The stock market

A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!
There are MANY people making foolish choices because they have been fed the nonsense that Investment Firms are honest and know what they're doing.
I know of absolutely no brokerage firm that will tell you to go ahead and buy a house or a boat based upon your stock return. That is not what it is for or how it is used.
No one said that.
What happens is that investment values are never audited.
Clients believe their Financial Statement and Online Screens.
Clients spend money like there's no tomorrow.
And why shouldn't clients spend money that the Exchanges tell them they have.
After all, aren't people paying all those Free Market companies Fees to ensure that the illusion is real?

I don't understand this.

Investment values can't be audited, because the values of stocks change by the minute.

I own stock in Walmart. In just 3 hours, stock values went from $73.2, to $72.5. They go up and down, up and down. Constantly change. Even when the stock market itself is closed, there are after-hours trading, and price go up and down constantly.

If you did a value audit, the results of that audit would be obsolete between the time where you clicked 'print', and the paper spit out of the printer.

So I'm not real sure what you mean by "no one audits the investment values".

As for clients spend money like no tomorrow. That's their problem. If the client wants to spend money until he's broke.... that is going to happen regardless of what the investment firm does.

There is no investment firm, that is going to magically invest your money, so brilliantly, that he can out earn, your stupidity as a person.

If you are determine to buy everything you want, regardless of if you have the money to cover it.... then it doesn't matter if the CEO of Goldman Sachs is your golfing partner or not. You are going to be broke.

Lastly, exchanges do not tell you that if you have, or don't have, any money. Exchanges can only tell you that based on the last trades, the assets you own have X value if you can sell them at the last value they sold for.

Let me put it another way. I have a grand marquis. I bought my grand marquis with only 60,000 miles on it, for only $3,000. Meanwhile another person who bought the same car, paid $6,000. How did I get my car for so cheap, while someone else had to pay twice a much?

Easy. I bought my car in 2008, when gas was hitting $4 a gallon. He bought his, in 2010, when gas was half that. When I bought my car, people were freaking out that the evil oil companies which supposedly controlled gas prices, were going to keep driving up the price until it was $8 a gallon.

So the value of a V8 massive luxury land yacht, was low. By 2010 when people saw the gas-Apocalypse wasn't coming, the values came back.

Everything changes in value over time. Everything does. Nothing in this world has 'intrinsic value'. Thus the stock exchange does not lie, or manipulate. They can only tell you want the value of your investment is, based on the last known trade.

But that doesn't mean the value will stay there. If another Enron happens, and they find out that X Corp was fabricating sales data, and you own stock in X Corp, the value of that stock is going to go down.

If the government institutes protectionism, and eliminates imports, and that kills domestic companies, the value of your stock will go down. No value is static.

Most people I know under the age of 70 invest in CHINA; they couldn't give a damn about Brick & Mortar.
NO ONE even knows if the companies in China even exist or are producing a product.
My friend goes to China 4 times a year and India 4 times a year and has SIGNIFICANT issues with production and broken promises.

Yeah. Ok, so what?

Everything you do in this world, is subject to people breaking promises. You can marry a wife, spend your life with her, and she can run off with another man, and leave you wrecked.

You can take your car to a mechanic, and he can break the engine, and leave town. I know someone that this happened to.

There are no guarantees in life. None.

So I don't understand what your point is. So what about broken promises in China? Does that change the fact my stock in Prudential, and Novartis, are both up?

Let me explain how this works.

I do not buy single stocks. No one ever should. You buy mutual funds, and own stocks through mutual funds.

Moreover, you should buy more than one mutual fund. Possibly 4 or 5.

So here is how it works out. If my mutual fund discovers that my stock in say.... Croda International, or Banca Popolare Di Milano, or Hermès International, is not doing so well, or they find the company lied about "brick and mortar" in China.... they sell the stock, on my behalf. And buy stock in companies that have not lied, or are performing better.

See, people like you and me, we don't have the time, or the resources, or even the interest in doing the continuous research, to determine which stocks to buy and sell. Mutual funds on the other hand, that is specifically what they do. I worked for a short time at a pension fund which is basically a mutual fund, only dedicated to a captive customer base. The stock traders were shut away in a glass room, with dozens of monitors on all the walls, with all the major news networks on 24-7, and every computer had the stock tickers running 24-7 of all the major exchanges, and every major news paper was delivered to the room every morning, before they even arrived.

All the traders did, all day long from morning until closing, was read, watch, and learn everything they could, both about the companies whose stocks they owned already, and the stocks of companies they were considering buying.

Since I own stocks through a mutual fund, those guys work for me. So I don't care about some broken promise in China. If it matters, the traders at my mutual fund will read about it, learn about it, research it, and buy, or sell, stocks in response to it.

That's why my investments are up 75% over how much I've put into them, over the past decade. If things keep going as they have been, I'll have literally twice as much money in investments, than how much I've put into my investments, in about 3 years.

People like you with your seemingly reasonable outlook on life are very scary...flailing around pure unfettered capitalistic bull shit. Yes. All of those things can happen. The point you are missing because of your beliefs that it is ok to screw everyone for profit, even the country, is that these things are not ok. They are considered wrong behavior by sane people. Not people drunk and driving the automobile of greed with exaggerated feelings of self importance. What you dumb asses dont realize, as you comadasize the poor, is that you are a commodity too. As long as you have money, you know, the money you stole from the working class and made them poor, somebody with just a little more is gonna want yours too. And guess what?...their gonna get it. Thats capitalism right? Lmfao. Suckers.
A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.
I know of absolutely no brokerage firm that will tell you to go ahead and buy a house or a boat based upon your stock return. That is not what it is for or how it is used.
No one said that.
What happens is that investment values are never audited.
Clients believe their Financial Statement and Online Screens.
Clients spend money like there's no tomorrow.
And why shouldn't clients spend money that the Exchanges tell them they have.
After all, aren't people paying all those Free Market companies Fees to ensure that the illusion is real?

I don't understand this.

Investment values can't be audited, because the values of stocks change by the minute.

I own stock in Walmart. In just 3 hours, stock values went from $73.2, to $72.5. They go up and down, up and down. Constantly change. Even when the stock market itself is closed, there are after-hours trading, and price go up and down constantly.

If you did a value audit, the results of that audit would be obsolete between the time where you clicked 'print', and the paper spit out of the printer.

So I'm not real sure what you mean by "no one audits the investment values".

As for clients spend money like no tomorrow. That's their problem. If the client wants to spend money until he's broke.... that is going to happen regardless of what the investment firm does.

There is no investment firm, that is going to magically invest your money, so brilliantly, that he can out earn, your stupidity as a person.

If you are determine to buy everything you want, regardless of if you have the money to cover it.... then it doesn't matter if the CEO of Goldman Sachs is your golfing partner or not. You are going to be broke.

Lastly, exchanges do not tell you that if you have, or don't have, any money. Exchanges can only tell you that based on the last trades, the assets you own have X value if you can sell them at the last value they sold for.

Let me put it another way. I have a grand marquis. I bought my grand marquis with only 60,000 miles on it, for only $3,000. Meanwhile another person who bought the same car, paid $6,000. How did I get my car for so cheap, while someone else had to pay twice a much?

Easy. I bought my car in 2008, when gas was hitting $4 a gallon. He bought his, in 2010, when gas was half that. When I bought my car, people were freaking out that the evil oil companies which supposedly controlled gas prices, were going to keep driving up the price until it was $8 a gallon.

So the value of a V8 massive luxury land yacht, was low. By 2010 when people saw the gas-Apocalypse wasn't coming, the values came back.

Everything changes in value over time. Everything does. Nothing in this world has 'intrinsic value'. Thus the stock exchange does not lie, or manipulate. They can only tell you want the value of your investment is, based on the last known trade.

But that doesn't mean the value will stay there. If another Enron happens, and they find out that X Corp was fabricating sales data, and you own stock in X Corp, the value of that stock is going to go down.

If the government institutes protectionism, and eliminates imports, and that kills domestic companies, the value of your stock will go down. No value is static.

Most people I know under the age of 70 invest in CHINA; they couldn't give a damn about Brick & Mortar.
NO ONE even knows if the companies in China even exist or are producing a product.
My friend goes to China 4 times a year and India 4 times a year and has SIGNIFICANT issues with production and broken promises.

Yeah. Ok, so what?

Everything you do in this world, is subject to people breaking promises. You can marry a wife, spend your life with her, and she can run off with another man, and leave you wrecked.

You can take your car to a mechanic, and he can break the engine, and leave town. I know someone that this happened to.

There are no guarantees in life. None.

So I don't understand what your point is. So what about broken promises in China? Does that change the fact my stock in Prudential, and Novartis, are both up?

Let me explain how this works.

I do not buy single stocks. No one ever should. You buy mutual funds, and own stocks through mutual funds.

Moreover, you should buy more than one mutual fund. Possibly 4 or 5.

So here is how it works out. If my mutual fund discovers that my stock in say.... Croda International, or Banca Popolare Di Milano, or Hermès International, is not doing so well, or they find the company lied about "brick and mortar" in China.... they sell the stock, on my behalf. And buy stock in companies that have not lied, or are performing better.

See, people like you and me, we don't have the time, or the resources, or even the interest in doing the continuous research, to determine which stocks to buy and sell. Mutual funds on the other hand, that is specifically what they do. I worked for a short time at a pension fund which is basically a mutual fund, only dedicated to a captive customer base. The stock traders were shut away in a glass room, with dozens of monitors on all the walls, with all the major news networks on 24-7, and every computer had the stock tickers running 24-7 of all the major exchanges, and every major news paper was delivered to the room every morning, before they even arrived.

All the traders did, all day long from morning until closing, was read, watch, and learn everything they could, both about the companies whose stocks they owned already, and the stocks of companies they were considering buying.

Since I own stocks through a mutual fund, those guys work for me. So I don't care about some broken promise in China. If it matters, the traders at my mutual fund will read about it, learn about it, research it, and buy, or sell, stocks in response to it.

That's why my investments are up 75% over how much I've put into them, over the past decade. If things keep going as they have been, I'll have literally twice as much money in investments, than how much I've put into my investments, in about 3 years.

People like you with your seemingly reasonable outlook on life are very scary...flailing around pure unfettered capitalistic bull shit. Yes. All of those things can happen. The point you are missing because of your beliefs that it is ok to screw everyone for profit, even the country, is that these things are not ok. They are considered wrong behavior by sane people. Not people drunk and driving the automobile of greed with exaggerated feelings of self importance. What you dumb asses dont realize, as you comadasize the poor, is that you are a commodity too. As long as you have money, you know, the money you stole from the working class and made them poor, somebody with just a little more is gonna want yours too. And guess what?...their gonna get it. Thats capitalism right? Lmfao. Suckers.

Quit yer whining and get me my fries already.
People like you with your seemingly reasonable outlook on life are very scary...flailing around pure unfettered capitalistic bull shit. Yes. All of those things can happen. The point you are missing because of your beliefs that it is ok to screw everyone for profit, even the country, is that these things are not ok. They are considered wrong behavior by sane people. Not people drunk and driving the automobile of greed with exaggerated feelings of self importance. What you dumb asses dont realize, as you comadasize the poor, is that you are a commodity too. As long as you have money, you know, the money you stole from the working class and made them poor, somebody with just a little more is gonna want yours too. And guess what?...their gonna get it. Thats capitalism right? Lmfao. Suckers.

So buy stock and take back the profit you think you deserved.
I know of absolutely no brokerage firm that will tell you to go ahead and buy a house or a boat based upon your stock return. That is not what it is for or how it is used.
No one said that.
What happens is that investment values are never audited.
Clients believe their Financial Statement and Online Screens.
Clients spend money like there's no tomorrow.
And why shouldn't clients spend money that the Exchanges tell them they have.
After all, aren't people paying all those Free Market companies Fees to ensure that the illusion is real?

I don't understand this.

Investment values can't be audited, because the values of stocks change by the minute.

I own stock in Walmart. In just 3 hours, stock values went from $73.2, to $72.5. They go up and down, up and down. Constantly change. Even when the stock market itself is closed, there are after-hours trading, and price go up and down constantly.

If you did a value audit, the results of that audit would be obsolete between the time where you clicked 'print', and the paper spit out of the printer.

So I'm not real sure what you mean by "no one audits the investment values".

As for clients spend money like no tomorrow. That's their problem. If the client wants to spend money until he's broke.... that is going to happen regardless of what the investment firm does.

There is no investment firm, that is going to magically invest your money, so brilliantly, that he can out earn, your stupidity as a person.

If you are determine to buy everything you want, regardless of if you have the money to cover it.... then it doesn't matter if the CEO of Goldman Sachs is your golfing partner or not. You are going to be broke.

Lastly, exchanges do not tell you that if you have, or don't have, any money. Exchanges can only tell you that based on the last trades, the assets you own have X value if you can sell them at the last value they sold for.

Let me put it another way. I have a grand marquis. I bought my grand marquis with only 60,000 miles on it, for only $3,000. Meanwhile another person who bought the same car, paid $6,000. How did I get my car for so cheap, while someone else had to pay twice a much?

Easy. I bought my car in 2008, when gas was hitting $4 a gallon. He bought his, in 2010, when gas was half that. When I bought my car, people were freaking out that the evil oil companies which supposedly controlled gas prices, were going to keep driving up the price until it was $8 a gallon.

So the value of a V8 massive luxury land yacht, was low. By 2010 when people saw the gas-Apocalypse wasn't coming, the values came back.

Everything changes in value over time. Everything does. Nothing in this world has 'intrinsic value'. Thus the stock exchange does not lie, or manipulate. They can only tell you want the value of your investment is, based on the last known trade.

But that doesn't mean the value will stay there. If another Enron happens, and they find out that X Corp was fabricating sales data, and you own stock in X Corp, the value of that stock is going to go down.

If the government institutes protectionism, and eliminates imports, and that kills domestic companies, the value of your stock will go down. No value is static.

Most people I know under the age of 70 invest in CHINA; they couldn't give a damn about Brick & Mortar.
NO ONE even knows if the companies in China even exist or are producing a product.
My friend goes to China 4 times a year and India 4 times a year and has SIGNIFICANT issues with production and broken promises.

Yeah. Ok, so what?

Everything you do in this world, is subject to people breaking promises. You can marry a wife, spend your life with her, and she can run off with another man, and leave you wrecked.

You can take your car to a mechanic, and he can break the engine, and leave town. I know someone that this happened to.

There are no guarantees in life. None.

So I don't understand what your point is. So what about broken promises in China? Does that change the fact my stock in Prudential, and Novartis, are both up?

Let me explain how this works.

I do not buy single stocks. No one ever should. You buy mutual funds, and own stocks through mutual funds.

Moreover, you should buy more than one mutual fund. Possibly 4 or 5.

So here is how it works out. If my mutual fund discovers that my stock in say.... Croda International, or Banca Popolare Di Milano, or Hermès International, is not doing so well, or they find the company lied about "brick and mortar" in China.... they sell the stock, on my behalf. And buy stock in companies that have not lied, or are performing better.

See, people like you and me, we don't have the time, or the resources, or even the interest in doing the continuous research, to determine which stocks to buy and sell. Mutual funds on the other hand, that is specifically what they do. I worked for a short time at a pension fund which is basically a mutual fund, only dedicated to a captive customer base. The stock traders were shut away in a glass room, with dozens of monitors on all the walls, with all the major news networks on 24-7, and every computer had the stock tickers running 24-7 of all the major exchanges, and every major news paper was delivered to the room every morning, before they even arrived.

All the traders did, all day long from morning until closing, was read, watch, and learn everything they could, both about the companies whose stocks they owned already, and the stocks of companies they were considering buying.

Since I own stocks through a mutual fund, those guys work for me. So I don't care about some broken promise in China. If it matters, the traders at my mutual fund will read about it, learn about it, research it, and buy, or sell, stocks in response to it.

That's why my investments are up 75% over how much I've put into them, over the past decade. If things keep going as they have been, I'll have literally twice as much money in investments, than how much I've put into my investments, in about 3 years.

People like you with your seemingly reasonable outlook on life are very scary...flailing around pure unfettered capitalistic bull shit. Yes. All of those things can happen. The point you are missing because of your beliefs that it is ok to screw everyone for profit, even the country, is that these things are not ok. They are considered wrong behavior by sane people. Not people drunk and driving the automobile of greed with exaggerated feelings of self importance. What you dumb asses dont realize, as you comadasize the poor, is that you are a commodity too. As long as you have money, you know, the money you stole from the working class and made them poor, somebody with just a little more is gonna want yours too. And guess what?...their gonna get it. Thats capitalism right? Lmfao. Suckers.

First off, you don't know who you are talking to.

Lemme esplain you a little about who you are talking to.

When I was a sophomore in high school, I started worked at McDonalds. From then, until now at 39, I have been continuously employed. For the last 3 years, I got up at 3 AM, to get to work by 5 AM, to work until 4 PM. For some of that time, I worked two jobs.

Over the course of the past 20 years, I have worked about 30 different jobs. When I went to college, I started off in computer programming. I failed out of college. I went back twice, and failed out each time. So then I went to college to be an auto mechanic. While I passed all my classes, I broke every car I touched. I was working at a dealership at the time, and they started docking my pay, to pay other mechanics to fix the cars I broke, that they had to repair.

From there, I tried many different jobs, including big-rig truck driver, and fell asleep at the wheel of a large semi-truck, while driving 65 mph on the highway. Obviously I quit that job.

Because of my inability to get an education of value, or a trade skill I was good at, I have done manual labor jobs since high school. Today I am earning $11/hour, the exact same wage I was earning in 1999.

So when you say something stupid, like "you comadasize the poor"... *I AM THE POOR*. I have never in my life, earned more than $23,000 in a single year. This year is on track for about $19,000.

When you say "the money you stole from the working class".... *I AM THE WORKING CLASS*. Every dollar I have, is a dollar that *I* earned. Every investment I own, ever stock I've purchased, came from *MY WORK*.

When people were on Welfare, I was working. When people were collecting unemployment, I was working. When people in 2009, 2010, and 2011, where complaining about the lack of jobs, I was getting hired, and working my butt off.

I have not screwed over anyone anywhere. The only people being screwed over, is the working class people, BY YOU!. YOU PEOPLE are the ones screwing *US* over. We're the ones paying all your taxes. We're the ones paying for all your programs. We're the ones paying for your green energy plans. We're the ones working to pay the taxes to fund programs for people who don't work.

You spoiled brats likely haven't worked for an honest days wage yet. Spare me your ignorance based lectures. I paid over $4,000 in taxes, on my $22,000 in wages, to pay for programs you people demand.... then claim that I am screwing over the working people? Idiots. Foolish, stupid, mindless idiots. All of you. All the same.
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A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You don't have to. Move to Venezuela. No rich people going to mess with you there. Of course, no jobs, no food, no electricity, but hey, no one is screwing you over.

By all means, if you hate our system so much, go live under another system, and tell us how much better it is.
A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You too, can become rich, with this simple advice:

Buy low, and sell high.
A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You don't have to. Move to Venezuela. No rich people going to mess with you there. Of course, no jobs, no food, no electricity, but hey, no one is screwing you over.

By all means, if you hate our system so much, go live under another system, and tell us how much better it is.
That's a Rush Limbaugh answer.
Hyperbole is a poor smokescreen with which to conceal chicanery.
People made lots of money before Reagan.
A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You don't have to. Move to Venezuela. No rich people going to mess with you there. Of course, no jobs, no food, no electricity, but hey, no one is screwing you over.

By all means, if you hate our system so much, go live under another system, and tell us how much better it is.
That's a Rush Limbaugh answer.
Hyperbole is a poor smokescreen with which to conceal chicanery.
People made lots of money before Reagan.

Yeah, and I know I'm right, and you can't deny it. That's why all you can do is "Well that is a Rush Limbaugh answer".

Hyperbole is a smoke screen, and so is deflection.

The only difference is, I'm confronting the claim head on, and I do mean it. Go to Venezuela. There are no rich people there anymore (unless in government), and all the major corporations have left. By the claims here, that should mean Venezuela is a Utopia.

There is no country, around this world, and throughout history, which has been hostile to the rich, the wealth, the job makers, and wealth producers, that has had a positive and prosperous result, by driving out the wealthy.

If you think the rich are screwing over the lower and middle class.... then show me an example of any country where they drove out the rich, and had a good result. Where is it? Where is the workers paradise?

Yes, people made tons of money before Reagan, and there were tons and tons of wealthy people before Reagan.

And quiet frankly, there is absolutely no evidence from anywhere, that show people are worse off today, than before Reagan. Haven't met a person yet who lived through the 1970s, that suggest we should go back there. Nor have I met anyone that suggested the 1980s were worse.... unless they didn't live through it. Pretty easy to claim the 80s were bad, when you grew up in the 1990s.
A bunch of do nothing, screw the country, greedy ass mf'rs. Go to hell.How much is enough? Fu. You need to be watched and regulated just like a bunch of children so you dont fk the country late. Class war comin....

Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You don't have to. Move to Venezuela. No rich people going to mess with you there. Of course, no jobs, no food, no electricity, but hey, no one is screwing you over.

By all means, if you hate our system so much, go live under another system, and tell us how much better it is.
That's a Rush Limbaugh answer.
Hyperbole is a poor smokescreen with which to conceal chicanery.
People made lots of money before Reagan.

Yeah, and I know I'm right, and you can't deny it. That's why all you can do is "Well that is a Rush Limbaugh answer".

Hyperbole is a smoke screen, and so is deflection.

The only difference is, I'm confronting the claim head on, and I do mean it. Go to Venezuela. There are no rich people there anymore (unless in government), and all the major corporations have left. By the claims here, that should mean Venezuela is a Utopia.

There is no country, around this world, and throughout history, which has been hostile to the rich, the wealth, the job makers, and wealth producers, that has had a positive and prosperous result, by driving out the wealthy.

If you think the rich are screwing over the lower and middle class.... then show me an example of any country where they drove out the rich, and had a good result. Where is it? Where is the workers paradise?

Yes, people made tons of money before Reagan, and there were tons and tons of wealthy people before Reagan.

And quiet frankly, there is absolutely no evidence from anywhere, that show people are worse off today, than before Reagan. Haven't met a person yet who lived through the 1970s, that suggest we should go back there. Nor have I met anyone that suggested the 1980s were worse.... unless they didn't live through it. Pretty easy to claim the 80s were bad, when you grew up in the 1990s.
Who us hostile towards rich people.
Most of my friends are quite wealthy.
I'm talking about sheer greed and excess and the legalized gambling casino called the Stock Market.
Class war is coming?

Definitely time to switch my investments to the weapons industry!

Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You don't have to. Move to Venezuela. No rich people going to mess with you there. Of course, no jobs, no food, no electricity, but hey, no one is screwing you over.

By all means, if you hate our system so much, go live under another system, and tell us how much better it is.
That's a Rush Limbaugh answer.
Hyperbole is a poor smokescreen with which to conceal chicanery.
People made lots of money before Reagan.

Yeah, and I know I'm right, and you can't deny it. That's why all you can do is "Well that is a Rush Limbaugh answer".

Hyperbole is a smoke screen, and so is deflection.

The only difference is, I'm confronting the claim head on, and I do mean it. Go to Venezuela. There are no rich people there anymore (unless in government), and all the major corporations have left. By the claims here, that should mean Venezuela is a Utopia.

There is no country, around this world, and throughout history, which has been hostile to the rich, the wealth, the job makers, and wealth producers, that has had a positive and prosperous result, by driving out the wealthy.

If you think the rich are screwing over the lower and middle class.... then show me an example of any country where they drove out the rich, and had a good result. Where is it? Where is the workers paradise?

Yes, people made tons of money before Reagan, and there were tons and tons of wealthy people before Reagan.

And quiet frankly, there is absolutely no evidence from anywhere, that show people are worse off today, than before Reagan. Haven't met a person yet who lived through the 1970s, that suggest we should go back there. Nor have I met anyone that suggested the 1980s were worse.... unless they didn't live through it. Pretty easy to claim the 80s were bad, when you grew up in the 1990s.
Who us hostile towards rich people.
Most of my friends are quite wealthy.
I'm talking about sheer greed and excess and the legalized gambling casino called the Stock Market.

There is nothing about the stock market that is 'gambling'. It's not comparable in any way.

Stop being ridiculous. Gambling by it's nature, is a net loser. Your odds of coming out ahead are always far negative. If it wasn't, then no one would ever open a casino.

Your chances of losing playing the lottery, are 258,890,850 to 258,890,851.

If you think buying stocks, has the same inherently negative chances, then you are crazy.


Does that look like a consistent losing streak to you?

If you buy stocks, and just hold them.... and just keep them.... over the past 100 years, the value of that stock would have increased 1,000 fold. And that's buying the stock, before the Great Depression.

Heck I wish I had been smart enough to invest when I was in high school, working at McDonalds. When I was working there, I could have purchased McDonald's stock at $20 a share. Today, it's up near $130 a share. I could have $100,000 in stock by now. Unfortunately I as stupid left-tard in High school, and still believed "the big evil companies hold us down"... so now I'm just getting my investments up. Left-tardian thought, keeps people poor. I cite my own experiences as proof.

And by the way, this graph, is just the increase in the value of the stock you buy.

Even if that graph was completely flat, and McDonald's stock had remained at $20 a share for the last 30 years.....

It doesn't include dividends. You own part of the company, whose stock you buy. As a part owner, you are entitled to a sliver of the profits. McDonald's has paid out 50¢ to a dollar per share, since the 2000s. You own a couple hundred shares, that's hundreds of dollars in growth every year.

So even if the value of the individual shares never changed, you would still grow your investment over time.

How is this..... ANYTHING LIKE.... gambling? Name one single way, this is like gambling?
Lol. Of course there's a class war comin. Do you think the people your fucking over are just going to sit and take it forever?
You know what I hate about you mother fuckers? You get everything you want but thats not enough. You want it all. And how do you treat the people that made it for you. You bend them over and screw them. I think a thank you and a raise would be a nice gesture.
You people know whats coming. Im not causing it, you are. More crashes and more tax payer bailouts. Dont feel bad about being a sucker cause the working class are suckers for trusting you ass holes.

You don't have to. Move to Venezuela. No rich people going to mess with you there. Of course, no jobs, no food, no electricity, but hey, no one is screwing you over.

By all means, if you hate our system so much, go live under another system, and tell us how much better it is.
That's a Rush Limbaugh answer.
Hyperbole is a poor smokescreen with which to conceal chicanery.
People made lots of money before Reagan.

Yeah, and I know I'm right, and you can't deny it. That's why all you can do is "Well that is a Rush Limbaugh answer".

Hyperbole is a smoke screen, and so is deflection.

The only difference is, I'm confronting the claim head on, and I do mean it. Go to Venezuela. There are no rich people there anymore (unless in government), and all the major corporations have left. By the claims here, that should mean Venezuela is a Utopia.

There is no country, around this world, and throughout history, which has been hostile to the rich, the wealth, the job makers, and wealth producers, that has had a positive and prosperous result, by driving out the wealthy.

If you think the rich are screwing over the lower and middle class.... then show me an example of any country where they drove out the rich, and had a good result. Where is it? Where is the workers paradise?

Yes, people made tons of money before Reagan, and there were tons and tons of wealthy people before Reagan.

And quiet frankly, there is absolutely no evidence from anywhere, that show people are worse off today, than before Reagan. Haven't met a person yet who lived through the 1970s, that suggest we should go back there. Nor have I met anyone that suggested the 1980s were worse.... unless they didn't live through it. Pretty easy to claim the 80s were bad, when you grew up in the 1990s.
Who us hostile towards rich people.
Most of my friends are quite wealthy.
I'm talking about sheer greed and excess and the legalized gambling casino called the Stock Market.

There is nothing about the stock market that is 'gambling'. It's not comparable in any way.

Stop being ridiculous. Gambling by it's nature, is a net loser. Your odds of coming out ahead are always far negative. If it wasn't, then no one would ever open a casino.

Your chances of losing playing the lottery, are 258,890,850 to 258,890,851.

If you think buying stocks, has the same inherently negative chances, then you are crazy.

View attachment 89296

Does that look like a consistent losing streak to you?

If you buy stocks, and just hold them.... and just keep them.... over the past 100 years, the value of that stock would have increased 1,000 fold. And that's buying the stock, before the Great Depression.

Heck I wish I had been smart enough to invest when I was in high school, working at McDonalds. When I was working there, I could have purchased McDonald's stock at $20 a share. Today, it's up near $130 a share. I could have $100,000 in stock by now. Unfortunately I as stupid left-tard in High school, and still believed "the big evil companies hold us down"... so now I'm just getting my investments up. Left-tardian thought, keeps people poor. I cite my own experiences as proof.

And by the way, this graph, is just the increase in the value of the stock you buy.

Even if that graph was completely flat, and McDonald's stock had remained at $20 a share for the last 30 years.....

It doesn't include dividends. You own part of the company, whose stock you buy. As a part owner, you are entitled to a sliver of the profits. McDonald's has paid out 50¢ to a dollar per share, since the 2000s. You own a couple hundred shares, that's hundreds of dollars in growth every year.

So even if the value of the individual shares never changed, you would still grow your investment over time.

How is this..... ANYTHING LIKE.... gambling? Name one single way, this is like gambling?

There are many ups and downs. The curve is anything but strait. What a crock of shit. Not gambling, lmao. If a poker never loses, he is not gambling?? No foreseen future. Jeeze! According to you, no one ever lost money in the stock market.
A stock market, is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately.

Stock market participation refers to the number of agents who buy and sell equity backed securities either directly or indirectly in a financial exchange. Participants are generally subdivided into three distinct sectors; households, institutions, and foreign traders. Direct participation occurs when any of the above entities buys or sells securities on its own behalf on an exchange. Indirect participation occurs when an institutional investor exchanges a stock on behalf of an individual or household. Indirect investment occurs in the form of pooled investment accounts, retirement accounts, and other managed financial accounts.

Another crock of shit written by a do nothing wall street financier with no allegiance to anyone, any country or anything but money..
Your all a bunch of sick people that have lost their way. The great city of Babylon.
Here is what you greedy cock sucker have done. My friend got his job 35 years ago in retail. RETAIL! Lol. He now has 60,000usd in the bank, has completely paid off his house, drives a nice, late model car and, well, so far, has a retirement. It was and still is a union shop. Do that now. The middle just had too much wealth for you greedy bastards didnt they?
And, lol, what the pity really is, as Ive said before, is that the super rich?...if your not super rich? are their wrath's object as well. But you dont see it your so drunk.
How bout this: when the day comes and the banks dont open...will you be able to get your money? Are you that important to anyone?
...and if you cant get your money, lol, guess are at the bottom with everyone else.

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