The State of the Black Union

What is the State of Black America?

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If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

No, the judge no lest ye be judged does not apply here. Blacks are allowed to judge whites, but not the other way around. When blacks do it, it is a redress of years of oppression. When whites do it, it's racism. This likewise applies to MLK's "content of character" speech.

The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture.

[ame=]The Naked Gun - I Used To Be White - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Jerk (9/10) Movie CLIP - Navin Beats the Racists (1979) HD - YouTube[/ame]
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If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

Thats a pretty simple minded way to look at it. You were not force fed Black culture via the schools, commercials, movies, and politics. All other ethnicities in the US are thoroughly familiar with white culture. Do you think before you post?

I see black people bitching in all of those areas of media. Hell, I can't escape it.

Welcome to just a small part of how others feel about the self stroking lies other ethnicities are fed from the moment they can see clearly and attend school.
No, the judge no lest ye be judged does not apply here. Blacks are allowed to judge whites, but not the other way around. When blacks do it, it is a redress of years of oppression. When whites do it, it's racism. This likewise applies to MLK's "content of character" speech.

The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture.

[ame=]The Naked Gun - I Used To Be White - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Jerk (9/10) Movie CLIP - Navin Beats the Racists (1979) HD - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Down, in the Mississippi... :p - YouTube[/ame]

The meaning of those clips....?
I wasn't aware that there are two Unions. I thought the United States Of America included all of us.
Lincoln unconstitutionally invaded Virginia to preserve THE UNION, not the BLACK UNION or WHITE UNION.
As for the state (condition) of blacks in the Union, they keep licking the boot that kicks them, they keep voting the Plantation overseers to govern them.
"The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture."

Blacks do it from pulpits all across America. I see it in Newspapers, on CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CSPAN, and from the biggest Pulpit of all, the Oval Office!
"The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture."

Blacks do it from pulpits all across America. I see it in Newspapers, on CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CSPAN, and from the biggest Pulpit of all, the Oval Office!

You must not be good at comprehension. Black people say anything unless whites say something. When we respond don't be mad. Long gone are the days when Blacks are going to remain silent in the face of criticism. We can be quite uppity. When whites get their stuff together then they can criticize Black people without a rebuttal.
Thats a pretty simple minded way to look at it. You were not force fed Black culture via the schools, commercials, movies, and politics. All other ethnicities in the US are thoroughly familiar with white culture. Do you think before you post?

I see black people bitching in all of those areas of media. Hell, I can't escape it.

Welcome to just a small part of how others feel about the self stroking lies other ethnicities are fed from the moment they can see clearly and attend school.

I don't see it that way at all.

The legacy of civil rights is strong with this media whore.
[ame=]Al Sharpton Knockdown! - YouTube[/ame]

What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

No, the judge no lest ye be judged does not apply here. Blacks are allowed to judge whites, but not the other way around. When blacks do it, it is a redress of years of oppression. When whites do it, it's racism. This likewise applies to MLK's "content of character" speech.

Lol! Now that's a good one. This very thread is a testament to certain whites "judging" blacks.

Besides that, look at American history, dating back to the birth of this nation.
Blacks in general have been portrayed negatively by western civilization.
If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

Thats a pretty simple minded way to look at it. You were not force fed Black culture via the schools, commercials, movies, and politics. All other ethnicities in the US are thoroughly familiar with white culture. Do you think before you post?

I see black people bitching in all of those areas of media. Hell, I can't escape it.

My Grandmother (RIP) had a saying......."If you look for shit, you will find shit". Which explains your obsession with posting about "the blacks" in this forum.

Speaking for myself, if I was annoyed with something or someone, I would distance myself as far from the source of my irritation as possible.

You are indeed an interesting specimen.
"The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture."

Blacks do it from pulpits all across America. I see it in Newspapers, on CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CSPAN, and from the biggest Pulpit of all, the Oval Office!

Careful, sonny. You can't define something that you don't understand. Just because you get an overdose of Black thuggery and hip hop gansterism on the evening news doesn't make you an expert on Black culture. Most Blacks are just plain ol' Americans who work, go to church and shop at Target or Walmart just as you do. Anything you hear from their church pulpits is probaby is going to be vastly different from what street gangs talk about!
Frankly, I don't think there is a Black American Culture per se. There may be Black subcultures that deviate from the law abiding Black American norm, but those are usually young blacks trying to make a statement just like rebellous white youth do... they usually grow out of that stage if they live long enough!
"The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture."

Blacks do it from pulpits all across America. I see it in Newspapers, on CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CSPAN, and from the biggest Pulpit of all, the Oval Office!

Careful, sonny. You can't define something that you don't understand. Just because you get an overdose of Black thuggery and hip hop gansterism on the evening news doesn't make you an expert on Black culture. Most Blacks are just plain ol' Americans who work, go to church and shop at Target or Walmart just as you do. Anything you hear from their church pulpits is probaby is going to be vastly different from what street gangs talk about!
Frankly, I don't think there is a Black American Culture per se. There may be Black subcultures that deviate from the law abiding Black American norm, but those are usually young blacks trying to make a statement just like rebellous white youth do... they usually grow out of that stage if they live long enough!

I'm out of reps to give out, so this will have to suffice for now:
Which states do not allow blacks access to schools and resources similar to those given to whites?
Read the link. it was originally posted by your hero, Publius!! Ask him!

Nowhere in that link did it say that blacks were not allowed access to schools.

I don't believe anyone said anytihing of the sort... You might be reading into the post something thats not there. Blacks who are rich enough to live in surburbia cannot be denied access to public suburban schools but municipal black schools in the "ghetto" where poor blacks and some poor whites live are dreadfully inadequate, according to the author.

Likely, the suburban shools are going to either go private or undergo redistricting so white middleclassed and rich kids don't have to be bussed back to the inner city schools .

One of the worst schools in the United States.

Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba Charter School
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview
Check out those test scores!
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview

Florida A&M University
4 year graduation rate = 10% and a 6 year graduation rate of 40%. It's not even ranked by US News.
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One of the worst schools in the United States.

Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba Charter School
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview
Check out those test scores!
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview

Florida A&M University
4 year graduation rate = 10% and a 6 year graduation rate of 40%. It's not even ranked by US News.

Thanks for biting. These are students that were already at risk and booted from public schools. The schools plights are due to the school district suddenly having issue with the curriculum and not passing on money for the school. The school is at war with the district attempting to take control to change the curriculum. Why would they do that when its proven that an Afrocentric pedagogy works?

Here is a example of one in Toronto. This was also a success but there is opposition to opening one for high school.

Toronto approves 2nd Africentric school - Toronto - CBC News

Here are some in Detroit. I am 100% behind this as the curriculum is exactly what I used with my children and they all are at the top of their classes.

Detroit Students Excel At Afro-Centric Schools While Public Schools Struggle | News One

One of the worst schools in the United States.

Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba Charter School
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview
Check out those test scores!
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview

Florida A&M University
4 year graduation rate = 10% and a 6 year graduation rate of 40%. It's not even ranked by US News.

Thanks for biting. These are students that were already at risk and booted from public schools. The schools plights are due to the school district suddenly having issue with the curriculum and not passing on money for the school. The school is at war with the district attempting to take control to change the curriculum. Why would they do that when its proven that an Afrocentric pedagogy works?

Here is a example of one in Toronto. This was also a success but there is opposition to opening one for high school.

Toronto approves 2nd Africentric school - Toronto - CBC News

Here are some in Detroit. I am 100% behind this as the curriculum is exactly what I used with my children and they all are at the top of their classes.

Detroit Students Excel At Afro-Centric Schools While Public Schools Struggle | News One

If only we'd name all of our schools after an Afrocentric black nationalist communists, the world would be a better place. Oh how the teachings of Marcus Garvey could inspire us all.
One of the worst schools in the United States.

Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba Charter School
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview
Check out those test scores!
Joseph Littles-Nguzo Saba - West Palm Beach, Florida - FL - School overview

Florida A&M University
4 year graduation rate = 10% and a 6 year graduation rate of 40%. It's not even ranked by US News.

Thanks for biting. These are students that were already at risk and booted from public schools. The schools plights are due to the school district suddenly having issue with the curriculum and not passing on money for the school. The school is at war with the district attempting to take control to change the curriculum. Why would they do that when its proven that an Afrocentric pedagogy works?

Here is a example of one in Toronto. This was also a success but there is opposition to opening one for high school.

Toronto approves 2nd Africentric school - Toronto - CBC News

Here are some in Detroit. I am 100% behind this as the curriculum is exactly what I used with my children and they all are at the top of their classes.

Detroit Students Excel At Afro-Centric Schools While Public Schools Struggle | News One

If only we'd name all of our schools after an Afrocentric black nationalist communists, the world would be a better place. Oh how the teachings of Marcus Garvey could inspire us all.

Just shows the intentional desire to try and blame Black culture for everything instead of looking at what is taught in our schools. Most Black children know its BS and ommission of facts. When we take care of educating our own about their history then we have good results. This movement is only a few years old. Combined with the home schooling Black parents are also looking at in areas without these school the future looks bright indeed.

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