The State of the Black Union

What is the State of Black America?

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If that is the case then I wouldn't get my hopes up. If the trend of black self ascribed victimhood has gone anywhere, it has certainly gone up.

Your intentions in starting this OP are clear. It is an encapsulation of a multiplicity of reasons some white people hate Blacks. Are you one of those? If you believe the undocumented sources of your statistics, you probably are.

But even as you primed and dropped your statistical bomb it revealed nothing that we have not seen or heard before. Actually your narrative and numbers reek with the essence of a resident bigot called Matthew.

However, in your haste to indict all blacks as inferiors, you posted a source that gives us a clue in solving the alleged problem. Did you read your own sources? Comment on the following please:

Shouldn’t we be discussing these clues for resolution rather than your indictment of all Blacks?

The report points out that most schools with black majority enrollments do not have libraries, an adequate supply of textbooks and computers, art and music programs and science labs. It also concludes that when black students attend schools with talented, caring teachers, well-trained support staff, and challenging curricula, black males graduate at rates similar to white males.
Black males in large metropolitan school districts are particularly at risk for dropping out of school, according to the report. Only 19 percent of both black and white males graduated from high schools in Indianapolis, the lowest rate of any large school district in the study

Which states do not allow blacks access to schools and resources similar to those given to whites?
Read the link. it was originally posted by your hero, Publius!! Ask him!
Your intentions in starting this OP are clear. It is an encapsulation of a multiplicity of reasons some white people hate Blacks. Are you one of those? If you believe the undocumented sources of your statistics, you probably are.

But even as you primed and dropped your statistical bomb it revealed nothing that we have not seen or heard before. Actually your narrative and numbers reek with the essence of a resident bigot called Matthew.

However, in your haste to indict all blacks as inferiors, you posted a source that gives us a clue in solving the alleged problem. Did you read your own sources? Comment on the following please:

Shouldn’t we be discussing these clues for resolution rather than your indictment of all Blacks?


Which states do not allow blacks access to schools and resources similar to those given to whites?
Read the link. it was originally posted by your hero, Publius!! Ask him!

Indeed, I can think of no other policy for the better education of blacks than to get them out of majority black schools. Even the black parents would agree with that.
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What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:
The State of the Black Union

The Black Family
72% of black family households are single parent households
72% Of Black Kids Raised In Single Parent Household, 25 Percent In U.S. | News One

The Black High School Graduation Rate

The report finds that the 47 percent national graduation rate for black males is nearly 28 percentage points lower than that for white males. In 10 states, the report said the graduation rate gap exceeds 30 percentage points, led by Wisconsin, with a gap of 51 percentage points between the graduation rates of white males and black males.

Black Test Scores

AFRICAN AMERICANS currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten (figure 1-1), and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites? The Black-White Test Score Gap

The Black College Graduation Rate


The Black IQ

Al Fin: Are Blacks a Criminal Race?

Some of the Democrats finest work.
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

The only places that are at risk of genocidal behavior are predominantly in Africa. Though it is true that whites have advanced over the world destroying other cultures, this was certainly not unprovoked and it does not deviate from the historical trend of all cultures. The only difference that whites were successful in conquering their enemies, and rightfully or wrongfully, were able to establish the security and peace necessary to advance to democracy and cultural advancement. Africa still lacks this security.
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

The only places that are at risk of genocidal behavior are predominantly in Africa. Though it is true that whites have advanced over the world destroying other cultures, this was certainly not unprovoked and it does not deviate from the historical trend of all cultures. The only difference that whites were successful in conquering their enemies, and rightfully or wrongfully, were able to establish the security and peace necessary to advance to democracy and cultural advancement. Africa still lacks this security.

Untrue. No place on earth is safe from the genocidal virus known as white culture. This includes other white countries as well. That does not follow what all other cultures have done or attempted to do. Africa had no need to commit genocide in other places due to Africa being the richest continent on earth. Europeans came as thieves. They certainly were not superior. A superior culture does not steal from a inferior culture. Thats the whole point of stealing. We have what you don't. Europeans didn't have any culture until it was given to them by the Moors. They were uneducated and stuck in the Dark Ages frightened of bathing. If they wanted security and peace they needed only to stay in Europe. The European culture cannot be for democracy and at the same time commit the atrocities it has and expect anyone to believe your patriotic speech.
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

The only places that are at risk of genocidal behavior are predominantly in Africa. Though it is true that whites have advanced over the world destroying other cultures, this was certainly not unprovoked and it does not deviate from the historical trend of all cultures. The only difference that whites were successful in conquering their enemies, and rightfully or wrongfully, were able to establish the security and peace necessary to advance to democracy and cultural advancement. Africa still lacks this security.

Untrue. No place on earth is safe from the genocidal virus known as white culture. This includes other white countries as well. That does not follow what all other cultures have done or attempted to do. Africa had no need to commit genocide in other places due to Africa being the richest continent on earth. Europeans came as thieves. They certainly were not superior. A superior culture does not steal from a inferior culture. Thats the whole point of stealing. We have what you don't. Europeans didn't have any culture until it was given to them by the Moors. They were uneducated and stuck in the Dark Ages frightened of bathing. If they wanted security and peace they needed only to stay in Europe. The European culture cannot be for democracy and at the same time commit the atrocities it has and expect anyone to believe your patriotic speech.

I agree that the penitential for Africa to explode in economic prosperity is present. Until both corruption can be conquered, and security can be established, Africa will remain in poverty and cultural regression.

The Europeans simply made treaties with a losing tribe against the other warring tribe in return for land. While this was not the case in every circumstance, Africa still fell into European hands on a silver platter held by Africans. There is no reason to steal what Africans were willing to give you. In the age of mercantilism at the expansion of the industrial revolution, the country that did not colonize was economically and militarily behind their foes who would seek their destruction. What Europeans did in Africa was an objective means to mitigate this risk.
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The only places that are at risk of genocidal behavior are predominantly in Africa. Though it is true that whites have advanced over the world destroying other cultures, this was certainly not unprovoked and it does not deviate from the historical trend of all cultures. The only difference that whites were successful in conquering their enemies, and rightfully or wrongfully, were able to establish the security and peace necessary to advance to democracy and cultural advancement. Africa still lacks this security.

Untrue. No place on earth is safe from the genocidal virus known as white culture. This includes other white countries as well. That does not follow what all other cultures have done or attempted to do. Africa had no need to commit genocide in other places due to Africa being the richest continent on earth. Europeans came as thieves. They certainly were not superior. A superior culture does not steal from a inferior culture. Thats the whole point of stealing. We have what you don't. Europeans didn't have any culture until it was given to them by the Moors. They were uneducated and stuck in the Dark Ages frightened of bathing. If they wanted security and peace they needed only to stay in Europe. The European culture cannot be for democracy and at the same time commit the atrocities it has and expect anyone to believe your patriotic speech.

I agree that the penitential for Africa to explode in economic prosperity is present. Until both corruption can be conquered, and security can be established, Africa will remain in poverty and cultural regression.

The Europeans simply made treaties with a losing tribe against the other warring tribe in return for land. While this was not the case in every circumstance, Africa still fell into European hands on a silver platter held by Africans. There is no reason to steal what Africans were willing to give you. In the age of mercantilism at the expansion of the industrial revolution, the country that did not colonize was economically and militarily behind their foes who would seek their destruction. What Europeans did in Africa was an objective means to mitigate this risk.

Innocence is not part of the culture. Europeans went in and attempted to commit genocide against several African nations. They killed more Africans than Jews in Europe. A very insignificant amount of Africans willingly signed over their land. You can give that a rest. You must think you are talking to someone that doesn't know any better. :lol:

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cecil Rhodes: A Bad Man in Africa
Untrue. No place on earth is safe from the genocidal virus known as white culture. This includes other white countries as well. That does not follow what all other cultures have done or attempted to do. Africa had no need to commit genocide in other places due to Africa being the richest continent on earth. Europeans came as thieves. They certainly were not superior. A superior culture does not steal from a inferior culture. Thats the whole point of stealing. We have what you don't. Europeans didn't have any culture until it was given to them by the Moors. They were uneducated and stuck in the Dark Ages frightened of bathing. If they wanted security and peace they needed only to stay in Europe. The European culture cannot be for democracy and at the same time commit the atrocities it has and expect anyone to believe your patriotic speech.

I agree that the penitential for Africa to explode in economic prosperity is present. Until both corruption can be conquered, and security can be established, Africa will remain in poverty and cultural regression.

The Europeans simply made treaties with a losing tribe against the other warring tribe in return for land. While this was not the case in every circumstance, Africa still fell into European hands on a silver platter held by Africans. There is no reason to steal what Africans were willing to give you. In the age of mercantilism at the expansion of the industrial revolution, the country that did not colonize was economically and militarily behind their foes who would seek their destruction. What Europeans did in Africa was an objective means to mitigate this risk.

Innocence is not part of the culture. Europeans went in and attempted to commit genocide against several African nations. They killed more Africans than Jews in Europe. A very insignificant amount of Africans willingly signed over their land. You can give that a rest. You must think you are talking to someone that doesn't know any better. :lol:

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cecil Rhodes: A Bad Man in Africa

Not exactly a historic change in the status quo. Though I believe that Belgium was the worst of offenders.

Wars are part of every civilization. Both small tribes and mighty nations in Africa have been involved in war since people first carved knives out of stone. The development of metals, such as copper, bronze and iron, meant the weapons of war became much more powerful.

The continent itself was rich with natural resources. Heavy farming in North Africa, however, caused the land to become dry and barren. Soon the desert land of the Sahara became the dominant feature. Food became hard to grow which meant some tribes had to fight to get access to food.

Sometimes people fought to protect a river shore for safe fishing. At other times they had to defend against kingdoms from across the sea. Traders came from Europe and Asia to bargain and sometimes to steal supplies and resources.

People also came to force their culture or religion on the inhabitants of Africa in religious crusades. Over the centuries, wars have been fought nearly everywhere on the continent. Even today, African countries are embroiled in brutal conflicts over borders, religion, tribal disputes, or resources. Africa Wars
I agree that the penitential for Africa to explode in economic prosperity is present. Until both corruption can be conquered, and security can be established, Africa will remain in poverty and cultural regression.

The Europeans simply made treaties with a losing tribe against the other warring tribe in return for land. While this was not the case in every circumstance, Africa still fell into European hands on a silver platter held by Africans. There is no reason to steal what Africans were willing to give you. In the age of mercantilism at the expansion of the industrial revolution, the country that did not colonize was economically and militarily behind their foes who would seek their destruction. What Europeans did in Africa was an objective means to mitigate this risk.

Innocence is not part of the culture. Europeans went in and attempted to commit genocide against several African nations. They killed more Africans than Jews in Europe. A very insignificant amount of Africans willingly signed over their land. You can give that a rest. You must think you are talking to someone that doesn't know any better. :lol:

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cecil Rhodes: A Bad Man in Africa

Not exactly a historic change in the status quo. Though I believe that Belgium was the worst of offenders.

Wars are part of every civilization. Both small tribes and mighty nations in Africa have been involved in war since people first carved knives out of stone. The development of metals, such as copper, bronze and iron, meant the weapons of war became much more powerful.

The continent itself was rich with natural resources. Heavy farming in North Africa, however, caused the land to become dry and barren. Soon the desert land of the Sahara became the dominant feature. Food became hard to grow which meant some tribes had to fight to get access to food.

Sometimes people fought to protect a river shore for safe fishing. At other times they had to defend against kingdoms from across the sea. Traders came from Europe and Asia to bargain and sometimes to steal supplies and resources.

People also came to force their culture or religion on the inhabitants of Africa in religious crusades. Over the centuries, wars have been fought nearly everywhere on the continent. Even today, African countries are embroiled in brutal conflicts over borders, religion, tribal disputes, or resources. Africa Wars

Thats some more made up rationalization you whites like to spread around. The warring tribes are a direct result of Europeans carving up Africa without regard to traditional borders as I have already pointed out to you. Again try that on someone that doesn't know better. The new colonization technique involves bad loans at extremely high rates to feed the banking cartels. This fiat money is used to buy influence and start more wars in these countries already in trouble due to European influence. Everywhere you look European culture. Your culture is the cause of problems in this world. You should be ashamed to sit there and attempt to rationalize it. I know how you truly feel about it. Dont be a unprincipled liar.
Innocence is not part of the culture. Europeans went in and attempted to commit genocide against several African nations. They killed more Africans than Jews in Europe. A very insignificant amount of Africans willingly signed over their land. You can give that a rest. You must think you are talking to someone that doesn't know any better. :lol:

Herero and Namaqua Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cecil Rhodes: A Bad Man in Africa

Not exactly a historic change in the status quo. Though I believe that Belgium was the worst of offenders.

Wars are part of every civilization. Both small tribes and mighty nations in Africa have been involved in war since people first carved knives out of stone. The development of metals, such as copper, bronze and iron, meant the weapons of war became much more powerful.

The continent itself was rich with natural resources. Heavy farming in North Africa, however, caused the land to become dry and barren. Soon the desert land of the Sahara became the dominant feature. Food became hard to grow which meant some tribes had to fight to get access to food.

Sometimes people fought to protect a river shore for safe fishing. At other times they had to defend against kingdoms from across the sea. Traders came from Europe and Asia to bargain and sometimes to steal supplies and resources.

People also came to force their culture or religion on the inhabitants of Africa in religious crusades. Over the centuries, wars have been fought nearly everywhere on the continent. Even today, African countries are embroiled in brutal conflicts over borders, religion, tribal disputes, or resources. Africa Wars

Thats some more made up rationalization you whites like to spread around. The warring tribes are a direct result of Europeans carving up Africa without regard to traditional borders as I have already pointed out to you. Again try that on someone that doesn't know better. The new colonization technique involves bad loans at extremely high rates to feed the banking cartels. This fiat money is used to buy influence and start more wars in these countries already in trouble due to European influence. Everywhere you look European culture. Your culture is the cause of problems in this world. You should be ashamed to sit there and attempt to rationalize it. I know how you truly feel about it. Dont be a unprincipled liar.

It seems to me that what you describe wasn't a change from the status quo.

War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the 19th Century - Ohio University Press & Swallow Press

circa 12,376 B.C.E. Cemetery 117
circa 3,100 B.C.E. Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt
1,600 B.C.E. Hyksos conquest of Egypt
925 B.C.E. Battle of Bitter Lakes
727 B.C.E. Kushite Invasion to Egypt
661 B.C.E. Esarhaddon of the Neo-Assyrian Empire conquered Egypt
525 B.C.E. Battle of Pelusium
January 10, 49 B.C.E. — March 17, 45 B.C.E. Caesar's Civil War
32 B.C.E. — August 30 B.C.E. Final War of the Roman Republic
618 C.E. — 621 C.E. Sassanid conquest of Egypt
639 C.E. — 642 C.E. Muslim conquest of Egypt
809 C.E. — 827 C.E. Great Abbasid Civil War
1803 C.E. — 1807 C.E. Muhammad Ali's seizure of power
1881 C.E. — 1899 C.E. Mahdist War
September 1, 1939 C.E. — September 2, 1945 C.E. World War II
October 29, 1956 C.E. — November 7, 1956 C.E. Suez Crisis
June 5, 1967 C.E. — June 10, 1967 C.E. Six Day War
July 1, 1967 C.E. — August 7, 1970 C.E. War of Attrition
October 6, 1973 C.E. — October 25, 1973 C.E. Yom Kippur War
July 21, 1977 C.E. — July 24, 1977 C.E. Libyan-Egyptian War
circa 1279 B.C.E. — 1213 B.C.E. Ramesses II's campaigns in Nubia
23 B.C.E. The Roman prefect of Egypt invaded the Kingdom of Kush after an initial attack by the queen of Meröe, razing Napata to the ground
1881 C.E. — 1899 C.E. The Mahdist War
September 1, 1939 C.E. — September 2, 1945 C.E. World War II
August 18,1955 C.E. — March 27, 1972 C.E. First Sudanese Civil War
April 1983 C.E. — January 2005 C.E. Second Sudanese Civil War
1987 C.E. — ongoing Lord's Resistance Army insurgency
2003 C.E. — ongoing War in Darfur
December 18, 2005 C.E. — January 15, 2010 C.E. Chad-Sudan conflict
January 2009 C.E. — ongoing Sudanese nomadic conflicts
January 7, 2011 C.E. — ongoing South Sudan internal conflict
May 19, 2011 C.E. — ongoing Sudan internal conflict
March 26, 2012 C.E. — September 26, 2012 C.E. Sudan–South Sudan Border War
circa 1279 B.C.E. — 1213 B.C.E. Ramesses II's Campaigns in Libya
264 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
1420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 1533 C.E. — March 1534 C.E. Vandalic War
1544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
1647 C.E. — 1709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
1793 C.E. — 1795 C.E. Tripolitanian civil war
1977 Libyan-Egyptian War
1978 – 1987 Chadian-Libyan conflict
1911 – 1943 Libyan resistance movement
1911 - 1912 Italo-Turkish War
1943 North African Campaign (World War II)
2011 Libyan civil war
2011 - present Post-civil war violence in Libya
164 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
238 C.E. Battle of Carthage
420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 533 C.E. — March 534 C.E. Vandalic War
535 C.E. — 563 C.E. The Moorish Wars
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
June 10, 1940 C.E. — May 13, 1943 C.E. North African Campaign (World War II)
1952 C.E. — 1956 C.E. Tunisian independence
July 19, 1961 C.E. — July 23, 1961 C.E. Bizerte crisis
December 18, 2010 C.E. — January 14, 2011 C.E. Tunisian revolution
264 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 533 C.E. — March 534 C.E. Vandalic War
544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
1,517 C.E. Fall of Tlemcen
1,529 C.E. Capture of Algiers
1,830 C.E. — 1,847 C.E. French conquest of Algeria
1,835 C.E. — 1,903 C.E. Pacification of Algeria
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — May 13, 1,943 C.E. North African Campaign (World War II)
May 8, 1,945 C.E. Sétif and Guelma massacre
November 1, 1,954 C.E. — March 19, 1,962 C.E. Algerian War
October 1,963 C.E. Sand War
December 26, 1,991 C.E. — February 2,002 C.E. Algerian Civil War
264 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 533 C.E. — March 534 C.E. Vandalic War
544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
739 C.E. — 743 C.E. Berber Revolt
1130 C.E. — 1147 C.E. Almoravid—Almohad War
1130 C.E. — 1147 C.E. Almoravid—Almohad War
1215 C.E. — 1269 C.E. Almohad—Marinid War
1125 C.E. — 1269 C.E. Almohad—Marinid War
1299 C.E. — 1370 C.E. Morocco—Tlemcen conflict
1415 C.E. — 1578 C.E. Moroccan—Portuguese conflict
1465 C.E. Moroccan Revolt
1527 C.E. — 1554 C.E. Wattassid—Saadian War
1527 C.E. — 1554 C.E. Wattassid—Saadian War
September 1497 C.E. Conquest of Melilla
1603 C.E. — 1627 C.E. War of Succession
1554 C.E. — 1830 C.E. Moroccan—Turkish border conflict
1577 C.E. A Moroccan expedition occupied Taghaza
1582 C.E. A first expedition to Timbuktu was defeated
1591 C.E. A Moroccan expeditionary force defeated the Songhay army at Tondibi and conquered Gao, Timbuktu and Djenné
1554 C.E. — 1830 C.E. Moroccan—Turkish border conflict
1613 C.E. — 1666 C.E. Civil War
1844 C.E. First Franco—Moroccan War
1859 C.E. Spanish—Moroccan War
1893 C.E. Rif War
1909 C.E. Rif War
1911 C.E. — 1912 C.E. Second Franco—Moroccan War
1920 C.E. — 1926 C.E. Rif War
1914 C.E. — 1921 C.E. Zaian War
1942 C.E. North African Campaign
1957 C.E. — 1958 C.E. Ifni War
1963 C.E. Sand War
1975 C.E. — 1991 C.E. Western Sahara War
circa 1,203 C.E. — 1,243 C.E. Dunama Dabbalemi, of the Sayfawa dynasty, mai of the Kanem Empire, declared jihad against the surrounding tribes and initiated an extended period of conquest
circa 1,455 C.E. — 1,487 C.E. Ali Gazi, ruler of the Bornu Empire, took on the Bulala nomads, defeated them, and re-captured the old Kanem capital, Njimi
Rabih's War
1,965 C.E. — 1,979 C.E. Civil war in Chad
1,978 C.E. — 1,987 C.E. Chadian-Libyan conflict
1,979 C.E. — 1,982 C.E. Civil war in Chad
1,998 C.E. — 2,002 C.E. Civil war in Chad
April 11, 2,002 C.E. — ongoing Insurgency in the Maghreb
December 18, 2,005 C.E. — January 15, 2,010 C.E. Civil war in Chad
Horn of Africa[edit]

circa 1,700 B.C.E. Invasion of Ancient Egypt by the Kingdom of Kush and the Land of Punt
1,529 C.E. — 1,543 C.E. Ethiopian-Adal War
1,900 C.E. — 1,920 C.E. Somaliland Campaign
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign (World War II)
August 3, 1,940 C.E. — August 19, 1,940 C.E. Italian conquest of British Somaliland
July 13, 1,977 C.E. — March 15, 1,978 C.E. Ethio-Somali War
1,986 C.E. — 1,991 C.E. Somali Rebellion
January 26, 1,991 C.E. — ongoing Somali Civil War
1,995 C.E. — 2,008 C.E. Insurgency in Ogaden
circa 1285 C.E. Ifat's conquest of shewa
1529 C.E. — 1543 C.E. Ethiopian-Adal War
March 1529 C.E. Battle of Shimbra Kure
1531 C.E. Battle of Antukyah
October 28, 1531 C.E. Battle of Amba Sel
April 24, 1541 C.E. Battle of Sahart
February 2, 1542 C.E. Battle of Baçente
April 4, 1542 C.E. — April 16, 1,542 C.E. Battle of Jarte
August 1542 C.E. Battle of the Hill of the Jews
August 28, 1542 C.E. Battle of Wofla
February 21, 1543 C.E. Battle of Wayna Daga
1,895 C.E. — 1896 C.E. First Italo-Ethiopia War
March 1, 1896 C.E. Battle of Adwa
December 7, 1895 C.E. Battle of Amba Alagi
January 13, 1895 C.E. Battle of Coatit
October 3, 1935 C.E. — May 1,936 C.E. Second Italo-Abyssinian War
June 10, 1940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign
July 13, 1977 C.E. — March 15, 1,978 C.E. Ethio-Somali War
September 1, 1961 C.E. — May 29, 1991 C.E. Eritrean War of Independence
November 1,991 C.E. — December 1,994 C.E. Djiboutian Civil War
June 10, 2,008 C.E. — June 13, 2,008 C.E. Djiboutian-Eritrean border conflict
1,895 C.E. — 1,896 C.E. First Italo-Ethiopia War
October 3, 1,935 C.E. — May 1,936 C.E. Second Italo-Abyssinian War
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign (World War II)
February 1,972 C.E. — March 1,981 C.E. Eritrean Civil Wars
September 1, 1,961 C.E. — May 29, 1,991 C.E. Eritrean War of Independence
List of massacres committed during the Eritrean War of Independence
May 6, 1,998 C.E. — May 25, 2,000 C.E. Eritrean-Ethiopian War
Indian Ocean islands[edit]

1,883 C.E. — 1,885 C.E. First Madagascar expedition
1,894 C.E. — 1,895 C.E. Second Madagascar expedition
1,942 C.E. Battle of Madagascar (World War II)
1,947 C.E. — 1,948 C.E. Madagascar revolt
March 25, 2,008 C.E. — March 26, 2,008 C.E. Invasion of Anjouan
August 20, 1,810 C.E. — August 27, 1,810 C.E. Battle of Grand Port
African Great Lakes[edit]

October 1, 1,990 C.E. — July 18, 1,994 C.E. Rwandan Civil War
April 7, 1,994 C.E. — July 15, 1,994 C.E. Rwandan Genocide
1,972 C.E. Burundi genocide
October 21, 1,993 C.E. — August 2,005 C.E. Burundi Civil War
December 28, 2,000 C.E. Titanic Express Massacre
September 9, 2,002 C.E. Itaba Massacre
August 13, 2,004 C.E. Gatumba Massacre
January 25, 1,971 C.E. 1971 Ugandan coup d'état
July 4, 1,976 C.E. Operation Entebbe
October 30, 1,978 C.E. — April 11, 1,979 C.E. Uganda-Tanzania War
April 11, 1,979 C.E. Fall of Kampala
1,980 C.E. — 1,985 C.E. Uganda National Rescue Front
1,982 C.E. — 1,986 C.E. Ugandan Civil War
1,986 C.E. — 1,988 C.E. Uganda People's Democratic Army
1,986 C.E. — 1,987 C.E. Holy Spirit Movement
1,987 C.E. — ongoing Lord's Resistance Army
1,996 C.E. Allied Democratic Forces
1,996 C.E. — 2,002 C.E. Uganda National Rescue Front II
August 3, 1,914 C.E. — November 1,918 C.E. East African Campaign (World War I)
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign (World War II)
1,952 C.E. — 1,960 C.E. Mau Mau Uprising
1,963 C.E. — 1,967 C.E. Shifta War
February 10, 1,984 C.E. Wagalla massacre
2,005 C.E. Turbi Village Massacre
2,007 C.E. — 2,008 C.E. Kenyan crisis
1,978 C.E. — 1,979 C.E. Uganda-Tanzania War
West Africa[edit]

1,578 C.E. — 1,608 C.E. Oyo-Benin War
1,724 C.E. — 1,727 C.E. Abomey (Dahomey) conquests
1,726 C.E. — 1,730 C.E. First Oyo-Dahomey War
1,738 C.E. — 1,748 C.E. Second Oyo-Dahomey War
1,764 C.E. Second Ashanti-Akim War
1,768 C.E. Yoruba-Ashanti War
1,889 C.E. — 1,894 C.E. France conquers Dahomey
1,897 C.E. Benin Expedition
Burkina Faso[edit]
1,985 C.E. Agacher Strip War
1,804 C.E. — 1,808 C.E. Fulani War
1,835 C.E. — 1,836 C.E. Fula jihads
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 1, 1,939 C.E. — September 2, 1,945 C.E. World War II
Côte d'Ivoire[edit]
1,883 C.E. — 1,898 C.E. Mandingo Wars
September 19, 2,002 C.E. — March 4, 2,007 C.E. Civil war in Côte d'Ivoire
September 1, 1,939 C.E. — September 2, 1,945 C.E. World War II
This section is empty. You can help by adding to it. (July 2010)
1,620 C.E. — 1,654 C.E. Dutch–Portuguese War
1,664 C.E. — 1,665 C.E. Anglo-Dutch Wars
1,823 C.E. — 1,831 C.E. Anglo-Ashanti wars
1,900 C.E. War of the Golden Stool
1,948 C.E. Accra Riots
2,013 C.E. Guinea clashes
1,963 C.E. — 1,974 C.E. Guinea-Bissau War of Independence
1,998 C.E. — 1,999 C.E. Guinea-Bissau Civil War
1,989 C.E. — 1,996 C.E. First Liberian Civil War
1,999 C.E. — 2,003 C.E. Second Liberian Civil War
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
1,075 C.E. Almoravid conquest of the Ghana Empire
circa 1,230 C.E. — 1,250 C.E. Early imperial expansion of the Mali Empire
1,400 C.E. The Sandaki usurpation and second Mossi raid
1,433 C.E. The Tuareg invasion
Circa 1,460s C.E. Songhai conquered Mema
1,810 C.E. — 1,818 C.E. Mopti Jihad
1,848 C.E. — 1,864 C.E. Initial conquests of El Hadj Umar Tall Jihad
1,883 C.E. — 1,886 C.E. Mandingo Wars
1,962 C.E. — 1,964 C.E. First Tuareg rebellion
1,985 C.E. Agacher Strip War
1,990 C.E. — 1,995 C.E. Azawad insurgency and Malian civil war
2,002 C.E. — ongoing Insurgency in the Maghreb
2,007 C.E. — 2,009 C.E. Second Tuareg rebellion
2,012 C.E. — Third Tuareg Rebellion
2,012 C.E. — ongoing Northern Mali conflict
1,516 C.E. — 1,517 C.E. Songhai Civil War
1,916 C.E. — 1,917 C.E. Kaocen Revolt
1,990 C.E. — 1,995 C.E. First Azawad insurgency
2,002 C.E. — ongoing Insurgency in the Maghreb
2,007 C.E. — 2,009 C.E. Second Azawad insurgency
2,012 C.E. Tuareg Rebellion
1,804 C.E. — 1,808 C.E. Fulani War
1,835 C.E. — 1,836 C.E. Fula jihads
1,873 C.E. — Rafin Jaki Jihad
1,967 C.E. — 1,970 C.E. Nigerian Civil War
2,000 C.E. — Nigerian Sharia conflict
2,004 C.E. — Conflict in the Niger Delta
2,009 C.E. — Nigerian sectarian violence
2,010 C.E. — Jos riots
São Tomé and Príncipe[edit]
February 3, 1,953 C.E. Batepá Massacre
Sierra Leone[edit]
February 7, 1,813 C.E. Action
1,982 C.E. Ndogboyosoi War
March 23, 1,991 C.E. — January 18, 2,002 C.E. Sierra Leone Civil War
Western Sahara[edit]
October 23, 1,957 C.E. — June 30, 1,958 C.E. Ifni War
October 30, 1,975 C.E. — September 6, 1,991 C.E. Western Sahara War
Central Africa[edit]

Central African Republic[edit]
1,928 C.E. — 1,931 C.E. Kongo-Wara
2,004 C.E. — 2,007 C.E. Central African Republic Bush War
Republic of Congo[edit]
1,665 C.E. — 1,709 C.E. Kongo Civil War
1,997 C.E. — 1,999 C.E. Congo (Brazzaville) Civil War
Democratic Republic of Congo[edit]
1,885 C.E. — 1,908 C.E. Congo Free State
June 30, 1,960 C.E. — November 25, 1,966 C.E. Congo Crisis
1,964 C.E. Simba Rebellion
March 8, 1,977 C.E. — May 26, 1,977 C.E. Shaba I
May 11, 1,978 C.E. — June 1,978 C.E. Shaba II
October 24, 1,996 C.E. — May 16, 1,997 C.E. First Congo War
August 2, 1,998 C.E. — July 18, 2,003 C.E. Second Congo War
1,999 C.E. — 2,007 C.E. Ituri Conflict
2,004 C.E. — ongoing Kivu Conflict
Southern Africa[edit]

South Africa[edit]
January 11, 1,879 C.E. — July 4, 1,879 C.E. Anglo-Zulu War
1,779 C.E. — 1,879 C.E. Xhosa Wars
1,830s C.E. — 1,840s C.E. Great Trek
May 18, 1,803 C.E. — November 20, 1,815 C.E. Napoleonic Wars
December 20, 1,880 C.E. — March 23, 1,881 C.E. First Boer War
October 11, 1,899 C.E. — May 31, 1,902 C.E. Second Boer War
March 21, 1,960 C.E. Sharpeville Massacre
June 16, 1,976 C.E. Soweto Uprising
August 26, 1,966 C.E. — March 21, 1,990 C.E. South African Border War
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 15, 1,914 C.E. — February 4, 1,915 C.E. Maritz Rebellion
February 17, 1,838 C.E. Weenen Massacre
1,817 C.E. — 1,819 C.E. Ndwandwe–Zulu War
October 1,893 C.E. — January 1,894 C.E. First Matabele War
March 1,896 C.E. — October 1,897 C.E. Second Matabele War
July 4, 1,964 C.E. — December 12, 1,979 C.E. Second Chimurenga/Rhodesian Bush War
October 11, 1,899 C.E. — May 31, 1,902 C.E. Second Boer War
1,880 C.E. — 1,881 C.E. Gun War
1,998 C.E. South African intervention in Lesotho
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 25, 1,964 C.E. — September 8, 1,974 C.E. Mozambican War of Independence
May 30, 1,977 C.E. — October 4, 1,992 C.E. Mozambican Civil War
February 4, 1,961 C.E. — April 25, 1,974 C.E. Angolan War of Independence
November 11, 1,975 C.E. — April 4, 2,002 C.E. Angolan Civil War
August 3, 1,914 C.E. — November 1,918 C.E. World War I
1,994 C.E. — 1,999 C.E. Caprivi conflict
1,904 C.E. — 1,907 C.E. Herero Genocide
August 26, 1,966 C.E. — March 21, 1,990 C.E. Namibian War of Independence
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 15, 1,914 C.E. — February 4, 1,915 C.E. Maritz Rebellion
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 1, 1,939 C.E. — September 2, 1,945 C.E. World War II
Chronological List of wars[edit]

21st Century[edit]
2001–present War on Terrorism
1997–present Islamic Terrorism in Egypt
2002–present Islamic insurgency in the Maghreb
2002–present Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn of Africa
2006 Rise of the Islamic Courts Union
2006–2009 Ethiopian War in Somalia
2007–present Operation Enduring Freedom - Trans Sahara
2009–present Islamist civil war in Somalia
2009 Taliban insurgency in Nigeria
2001–2003 Central African Republic civil war
2002–2003 Ivorian Civil War
2003–2009 War in Darfur
2004 French–Ivorian clashes
2004–present Conflict in the Niger Delta
2004–2007 Central African Republic Bush War
2004–present Kivu conflict
2005–2010 Chadian Civil War
2005–2008 Mount Elgon insurgency
2007–2009 Second Tuareg Rebellion
2007–2008 Kenyan crisis
2008 Invasion of Anjouan
2008 Djiboutian–Eritrean border conflict
2009 Sudan airstrikes
2011 Second Ivorian Civil War
2011 Libyan civil war
2012–present Tuareg rebellion
Not exactly a historic change in the status quo. Though I believe that Belgium was the worst of offenders.

Thats some more made up rationalization you whites like to spread around. The warring tribes are a direct result of Europeans carving up Africa without regard to traditional borders as I have already pointed out to you. Again try that on someone that doesn't know better. The new colonization technique involves bad loans at extremely high rates to feed the banking cartels. This fiat money is used to buy influence and start more wars in these countries already in trouble due to European influence. Everywhere you look European culture. Your culture is the cause of problems in this world. You should be ashamed to sit there and attempt to rationalize it. I know how you truly feel about it. Dont be a unprincipled liar.

It seems to me that what you describe wasn't a change from the status quo.

War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the 19th Century - Ohio University Press & Swallow Press

circa 12,376 B.C.E. Cemetery 117
circa 3,100 B.C.E. Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt
1,600 B.C.E. Hyksos conquest of Egypt
925 B.C.E. Battle of Bitter Lakes
727 B.C.E. Kushite Invasion to Egypt
661 B.C.E. Esarhaddon of the Neo-Assyrian Empire conquered Egypt
525 B.C.E. Battle of Pelusium
January 10, 49 B.C.E. — March 17, 45 B.C.E. Caesar's Civil War
32 B.C.E. — August 30 B.C.E. Final War of the Roman Republic
618 C.E. — 621 C.E. Sassanid conquest of Egypt
639 C.E. — 642 C.E. Muslim conquest of Egypt
809 C.E. — 827 C.E. Great Abbasid Civil War
1803 C.E. — 1807 C.E. Muhammad Ali's seizure of power
1881 C.E. — 1899 C.E. Mahdist War
September 1, 1939 C.E. — September 2, 1945 C.E. World War II
October 29, 1956 C.E. — November 7, 1956 C.E. Suez Crisis
June 5, 1967 C.E. — June 10, 1967 C.E. Six Day War
July 1, 1967 C.E. — August 7, 1970 C.E. War of Attrition
October 6, 1973 C.E. — October 25, 1973 C.E. Yom Kippur War
July 21, 1977 C.E. — July 24, 1977 C.E. Libyan-Egyptian War
circa 1279 B.C.E. — 1213 B.C.E. Ramesses II's campaigns in Nubia
23 B.C.E. The Roman prefect of Egypt invaded the Kingdom of Kush after an initial attack by the queen of Meröe, razing Napata to the ground
1881 C.E. — 1899 C.E. The Mahdist War
September 1, 1939 C.E. — September 2, 1945 C.E. World War II
August 18,1955 C.E. — March 27, 1972 C.E. First Sudanese Civil War
April 1983 C.E. — January 2005 C.E. Second Sudanese Civil War
1987 C.E. — ongoing Lord's Resistance Army insurgency
2003 C.E. — ongoing War in Darfur
December 18, 2005 C.E. — January 15, 2010 C.E. Chad-Sudan conflict
January 2009 C.E. — ongoing Sudanese nomadic conflicts
January 7, 2011 C.E. — ongoing South Sudan internal conflict
May 19, 2011 C.E. — ongoing Sudan internal conflict
March 26, 2012 C.E. — September 26, 2012 C.E. Sudan–South Sudan Border War
circa 1279 B.C.E. — 1213 B.C.E. Ramesses II's Campaigns in Libya
264 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
1420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 1533 C.E. — March 1534 C.E. Vandalic War
1544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
1647 C.E. — 1709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
1793 C.E. — 1795 C.E. Tripolitanian civil war
1977 Libyan-Egyptian War
1978 – 1987 Chadian-Libyan conflict
1911 – 1943 Libyan resistance movement
1911 - 1912 Italo-Turkish War
1943 North African Campaign (World War II)
2011 Libyan civil war
2011 - present Post-civil war violence in Libya
164 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
238 C.E. Battle of Carthage
420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 533 C.E. — March 534 C.E. Vandalic War
535 C.E. — 563 C.E. The Moorish Wars
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
June 10, 1940 C.E. — May 13, 1943 C.E. North African Campaign (World War II)
1952 C.E. — 1956 C.E. Tunisian independence
July 19, 1961 C.E. — July 23, 1961 C.E. Bizerte crisis
December 18, 2010 C.E. — January 14, 2011 C.E. Tunisian revolution
264 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 533 C.E. — March 534 C.E. Vandalic War
544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
1,517 C.E. Fall of Tlemcen
1,529 C.E. Capture of Algiers
1,830 C.E. — 1,847 C.E. French conquest of Algeria
1,835 C.E. — 1,903 C.E. Pacification of Algeria
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — May 13, 1,943 C.E. North African Campaign (World War II)
May 8, 1,945 C.E. Sétif and Guelma massacre
November 1, 1,954 C.E. — March 19, 1,962 C.E. Algerian War
October 1,963 C.E. Sand War
December 26, 1,991 C.E. — February 2,002 C.E. Algerian Civil War
264 B.C.E. — 146 B.C.E. Punic Wars
112 B.C.E. — 106 B.C.E. Jugurthine War
420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province
June 533 C.E. — March 534 C.E. Vandalic War
544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
739 C.E. — 743 C.E. Berber Revolt
1130 C.E. — 1147 C.E. Almoravid—Almohad War
1130 C.E. — 1147 C.E. Almoravid—Almohad War
1215 C.E. — 1269 C.E. Almohad—Marinid War
1125 C.E. — 1269 C.E. Almohad—Marinid War
1299 C.E. — 1370 C.E. Morocco—Tlemcen conflict
1415 C.E. — 1578 C.E. Moroccan—Portuguese conflict
1465 C.E. Moroccan Revolt
1527 C.E. — 1554 C.E. Wattassid—Saadian War
1527 C.E. — 1554 C.E. Wattassid—Saadian War
September 1497 C.E. Conquest of Melilla
1603 C.E. — 1627 C.E. War of Succession
1554 C.E. — 1830 C.E. Moroccan—Turkish border conflict
1577 C.E. A Moroccan expedition occupied Taghaza
1582 C.E. A first expedition to Timbuktu was defeated
1591 C.E. A Moroccan expeditionary force defeated the Songhay army at Tondibi and conquered Gao, Timbuktu and Djenné
1554 C.E. — 1830 C.E. Moroccan—Turkish border conflict
1613 C.E. — 1666 C.E. Civil War
1844 C.E. First Franco—Moroccan War
1859 C.E. Spanish—Moroccan War
1893 C.E. Rif War
1909 C.E. Rif War
1911 C.E. — 1912 C.E. Second Franco—Moroccan War
1920 C.E. — 1926 C.E. Rif War
1914 C.E. — 1921 C.E. Zaian War
1942 C.E. North African Campaign
1957 C.E. — 1958 C.E. Ifni War
1963 C.E. Sand War
1975 C.E. — 1991 C.E. Western Sahara War
circa 1,203 C.E. — 1,243 C.E. Dunama Dabbalemi, of the Sayfawa dynasty, mai of the Kanem Empire, declared jihad against the surrounding tribes and initiated an extended period of conquest
circa 1,455 C.E. — 1,487 C.E. Ali Gazi, ruler of the Bornu Empire, took on the Bulala nomads, defeated them, and re-captured the old Kanem capital, Njimi
Rabih's War
1,965 C.E. — 1,979 C.E. Civil war in Chad
1,978 C.E. — 1,987 C.E. Chadian-Libyan conflict
1,979 C.E. — 1,982 C.E. Civil war in Chad
1,998 C.E. — 2,002 C.E. Civil war in Chad
April 11, 2,002 C.E. — ongoing Insurgency in the Maghreb
December 18, 2,005 C.E. — January 15, 2,010 C.E. Civil war in Chad
Horn of Africa[edit]

circa 1,700 B.C.E. Invasion of Ancient Egypt by the Kingdom of Kush and the Land of Punt
1,529 C.E. — 1,543 C.E. Ethiopian-Adal War
1,900 C.E. — 1,920 C.E. Somaliland Campaign
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign (World War II)
August 3, 1,940 C.E. — August 19, 1,940 C.E. Italian conquest of British Somaliland
July 13, 1,977 C.E. — March 15, 1,978 C.E. Ethio-Somali War
1,986 C.E. — 1,991 C.E. Somali Rebellion
January 26, 1,991 C.E. — ongoing Somali Civil War
1,995 C.E. — 2,008 C.E. Insurgency in Ogaden
circa 1285 C.E. Ifat's conquest of shewa
1529 C.E. — 1543 C.E. Ethiopian-Adal War
March 1529 C.E. Battle of Shimbra Kure
1531 C.E. Battle of Antukyah
October 28, 1531 C.E. Battle of Amba Sel
April 24, 1541 C.E. Battle of Sahart
February 2, 1542 C.E. Battle of Baçente
April 4, 1542 C.E. — April 16, 1,542 C.E. Battle of Jarte
August 1542 C.E. Battle of the Hill of the Jews
August 28, 1542 C.E. Battle of Wofla
February 21, 1543 C.E. Battle of Wayna Daga
1,895 C.E. — 1896 C.E. First Italo-Ethiopia War
March 1, 1896 C.E. Battle of Adwa
December 7, 1895 C.E. Battle of Amba Alagi
January 13, 1895 C.E. Battle of Coatit
October 3, 1935 C.E. — May 1,936 C.E. Second Italo-Abyssinian War
June 10, 1940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign
July 13, 1977 C.E. — March 15, 1,978 C.E. Ethio-Somali War
September 1, 1961 C.E. — May 29, 1991 C.E. Eritrean War of Independence
November 1,991 C.E. — December 1,994 C.E. Djiboutian Civil War
June 10, 2,008 C.E. — June 13, 2,008 C.E. Djiboutian-Eritrean border conflict
1,895 C.E. — 1,896 C.E. First Italo-Ethiopia War
October 3, 1,935 C.E. — May 1,936 C.E. Second Italo-Abyssinian War
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign (World War II)
February 1,972 C.E. — March 1,981 C.E. Eritrean Civil Wars
September 1, 1,961 C.E. — May 29, 1,991 C.E. Eritrean War of Independence
List of massacres committed during the Eritrean War of Independence
May 6, 1,998 C.E. — May 25, 2,000 C.E. Eritrean-Ethiopian War
Indian Ocean islands[edit]

1,883 C.E. — 1,885 C.E. First Madagascar expedition
1,894 C.E. — 1,895 C.E. Second Madagascar expedition
1,942 C.E. Battle of Madagascar (World War II)
1,947 C.E. — 1,948 C.E. Madagascar revolt
March 25, 2,008 C.E. — March 26, 2,008 C.E. Invasion of Anjouan
August 20, 1,810 C.E. — August 27, 1,810 C.E. Battle of Grand Port
African Great Lakes[edit]

October 1, 1,990 C.E. — July 18, 1,994 C.E. Rwandan Civil War
April 7, 1,994 C.E. — July 15, 1,994 C.E. Rwandan Genocide
1,972 C.E. Burundi genocide
October 21, 1,993 C.E. — August 2,005 C.E. Burundi Civil War
December 28, 2,000 C.E. Titanic Express Massacre
September 9, 2,002 C.E. Itaba Massacre
August 13, 2,004 C.E. Gatumba Massacre
January 25, 1,971 C.E. 1971 Ugandan coup d'état
July 4, 1,976 C.E. Operation Entebbe
October 30, 1,978 C.E. — April 11, 1,979 C.E. Uganda-Tanzania War
April 11, 1,979 C.E. Fall of Kampala
1,980 C.E. — 1,985 C.E. Uganda National Rescue Front
1,982 C.E. — 1,986 C.E. Ugandan Civil War
1,986 C.E. — 1,988 C.E. Uganda People's Democratic Army
1,986 C.E. — 1,987 C.E. Holy Spirit Movement
1,987 C.E. — ongoing Lord's Resistance Army
1,996 C.E. Allied Democratic Forces
1,996 C.E. — 2,002 C.E. Uganda National Rescue Front II
August 3, 1,914 C.E. — November 1,918 C.E. East African Campaign (World War I)
June 10, 1,940 C.E. — November 27, 1,941 C.E. East African Campaign (World War II)
1,952 C.E. — 1,960 C.E. Mau Mau Uprising
1,963 C.E. — 1,967 C.E. Shifta War
February 10, 1,984 C.E. Wagalla massacre
2,005 C.E. Turbi Village Massacre
2,007 C.E. — 2,008 C.E. Kenyan crisis
1,978 C.E. — 1,979 C.E. Uganda-Tanzania War
West Africa[edit]

1,578 C.E. — 1,608 C.E. Oyo-Benin War
1,724 C.E. — 1,727 C.E. Abomey (Dahomey) conquests
1,726 C.E. — 1,730 C.E. First Oyo-Dahomey War
1,738 C.E. — 1,748 C.E. Second Oyo-Dahomey War
1,764 C.E. Second Ashanti-Akim War
1,768 C.E. Yoruba-Ashanti War
1,889 C.E. — 1,894 C.E. France conquers Dahomey
1,897 C.E. Benin Expedition
Burkina Faso[edit]
1,985 C.E. Agacher Strip War
1,804 C.E. — 1,808 C.E. Fulani War
1,835 C.E. — 1,836 C.E. Fula jihads
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 1, 1,939 C.E. — September 2, 1,945 C.E. World War II
Côte d'Ivoire[edit]
1,883 C.E. — 1,898 C.E. Mandingo Wars
September 19, 2,002 C.E. — March 4, 2,007 C.E. Civil war in Côte d'Ivoire
September 1, 1,939 C.E. — September 2, 1,945 C.E. World War II
This section is empty. You can help by adding to it. (July 2010)
1,620 C.E. — 1,654 C.E. Dutch–Portuguese War
1,664 C.E. — 1,665 C.E. Anglo-Dutch Wars
1,823 C.E. — 1,831 C.E. Anglo-Ashanti wars
1,900 C.E. War of the Golden Stool
1,948 C.E. Accra Riots
2,013 C.E. Guinea clashes
1,963 C.E. — 1,974 C.E. Guinea-Bissau War of Independence
1,998 C.E. — 1,999 C.E. Guinea-Bissau Civil War
1,989 C.E. — 1,996 C.E. First Liberian Civil War
1,999 C.E. — 2,003 C.E. Second Liberian Civil War
647 C.E. — 709 C.E. Muslim conquest of the Maghreb
1,075 C.E. Almoravid conquest of the Ghana Empire
circa 1,230 C.E. — 1,250 C.E. Early imperial expansion of the Mali Empire
1,400 C.E. The Sandaki usurpation and second Mossi raid
1,433 C.E. The Tuareg invasion
Circa 1,460s C.E. Songhai conquered Mema
1,810 C.E. — 1,818 C.E. Mopti Jihad
1,848 C.E. — 1,864 C.E. Initial conquests of El Hadj Umar Tall Jihad
1,883 C.E. — 1,886 C.E. Mandingo Wars
1,962 C.E. — 1,964 C.E. First Tuareg rebellion
1,985 C.E. Agacher Strip War
1,990 C.E. — 1,995 C.E. Azawad insurgency and Malian civil war
2,002 C.E. — ongoing Insurgency in the Maghreb
2,007 C.E. — 2,009 C.E. Second Tuareg rebellion
2,012 C.E. — Third Tuareg Rebellion
2,012 C.E. — ongoing Northern Mali conflict
1,516 C.E. — 1,517 C.E. Songhai Civil War
1,916 C.E. — 1,917 C.E. Kaocen Revolt
1,990 C.E. — 1,995 C.E. First Azawad insurgency
2,002 C.E. — ongoing Insurgency in the Maghreb
2,007 C.E. — 2,009 C.E. Second Azawad insurgency
2,012 C.E. Tuareg Rebellion
1,804 C.E. — 1,808 C.E. Fulani War
1,835 C.E. — 1,836 C.E. Fula jihads
1,873 C.E. — Rafin Jaki Jihad
1,967 C.E. — 1,970 C.E. Nigerian Civil War
2,000 C.E. — Nigerian Sharia conflict
2,004 C.E. — Conflict in the Niger Delta
2,009 C.E. — Nigerian sectarian violence
2,010 C.E. — Jos riots
São Tomé and Príncipe[edit]
February 3, 1,953 C.E. Batepá Massacre
Sierra Leone[edit]
February 7, 1,813 C.E. Action
1,982 C.E. Ndogboyosoi War
March 23, 1,991 C.E. — January 18, 2,002 C.E. Sierra Leone Civil War
Western Sahara[edit]
October 23, 1,957 C.E. — June 30, 1,958 C.E. Ifni War
October 30, 1,975 C.E. — September 6, 1,991 C.E. Western Sahara War
Central Africa[edit]

Central African Republic[edit]
1,928 C.E. — 1,931 C.E. Kongo-Wara
2,004 C.E. — 2,007 C.E. Central African Republic Bush War
Republic of Congo[edit]
1,665 C.E. — 1,709 C.E. Kongo Civil War
1,997 C.E. — 1,999 C.E. Congo (Brazzaville) Civil War
Democratic Republic of Congo[edit]
1,885 C.E. — 1,908 C.E. Congo Free State
June 30, 1,960 C.E. — November 25, 1,966 C.E. Congo Crisis
1,964 C.E. Simba Rebellion
March 8, 1,977 C.E. — May 26, 1,977 C.E. Shaba I
May 11, 1,978 C.E. — June 1,978 C.E. Shaba II
October 24, 1,996 C.E. — May 16, 1,997 C.E. First Congo War
August 2, 1,998 C.E. — July 18, 2,003 C.E. Second Congo War
1,999 C.E. — 2,007 C.E. Ituri Conflict
2,004 C.E. — ongoing Kivu Conflict
Southern Africa[edit]

South Africa[edit]
January 11, 1,879 C.E. — July 4, 1,879 C.E. Anglo-Zulu War
1,779 C.E. — 1,879 C.E. Xhosa Wars
1,830s C.E. — 1,840s C.E. Great Trek
May 18, 1,803 C.E. — November 20, 1,815 C.E. Napoleonic Wars
December 20, 1,880 C.E. — March 23, 1,881 C.E. First Boer War
October 11, 1,899 C.E. — May 31, 1,902 C.E. Second Boer War
March 21, 1,960 C.E. Sharpeville Massacre
June 16, 1,976 C.E. Soweto Uprising
August 26, 1,966 C.E. — March 21, 1,990 C.E. South African Border War
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 15, 1,914 C.E. — February 4, 1,915 C.E. Maritz Rebellion
February 17, 1,838 C.E. Weenen Massacre
1,817 C.E. — 1,819 C.E. Ndwandwe–Zulu War
October 1,893 C.E. — January 1,894 C.E. First Matabele War
March 1,896 C.E. — October 1,897 C.E. Second Matabele War
July 4, 1,964 C.E. — December 12, 1,979 C.E. Second Chimurenga/Rhodesian Bush War
October 11, 1,899 C.E. — May 31, 1,902 C.E. Second Boer War
1,880 C.E. — 1,881 C.E. Gun War
1,998 C.E. South African intervention in Lesotho
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 25, 1,964 C.E. — September 8, 1,974 C.E. Mozambican War of Independence
May 30, 1,977 C.E. — October 4, 1,992 C.E. Mozambican Civil War
February 4, 1,961 C.E. — April 25, 1,974 C.E. Angolan War of Independence
November 11, 1,975 C.E. — April 4, 2,002 C.E. Angolan Civil War
August 3, 1,914 C.E. — November 1,918 C.E. World War I
1,994 C.E. — 1,999 C.E. Caprivi conflict
1,904 C.E. — 1,907 C.E. Herero Genocide
August 26, 1,966 C.E. — March 21, 1,990 C.E. Namibian War of Independence
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 15, 1,914 C.E. — February 4, 1,915 C.E. Maritz Rebellion
July 28, 1,914 C.E. — November 11, 1,918 C.E. World War I
September 1, 1,939 C.E. — September 2, 1,945 C.E. World War II
Chronological List of wars[edit]

21st Century[edit]
2001–present War on Terrorism
1997–present Islamic Terrorism in Egypt
2002–present Islamic insurgency in the Maghreb
2002–present Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn of Africa
2006 Rise of the Islamic Courts Union
2006–2009 Ethiopian War in Somalia
2007–present Operation Enduring Freedom - Trans Sahara
2009–present Islamist civil war in Somalia
2009 Taliban insurgency in Nigeria
2001–2003 Central African Republic civil war
2002–2003 Ivorian Civil War
2003–2009 War in Darfur
2004 French–Ivorian clashes
2004–present Conflict in the Niger Delta
2004–2007 Central African Republic Bush War
2004–present Kivu conflict
2005–2010 Chadian Civil War
2005–2008 Mount Elgon insurgency
2007–2009 Second Tuareg Rebellion
2007–2008 Kenyan crisis
2008 Invasion of Anjouan
2008 Djiboutian–Eritrean border conflict
2009 Sudan airstrikes
2011 Second Ivorian Civil War
2011 Libyan civil war
2012–present Tuareg rebellion

It would only seem like that because your long list was either specifically Egypt with outside attacks, Nubia and Egypt, or after Romans conquered. They were white in case you didn't know. Show me something white boys did not make up to rationalize violence.
is this the non violent white culture Pubis?

Lynching of Jesse Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over 10,000 spectators, including city officials and police, gathered to watch the attack. There was a celebratory atmosphere at the event, and many children attended during their lunch hour. Members of the mob castrated Washington, cut off his fingers, and hung him over a bonfire. He was repeatedly lowered and raised over the fire for about two hours. After the fire was extinguished, his charred torso was dragged through the town and parts of his body were sold as souvenirs. A professional photographer took pictures as the event unfolded, providing rare imagery of a lynching in progress. The pictures were printed and sold as postcards in Waco.
Your intentions in starting this OP are clear. It is an encapsulation of a multiplicity of reasons some white people hate Blacks. Are you one of those? If you believe the undocumented sources of your statistics, you probably are.

But even as you primed and dropped your statistical bomb it revealed nothing that we have not seen or heard before. Actually your narrative and numbers reek with the essence of a resident bigot called Matthew.

However, in your haste to indict all blacks as inferiors, you posted a source that gives us a clue in solving the alleged problem. Did you read your own sources? Comment on the following please:

Shouldn’t we be discussing these clues for resolution rather than your indictment of all Blacks?


Which states do not allow blacks access to schools and resources similar to those given to whites?
Read the link. it was originally posted by your hero, Publius!! Ask him!

Nowhere in that link did it say that blacks were not allowed access to schools.
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

No, the judge no lest ye be judged does not apply here. Blacks are allowed to judge whites, but not the other way around. When blacks do it, it is a redress of years of oppression. When whites do it, it's racism. This likewise applies to MLK's "content of character" speech.
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What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

Thats a pretty simple minded way to look at it. You were not force fed Black culture via the schools, commercials, movies, and politics. All other ethnicities in the US are thoroughly familiar with white culture. Do you think before you post?
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

Thats a pretty simple minded way to look at it. You were not force fed Black culture via the schools, commercials, movies, and politics. All other ethnicities in the US are thoroughly familiar with white culture. Do you think before you post?

I see black people bitching in all of those areas of media. Hell, I can't escape it.
What I find extremely amusing about some white bigot actually having the audacity to attempt to define Black culture is that they have no clue. They have no clue because the concept of Black culture is alien to them. To top it off white culture is full of paradoxes and shrines to heroes that voice what sounds good but when you dig a little deeper you find them to be more akin to eugenic demons in reality. The propensity for violence and genocide is amazing yet they have the nerve to complain when others commit violence. They attempt to fool people by painting themselves as liberating heroes when that is really just the first step to an invasion and destruction. Of course then its ok to be violent because its a sign of "superiority". Everything they have gained is through genocide, slavery, stealing, and dishonesty. You have to wonder if some of these white bigots have any morals or even souls in them at all. SMH and laughing at some of the stuff I have read in this thread. White culture superior? :cuckoo:

If black culture is alien to me because I'm white, then white culture is alien to you because you're black.

No, the judge no lest ye be judged does not apply here. Blacks are allowed to judge whites, but not the other way around. When blacks do it, it is a redress of years of oppression. When whites do it, it's racism. This likewise applies to MLK's "content of character" speech.

The thing is that Blacks don't run around judging white culture by starting threads on it. You do. In fact you are obsessed with it. Don't get perturbed because i as a Black person point out your warped sense of culture and laugh when you think its superior to Black culture.

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