The Stench Of Trolling

Seriously Lefty, get a grip. People are getting tired of your 100% Negative Messaging, even when President Trump takes necessary action.

You all called him a coward.
You said he was Putin's best friend
And that he would let Assad walk all over everyone.
You even tried to pin The Syrian Chemical attack on him just 3 months passed in to his presidency.

He just sent 55 Cruise Missiles to cripple the operational capabilities of a Russian-Syrian air base.

I don't care if you are getting paid or not, or if you are just stupid enough to do this on your own...

How many times can you be wrong?

Wrong about Obamacare
Wrong about Hillary's Landslide Victory
Wrong about calling Trump crazy when he claimed he and his staff were being spied on.
Wrong about the Obama Admin's Involvement in unmasking and leaking classified Intel.
And Wrong about President Trump's ability to do the right thing, instead of running his mouth and telegraphing his intentions or saying he was going to do something and never doing anything.

When you are wrong 100% of the time, with your 100% Negative Messaging, why should anyone let themseleves be influenced by you?

trump didn't cripple anything. i won't lose my health coverage, but i bet you will.

as for it being "trolling" to make fun of your lies... it isn't. and if you stop lying and posting all this demonstrably false BS about the orange one... maybe you'll get actual discussion.

but that isn't what you want as proven by this whining little bitch thread
Trump has a Russia problem involving treason and bombing Syria without the consent of the congress only deepens the BS. FBI Comey has the Trump Administration in its Bull-Eye!!!! Trump will be impeached within 2 years!!! Sorry Trumpeteers.......Trump is un-fit to occuppy the oval office.
Clean Up on aisle Tweeter..............Trump is deleting old Syria tweets


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