The squad demands Israel not retaliate.

Trump is a traitor trying to overthrow our government and trading our secrets. Tlaib supports Arab nations over Israel counter to US policy but inline with free speech.
Ha ha

You’re defending her but but but Trump. Loser.
But we know that Biden or some other President would have done a much better job handling COVID, right? Yeah, ok. What we we do know for a fact is that Russia didn't invade Ukraine and Hamas didn't attack Israel during Trump's term.
I’m not making claims like there would be no COVID if Biden was president. That would be a stupid claim and definitely not factual. Just like AZs comment

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.

Nor should they. Expect attacks just like these to come here to America. They don't want you to defend yourself either.

They have made that very clear.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.

I, unlike so many people who are commenting, have actually been to Israel and seen the common people who live there. Talked with the average person who grew up there.

Yes, there are a lot of Jews in Israel. However, there are a LOT of other nationalities living there too. Especially Arabics. They make up at least a third if not more of the citizens of Israel.

But make no mistake, Israel is and has been a police state. They have at least twice the number of police as Americans do. And every citizen has compulsory military service for two years regardless of age at induction or migration.

As there are so many police/IDF there is no violent crime. Except for the cab drivers(highway robbery charging 4x to foreigners) Israel itself is clean and crime free.
You can walk freely after dark with no worry whatsoever. It's actually encouraged as it's much cooler at night. But there is also always a heavy police and soldier presence.
That's not true of Palestinian controlled areas.
And despite the rhetoric. Arabs and Jews actually get along fairly peacefully...dare I say friendly with each other.

Israel has a very efficient and affluent lifestyle created out of their homeland. They own their areas with great pride and heritage. Many of their homes are thousands of years old. Each with a rich history.
We term the area as "The Holy Land" but don't really intend the fullness of the title...the Jews do. There are many Chistians living there as well.

When Israel called for all Jews to come home....they did from every nation including Russia, South America, Africa znd of course tge USA.

So to claim that Jews are racist is laughable.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.
Israel is an apartheid nation. That makes it inherently fascist.

However, expecting them not to respond is completely out of the question.

They should refrain from imitating hamas and targeting civilians, but they should definitely fight to protect themselves.
Point is Iran supports Hamas and Trump savaged them. Biden decided to play nice. You don’t know anything about the topic so STFU and listen. You’re dumb.
So what?! You like Trumps policies better than Bidens big whoop. Doesn’t mean it’s a fact that there would be no war if Trump were prez. That’s just an ignorant statement
Yeah you did. You said she has freedom of speech. She also has responsibilities to the country and we are Israel’s ally. She doesn’t like it? Don’t serve in office.
Yup and you eventually agreed with me. If the people don’t like her positions they can vote her out. That’s how it works
Serious mistake, the squad has lost all credibility with the American people. Now branded as traitors and terrorist collaborators.
Have you seen this demand the OP mentions? Cause I’ve asked him many times and nothing…

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.
The Squad can go phukk themselves... death to Hamas...
Israel is an apartheid nation. That makes it inherently fascist.

However, expecting them not to respond is completely out of the question.

They should refrain from imitating hamas and targeting civilians, but they should definitely fight to protect themselves.
No, Israel is NOT an apartheid nation.

From your very own Huffington Post

Tyler Levitan's recent Huffington Post Canada op-ed entitled "Israel's Actions In Palestine Are The Definition Of Apartheid" is a perfect example of how when baseless accusations are left unanswered, they risk becoming accepted as conventional wisdom.
Levitan's libeling Israel as an "apartheid" state is wholly disingenuous and lacks substantive argumentation. As his preferred instrument of choice, Levitan employs empty rhetoric to blacken Israel's name and to isolate it through boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns.

The goal is to force Israel into making dangerous, one-sided concessions that make defensible borders porous and impossible to maintain. Ultimately, Levitan's modus operandi serves to demonize and stigmatize Israel, to malign the Jewish state's hard-fought reputation and to tarnish its standing in the community of nations.
As such, a full refutation of the "apartheid" libel must be stated for the record. For posterity purposes, here are 10 reasons why Israel is not an "apartheid" state:
1. All people living in Israel have full equal rights.

There are no inferior or second-class citizens, unlike non-whites in South Africa or minorities in Islamic or Arab countries. Moreover, Arabs occupy senior positions on the Israeli police force, the Knesset and the Israeli judiciary. For example, Salim Joubran, who currently serves on the Israeli Supreme Court, is a Christian Arab. South Africans living under apartheid could only dream of obtaining these types of positions.
Ishmael Khaldi, an Islamic Bedouin, is currently a diplomat in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Majalli Wahabi (Druze) was the acting president of Israel in 2007. These are just a few examples out of the many minority groups holding prominent positions in Israeli society.

2. An Arab judge, George Karra, sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.
When an Arab judge sentences a former Israeli president to jail -- this is truly a testament to Israel's equality amongst all citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity.
3. In 1953, the Bantu Education Act was passed.
This separated blacks from whites in the South African educational system. The government created a new curriculum for black people in which they were taught skills related to manual labour and serving in their Bantustans. In Israel, citizens are given equal opportunity in the workplace and educational department as evidenced by the fact that there are Palestinians and Arabs in Israeli universities who both study and teach as professors.
Today in Israel there are hundreds of Arab schools. Furthermore, education in the Palestinian areas of the West Bank is controlled by the Palestinian Authority. Courts, laws, taxes, police etc. are also under PA jurisdiction in the majority of the West Bank.
4. Incitement to racism is a criminal offence in Israel.
This is the polar opposite of apartheid in South Africa, whose government specifically passed incendiary racist legislation.

5. Arabs and Israelis receive the same treatment in hospitals.
The Hadassah Medical Organization which operates two hospitals in Jerusalem, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize due to its push for peace in the Middle East and its equal treatment of Palestinians and Israelis. Furthermore, Arab and Israeli children are born amongst each other in the same hospitals.
Even during Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, Palestinians receive top-of-the-line treatment in Israeli hospitals. During apartheid, blacks were specifically given limited access to health care.
6. Non-whites in South Africa had separate amenities.
These include hospitals, beaches, buses, restrooms, drinking fountains and even designated park benches to sit on. None of this discrimination is prevalent in Israel and a law prohibits discrimination in public places.
7. Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset -- some of whom are Israel's harshest critics.
The Joint List is an example of this. They received 13 seats in the 2015 Israeli election. Furthermore Arabs have equal voting rights, whereas coloured people during apartheid were not allowed to participate in the political process.

8. Arab citizens are allowed to seek redress through the courts and government if they feel they have been wronged.
Arab citizens also receive trial based on the facts, not ethnicity. This is nothing compared to apartheid South Africa, where discrimination was authorized from the highest position in the government.
9. Arabs in Israel have more fundamental rights than other Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East.
Ironically, they have more rights than they do in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.
10. In Israel, there are 1.6 million Arab citizens integrated within Israeli society.
They make up 20 per cent of Israel's population. There was no such integration in South Africa. Furthermore, according to a poll done by Harvard University, 77 per cent of Arab citizens living in Israel would rather live there than any other country in the world. If these citizens were experiencing "apartheid," why are so many of them supportive of Israel?
To proclaim that Israel is an "apartheid state" is to undermine and trivialize the harsh and actual struggles many blacks went through during that dark time of human history. These are the words ofmanySouth Africans who would also concur that Israel is not an "apartheid" state.

Arabs have the right to move freely, vote, obtain an education, work in prominent positions, receive world-class health care, own land and speak freely. Blacks in South Africa had none of these rights.
Regardless of the unfounded criticisms, Israel will still strive in the face of growing adversity. Those who seek to delegitimize, malign and deprecate Israel have lost their moral compass.
While those who are able to discern the truth for themselves, are able to recognize the fact that Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East.
So what?! You like Trumps policies better than Bidens big whoop. Doesn’t mean it’s a fact that there would be no war if Trump were prez. That’s just an ignorant statement
Yeah it does. Without funding Hamas is powerless
Yup and you eventually agreed with me. If the people don’t like her positions they can vote her out. That’s how it works

Her constituents are as insane as you. Am I allowed to criticize her? Yes or no? Or does she only have free speech?

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), and Greg Casar (D-Texas) all demanded that Israel not retaliate for the horrific attacks on Israel.

Why? Cuz according to them, Israel is a fascist and racist nation.

It is the same reasoning that they use against American law enforcement and against any country that tries to maintain law and order it seems.

Funny that.

But I don't think Israel will allow their country to devolve into a lawless hell hole that the Left has created in the US. Thank God they are not in government there. No, Israel will respond, as they should.
Try to understand---their statements are CONSISTENT with Shariah----the law from Allah. In HOLY SHARIAH---a dhimmi
(non-muslim) cannot--legally respond in any way if a muslim
attacks him. Doing so is a capital crime. It is considered normal
for a muslim passing a non muslim in the street---to throw a punch at him----the non muslim is NOT PERMITTED TO RESPOND in any
way other than getting out of the way----into the gutter. In fact,
in passing a muslim in the street he is supposed to ALREADY be in
the gutter. Try to understand---it is not only cultural---it is FROM

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