The State of the Black Union

What is the State of Black America?

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I checked these numbers out as well as the chart that shows the participation rate. I still don't see the BLS showing the statistic that you stated with anything regard 55% unemployed. I did see this though:


Yes, but you're not distinguishing between labor force participation and unemployment. Add those not participating the in labor force (meaning they are eligible for work but not looking (not retired or children)) to those unemployed and the number jumps to around 55%. See below

Unemployment Falls to 6.7 Percent Due to Workers Leaving the Labor Force | Jobs Bytes

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977.

Maybe we are both misunderstanding what we are reading? There's not 55% unemployment rate on that page. There is this:

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.

Yes, I combined those who are eligible for work but choose not to work with the unemployment rate. Unemployment requires that you are eligible for work and looking for work. But what if you are eligible for work and aren't looking for work? I add in those not looking. The unemployment rate is much lower than the lack of labor force participation among blacks. Of course, they're being subsidized not to look for a job and much of black labor is under the table or in the underground economy. Anyway, there are more black people eligible to work without jobs than with jobs.
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Yes, but you're not distinguishing between labor force participation and unemployment. Add those not participating the in labor force (meaning they are eligible for work but not looking (not retired or children)) to those unemployed and the number jumps to around 55%. See below

Unemployment Falls to 6.7 Percent Due to Workers Leaving the Labor Force | Jobs Bytes

Maybe we are both misunderstanding what we are reading? There's not 55% unemployment rate on that page. There is this:

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.

Yes, I combined those who are eligible for work but choose not to work with the unemployment rate. Unemployment requires that you are looking for work. That's why the unemployment rate is much lower than the lack of labor force participation among blacks. Of course, they're being subsidized not to look for a job and much of black labor is under the table or in the underground economy.

Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)
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Maybe we are both misunderstanding what we are reading? There's not 55% unemployment rate on that page. There is this:

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.

Yes, I combined those who are eligible for work but choose not to work with the unemployment rate. Unemployment requires that you are looking for work. That's why the unemployment rate is much lower than the lack of labor force participation among blacks. Of course, they're being subsidized not to look for a job and much of black labor is under the table or in the underground economy.

Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)

That is correct. But this does not change the fact that there are more blacks out of work than working. When you take into account retirees and children you figure out that without the white population they could not sustain themselves. This is why white flight destroys cities as the tax base is eroded. The moment you get a large black population, crime goes up, whites move out, the minority becomes the majority, they elect black democrats, more white people get the hell out, and the city is destroyed. This is because there are more black people not working than working and they make up the highest welfare demographic. Detroit is the prime example. Blacks can prosper as a minority in a city. They cannot prosper as the majority. All of this information is in the op.
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Maybe we are both misunderstanding what we are reading? There's not 55% unemployment rate on that page. There is this:

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.

Yes, I combined those who are eligible for work but choose not to work with the unemployment rate. Unemployment requires that you are looking for work. That's why the unemployment rate is much lower than the lack of labor force participation among blacks. Of course, they're being subsidized not to look for a job and much of black labor is under the table or in the underground economy.

Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)

Good luck getting a straight answer. Basically what he's trying to do is build a cherry picked, out of context, statistical foundation upon which he and others can "legitimately" (so they think) claim race superiority. He (and his ilk) intentionally exclude all references to cultural past history, different racial access, cultural and ethnic norms not to mention a slew of other sociological and psychological factors as these would completely destroy his argument. This is the tact the "new racists" are taking as shown when such factors are brought up and completely ignored or dismissed out of hand.
Yes, I combined those who are eligible for work but choose not to work with the unemployment rate. Unemployment requires that you are looking for work. That's why the unemployment rate is much lower than the lack of labor force participation among blacks. Of course, they're being subsidized not to look for a job and much of black labor is under the table or in the underground economy.

Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)

That is correct. But this does not change the fact that there are more blacks out of work than working. When you take into account retirees and children you figure out that without the white population they could not sustain themselves. This is why white flight destroys cities as the tax base is eroded. The moment you get a large black population, crime goes up, whites move out, the minority becomes the majority, they elect black democrats, more white people get the hell out, and the city is destroyed. This is because there are more black people not working than working and they make up the highest welfare demographic. Detroit is the prime example. Blacks can prosper as a minority in a city. They cannot prosper as the majority. All of this information is in the op.

Where's the 55% stat? You quotes BLS statistics and I came back and showed you that the white labor force participation rate is 64 and the Black is 61.5. How are you coming up with the 55% that you originally quoted? The difference between them is 2.5, so what is your calculation (using the number provided) of the white unemployment rate the way you "calculated" it? :)
Yes, I combined those who are eligible for work but choose not to work with the unemployment rate. Unemployment requires that you are looking for work. That's why the unemployment rate is much lower than the lack of labor force participation among blacks. Of course, they're being subsidized not to look for a job and much of black labor is under the table or in the underground economy.

Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)

That is correct. But this does not change the fact that there are more blacks out of work than working. When you take into account retirees and children you figure out that without the white population they could not sustain themselves. This is why white flight destroys cities as the tax base is eroded. The moment you get a large black population, crime goes up, whites move out, the minority becomes the majority, they elect black democrats, more white people get the hell out, and the city is destroyed. This is because there are more black people not working than working and they make up the highest welfare demographic. Detroit is the prime example. Blacks can prosper as a minority in a city. They cannot prosper as the majority. All of this information is in the op.

When caught in a lie you will see the goal posts begin to move to accommodate his point. :lol:
Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)

That is correct. But this does not change the fact that there are more blacks out of work than working. When you take into account retirees and children you figure out that without the white population they could not sustain themselves. This is why white flight destroys cities as the tax base is eroded. The moment you get a large black population, crime goes up, whites move out, the minority becomes the majority, they elect black democrats, more white people get the hell out, and the city is destroyed. This is because there are more black people not working than working and they make up the highest welfare demographic. Detroit is the prime example. Blacks can prosper as a minority in a city. They cannot prosper as the majority. All of this information is in the op.

Where's the 55% stat? You quotes BLS statistics and I came back and showed you that the white labor force participation rate is 64 and the Black is 61.5. How are you coming up with the 55% that you originally quoted? The difference between them is 2.5, so what is your calculation (using the number provided) of the white unemployment rate the way you "calculated" it? :)

Simply add those not participating in the workforce to those unemployed and you have your answer. It is that simple. The unemployed are not counted as part of those not participating in the work force. The unemployed are included in the work force participation rate.

Whites have both a higher participation rate and lower unemployment. Therefore, unlike blacks, there are more whites working than not.

Pheonixops quoted the black unemployment rate at 16%. Now simply add those not in the labor force which amount to 38% among blacks.

16+38= 54%

Unemployed = participating in the labor force, eligible for work, and looking for work.
Labor force non-participation = eligible to work, not retired, not a child, not looking for work.
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Somehow I didn't finish my post. Here's the national Labor Force Participation rate for all Americans:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Black: 61.5
Women: 59.8

Asian: 63.9

Hispanic: 66.4

Civilian labor force participation rates by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

The average for all of those groups and America is not too far off. What's the calculation for the unemployment rate for the whites on that graph? They are at 64.0? :)

That is correct. But this does not change the fact that there are more blacks out of work than working. When you take into account retirees and children you figure out that without the white population they could not sustain themselves. This is why white flight destroys cities as the tax base is eroded. The moment you get a large black population, crime goes up, whites move out, the minority becomes the majority, they elect black democrats, more white people get the hell out, and the city is destroyed. This is because there are more black people not working than working and they make up the highest welfare demographic. Detroit is the prime example. Blacks can prosper as a minority in a city. They cannot prosper as the majority. All of this information is in the op.

When caught in a lie you will see the goal posts begin to move to accommodate his point. :lol:

What lie was that?
Nothing will ever be done in the black community until they stop playing the victim card and start admitting there's a problem and start looking for solutions.

If that is the case then I wouldn't get my hopes up. If the trend of black self ascribed victimhood has gone anywhere, it has certainly gone up.

Your intentions in starting this OP are clear. It is an encapsulation of a multiplicity of reasons some white people hate Blacks. Are you one of those? If you believe the undocumented sources of your statistics, you probably are.

But even as you primed and dropped your statistical bomb it revealed nothing that we have not seen or heard before. Actually your narrative and numbers reek with the essence of a resident bigot called Matthew.

However, in your haste to indict all blacks as inferiors, you posted a source that gives us a clue in solving the alleged problem. Did you read your own sources? Comment on the following please:

In at least three states, males were more likely to graduate from high schools than their white counterparts, according to the report. And each of those states—North Dakota, Vermont and Maine—have relatively small black populations. “This underscores the fact that when black males are given access to schools and resources similar to those given to white males, their performance levels improve,” the report said.

Shouldn’t we be discussing these clues for resolution rather than your indictment of all Blacks?

The report points out that most schools with black majority enrollments do not have libraries, an adequate supply of textbooks and computers, art and music programs and science labs. It also concludes that when black students attend schools with talented, caring teachers, well-trained support staff, and challenging curricula, black males graduate at rates similar to white males.
Black males in large metropolitan school districts are particularly at risk for dropping out of school, according to the report. Only 19 percent of both black and white males graduated from high schools in Indianapolis, the lowest rate of any large school district in the study
Nothing will ever be done in the black community until they stop playing the victim card and start admitting there's a problem and start looking for solutions.

If that is the case then I wouldn't get my hopes up. If the trend of black self ascribed victimhood has gone anywhere, it has certainly gone up.

Your intentions in starting this OP are clear. It is an encapsulation of a multiplicity of reasons some white people hate Blacks. Are you one of those? If you believe the undocumented sources of your statistics, you probably are.

But even as you primed and dropped your statistical bomb it revealed nothing that we have not seen or heard before. Actually your narrative and numbers reek with the essence of a resident bigot called Matthew.

However, in your haste to indict all blacks as inferiors, you posted a source that gives us a clue in solving the alleged problem. Did you read your own sources? Comment on the following please:

In at least three states, males were more likely to graduate from high schools than their white counterparts, according to the report. And each of those states—North Dakota, Vermont and Maine—have relatively small black populations. “This underscores the fact that when black males are given access to schools and resources similar to those given to white males, their performance levels improve,” the report said.

Shouldn’t we be discussing these clues for resolution rather than your indictment of all Blacks?

The report points out that most schools with black majority enrollments do not have libraries, an adequate supply of textbooks and computers, art and music programs and science labs. It also concludes that when black students attend schools with talented, caring teachers, well-trained support staff, and challenging curricula, black males graduate at rates similar to white males.
Black males in large metropolitan school districts are particularly at risk for dropping out of school, according to the report. Only 19 percent of both black and white males graduated from high schools in Indianapolis, the lowest rate of any large school district in the study

Which states do not allow blacks access to schools and resources similar to those given to whites?
That is correct. But this does not change the fact that there are more blacks out of work than working. When you take into account retirees and children you figure out that without the white population they could not sustain themselves. This is why white flight destroys cities as the tax base is eroded. The moment you get a large black population, crime goes up, whites move out, the minority becomes the majority, they elect black democrats, more white people get the hell out, and the city is destroyed. This is because there are more black people not working than working and they make up the highest welfare demographic. Detroit is the prime example. Blacks can prosper as a minority in a city. They cannot prosper as the majority. All of this information is in the op.

When caught in a lie you will see the goal posts begin to move to accommodate his point. :lol:

What lie was that?

Take your pick. i dont bother pointing them out anymore. Primarily because what you have to say is regurgitated BS from the local StormFront office. Your whole premise is weak and laughable though you do seem to fool the resident idiots. The reality is that you and your type will increasingly become irrelevant while my people will increasing become more knowledgeable about the truth and the coverup of that truth. I know you hate that I use our real history to show that our culture was one of peace and knowledge and your white culture was and still remains one of violence. You don't get that until white culture gets rid of that element of violence your kind will always live in fear and have to convince other ethnicities that they are inferior.
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Why do Republicans care about black people. If they did, they would know some. Or even stop practicing "voter suppression".
Why do Republicans care about black people. If they did, they would know some. Or even stop practicing "voter suppression".

Deanie, I like you but in this instance you're no better than the racists here with your myopic generalizations and stereotyping.
When caught in a lie you will see the goal posts begin to move to accommodate his point. :lol:

What lie was that?

Take your pick. i dont bother pointing them out anymore. Primarily because what you have to say is regurgitated BS from the local StormFront office. Your whole premise is weak and laughable though you do seem to fool the resident idiots. The reality is that you and your type will increasingly become irrelevant while my people will increasing become more knowledgeable about the truth and the coverup of that truth. I know you hate that I use our real history to show that our culture was one of peace and knowledge and your white culture was and still remains one of violence. You don't get that until white culture gets rid of that element of violence your kind will always live in fear and have to convince other ethnicities that they are inferior.

Translation = You can't support your above claim that I was "caught in a lie."
Nothing will ever be done in the black community until they stop playing the victim card and start admitting there's a problem and start looking for solutions.

If that is the case then I wouldn't get my hopes up. If the trend of black self ascribed victimhood has gone anywhere, it has certainly gone up.

Your intentions in starting this OP are clear. It is an encapsulation of a multiplicity of reasons some white people hate Blacks. Are you one of those? If you believe the undocumented sources of your statistics, you probably are.

But even as you primed and dropped your statistical bomb it revealed nothing that we have not seen or heard before. Actually your narrative and numbers reek with the essence of a resident bigot called Matthew.

However, in your haste to indict all blacks as inferiors, you posted a source that gives us a clue in solving the alleged problem. Did you read your own sources? Comment on the following please:

In at least three states, males were more likely to graduate from high schools than their white counterparts, according to the report. And each of those states—North Dakota, Vermont and Maine—have relatively small black populations. “This underscores the fact that when black males are given access to schools and resources similar to those given to white males, their performance levels improve,” the report said.

Shouldn’t we be discussing these clues for resolution rather than your indictment of all Blacks?

The report points out that most schools with black majority enrollments do not have libraries, an adequate supply of textbooks and computers, art and music programs and science labs. It also concludes that when black students attend schools with talented, caring teachers, well-trained support staff, and challenging curricula, black males graduate at rates similar to white males.
Black males in large metropolitan school districts are particularly at risk for dropping out of school, according to the report. Only 19 percent of both black and white males graduated from high schools in Indianapolis, the lowest rate of any large school district in the study

What you pointed out is interesting. It demonstrates that when a few blacks are going to school with a white majority they excel because there is no black thug culture for them to fall in to. As for the inner-city majority schools who cannot afford libraries and proper devises, I would encourage you to look at their local politicians and their school board. Most circumstances they will be all black which means they hold the reigns of political power and are failing. Not to mention that once the black population hits somewhere between 30-45% whites start fleeing like rats from a ship, taking the tax base with them.

Just because the information provided can be used negatively by racists does not make me a racist. I never said that blacks are genetically inferior. I have noted that many blacks are culturally inferior. But cultural inferiority can be fixed, and thus, I have never said that blacks are stuck in perpetual squallier. I don't care what you have to say otherwise, some cultures are indeed better than others. See below.

One more thing. Everything in the op is supported by a link. Some information that seems to be separate comes from the same link. There is not a single bit of information that went unreferenced and if there is I will gladly correct it.

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What lie was that?

Take your pick. i dont bother pointing them out anymore. Primarily because what you have to say is regurgitated BS from the local StormFront office. Your whole premise is weak and laughable though you do seem to fool the resident idiots. The reality is that you and your type will increasingly become irrelevant while my people will increasing become more knowledgeable about the truth and the coverup of that truth. I know you hate that I use our real history to show that our culture was one of peace and knowledge and your white culture was and still remains one of violence. You don't get that until white culture gets rid of that element of violence your kind will always live in fear and have to convince other ethnicities that they are inferior.

Translation = You can't support your above claim that I was "caught in a lie."

Translation = i got busted....again. :lol:
Take your pick. i dont bother pointing them out anymore. Primarily because what you have to say is regurgitated BS from the local StormFront office. Your whole premise is weak and laughable though you do seem to fool the resident idiots. The reality is that you and your type will increasingly become irrelevant while my people will increasing become more knowledgeable about the truth and the coverup of that truth. I know you hate that I use our real history to show that our culture was one of peace and knowledge and your white culture was and still remains one of violence. You don't get that until white culture gets rid of that element of violence your kind will always live in fear and have to convince other ethnicities that they are inferior.

Translation = You can't support your above claim that I was "caught in a lie."

Translation = i got busted....again. :lol:

Any honest assessment of an unsupported claim attests that you did indeed.
Translation = i got busted....again. :lol:

Any honest assessment of an unsupported claim attests that you did indeed.

Any semi intelligent assessment of your claims always have the same result. Its getting boring busting you. You need some new material.

There is one thing I do enjoy about the Race Relations forum. I can certainly always count on the ad hominem trolls/flamers to keep my threads alive until someone with a more serious demeanor stops by.
Any honest assessment of an unsupported claim attests that you did indeed.

Any semi intelligent assessment of your claims always have the same result. Its getting boring busting you. You need some new material.

There is one thing I do enjoy about the Race Relations forum. I can certainly always count on the ad hominem trolls/flamers to keep my threads alive until someone with a more serious demeanor stops by.

Translation = I'm going to try reverse psychology to prevent being exposed as a fraud.

Sorry clown. That doesn't work on me.

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