The stock market goes up, unemployment goes down, Trump gets nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Typical month with so much winning. MAGA!


has it all wrong. Trump has never equaled much less surpassed the Obama recovery and now we are in GOP retrograde again.

So this graph showed median household income going from a low of 56000 in 2012 to a high of a bit under 62000 under Obama's tenure. And from that 62000 to about 63500 under Trump. How exactly is that surpassing Obama's recovery? My math is a bit spotty but I'm pretty sure 6000 is more than 1500.
During one of the greatest economies in the history of the nation, Donald Trump lets others run his business. His net worth has actually declined since he took office during the greatest economy in the nation's history. While refusing to get involved in wars and instead bringing the troops home from Syria, building the greatest economy in the history of the country despite constant sabotage from the Democrats, sitting out the economic boom that he directed, he is then subjected to non-stop witch hunts and ruthlessly criticized in an extremely unfair manner by the mainstream media on television and in print every day.

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Still the country continues to win, despite the best efforts at sabotage from the left. The left can shut down the economy, encourage violent riots, engage in all their silly witch hunts, kick and scream, except the country will continue to win as it has ever since Trump took office.


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Yep, typical month in the trumpian universe. We found out he definitely knew it was deadly serious back in February, but lied to us about this also. Typical month, another 31,000 dead from the trump virus he lied about. We found out he bragged about saving the murderous Saudi Prince's ass after he ordered the killing of the reporter from the Washington Post. Prosecutor abrubtly quit another case in his witch hunt over not liking he was known to accept help from the Russians to get into office. Slow down of the postal service going right on schedule prior to election, due to his hand picked, big contributor recent installed post master. Yep, typical month.
That isn't going to work...the people were paying attention to this virus from the can not erase just part of the history to make it tell the story you want it to tell....the people are on to that game....

No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC....we and Trump were getting the same info almost simultaneously....but Trump....even though Dr Fauci was spinning the WHO line Trump still closed off travel knowing it would doom his great economy....

He didn't listen to Fauci....he shut down the flights.....and the next day Biden called him a xenophobe and Pelosi said he is a racist and we should all celebrate the Chinese new year together......I can provide links to prove every word I just posted.....I wish you dishonest spin master never Trumpers would start doing the same.....
He definitely knew on January 28th. I was pretty sure it had potential to be serious crap when I heard what was happening in China. He played it down. He said we had it under control and it would be gone soon. He was against shutting anything down and and encourage people to open up as if it was a patriotic thing to do. He is an anti-masker by example. He held mass rallies where it was passed around, even when was told it was not safe and against public heath measures. He owns it. It is his virus and we are #1 in the world on cases and death, due to his influence. Trump lied and people died, nationwide, and are still dying at about a 1,000 Americans a day. Which other country can hand their head and admit to that? Turmp lied and people died, nationwide. Trump Virus 2020.
White 6 in just your first sentence I can tell you don't know how things work when you are leading men or an entire never come out in the beginning and give a scenario of doom and hopelessness before you have all the facts....and we didn't have all the facts...I know I'm a big Trump guy....but looking back I can't think of anything he could have done better or faster....I wish you and the media would drag China's feet a bit closer to the fire...why we hear nothing about them from you is quite telling....

That's cause Xi's balls remain on their chins.
No one knew anything about this virus including the CDC
Oh give it up freak...trump knew it was dangerous precisely because experts told him so. And at the ti.e he accidentally puked the truth while showing off to woodward, other countries were already doing the things that needed to be done. Goddamn you people have taken leave of your senses.
Your attempts to rewrite the history of just 4 months ago is laughable at best......not all of us are as dumb and gullible as you.....:ahole-1:

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