The Storm Is Coming! Declassified Documents In Deep State Coup To Be Released By Wednesday, July 31

Hey White_MAGA_Man when are these things going to be released to the public? we are now two days past when you said it would happen

The info was released on 7/31. We all found out that Horowitz has referred Comey for prosecution because he leaked classified info to the press.
And because he also removed 4 documents from the FBI office after he was fired. Hell, the FBI even came to Comey's home to get those

The AG has just decided not to charge Comey with anything for the time being.

What made it real interesting was the Horowitz report has not been officially released yet. They want Comey to know that he is theirs for the taking
whenever they want him. Horowitz report also includes FISA abuses, which will be really damaging, if they are there.

Comey has always been a stooge in this entire fiasco. Barr is no dummy. He's going after the big fish...Obama. He just needs to follow the
trail of the crooked folks involved in all of this.

If the FISA court had a fraud perpetuated on it, every DOJ official who signed a FISA warrant is up for arrest. Comey would be up for arrest if
he told the DOJ that it was verified. They all will be up for arrest if they did not return to the court and inform the court of any changes, like
Steele not being able to verify it himself.

He delivered on 7/31.

The weeks ahead will be really interesting.

What does any of that have to do with classified documents being released to the public?

You are more desperate than even our racist MAGAMAN

Yeah, that's why the bitch, DNC and everyone else that conspired to pay foreign operatives for the Steele dossier will be frog marched to jail, RIGHT?????? RIGHT?????

No, since they paid an American company for dirt which they never used by the way dumbass.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that commie. Laundering money through a law firm to hide the expense form the FEC is also a felony.

If they did it they would be arrested, brainwashed functional moron. There is no conspiracy against you

Does Perkins-Coie ring any bells?


Perhaps you stay away from topics you know nothing about.

Hey White_MAGA_Man when are these things going to be released to the public? we are now two days past when you said it would happen

The info was released on 7/31. We all found out that Horowitz has referred Comey for prosecution because he leaked classified info to the press.
And because he also removed 4 documents from the FBI office after he was fired. Hell, the FBI even came to Comey's home to get those

The AG has just decided not to charge Comey with anything for the time being.

What made it real interesting was the Horowitz report has not been officially released yet. They want Comey to know that he is theirs for the taking
whenever they want him. Horowitz report also includes FISA abuses, which will be really damaging, if they are there.

Comey has always been a stooge in this entire fiasco. Barr is no dummy. He's going after the big fish...Obama. He just needs to follow the
trail of the crooked folks involved in all of this.

If the FISA court had a fraud perpetuated on it, every DOJ official who signed a FISA warrant is up for arrest. Comey would be up for arrest if
he told the DOJ that it was verified. They all will be up for arrest if they did not return to the court and inform the court of any changes, like
Steele not being able to verify it himself.

He delivered on 7/31.

The weeks ahead will be really interesting.
All you have is speculation and wishful thinking.
So...3pm in DC...anyone seen these documents yet???

the dog ate them .....
whose dog?

My dog did. She's one slippery bitch.
Yeah, that's why the bitch, DNC and everyone else that conspired to pay foreign operatives for the Steele dossier will be frog marched to jail, RIGHT?????? RIGHT?????


Did the Brits claim they had some damaging information on Dirty Don, and wanted to meet with the Hillary campaign? Did Hillary then lie about contacts with British officials and direct others to lie it?
Christopher Steele was British and his Partner Skirpal was Russian.

I see, then it was Skirpal who called the Clinton's with damaging info on Trump and wanting to meet and discuss a deal? Was that before or after the pussies from Russia poisoned him?

Who can forget when on the campaign rally trail the Witch said something like "Britton if yer listen, it sure would be nice if you could find that peepee tape. I'm sure the Faux Network will reward you greatly"

So so much alike
it wasn't investigated, we don't know yet. let's investigate, eh?

Call Devin, he's your man!
i think you lie. but I may be reaching on that.
Yeah, that's why the bitch, DNC and everyone else that conspired to pay foreign operatives for the Steele dossier will be frog marched to jail, RIGHT?????? RIGHT?????


Did the Brits claim they had some damaging information on Dirty Don, and wanted to meet with the Hillary campaign? Did Hillary then lie about contacts with British officials and direct others to lie it?
Christopher Steele was British and his Partner Skirpal was Russian.

I see, then it was Skirpal who called the Clinton's with damaging info on Trump and wanting to meet and discuss a deal? Was that before or after the pussies from Russia poisoned him?

Who can forget when on the campaign rally trail the Witch said something like "Britton if yer listen, it sure would be nice if you could find that peepee tape. I'm sure the Faux Network will reward you greatly"

So so much alike
I'm thinking it was Steele who poisoned him to keep his mouth shut. The Russians had no reason to poison him after leaving him and his daughter unmolested in the UK for 10 years after making the swap for Anna Chapman.

Come on man, you not even trying today. Termites got you down or what?

Of course Steele didn't poison his partner, it was that mega-mastermind Criminal Hillary Clinton who plotted their poisonin, just for fun.
exactly she was showing her skills outside the killing of Seth Rich. her skills are both with a gun and poison.
I do have to say that even though I am on his side if the street, WMM has made these announcements before and they don’t pan out.
He makes announcements 2-3 times a day that never pan out.

And you aren't on "his side of the street". You're a conservative (which is bad enough), he's a nut-job.
It was just announced the DOJ / Barr will NOT indict former FBI Director Comey - as recommended by the US IG - for the crime of admittedly leaking classified memos...exactly as the DOJ refused to indict Comey's former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, for the exact same thing...

I have seen speculation that the DOJ / Barr may be waiting for the 'BIG REVEAL' - the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuse and other on-going investigations.

'They' can speculate all they want, but What I / many others see, however, - not what I / we HOPE / THINK - is the fact that the US IG has come out twice now recommending indictment of the former Obama FBI Director and Deputy Director for crimes of illegally leaking classified information about a US President, and the United States Department of Justice refusing to do so.


The memo was not classified. It was given to a friend and not leaked to the press. The friend then called a reported and gave him the substance of certain parts of the memo. So call off the Brownshirts, Red, you got nothing again.

You might want to go back and listen to Comey's congressional testimony concerning that transaction. He gave the memos to his friend with the intent of releasing them to the press, to get a special counsel appointed. Comey should go to jail for it.


The memo itself wasn't leaked to the press by his friend.
Is it safe to come out of the Storm Cellar now? Is it over?

I'm hanging in - sooner or later God will start hurling lightning bolts at all the RW liars, and I dont want to be too close when they start sparking off -
Is it safe to come out of the Storm Cellar now? Is it over?
No, snowflakes still need to hunker down.

- Hillary still lost. She's not President.

- The coup failed. Trump IS still our President.

- After 2 DNC Debates over, the DNC is thinking of begging Michelle Obama to run because ALL of their candidates so far suck / have no chance of beating Trump.

Is it safe to come out of the Storm Cellar now? Is it over?
No, snowflakes still need to hunker down.

- Hillary still lost. She's not President.

- The coup failed. Trump IS still our President.

- After 2 DNC Debates over, the DNC is thinking of begging Michelle Obama to run because ALL of their candidates so far suck / have no chance of beating Trump.


Hey there deflective crime stopper, hold on now, that Sloth Coup is just about ready to pounce, any month now.. (, I mean, Sloths)

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