to that effect in a court proceeding. You can find it in the last half of the Hannity show for last night.

You said: According to a guy on TV last night they capture everyone's conversation, including everything you do on the web.

If you add up all the phone calls, the facebook, the youtube cat videos people watch, and all the other data flowing across the communications infrastructure, you would quickly find that the amount of data is too big to record all of it.

NSA “touches” more of Internet than Google

In a memo issued last Friday, the National Security Agency (NSA) provided details of its ongoing network surveillance operations intended to assuage concerns about its scope, content, and oversight.

According to figures published by a major tech provider, the Internet carries 1,826 Petabytes of information per day. In its foreign intelligence mission, NSA touches about 1.6 percent of that. However, of the 1.6 percent of the data, only 0.025 percent is actually selected for review. The net effect is that NSA analysts look at 0.00004 percent of the world's traffic in conducting their mission—that's less than one part in a million. Put another way, if a standard basketball court represented the global communications environment, NSA's total collection would be represented by an area smaller than a dime on that basketball court.

Yeah, let's take the word of the people that said they weren't collecting any data on millions of Americans at all.
Really, we were told about the phone calls between Putin and other leaders and Trump, how do you think those calls are made?

We know that Trump edited the transcript of his phone call to the mexican president. Since both countries released a transcript, and Trumps had comments about the wall, edited out of them. Yet they were included in the mexican transcript.

Yeah, let's take the word of the people that said they weren't collecting any data on millions of Americans at all.

As long as the primary is a foreigner, the others on the line can be recorded as well, and the recording retained for 1-5 years, in case it's needed later.

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