The State of the Union Address.........

What I'm hearing is
The strangest State of the Union ever

I agree but why couldn’t this of been posted in the SOTU thread?
Because I was the first to post this AFTER the address was over. An up to date thread, if you will.
Thank you for starting a new thread. Post SOTU discussion is VERY different from discussion during and before.

The president inflated details and straight-up misled Americans about his policies during his address to Congress.

He boasted about achievements in promoting peace between Israelis and Palestinians even though his plan makes fighting between them even more likely. He claimed he is protecting preexisting conditions in health care, even though he has repeatedly tried to kill the Affordable Care Act. He bragged about the healthy economy as a strong indicator of the success of his presidency, when much of the economy’s success is due to factors outside of Trump’s control.

He bragged about the healthy economy as a strong indicator of the success of his presidency even though 2019 economic growth was only 2.3%. Candidate Trump would say President Trump is a failure.

While it’s true the economy has grown stronger since the Great Recession, improvements predate Trump. Much of the blue-collar wage growth he boasted about in his State of the Union speech most likely results from state minimum wage increases rather than Trump’s policies. And in the first annual comprehensive review of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Congressional Research Service reported that the legislation did not live up to its promises.

Here Are The Biggest Whoppers From Trump's 2020 State Of The Union | HuffPost
The gish gallop list at the end of your post suggests that your perspective of the speech was engineered by the MSM. The content of your post suggests the same. You did not post your own perspective, you posted msm's perspective. If you ever want to form your own opinions about the political landscape, you will need to look further than what the MSM engineers for you.
Well I didn't watch it so you are correct. And I'm sure my perspective would be the same as the MSM. Only right wing wackos and corporate media types like Trump.

Because we see how full of shit he is. Here is a perfect example. He brags wages are up. Yea, because 13 states raised their minimum wage. They did this before he became president. One wage hike took place last year. Should he get credit for wages going up? Fuck no. In fact if he could have stopped the minimum wage increases you know he would.

Factually incorrect.
Trump takes credit because wages are up? Legislation has passed recently in multiple states that significantly raises the minimum wage. California, Illinois, and Massachusetts are all set to raise their minimum wages to $15.00 per hour by January 1, 2023 for California and Massachusetts and by 2025 for Illinois.[77][78] Colorado raised its minimum wage from $9.30 per hour to $12 per hour by January 1, 2020, rising $0.90 per year.[79] New York has also passed legislation to increase its minimum wage to $15.00 per hour over time, with certain counties and larger companies set on faster schedules than others.[80] A number of other cities and states across the country are also debating and enacting legislation to increase the minimum wage for low wage workers to a livable wage.

Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia
Yup, this is the first time in US history, where a president took credit for good economic news.

Presidents always take credit for the good, because they are always blamed for the bad. Is this your first time watching a SOTU speech???
I didn't watch.

I don't blame him for taking credit. I blame you for giving him credit.

What he should take credit for is 2.3% economic growth in 2019. His trade wars slowed growth.

Back in 2016 when the stock market was up and unemployment was low you first said you didn't believe the unemployment numbers. Then the first month unemployment went lower under Trump, you started believing the numbers again. And when we told you the economy was good you said it wasn't because Obama never had over 3% growth. Well now you can't say the economy was good last year when economic growth was 2.3%. Growth like that is why you said Obama wasn't doing a good job.

I don't mind if you are purposely being a hypocrite and you admit you are not sincere and just playing politics. That I would respect. You lied basically in 2015. But I don't think you Republican voters realize you're being as stupid as you are. I think you truly believe Obama's economy sucked and Trump's is much better. In other words you believe the lies you say. Sad really.

And don't forget the debt. When we told you the economy was strong in 2015 you pointed to the debt and you said Trump would pay off the debt. Instead Trump has spent even more than Obama. But now you don't care about spending, debt, how much Trump vacations and golfs.

All the shit you cared about on Obama's watch, you don't care about now.
What I'm hearing is
The strangest State of the Union ever

Because I was the first to post this AFTER the address was over. An up to date thread, if you will.
Thank you for starting a new thread. Post SOTU discussion is VERY different from discussion during and before.

The president inflated details and straight-up misled Americans about his policies during his address to Congress.

He boasted about achievements in promoting peace between Israelis and Palestinians even though his plan makes fighting between them even more likely. He claimed he is protecting preexisting conditions in health care, even though he has repeatedly tried to kill the Affordable Care Act. He bragged about the healthy economy as a strong indicator of the success of his presidency, when much of the economy’s success is due to factors outside of Trump’s control.

He bragged about the healthy economy as a strong indicator of the success of his presidency even though 2019 economic growth was only 2.3%. Candidate Trump would say President Trump is a failure.

While it’s true the economy has grown stronger since the Great Recession, improvements predate Trump. Much of the blue-collar wage growth he boasted about in his State of the Union speech most likely results from state minimum wage increases rather than Trump’s policies. And in the first annual comprehensive review of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Congressional Research Service reported that the legislation did not live up to its promises.

Here Are The Biggest Whoppers From Trump's 2020 State Of The Union | HuffPost
The gish gallop list at the end of your post suggests that your perspective of the speech was engineered by the MSM. The content of your post suggests the same. You did not post your own perspective, you posted msm's perspective. If you ever want to form your own opinions about the political landscape, you will need to look further than what the MSM engineers for you.
Well I didn't watch it so you are correct. And I'm sure my perspective would be the same as the MSM. Only right wing wackos and corporate media types like Trump.

Because we see how full of shit he is. Here is a perfect example. He brags wages are up. Yea, because 13 states raised their minimum wage. They did this before he became president. One wage hike took place last year. Should he get credit for wages going up? Fuck no. In fact if he could have stopped the minimum wage increases you know he would.

Factually incorrect.
What is? Be specific because I said some things that are absolutely true. 13 states passed minimum wage increases before Trump became POTUS. So they passed the law in 2015 and said in 2017 minimum wage would go up to WHATEVER. So in 2017 minimum wage went up and so now Trump is taking credit for low income wages going up.

Absolutely true.
I didnt see it live, so I'm watching it for the first time NOW.

I can't take my eyes off Piglosi and her total lack of respect or her lack of professionalism.

I heard so many bits and pieces of this great speech, but I can't take my eyes off Piglosi and her antics

Trump takes credit because wages are up? Legislation has passed recently in multiple states that significantly raises the minimum wage. California, Illinois, and Massachusetts are all set to raise their minimum wages to $15.00 per hour by January 1, 2023 for California and Massachusetts and by 2025 for Illinois.[77][78] Colorado raised its minimum wage from $9.30 per hour to $12 per hour by January 1, 2020, rising $0.90 per year.[79] New York has also passed legislation to increase its minimum wage to $15.00 per hour over time, with certain counties and larger companies set on faster schedules than others.[80] A number of other cities and states across the country are also debating and enacting legislation to increase the minimum wage for low wage workers to a livable wage.

Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia
Yup, this is the first time in US history, where a president took credit for good economic news.

Presidents always take credit for the good, because they are always blamed for the bad. Is this your first time watching a SOTU speech???
I didn't watch.

I don't blame him for taking credit. I blame you for giving him credit.

What he should take credit for is 2.3% economic growth in 2019. His trade wars slowed growth.

Back in 2016 when the stock market was up and unemployment was low you first said you didn't believe the unemployment numbers. Then the first month unemployment went lower under Trump, you started believing the numbers again. And when we told you the economy was good you said it wasn't because Obama never had over 3% growth. Well now you can't say the economy was good last year when economic growth was 2.3%. Growth like that is why you said Obama wasn't doing a good job.

I don't mind if you are purposely being a hypocrite and you admit you are not sincere and just playing politics. That I would respect. You lied basically in 2015. But I don't think you Republican voters realize you're being as stupid as you are. I think you truly believe Obama's economy sucked and Trump's is much better. In other words you believe the lies you say. Sad really.

And don't forget the debt. When we told you the economy was strong in 2015 you pointed to the debt and you said Trump would pay off the debt. Instead Trump has spent even more than Obama. But now you don't care about spending, debt, how much Trump vacations and golfs.

All the shit you cared about on Obama's watch, you don't care about now.

cheerleaders don't listen to facts Sealy....

Trump takes credit because wages are up? Legislation has passed recently in multiple states that significantly raises the minimum wage.
This just sounds like sour grapes to me. Read the SOTU, Trump said "Since my election..." which is true.

Look at where wages were headed in 2016, after the culmination of all Obama's policies, and his pen and his phone decrees, after eight years in office:


You might have something to complain about if Trump had flat out stated that "Because of my economic policies, wages have risen." But he did not phrase it that way. He was bragging about the good fortunes of America, "since my election," which is fair.

But even if he had taken personal credit for our economy, every president before him takes credit for the good news, even if it falls into their lap, because they know they will be blamed for any bad news.
And don't forget the debt. When we told you the economy was strong in 2015 you pointed to the debt and you said Trump would pay off the debt. Instead Trump has spent even more than Obama. But now you don't care about spending, debt, how much Trump vacations and golfs.

All the shit you cared about on Obama's watch, you don't care about now.
If you would bother to ask me about the deficit spending and debt, instead of just making up shit to make you feel superior, my response will be the same as it was under Obama or Bush.

We are leaving your children and grandchildren with an impossible debt, and we need to cut it.

So tell me, what federal programs would you cut, and yes, we freaking need to CUT federal budgets and eliminate programs that waste money.

The reupbs refused to work with Trump in the first two years because:

A) Trump was unpopular for being under suspicion of Russian collusion

B) We were overrun with wobbly kneed neverTrumpers in Congress, and still have too many around

C) The swamp dwellers love all the trillions in federal deficit spending because money is power, influence and power. They got a taste for it the last year of the Bush admin, and it became the new norm under Obama.

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