The Space Shuttle Landed This Morning

....whose technology has not improved much since 1961.
We just went from 1980 technology to 1960 technology.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The shuttle program had it's time. We should move on.

unfortunately, the budget for moving on was cut by the president... which is really the ONLY thing here to be pissed about people.
How unAmerican of him. America has had space superiority for decades and now with this usurper acting as president, he officially ended it this morning with the last shuttle landing. Obama cancelled the shuttles earlier as well as the Constellation program ending our capability to get into orbit with any American space vehicle. The Russians who can't be trusted has been given space superiority by Obama and it puts America's national security at serious risk. The Russians now has the capability to go into orbit and dismantle any of our satellites at will. This should be a wakeup call to Americans of what this Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional violater has done. What we need now is a person as president who loves our country with pride and patriotism who want to restore what Obama has taken away from us, American exceptionalism. That person is Sarah Palin.

Diss Vidaniya: Shuttle Ends 50 Years of U.S. Space Flight as Russia Trumpets 'Era of Soyuz'

Read more: Diss Vidaniya: Shuttle Ends 50 Years of U.S. Space Flight as Russia Trumpets 'Era of Soyuz' -

Not to mention he added ten thousand to the unemployment rolls.
there is already another thread on this.

Also, this is a stupid thing to be pissed at Obama about. There are many other more important issues he's screwed us over on.

The shuttle is 30 + years old. Technologically outdated, becoming more unsafe.

We can hitch a ride with Russia for people and materials until the commercial entities are ready to take over.

And please... anyone saying this is a slap in the face, or that Obama slammed the door, or whatever... this was planned under Dubbya, remember?

Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?
I worked on the design of some of the audio systems for the shuttle back in the '70s. I would imagine they've upgraded a lot of the systems by now but still the fleet is old tech.

Maybe when St Sarah gets elected by a landslide in 2012 and all is right with the world again we can go back to putting money into a new and improved vehicle.

Until then, maybe we should concentrate on taking care of things here on earth.

Palin will be proud to highlight American exceptionalism as evidenced by the Space Program

"American exceptionalism" sounds a lot like that Master Race crap Hitler used to spew.

Only to the tone deaf propagandized ears of certain schmucky types.
How unAmerican of him. America has had space superiority for decades and now with this usurper acting as president, he officially ended it this morning with the last shuttle landing. Obama cancelled the shuttles earlier as well as the Constellation program ending our capability to get into orbit with any American space vehicle. The Russians who can't be trusted has been given space superiority by Obama and it puts America's national security at serious risk. The Russians now has the capability to go into orbit and dismantle any of our satellites at will. This should be a wakeup call to Americans of what this Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional violater has done. What we need now is a person as president who loves our country with pride and patriotism who want to restore what Obama has taken away from us, American exceptionalism. That person is Sarah Palin.

Diss Vidaniya: Shuttle Ends 50 Years of U.S. Space Flight as Russia Trumpets 'Era of Soyuz'

Read more: Diss Vidaniya: Shuttle Ends 50 Years of U.S. Space Flight as Russia Trumpets 'Era of Soyuz' -

We're broke, remember? We can't afford to keep sending shuttles into outerspace?
there is already another thread on this.

Also, this is a stupid thing to be pissed at Obama about. There are many other more important issues he's screwed us over on.

The shuttle is 30 + years old. Technologically outdated, becoming more unsafe.

We can hitch a ride with Russia for people and materials until the commercial entities are ready to take over.

And please... anyone saying this is a slap in the face, or that Obama slammed the door, or whatever... this was planned under Dubbya, remember?

Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?

My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the budget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.
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How unAmerican of him. America has had space superiority for decades and now with this usurper acting as president, he officially ended it this morning with the last shuttle landing. Obama cancelled the shuttles earlier as well as the Constellation program ending our capability to get into orbit with any American space vehicle. The Russians who can't be trusted has been given space superiority by Obama and it puts America's national security at serious risk. The Russians now has the capability to go into orbit and dismantle any of our satellites at will. This should be a wakeup call to Americans of what this Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional violater has done. What we need now is a person as president who loves our country with pride and patriotism who want to restore what Obama has taken away from us, American exceptionalism. That person is Sarah Palin.

Diss Vidaniya: Shuttle Ends 50 Years of U.S. Space Flight as Russia Trumpets 'Era of Soyuz'

Read more: Diss Vidaniya: Shuttle Ends 50 Years of U.S. Space Flight as Russia Trumpets 'Era of Soyuz' -

Facts would be nice. Too bad you don't have any.

It takes many, MANY years to design, develop, test, and build a launch prototype orbiting system. And years more to work out the bugs and put the finished product into production.

In other words, in order for a launch/reentry vehicle to be ready to replace the space shuttle, the plans to build it (and the money to build it) would have to have been made/allocated several years ago. It didn't happen. If you don't want to blame Bush for that lack of vision, maybe you can blame Clinton since he's a Democrat.

Vision for Space Exploration
Main article: Vision for Space Exploration
On January 14, 2004, ten days after the landing of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, US President George W. Bush announced a new plan for NASA's future, dubbed the Vision for Space Exploration.[43] According to this plan, mankind would return to the Moon by 2018, and set up outposts as a testbed and potential resource for future missions. The Space Shuttle will be retired in 2011 and Orion may replace it by 2015, capable of both docking with the International Space Station (ISS) and leaving the Earth's orbit. The future of the ISS is somewhat uncertain—construction will be completed, but beyond that is less clear. Although the plan initially met with skepticism from Congress, in late 2004 Congress agreed to provide start-up funds for the first year's worth of the new space vision.[44]
Hoping to spur innovation from the private sector, NASA established a series of Centennial Challenges, technology prizes for non-government teams, in 2004. The Challenges include tasks that will be useful for implementing the Vision for Space Exploration, such as building more efficient astronaut gloves.[45] In February 2010, NASA announced that it would be awarding $50 million in contracts to commercial spaceflight companies including Blue Origin, Boeing, Paragon Space Development Corporation, Sierra Nevada Corporation and United Launch Alliance to design and develop viable reusable launch vehicles.[46]

NASA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
there is already another thread on this.

Also, this is a stupid thing to be pissed at Obama about. There are many other more important issues he's screwed us over on.

The shuttle is 30 + years old. Technologically outdated, becoming more unsafe.

We can hitch a ride with Russia for people and materials until the commercial entities are ready to take over.

And please... anyone saying this is a slap in the face, or that Obama slammed the door, or whatever... this was planned under Dubbya, remember?

Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?

My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the bidget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.

Would you tell this dense sometimes person what a bidget is???? I guess you Thank God that obie doodle is employing Russians and not Americans.. Good for you for admitting it.
there is already another thread on this.

Also, this is a stupid thing to be pissed at Obama about. There are many other more important issues he's screwed us over on.

The shuttle is 30 + years old. Technologically outdated, becoming more unsafe.

We can hitch a ride with Russia for people and materials until the commercial entities are ready to take over.

And please... anyone saying this is a slap in the face, or that Obama slammed the door, or whatever... this was planned under Dubbya, remember?

Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?

My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the bidget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.
He even killed the new Constellation and Orion vehicle program that was to carry us into space.
Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?

My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the bidget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.
He even killed the new Constellation and Orion vehicle program that was to carry us into space.

We are broke. We cannot afford this. Besides, where in the Constitution does it call for this type of activity?
I would have preferred a more orderly transfer to private industry of the space program. This seems like more of an abandonment of a valuable program.
Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?

My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the bidget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.
He even killed the new Constellation and Orion vehicle program that was to carry us into space.

And THAT... is what I am pissed about... not the ending of the shuttle program.
My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the bidget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.
He even killed the new Constellation and Orion vehicle program that was to carry us into space.

We are broke. We cannot afford this. Besides, where in the Constitution does it call for this type of activity?

I really wish people would get over this 'if it ain't in the Constitution, we shouldn't be doing it' mentality.
Obama had the power to stop it. Remember?

My God, you can be dense sometimes.

It was time for it to end. It was too expensive. It was getting old and more unsafe.

True, it should have been replaced with something, and THAT is why I am pissed. Not for any partisan hack hatred of Obama. But because he killed the bidget for the replacement of the shuttle program.

The cheapest alternative is the Soyuz, and eventually commercial ventures here and in other countries. I'm ok with that under the circumstances.

Would you tell this dense sometimes person what a bidget is???? I guess you Thank God that obie doodle is employing Russians and not Americans.. Good for you for admitting it.

That would be the typical typographical error when trying to type the word 'budget'.

Not sure I said anything of the kind, but I can see there is no reasoning with people who simply hate to... well.. hate.
We are broke. We cannot afford this. Besides, where in the Constitution does it call for this type of activity?

I really wish people would get over this 'if it ain't in the Constitution, we shouldn't be doing it' mentality.

Sorry....I can't help but parrot the Tea Party fools...

then we agree. Anyone who says 'if it ain't in the Constitution, we shouldn't be doing it' is a fool. But perhaps your time here would be better spent using your own words and opinions, rather than parroting people you disagree with just to have something to type.

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