The Storm Is Coming! Declassified Documents In Deep State Coup To Be Released By Wednesday, July 31

For some reason Barr seems reluctant to charge Comey when they indicted other people for lesser crimes. I wonder what's going on. Maybe Barr is waiting until they get enough evidence to put Comey away.
For some reason Barr seems reluctant to charge Comey when they indicted other people for lesser crimes. I wonder what's going on. Maybe Barr is waiting until they get enough evidence to put Comey away.

Yeah, that has to be it!! Any day now those charges will come!! You just sit there and wait! :21:
Congratulations this makes 3000 phony scandals from the GOP the last 25 years. So it has to be a conspiracy of the entire world's journalists and law enforcement LOL....
The Storm Is Coming! Declassified Documents In Deep State Coup To Be Released By Wednesday, July 31
It seems patience has paid off. With Ratcliffe being appointed head of DNI it's now time to unload the declassified docs for the public to finally see. Just less than 48 hours to go folks.

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….

John Ratcliffe Is a Dangerous Pick for Director of National Intelligence

"The storm is coming." Isn't that a white racial or national socialist distress signal of sorts?

Stormfront - White Nationalist Community

Almost like it's only for the Swedes and Norwegians. The Finns and the Saami just aren't "white" enough for some of this political social darwinist crapola.
High-level civilian employees are as crooked as they get.... deep state
I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

That's not illegal commie dupe.

Taking help in elections from foreigners is....

No. it isn't.
Only contributions.
Contributions of any kind, including dirt.
Is it actually illegal to accept "campaign dirt" from foreigners?

Jun 14, 2019 · The FEC chair: "It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign ...


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High-level civilian employees are as crooked as they get.... deep state
Yes yes who needs evidence that anything like it exists...3000 phony scandals later, it must be a conspiracy against the bought off pundits and zombie GOP voters like you... Has nothing to do with you being a gun dealer I'm sure...
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

That's not illegal commie dupe.

Taking help in elections from foreigners is....

Your God Mueller says otherwise. Grow the fuck up commie.

all you know is GOP propaganda. He said he could be arrested if he weren't president or you going to. You get no real news about it. you people haven't heard that the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it.

More fucking commies lies, he said THEY DID NOT DETERMINE IF THE PRESIDENT COMMITTED A CRIME. He said it in the report and he said it in his testimony.

You commie dupes are Putins best tools. LMAO


Stupid people on both sides are useful to the "Very Strong" Putin

Mueller concluded that he could not make a determination of a crime because our So-called President could not defend himself against such a charge.
Joe was wrong -- Again.

But he has a long, long, long, LONG way to go to catch up to CNN, pMSNBC, CBS, ABC, The Slimes, WaPo (Pravda West) and the entire dimocrap scum media complex.

Why is it that Conservatives have to be 100% right 100% of the time.

But dimocrap scum?

That FILTH hasn't been right about anything in the last 50 years.

And they're just getting worse.

It's why I didn't get excited about Joe's predictions. He's been wrong a lot more than he's been right lately.

I have to wonder if he's getting fed bullshit by some dim operatives at Justice.

I also believe that, contrary to the stupidity of dimocrap scum in here, Barr is withholding indictments right now because, the minutes he unseals them, the dimocrap scum will scatter like cockroaches when you turn the lights on. They'll 'lawyer-up' quick.

He might be waiting.

Or, as I opined earlier, he might do nothing.

Nobody protects the Deep State like the Deep State.
High-level civilian employees are as crooked as they get.... deep state
Yes yes who needs evidence that anything like it exists...3000 phony scandals later, it must be a conspiracy against the bought off pundits and zombie GOP voters like you... Has nothing to do with you being a gun dealer I'm sure...

Every career bureaucrat in the Federal Government is a Deep State Operative. Ops let me rephrase that, every career bureaucrat in the Federal Government that voted for Hillary is a Deep State Operative....

Their coming to get you......
I wouldn’t get too excited. You saw what happen to the pathetic democrats on this board who swore up and down that Mueller’s testimony in front of congress was going to be the linchpin to impeaching the Orange Clown. You don’t hear a peep from them now.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

That's not illegal commie dupe.

Taking help in elections from foreigners is....

No. it isn't.
Only contributions.
Contributions of any kind, including dirt.
Is it actually illegal to accept "campaign dirt" from foreigners?

Jun 14, 2019 · The FEC chair: "It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign ...

Yeah, that's why the bitch, DNC and everyone else that conspired to pay foreign operatives for the Steele dossier will be frog marched to jail, RIGHT?????? RIGHT?????

No no no, you 'people' just do not get it. Those documents are really coming out on Aug 10th. Just you wait. We will get them then.

The deep state just erased the 0 to throw us off.
Certainly not on your garbage GOP propaganda machine, super duper. Did you know that the Trump campaign met with Russians over 100 times and wrote nothing down and lied about it? I didn't think so there's plenty more where that came from dumbass.

That's not illegal commie dupe.

Taking help in elections from foreigners is....

No. it isn't.
Only contributions.
Contributions of any kind, including dirt.
Is it actually illegal to accept "campaign dirt" from foreigners?

Jun 14, 2019 · The FEC chair: "It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign ...

Yeah, that's why the bitch, DNC and everyone else that conspired to pay foreign operatives for the Steele dossier will be frog marched to jail, RIGHT?????? RIGHT?????


Yep, that will happen any day now!!

You are such a rube! :21::21:
Here it is 1pm in DC and still nothing!

I am so shocked by this!!
I feel bad sometimes....for hard core partisans......

When "Their" guy gets elected, they celebrate like it's 2099, totally forgiving any past regressions......but rarely do any of the "promises" ever materialize.

Rinse.....repeat ad nausea

Anyone agree the phrase "taxation without representation"....has never been more accurate than it is today, right now?
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That's not illegal commie dupe.

Taking help in elections from foreigners is....

Your God Mueller says otherwise. Grow the fuck up commie.

all you know is GOP propaganda. He said he could be arrested if he weren't president or you going to. You get no real news about it. you people haven't heard that the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times wrote nothing down and lied about it.

More fucking commies lies, he said THEY DID NOT DETERMINE IF THE PRESIDENT COMMITTED A CRIME. He said it in the report and he said it in his testimony.

You commie dupes are Putins best tools. LMAO


Stupid people on both sides are useful to the "Very Strong" Putin

Mueller concluded that he could not make a determination of a crime because our So-called President could not defend himself against such a charge.

Once again, 3 top lawyers at the DOJ concluded Muellers theories and citations didn't hold water and there was no actionable evidence the president committed obstruction IAW applicable law. Now feel free to spew your own conspiracy theories.

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