The stock market goes up, unemployment goes down, Trump gets nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Typical month with so much winning. MAGA!

During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

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Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


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That is the best case of bleshemphy I ever seen.
Thy will be done.....
In fact, job insecurity has grown tremendously while the stock market has been plunging.

So much Trump whinging!
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

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Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


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Yep, typical month in the trumpian universe. We found out he definitely knew it was deadly serious back in February, but lied to us about this also. Typical month, another 31,000 dead from the trump virus he lied about. We found out he bragged about saving the murderous Saudi Prince's ass after he ordered the killing of the reporter from the Washington Post. Prosecutor abrubtly quit another case in his witch hunt over not liking he was known to accept help from the Russians to get into office. Slow down of the postal service going right on schedule prior to election, due to his hand picked, big contributor recent installed post master. Yep, typical month.
That isn't going to work...the people were paying attention to this virus from the can not erase just part of the history to make it tell the story you want it to tell....the people are on to that game....

No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC....we and Trump were getting the same info almost simultaneously....but Trump....even though Dr Fauci was spinning the WHO line Trump still closed off travel knowing it would doom his great economy....

He didn't listen to Fauci....he shut down the flights.....and the next day Biden called him a xenophobe and Pelosi said he is a racist and we should all celebrate the Chinese new year together......I can provide links to prove every word I just posted.....I wish you dishonest spin master never Trumpers would start doing the same.....
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

View attachment 387418

Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


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LMAO!! Sticks went down , unemployment is still at near record levels, and just because some crony nominated himmfor a prize doesn't mean he deserves it.


Recovery has been faster now than in the Obama Administration and was caused by China. Obama told us we could never recover and we did we're doing it again.... Notwithstanding the fact that Obama nearly destroyed the middle class of America....

Five Ways Obama Is Hurting the Middle Class
Economic challenges persist despite presidential claims to the contrary
12 Aug 2012 ~~ By Bill McMorris
Prices up
The average American family is spending an extra $40 per month on food under Obama, according to data from the Department of Agriculture. Gas prices have also skyrocketed since 2008, rising from $1.78 per gallon under President George W. Bush to $3.72 per gallon and climbing as Labor Day approaches. College tuition, meanwhile, has jumped 25 percent. Health care costs continue to rise.
Decreased savings
Americans are struggling to manage their day-to-day expenses, leading many to abandon the savings that have been an entryway to the middle class. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans have reported no savings, a five percent jump since Obama took office.
Record-high Handouts
Nearly half of all Americans—49.1 percent—received some form of government assistance in 2011, including unemployment, Medicaid, and welfare. Food stamp recipients jumped 45 percent over the past three years. Means-tested government transfer payments can act as marginal tax increase, studies show.
Wealth Has Vanished
Median income has plummeted since the start of the recession. Wages remain stagnant. The average household has lost $4,300 from its annual income since Obama took office. Average wealth fell 40 percent during the weakened recovery. Nearly one in three mortgages are now underwater.
The root cause behind all of these issues is unemployment, which has remained above 8 percent for the past 42 months, despite Obama’s assurances. People are also staying unemployed for longer periods of time: The average jobless person can expect a nearly 40-week wait in between jobs, double the 20-week rate when Obama took office.
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

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Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


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Yep, typical month in the trumpian universe. We found out he definitely knew it was deadly serious back in February, but lied to us about this also. Typical month, another 31,000 dead from the trump virus he lied about. We found out he bragged about saving the murderous Saudi Prince's ass after he ordered the killing of the reporter from the Washington Post. Prosecutor abrubtly quit another case in his witch hunt over not liking he was known to accept help from the Russians to get into office. Slow down of the postal service going right on schedule prior to election, due to his hand picked, big contributor recent installed post master. Yep, typical month.
That isn't going to work...the people were paying attention to this virus from the can not erase just part of the history to make it tell the story you want it to tell....the people are on to that game....

No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC....we and Trump were getting the same info almost simultaneously....but Trump....even though Dr Fauci was spinning the WHO line Trump still closed off travel knowing it would doom his great economy....

He didn't listen to Fauci....he shut down the flights.....and the next day Biden called him a xenophobe and Pelosi said he is a racist and we should all celebrate the Chinese new year together......I can provide links to prove every word I just posted.....I wish you dishonest spin master never Trumpers would start doing the same.....
He definitely knew on January 28th. I was pretty sure it had potential to be serious crap when I heard what was happening in China. He played it down. He said we had it under control and it would be gone soon. He was against shutting anything down and and encourage people to open up as if it was a patriotic thing to do. He is an anti-masker by example. He held mass rallies where it was passed around, even when was told it was not safe and against public heath measures. He owns it. It is his virus and we are #1 in the world on cases and death, due to his influence. Trump lied and people died, nationwide, and are still dying at about a 1,000 Americans a day. Which other country can hand their head and admit to that? Turmp lied and people died, nationwide. Trump Virus 2020.
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

View attachment 387418

Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


View attachment 387435
Yep, typical month in the trumpian universe. We found out he definitely knew it was deadly serious back in February, but lied to us about this also. Typical month, another 31,000 dead from the trump virus he lied about. We found out he bragged about saving the murderous Saudi Prince's ass after he ordered the killing of the reporter from the Washington Post. Prosecutor abrubtly quit another case in his witch hunt over not liking he was known to accept help from the Russians to get into office. Slow down of the postal service going right on schedule prior to election, due to his hand picked, big contributor recent installed post master. Yep, typical month.
That isn't going to work...the people were paying attention to this virus from the can not erase just part of the history to make it tell the story you want it to tell....the people are on to that game....

No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC....we and Trump were getting the same info almost simultaneously....but Trump....even though Dr Fauci was spinning the WHO line Trump still closed off travel knowing it would doom his great economy....

He didn't listen to Fauci....he shut down the flights.....and the next day Biden called him a xenophobe and Pelosi said he is a racist and we should all celebrate the Chinese new year together......I can provide links to prove every word I just posted.....I wish you dishonest spin master never Trumpers would start doing the same.....
He definitely knew on January 28th. I was pretty sure it had potential to be serious crap when I heard what was happening in China. He played it down. He said we had it under control and it would be gone soon. He was against shutting anything down and and encourage people to open up as if it was a patriotic thing to do. He is an anti-masker by example. He held mass rallies where it was passed around, even when was told it was not safe and against public heath measures. He owns it. It is his virus and we are #1 in the world on cases and death, due to his influence. Trump lied and people died, nationwide, and are still dying at about a 1,000 Americans a day. Which other country can hand their head and admit to that? Turmp lied and people died, nationwide. Trump Virus 2020.
White 6 in just your first sentence I can tell you don't know how things work when you are leading men or an entire never come out in the beginning and give a scenario of doom and hopelessness before you have all the facts....and we didn't have all the facts...I know I'm a big Trump guy....but looking back I can't think of anything he could have done better or faster....I wish you and the media would drag China's feet a bit closer to the fire...why we hear nothing about them from you is quite telling....
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

View attachment 387418

Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


View attachment 387435
And yet the failed human maintains historically low popularity.
No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC
Oh give it up freak...trump knew it was dangerous precisely because experts told him so. And at the ti.e he accidentally puked the truth while showing off to woodward, other countries were already doing the things that needed to be done. Goddamn you people have taken leave of your senses.

has it all wrong. Trump has never equaled much less surpassed the Obama recovery and now we are in GOP retrograde again.
No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC
Oh give it up freak...trump knew it was dangerous precisely because experts told him so. And at the ti.e he accidentally puked the truth while showing off to woodward, other countries were already doing the things that needed to be done. Goddamn you people have taken leave of your senses.

Yes, Trump knew it was dangerous and he did not want to panic the citizens like you.
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

View attachment 387418

Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


View attachment 387435
Yep, typical month in the trumpian universe. We found out he definitely knew it was deadly serious back in February, but lied to us about this also. Typical month, another 31,000 dead from the trump virus he lied about. We found out he bragged about saving the murderous Saudi Prince's ass after he ordered the killing of the reporter from the Washington Post. Prosecutor abrubtly quit another case in his witch hunt over not liking he was known to accept help from the Russians to get into office. Slow down of the postal service going right on schedule prior to election, due to his hand picked, big contributor recent installed post master. Yep, typical month.
That isn't going to work...the people were paying attention to this virus from the can not erase just part of the history to make it tell the story you want it to tell....the people are on to that game....

No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC....we and Trump were getting the same info almost simultaneously....but Trump....even though Dr Fauci was spinning the WHO line Trump still closed off travel knowing it would doom his great economy....

He didn't listen to Fauci....he shut down the flights.....and the next day Biden called him a xenophobe and Pelosi said he is a racist and we should all celebrate the Chinese new year together......I can provide links to prove every word I just posted.....I wish you dishonest spin master never Trumpers would start doing the same.....
He definitely knew on January 28th. I was pretty sure it had potential to be serious crap when I heard what was happening in China. He played it down. He said we had it under control and it would be gone soon. He was against shutting anything down and and encourage people to open up as if it was a patriotic thing to do. He is an anti-masker by example. He held mass rallies where it was passed around, even when was told it was not safe and against public heath measures. He owns it. It is his virus and we are #1 in the world on cases and death, due to his influence. Trump lied and people died, nationwide, and are still dying at about a 1,000 Americans a day. Which other country can hand their head and admit to that? Turmp lied and people died, nationwide. Trump Virus 2020.
White 6 in just your first sentence I can tell you don't know how things work when you are leading men or an entire never come out in the beginning and give a scenario of doom and hopelessness before you have all the facts....and we didn't have all the facts...I know I'm a big Trump guy....but looking back I can't think of anything he could have done better or faster....I wish you and the media would drag China's feet a bit closer to the fire...why we hear nothing about them from you is quite telling....
Have been in leadership positions most of my life. You had me trained for it, or your parents did. You Do Not Blow Smoke Up The Butt Of Those You Lead On Purpose. It is often not long term productive and can be disastrous. This is the case with how he wanted the country to react to Covid-19. There was and is no dooms day scenario. Don't overstate your case, as it is a lie. If you constantly feel like you have to lie to people, you are not cut out to be a leader. Normal people Will Not Follow Someone They Cannot Trust. If you cannot see past you approval of lying to the whole country as to the nature and the danger of the threat. I am not surprised, you cannot think of anything he could have done better, as you lack both Vision and accurate Hindsight, traits you share with DJT. Vision being the ability to see how a scenario, tactical or strategic situation will unfold based on (usually) incomplete information. It is obvious, Covid-19 has been and is a catastrophe for this country. 197,000 plus dead. Untold thousands sickened, possibly injured or somewhat debilitated, possibly permanently. He could not internalize this outcome and choose to mislead, not realizing it was time to lead and lead not only from behind executive doors (if he even did that, aa there is no evidense he did, since he constantly discounted the experts in support of his personal political situation) but, stand out front and lead by example, setting the example of taking precautions, standing behind his experts, not threatening to block their ability to inform the public, and certainly not wasting time with public suggestions not supported by the medical community in a public health event. If he had the vision to accept and internalize, he would not have convinced his followers the threat was overblown. People like you would have been behind the fight, instead of resisting the science. Covid-19 is apolitical, striking people of both parties and all political stripe as individual targets of opportunity. Instead, he sent you, his follower and the country into a fight with blinders on, leading to more death and long term damage to the country and it's economy than was ever necessary or avoidable, if he had just rallied his follower and the country to a serious fight.
Easy to blame China and not unfair, as it got out of hand there first and spread to the rest of the world. That does not speak to how it was handled right here. We are past the point of them being our problem, as we are our problem and how this was handled right here. Blaming someone else for your problems you have not handled or overcame, make you sound like you come from a ghetto environment, mired in hopelessness as if blaming someone else for your problems justifies you failing to handle your problem.
I spoke of Hindsight earlier in relation to vision. A leader uses both. You would have been a big hit in an after action briefing, failing to recognize why you failed your mission making excuses, when the main reason you failed was you utter lack leadership ability and the ability to recognize your own failure.
No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC
Oh give it up freak...trump knew it was dangerous precisely because experts told him so. And at the ti.e he accidentally puked the truth while showing off to woodward, other countries were already doing the things that needed to be done. Goddamn you people have taken leave of your senses.

Yes, Trump knew it was dangerous and he did not want to panic the citizens like you.
Yet he screamed about caravans and walls and MS13.

Sleep well tonight and be safe.
No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC
Oh give it up freak...trump knew it was dangerous precisely because experts told him so. And at the ti.e he accidentally puked the truth while showing off to woodward, other countries were already doing the things that needed to be done. Goddamn you people have taken leave of your senses.

Yes, Trump knew it was dangerous and he did not want to panic the citizens like you.
His doubt of the people that elected him and what he owed them was his first failure.
A big reason he's lost money is the moment he won the nomination he was declared deplorable, so PROGS quit doing business anything Trump. Remember when they used to say they were tolerable :auiqs.jpg:
A big reason he's lost money is the moment he won the nomination he was declared deplorable, so PROGS quit doing business anything Trump. Remember when they used to say they were tolerable :auiqs.jpg:
He was know to be deplorable by many in the business community and banking industry before that, along with most of the people in New York, of course.
No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC
Oh give it up freak...trump knew it was dangerous precisely because experts told him so. And at the ti.e he accidentally puked the truth while showing off to woodward, other countries were already doing the things that needed to be done. Goddamn you people have taken leave of your senses.

Yes, Trump knew it was dangerous and he did not want to panic the citizens like you.
Yet he screamed about caravans and walls and MS13.

Sleep well tonight and be safe.

Changing the subject eh... Proved you wrong once more...
The caravans and MS-13 are real... Illegal aliens coming across the border was real and Democrats blocked... I don't know where you live but in Long Island they were hacking people to death. The same in California... Are you saying you weren't informed? Or like you like every like every PMS/DSA Leftist Commie that wants unregulated open borders.....
I sleep well because I don't live in Brooklyn, Chiraq, Portland, Seattle or Baltimore....
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

View attachment 387418

Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


View attachment 387435
He's the Orange man of peace

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