The sources of Trump's wiretap claim are revealed today by the Washington Post

I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.

According to a guy on TV last night they capture everyone's conversation, including everything you do on the web. The question is why would additional FISA warrants be required if the conversations were picked up in normal surveillance?

You're in the weeds, dude.
Now you know that calls to the Russian embassy are also recorded.

Does anyone NOT know that the Russian embassy phones are tapped? Call any embassy in the world, when did you last call your bank, doctor, cable company, utility company and on, and on, and on, where the recording answering the phone says..."this call may be recorded for quality control".

Now we learn they, whoever they might be, can turn on the camera on your smartphone, laptop, smart TV, and listen too. Did you leave your laptop your bedroom?

Privacy? What privacy?
Thank you for posting it.

Do you have evidence that there is a violation?

Are you kidding? The Flynn leak.

What was leaked?

Are you playing dumb? An edited transcript/recording of Flynn. It was obtained by a FISA authorized wiretap (allegedly, we haven't been given that evidence). That recording and transcript should had been deleted within 72 hours per FISA rules. The fact that it was passed around and leaked means a felony was committed. Even Rep Jim Himes (D) on the House Intelligence Committee agrees with that.
Are you actually dumb?
There was no transcript leaked. Where is it?
Who was it passed around to?
Who said it wasn't deleted or otherwise retained as evidence? Who says it hasn't been handled properly? No one.
The only thing leaked was that the meeting actually occurred and later that Flynn actually did speak about sanctions.

You seem to be contradicting yourself. You're claiming there was no leak, yet also state that we know a meeting actually occurred and Flynn spoke about sanctions. So you've answered your own question.

Transcripts were leaked to Obama staff and summarized information to the media. That's why we're all talking about it.

Rep. Jim Himes (D) who sits on the House Intel Committee says the information regarding Flynn was mishandled and leaked, which he agrees is a felony.
Do you people ever read the covos you quote or just jump in cold?
I never claimed there was no leak, fool.
The contents of the leak were in question.
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims

Really? I thought it was this:

The difference is you know 911 is recorded.

Now you know that calls to the Russian embassy are also recorded.

By who?


You know you're talking in circles right? If the Russians are routinely monitored, you haven't explained the need for additional warrants. You said warrants expire, but the original application was refused, why would that happen if they were renewing a routine warrant?
Yeah, let's take the word of the people that said they weren't collecting any data on millions of Americans at all.

As long as the primary is a foreigner, the others on the line can be recorded as well, and the recording retained for 1-5 years, in case it's needed later.

Of course you have a link showing US Citizens can be recorded without a separate warrant or privacy protections.
I do indeed. What we do know however, is that the Russian officials were indeed monitored and that calls with Trump officials were captured as a result. There is no evidence that any other communications from the Trump officials have been captured.

It's not real.

Great assumption, now prove it.

We know the NSA captures conversations to foreign nationals in this country, and everybody in the Russian embassy would surely be a target. If we didn't have a wiretap on everything going in and out of the russian embassy, i'd say somebody wasn't doing their job.

According to a guy on TV last night they capture everyone's conversation, including everything you do on the web. The question is why would additional FISA warrants be required if the conversations were picked up in normal surveillance?

You're in the weeds, dude.

It's called details child, not weeds. The details are important when your dealing with violating civil rights.
Really? I thought it was this:


Trump claimed that Trump tower was wiretapped, while the NSA wiretaped the Russian embassy.

That isn't what the article says. We know that the Obama administration at the very least tried to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate by bugging Trump Tower. Obama ran by FAR the most corrupt administration in American history, more of an organized crime mob than a legitimate administration. Sorry, the evidence points to Obama doing precisely what Trump claimed.
You know you're talking in circles right? If the Russians are routinely monitored, you haven't explained the need for additional warrants. You said warrants expire, but the original application was refused, why would that happen if they were renewing a routine warrant?

Bush Administration Asks Congress for Expansion of Surveillance Law

Bush Administration Asks Congress for Expansion of Surveillance Law

Among other changes, the legislation would:

—Triple the life span of a FISA warrant for a non-U.S. citizen from 120 days to one year,

because it wouldn't have to get as many time-consuming renewals on warrants for cases involving foreigners.

Then again Trump's had how long to name a source, and he did say newspapers shouldn't get away with not naming sources, so, maybe Trump doesn't really have a source at all, other than shitty right wing talk radio hosts.

This is from January 20th New York Times. Now the New York Times is, apparently saying, this article was not true.

the Russian operatives were wiretapped....NOT Trump tower.

PLEASE STOP, take a deep breath, and use your GOD given brain... The Russian operatives/ambassador/ diplomats/agents were being tapped, and anyone who called these Russian operatives, were recorded through the tapped Russians...

WHY IS THAT, so hard to understand Markle? Why oh why oh why is that so hard to comprehend???
Really? I thought it was this:


Trump claimed that Trump tower was wiretapped, while the NSA wiretaped the Russian embassy.

That isn't what the article says. We know that the Obama administration at the very least tried to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate by bugging Trump Tower. Obama ran by FAR the most corrupt administration in American history, more of an organized crime mob than a legitimate administration. Sorry, the evidence points to Obama doing precisely what Trump claimed.
You know you're talking in circles right? If the Russians are routinely monitored, you haven't explained the need for additional warrants. You said warrants expire, but the original application was refused, why would that happen if they were renewing a routine warrant?

Bush Administration Asks Congress for Expansion of Surveillance Law

Bush Administration Asks Congress for Expansion of Surveillance Law

Among other changes, the legislation would:

—Triple the life span of a FISA warrant for a non-U.S. citizen from 120 days to one year,

because it wouldn't have to get as many time-consuming renewals on warrants for cases involving foreigners.

And that explains why a FISA warrant was refused originally, HOW? Also why did it take months to request another warrant if everything was routine?

Now child, it's time for you just admit we really don't know the full details on this and until we do, it's all speculation and assumptions. It's also completely possible we may never know fully what happened because of the classified methods that were used.
Lol, no heat street is the one that posted after the NYT's had done so back in late Jan.
We now know who is the source of Donald Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower. From the Washington Post:

Trump has since provided no proof to back up his assertion, which has been rebuffed by Obama, FBI Director James B. Comey and former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. On Monday, senior administration officials contorted themselves trying to defend the president’s claims, which seemed to emanate largely in response to a rant on conservative talk radio and in an article on Breitbart News, the conservative website that Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist, formerly led.

White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
I don't understand how the liberal media can keep lying and claiming there is no proof, because this contradicts their whole stink about Flynn based on wire taps "that occured at Trump towers", in fact the no proof argument backfires on the whole trying to claim Russians colluded with the new administration, as all the agencies claim there is not one single evidence of such.
Another Excuse liberals make when confronted with facts is that sometimes civilians (which Flynn was) get caught in the cross hair (like all of a sudden liberals know what that means when convenient but not like when innocents caught at airports caught in the cross hair of weeding through the unknown risks). This argument is fallacious because it didn't happen once, he was illegally tapped at least 3 times. The caught in the middle argument goes out the window and heing a civilian means someone broke the law as well as those leaking the info, hence Comey knowing his agency is in trouble over this, is comitting further crimes in asking the Justice Dept not to investigate=cover up.
Remember Obama swore he never ever tapped a civilian which Flynn was.

For the liberals and media to claim an agency with ties to Obamas administration did the tapping of civilian Flynn but in word play say Obama technically didn't, is to admit
" A Russian" is not "The Russians" as in a diplomat is not Putin and you can't assume & tie them together especially when the intelligence community said there were no ties to any collusion.
The Liberal excuses bust their own argument which means they are admitting the investigation is bogus illegal false charges and the wire taps were illegal as was forcing cabinet members to quit by terrorist acts of the former administration and the Democratic party members and their
illegal coup attempt.
Bannon told Trump what to do and say.
meanwhile, Jeff Sessions intentionally lied and mislead Congress, under oath...


He answered the question in the context in which it was asked, which was specifically regarding the campaign staff and surrogates. He answered truthfully. The fact that he didn't expand his answer to include contacts connected to his senate duties doesn't mean he lied in relation to what he was doing with the campaign.
Really? I thought it was this:


Trump claimed that Trump tower was wiretapped, while the NSA wiretaped the Russian embassy.

That isn't what the article says. We know that the Obama administration at the very least tried to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate by bugging Trump Tower. Obama ran by FAR the most corrupt administration in American history, more of an organized crime mob than a legitimate administration. Sorry, the evidence points to Obama doing precisely what Trump claimed.

Yes, you certainly are, as are your fellow fascists.

In any event, the FISA court reportedly turned down the Obama Justice Department’s request, which is notable: The FISA court is notoriously solicitous of government requests to conduct national-security surveillance (although, as I’ve noted over the years, the claim by many that it is a rubber-stamp is overblown). Not taking no for an answer, the Obama Justice Department evidently returned to the FISA court in October 2016, the critical final weeks of the presidential campaign. This time, the Justice Department submitted a narrowly tailored application that did not mention Trump. The court apparently granted it, authorizing surveillance of some Trump associates. It is unknown whether that surveillance is still underway, but the New York Times has identified – again, based on illegal leaks of classified information – at least three of its targets: Paul Manafort (the former Trump campaign chairman who was ousted in August), and two others whose connection to the Trump campaign was loose at best, Manafort’s former political-consulting business partner Roger Stone, and investor Carter Page. The Times report (from mid-January) includes a lot of heavy breathing about potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia; but it ultimately concedes that the government’s FISA investigation may have nothing to do with Trump, the campaign, or alleged Russian efforts to interfere in the U.S. election by hacking e-mail accounts.

Read more at: The Obama Camp’s Disingenuous Denials on FISA Surveillance of Trump}

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