The State of the Black Union

What is the State of Black America?

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Not really. Most of my research comes from travel, public libraries, and books I buy.

Anything written by well published academics? Or just a bunch of stuff from your community college professor up there?

Nothing you'd be interested in.

Put on your marching shoes and dust off the race card. Wes gots a new Trayvon!
The above is further evidence that black men of the mind are hard to find. No thirst for knowledge or objectivity. You ask for a reference and he gives you an Afrocentric bedtime story. You appeal to his humanity and mutual respect for history and he betrays you under the guise of some sort of conspiracy theory I cannot make out. Here I am, a student of history, begging for good academic references on African history, a true and valid interest of mine, and this is what I get? You truly have no pride or decency about you. And you tutor kids?

I'm hurt.

Worse, your ignorant.

I know you wish that was true. :lol:
Yeah and PT Barnum comes to mind..........
Sorry, I don't buy the new, kinder, gentler racist approach. Yup I'm fully aware of it and the psudo-science being used to support it. Ya'll wouldn't like me anyway, the blood's tainted, I'm 1/3 dirty, ignorant redskin. :cool:

I would not worry about "who lies me". Actually the majority here, even he ones wo claim the "purest" of bloodlines, likely have a racial skeleton that is buried somewhere, so you are o more tainted than anyone else here.
Ya might blow their puny whittle minds......... and I'm not worried about it in the slightest. :thup:

Good. Glad you're here. At times it can be interesting.
You would be surprised how much stuff I read from an opposing point of view! If I don't agree with someone's thesis it does not mean I do not wish to read it. I always learn something. If nothing else I learn another school of thought and sharpen my own arguments. I always learn more from those who disagree with me than agree! So, don't be so sure that I wouldn't be interested in a particular subject matter. Your above assumption may be the way you look at knowledge but it isn't the way I do. I've been practically begging you for information and you don't provide it. I truly am interested in what you have to offer. Indeed, that's why I argue here!

You should read this book called Twilight Eyes. I have them and I see you. You must be low on the totem pole though. Totally transparent and easily manipulated. :lol:

The above is further evidence that black men of the mind are hard to find. No thirst for knowledge or objectivity. You ask for a reference and he gives you an Afrocentric bedtime story. You appeal to his humanity and mutual respect for history and he betrays you under the guise of some sort of conspiracy theory I cannot make out. Here I am, a student of history, begging for good academic references on African history, a true and valid interest of mine, and this is what I get? You truly have no pride or decency about you. And you tutor kids?

I would not call that any kind of evidence. When some people intentionally or unintentionally catagorize an entire race of people within "behavioral groups" or make assumptions about them in spite of them being individuals it should not be a shock when there is skepticism regarding their sincerity.
You should read this book called Twilight Eyes. I have them and I see you. You must be low on the totem pole though. Totally transparent and easily manipulated. :lol:

The above is further evidence that black men of the mind are hard to find. No thirst for knowledge or objectivity. You ask for a reference and he gives you an Afrocentric bedtime story. You appeal to his humanity and mutual respect for history and he betrays you under the guise of some sort of conspiracy theory I cannot make out. Here I am, a student of history, begging for good academic references on African history, a true and valid interest of mine, and this is what I get? You truly have no pride or decency about you. And you tutor kids?

I would not call that any kind of evidence. When some people intentionally or unintentionally catagorize an entire race of people within "behavioral groups" or make assumptions about them in spite of them being individuals it should not be a shock when there is skepticism regarding their sincerity.

I agree. Too bad you haven't debated me long enough to understand that I agree.
The above is further evidence that black men of the mind are hard to find. No thirst for knowledge or objectivity. You ask for a reference and he gives you an Afrocentric bedtime story. You appeal to his humanity and mutual respect for history and he betrays you under the guise of some sort of conspiracy theory I cannot make out. Here I am, a student of history, begging for good academic references on African history, a true and valid interest of mine, and this is what I get? You truly have no pride or decency about you. And you tutor kids?

I would not call that any kind of evidence. When some people intentionally or unintentionally catagorize an entire race of people within "behavioral groups" or make assumptions about them in spite of them being individuals it should not be a shock when there is skepticism regarding their sincerity.

I agree. Too bad you haven't debated me long enough to understand that I agree.

Ok. Then if you do, maybe your search for knowledge(as you state) would be met with an open mind if you prefaced some of your "surveys" with an approach that was more geared towards asking questions, as opposed to "taking a poll" which will have predictable respondents, with predictable responses.

Just a thought.
Stormfront and Occidental aren't workin' for ya eh? Thanks for posting, now I can see who the Scuzweiser swilling, racist white trash are on the board. :thup:

I don't agree with their sentiments or mindset, but this quote comes to mind:
To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.

Winston Churchill

Read more at To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war. - Winston Churchill at BrainyQuote

Discussing and debating things can change different people's mindsets and paradigms around, I just saw one instance of it today on this forum. I think that they should come over here and participate. Some start off with a bunch of ignorant generalizations and insults, but they eventually fade. Some actually start thinking and trying to investigate tings to make their point and voila! , they learn something new and evolve.

You mean to tell me that public discourse on race is a good thing? Go figure.

I think public discourse on a variety of subjects is a good thing. In my opinion, our country's political system was initially set up this way.
Yeah and PT Barnum comes to mind..........
Sorry, I don't buy the new, kinder, gentler racist approach. Yup I'm fully aware of it and the psudo-science being used to support it. Ya'll wouldn't like me anyway, the blood's tainted, I'm 1/3 dirty, ignorant redskin. :cool:

My mom: Black/Puerto Rican My Dad:Scot/Irish/Catawba. So I am definitely not "Ya'll". :)

My apologies. A part of my last job was being aware of the snake oil racist organizations and individuals were trying to sell, their delivery methods and circular argument tactics, hence the PT Barnum reference. Knowing all of this makes honest "debate" with these individuals impossible because they only recognize their own cherry picked, eugenics based "facts" as the only valid argument, a classic self justifying defense.
I just wanted to know who on the board were the resident racists and give notice that I'm aware of their presence. Nothing more, nothing less...... well maybe a self satisfying swipe tossed in for good measure......... :cool:

LOL, no problem! I like having fun refuting those "facts" with facts and another way of looking at the data they use. For example "Black unemployment"; sure it's at say 16%, some jerk offs will use that to say "See! Those Blacks don't work!", I just point out that their assertion is a fallacy because 84% of "them" ARE working and 16% is a small minority. :)
My mom: Black/Puerto Rican My Dad:Scot/Irish/Catawba. So I am definitely not "Ya'll". :)

My apologies. A part of my last job was being aware of the snake oil racist organizations and individuals were trying to sell, their delivery methods and circular argument tactics, hence the PT Barnum reference. Knowing all of this makes honest "debate" with these individuals impossible because they only recognize their own cherry picked, eugenics based "facts" as the only valid argument, a classic self justifying defense.
I just wanted to know who on the board were the resident racists and give notice that I'm aware of their presence. Nothing more, nothing less...... well maybe a self satisfying swipe tossed in for good measure......... :cool:

LOL, no problem! I like having fun refuting those "facts" with facts and another way of looking at the data they use. For example "Black unemployment"; sure it's at say 16%, some jerk offs will use that to say "See! Those Blacks don't work!", I just point out that their assertion is a fallacy because 84% of "them" ARE working and 16% is a small minority. :)

Don't forget those not in the labor force. i.e. eligible to work but choose not to. That bumps it to over 55% of the possible black labor force not working. The labor force participation rate for blacks is posted in the op.
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My apologies. A part of my last job was being aware of the snake oil racist organizations and individuals were trying to sell, their delivery methods and circular argument tactics, hence the PT Barnum reference. Knowing all of this makes honest "debate" with these individuals impossible because they only recognize their own cherry picked, eugenics based "facts" as the only valid argument, a classic self justifying defense.
I just wanted to know who on the board were the resident racists and give notice that I'm aware of their presence. Nothing more, nothing less...... well maybe a self satisfying swipe tossed in for good measure......... :cool:

LOL, no problem! I like having fun refuting those "facts" with facts and another way of looking at the data they use. For example "Black unemployment"; sure it's at say 16%, some jerk offs will use that to say "See! Those Blacks don't work!", I just point out that their assertion is a fallacy because 84% of "them" ARE working and 16% is a small minority. :)

Don't forget those not in the labor force. i.e. eligible to work but choose not to. That bumps it to over 55% of the possible black labor force not working. The labor force participation rate for blacks is posted in the op.
What labor force are you referring to? You compatriots in prison selling drugs, illegal weapons, prostitution? Beating up/killing heavily outnumbered non-whites in dark corners? Did you get all of your tattoos?
Where's the stats for the Native Americans aka American Indians?

Does anyone notice a correlation here?

Two race groups exceeded the national poverty rate of 14.3 percent by more than 10 percentage points: American Indian and Alaska Natives at 27 percent and black or African-American at 25.8 percent.
Read more at Poverty Affects American Indians and Alaska Native Population More Than All Races -

Nationwide, African-American women reported the highest rate of out-of-wedlock births, at 67.8 percent. American Indian or Alaska Native women reported a 64 percent rate, while Hispanics reported 43 percent .

And you draw what conclusion from this?
My apologies. A part of my last job was being aware of the snake oil racist organizations and individuals were trying to sell, their delivery methods and circular argument tactics, hence the PT Barnum reference. Knowing all of this makes honest "debate" with these individuals impossible because they only recognize their own cherry picked, eugenics based "facts" as the only valid argument, a classic self justifying defense.
I just wanted to know who on the board were the resident racists and give notice that I'm aware of their presence. Nothing more, nothing less...... well maybe a self satisfying swipe tossed in for good measure......... :cool:

LOL, no problem! I like having fun refuting those "facts" with facts and another way of looking at the data they use. For example "Black unemployment"; sure it's at say 16%, some jerk offs will use that to say "See! Those Blacks don't work!", I just point out that their assertion is a fallacy because 84% of "them" ARE working and 16% is a small minority. :)

Don't forget those not in the labor force. i.e. eligible to work but choose not to. That bumps it to over 55% of the possible black labor force not working. The labor force participation rate for blacks is posted in the op.

Where are you getting that statistic from?
Where's the stats for the Native Americans aka American Indians?

Does anyone notice a correlation here?

Two race groups exceeded the national poverty rate of 14.3 percent by more than 10 percentage points: American Indian and Alaska Natives at 27 percent and black or African-American at 25.8 percent.
Read more at Poverty Affects American Indians and Alaska Native Population More Than All Races -

Nationwide, African-American women reported the highest rate of out-of-wedlock births, at 67.8 percent. American Indian or Alaska Native women reported a 64 percent rate, while Hispanics reported 43 percent .

And you draw what conclusion from this?

What do the two groups referred to have in common?
The state of the black community has to be because of our Republican war on blacks, in consort of course with our war on women, the poor, children, etc.

Do explain. Considering that blacks vote for Democrats at a 90%+ rate to represent them in their electoral districts I am curious of how the fault belongs to Republicans. Or were you being sarcastic?

Sarcastic, facetious...take your pick.
LOL, no problem! I like having fun refuting those "facts" with facts and another way of looking at the data they use. For example "Black unemployment"; sure it's at say 16%, some jerk offs will use that to say "See! Those Blacks don't work!", I just point out that their assertion is a fallacy because 84% of "them" ARE working and 16% is a small minority. :)

Don't forget those not in the labor force. i.e. eligible to work but choose not to. That bumps it to over 55% of the possible black labor force not working. The labor force participation rate for blacks is posted in the op.

Where are you getting that statistic from?

Oh, just the BLS. The same place we get all of our statistics from with respect to unemployment and labor force participation rate.
Don't forget those not in the labor force. i.e. eligible to work but choose not to. That bumps it to over 55% of the possible black labor force not working. The labor force participation rate for blacks is posted in the op.

Where are you getting that statistic from?

Oh, just the BLS. The same place we get all of our statistics from with respect to unemployment and labor force participation rate.

So are you stating the the Bureau of Labor Statistics is stating that the "Black unemployment rate" is 55%?
Where are you getting that statistic from?

Oh, just the BLS. The same place we get all of our statistics from with respect to unemployment and labor force participation rate.

So are you stating the the Bureau of Labor Statistics is stating that the "Black unemployment rate" is 55%?

No. Unemployed = looking for employment.
Labor force = eligible for employment minus children and retirees.
What I am saying is that you need to combine the labor force participation rate with the unemployment number. Many blacks simply don't want to work or are working underground. All the numbers are in the OP. Go ahead and check them out.
Oh, just the BLS. The same place we get all of our statistics from with respect to unemployment and labor force participation rate.

So are you stating the the Bureau of Labor Statistics is stating that the "Black unemployment rate" is 55%?

No. Unemployed = looking for employment.
Labor force = eligible for employment minus children and retirees.
What I am saying is that you need to combine the labor force participation rate with the unemployment number. Many blacks simply don't want to work or are working underground. All the numbers are in the OP. Go ahead and check them out.

I checked these numbers out as well as the chart that shows the participation rate. I still don't see the BLS showing the statistic that you stated with anything regard 55% unemployed. I did see this though:

So are you stating the the Bureau of Labor Statistics is stating that the "Black unemployment rate" is 55%?

No. Unemployed = looking for employment.
Labor force = eligible for employment minus children and retirees.
What I am saying is that you need to combine the labor force participation rate with the unemployment number. Many blacks simply don't want to work or are working underground. All the numbers are in the OP. Go ahead and check them out.

I checked these numbers out as well as the chart that shows the participation rate. I still don't see the BLS showing the statistic that you stated with anything regard 55% unemployed. I did see this though:


Yes, but you're not distinguishing between labor force participation and unemployment. Add those not participating the in labor force (meaning they are eligible for work but not looking (not retired or children)) to those unemployed and the number jumps to around 55%. See below

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977.
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No. Unemployed = looking for employment.
Labor force = eligible for employment minus children and retirees.
What I am saying is that you need to combine the labor force participation rate with the unemployment number. Many blacks simply don't want to work or are working underground. All the numbers are in the OP. Go ahead and check them out.

I checked these numbers out as well as the chart that shows the participation rate. I still don't see the BLS showing the statistic that you stated with anything regard 55% unemployed. I did see this though:


Yes, but you're not distinguishing between labor force participation and unemployment. Add those not participating the in labor force (meaning they are eligible for work but not looking (not retired or children)) to those unemployed and the number jumps to around 55%. See below

Unemployment Falls to 6.7 Percent Due to Workers Leaving the Labor Force | Jobs Bytes

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977.

Maybe we are both misunderstanding what we are reading? There's not 55% unemployment rate on that page. There is this:

The drop in labor force participation was sharpest for African Americans, who saw a decline of 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent, the lowest rate since December of 1977. The rate for African American men fell 0.7 percentage points to 65.6 percent, the lowest on record. The decline in labor force participation was associated with a drop in the overall African American unemployment rate of 0.5 percentage points to 11.9, and a drop of 0.6 percentage points to 11.6 percent for African American men.

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