The speaker has been decided

Apparently the first order of business is going to be how the REpublicans are going to go about getting 150 million criminal illegal aliens fed and housed as they backtrack on immigration.
My impression was that the first order of business is to rescind the Democrats‘ attempt to hire an “intimidation army” of 86,000 IRS agents to go after the middle class. I would love to see some of the extra $80 billion allocated for the IRS redirected to:

1) $20 billion for border wall, dug deep into the earth, and topped on the high side with wire.

2) $2 billion for 25,000 more armed border agents ($80,000 each).

4) $2 billion for 12,500 “asylum hearing” officers ($80,000 each) so that hearings can be held within 1 month of application.

3) $1 billion to supply migrants with basic supplies and tents on the Mexican side of the border while they await their asylum hearings.

That’s $25 billion.
If nothing gets done the American people will suffer. That's a very selfish and sick objective.
Nothing is going to get done. We had this same dynamic with Obamacare after those midterms. GOP House, the Senate majority leader (Harry Reid--who doesn't have a constitutionally mentioned office) pocket vetoing bills for Obama.

Our system is set up where serious men and now serious women author bills of importance and count on their colleagues to consider them soberly. If the legislation passes one house, the other house was counted on to consider it was well. Today? Nothing happens because of school yard politics.

Would seem to me that the freedom caca would do well to make sure they flavor whatever bills pass with some of what they want...if it does pass...they get it considered.
Trump came in and mau-mau-ed Gaetz and the last holdouts.

He just put his entire 2024 bid on the line, for an untrustworthy establishment insider shitweasel.

Trump was ignored all along, throughout the whole process.
They could do what Eisenhower did in 1954, with "Operation Wetback".
Mass deportation.

They could but they won't, They are all for criminal illegal labor driving down wages and stealing the food off of American ctiziens' tables, they just want to keep them from voting Democrat, is all. As soon as they figure out how to do that then it's open borders forever.
All it will is one member to make motion to vacate the chair. McNumb Nuts ain't won shit.
They could but they won't, They are all for criminal illegal labor driving down wages and stealing the food off of American ctiziens' tables, they just want to keep them from voting Democrat, is all. As soon as they figure out how to do that then it's open borders forever.
The real problem with the border is not the poor migrants attempting to seek a better life in America but the US citizens demand for illegal drugs. That's destroying America more than anything else. Drugs do not create an educated working class of people ready to compete with the rest of the world. We are doomed if any more of our people are lost to that insanity.
Trump was ignored all along, throughout the whole process.

Another source familiar with the matter indicated that Trump had been engaged in the process since early December, making phone calls throughout the month to whip votes and consolidate support behind McCarthy. These calls were not mere one-offs but included ongoing correspondences with many different lawmakers.

On Friday night, Trump made calls to Matt Gaetz and Andy Biggs, both of whom had voted against McCarthy for days, and told them that the matter needed to be resolved. Ultimately on the 15th round, they both voted “present,” helping to lower the vote threshold for McCarthy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene told Breitbart News on Friday that Trump’s role was huge in the negotiations — “His statements that he put out in support of Kevin McCarthy, it was like cement for our 201 that refused to move away from Kevin. It told many of them that, ‘Look, the support is there.’ Trump telling everyone in that statement that ‘I’m calling. I’m working the phones. I’m talking with everybody.’ That was support that was needed at a critical time when members could have fallen off.”

Sources: Donald Trump Was Instrumental in McCarthy's Victory

The real problem with the border is not the poor migrants attempting to seek a better life in America but the US citizens demand for illegal drugs. That's destroying America more than anything else. Drugs do not create an educated working class of people ready to compete with the rest of the world. We are doomed if any more of our people are lost to that insanity.
The poor undocumented illegal immigrants are the ones bringing the drugs into America. You talk like every person in America is taking these drugs......You didn't notice your woke dems are in favor of legalizing weed, and other drugs, and are using tax dollars to set up 'safe' injection sites where one can shoot his dope?
Looks like the dems are unindicted coconspirators.
Another source familiar with the matter indicated that Trump had been engaged in the process since early December, making phone calls throughout the month to whip votes and consolidate support behind McCarthy. These calls were not mere one-offs but included ongoing correspondences with many different lawmakers.

On Friday night, Trump made calls to Matt Gaetz and Andy Biggs, both of whom had voted against McCarthy for days, and told them that the matter needed to be resolved. Ultimately on the 15th round, they both voted “present,” helping to lower the vote threshold for McCarthy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene told Breitbart News on Friday that Trump’s role was huge in the negotiations — “His statements that he put out in support of Kevin McCarthy, it was like cement for our 201 that refused to move away from Kevin. It told many of them that, ‘Look, the support is there.’ Trump telling everyone in that statement that ‘I’m calling. I’m working the phones. I’m talking with everybody.’ That was support that was needed at a critical time when members could have fallen off.”

Sources: Donald Trump Was Instrumental in McCarthy's Victory

The poor undocumented illegal immigrants are the ones bringing the drugs into America. You talk like every person in America is taking these drugs......You didn't notice your woke dems are in favor of legalizing weed, and other drugs, and are using tax dollars to set up 'safe' injection sites where one can shoot his dope?
Looks like the dems are unindicted coconspirators.
The Emperor has no clothes

"Trump had been engaged in the process since early December, making phone calls throughout the month to whip votes and consolidate support behind McCarthy"
The poor undocumented illegal immigrants are the ones bringing the drugs into America. You talk like every person in America is taking these drugs......You didn't notice your woke dems are in favor of legalizing weed, and other drugs, and are using tax dollars to set up 'safe' injection sites where one can shoot his dope?
Looks like the dems are unindicted coconspirators.
Actually, this is bullshit. You deserve to suffer a horrible existence going forward. Not that the one you have now is anything a rational person would wish for
The real problem with the border is not the poor migrants attempting to seek a better life in America but the US citizens demand for illegal drugs. That's destroying America more than anything else. Drugs do not create an educated working class of people ready to compete with the rest of the world. We are doomed if any more of our people are lost to that insanity.
though doing well is not always about competing with the rest of the world or anyone in particular
Another source familiar with the matter indicated that Trump had been engaged in the process since early December, making phone calls throughout the month to whip votes and consolidate support behind McCarthy. These calls were not mere one-offs but included ongoing correspondences with many different lawmakers.

On Friday night, Trump made calls to Matt Gaetz and Andy Biggs, both of whom had voted against McCarthy for days, and told them that the matter needed to be resolved. Ultimately on the 15th round, they both voted “present,” helping to lower the vote threshold for McCarthy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene told Breitbart News on Friday that Trump’s role was huge in the negotiations — “His statements that he put out in support of Kevin McCarthy, it was like cement for our 201 that refused to move away from Kevin. It told many of them that, ‘Look, the support is there.’ Trump telling everyone in that statement that ‘I’m calling. I’m working the phones. I’m talking with everybody.’ That was support that was needed at a critical time when members could have fallen off.”

Sources: Donald Trump Was Instrumental in McCarthy's Victory

The poor undocumented illegal immigrants are the ones bringing the drugs into America. You talk like every person in America is taking these drugs......You didn't notice your woke dems are in favor of legalizing weed, and other drugs, and are using tax dollars to set up 'safe' injection sites where one can shoot his dope?
Looks like the dems are unindicted coconspirators.
I'm not taking political sides in this argument, I'm simply stating my opinion. By the way, it would make more sense to legalize marijuana and make alcoholic beverages illegal; as they do the greater harm. And why on earth is tobacco still legal, that's the most harmful of all.

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