The Story of one "EX" Gay

How many of you people for ex-gays are actually gay?

I am gay...

Wait a minute... are you saying you're happy? I don't think so. I think you're trying to say you're a FAGGOT.

... and I believe from a first hand perspective that it cannot be changed,

And that's because you don't WANT it to be changed... in YOUR life. You LIKE sucking cock and taking it up the ass, while the rest of us NORMAL people find that utterly and absolutely vile, disgusting, repugnant, revolting, sick and perverted.

I don't care to censor anything,

Yes you do. You're doing your damndest to throw the article I posted to the curb without merit, just like we'd expect from a "don't want to change sick ass faggot".

but how can you proclaim that homosexuality can be changed when you yourself are not one.
If you truly believe by one person's testimonial that one's sexuality can be changed, then logic would suggest by that if a straight person became gay under therapy, then you should be able to do the same.

You can't change a person's sexuality. A person is either born a man or a woman. It's the person's "thinking" and the "choices they make" that are changable with therapy.

Homosexuality is a sickness. A filthy, shitty, born of the devil disease. Those of you who look at it as cute, or not hurting anyone else, which by the way is NOT TRUE, that condone such behavior, and yes even "tolerate it", are all enablers. You perpetuate the sickness.

Do a faggot a favor. Tell him/her they're sick and need help. Tell them what they do makes you want to PUKE! Stop pretending it doesn't.
quoted by pale: "Yes you do. You're doing your damndest to throw the article I posted to the curb without merit, just like we'd expect from a "don't want to change sick ass faggot"."

Pale, you do realize that there is a difference between censorship and disagreement, right?
If I wanted to censor your article, that would mean that I would not let it be posted.
If I am disagreeing with you, then I don't share the same view point about it that you do and I have the right to post my opinion as well.

BTW, what did gay people ever do to you?
You seem very threatened by my presence. Calling people faggots is not very nice you know.
quoted by pale: "Yes you do. You're doing your damndest to throw the article I posted to the curb without merit, just like we'd expect from a "don't want to change sick ass faggot"."

Pale, you do realize that there is a difference between censorship and disagreement, right?
If I wanted to censor your article, that would mean that I would not let it be posted.
If I am disagreeing with you, then I don't share the same view point about it that you do and I have the right to post my opinion as well.

BTW, what did gay people ever do to you?
You seem very threatened by my presence. Calling people faggots is not very nice you know.

You and your kind just turn my stomach. You lolligag around like what you're doing is cute. Well it's not. You're all sick, and you need someone to tell you that.
By the way, Are you part of the Westboro Baptist church?
They would seem to be a very good fit for a person like you, I'm sure you would have to start protesting about how god hates america, but I'm sure you would do that just to protest against those "FAG ENABLERS".
By the way, Are you part of the Westboro Baptist church?
They would seem to be a very good fit for a person like you, I'm sure you would have to start protesting about how god hates america, but I'm sure you would do that just to protest against those "FAG ENABLERS".

Try the Hells Angels and you'll be a little closer.
aw, what a shame,
you could have been worshipping god and protesting against homosexuals at the same time. Are you sure you wouldn't like to reconsider, I'm sure it would become your new famous pastime.
aw, what a shame,
you could have been worshipping god and protesting against homosexuals at the same time. Are you sure you wouldn't like to reconsider, I'm sure it would become your new famous pastime.

Save your tepid humor for your butt buddies.

It's obvious you've been nailed to the floor by the truth and now have nothing more to say that matters, so just shut up and try and save some face. Being a faggot is hard enough without looking like an idiot on top of it.
why do you have such a hatred towards homosexuals?
It almost makes it seem like you have nothing else to do with your day except to hate homosexuals.

Maybe he is just tired of having a perverse lifestyle shoved in his face and the repeated attempts of the gay community to bypass the Democratic process and dictate to people what they can or cant do. of course he could probably answer better than I can.
why do you have such a hatred towards homosexuals?
It almost makes it seem like you have nothing else to do with your day except to hate homosexuals.

I see you people as weak. You've given in to your sickness, without as much as an attempt at getting help. You want me and every other normal person to accept your sickness and perverted, deviant, disgusting sex acts you commit on each other as "OK".

"YOU" people are usually the MILITANT ones, who pile on the first person who voices opposition to you. You want to silence that person at all cost. You shout them down and demonize them with your catch phrases and names like "homophobe", and "hater".

We'll I'm one of the people who aren't afraid to tell you that you're disgusting and sick. And nothing you do will silence me. And the fact of the matter is, I speak for the VAST MAJORITY of people.

I don't "hate" the "homosexual". I "hate" what the homosexual DOES. I "respect" those who have recognized their sickness for what it is, and have gotten help. They stopped kidding themselves, and got help, which is what YOU should do, instead of being here wondering why I find you so disgusting. You should know.
you are calling me the militant one?
so I'm the "militant one" because I have yet to call you a single name, but all you can do is say stuff about how I am a "faggot", "queer", me and my "butt buddies", etc.
yet, you seem to be the one, starting up a thread to flame homosexuals. See, this is where your logic always fails. According to you, it is okay that you constantly berate me with your hateful words yet when I disagree with you , I'm suddenly trying to censor your ideas and bring down the core ethics of the American population???

And for Avatar, how does the gay community bypass the democratic process? I would really like to know about that one, And how does the gay community dictate what people do or don't do??? We are a minority so could I assume the opposite and say that since you and many other people consist of the majority that you, in fact, tell us what we can and can't do. Last time I checked, I can't be legally joined with another man, I am not entitled to benefits that straigh couples are, so I really don't see how we control you, it is really the opposite way.
you are calling me the militant one?

I said, and now I have to repeat myself, that you fags are by far more militant about this debate than normal people. So you're trying to hold your cool... so what. The rest of you have been militant for quite some time. Bonnie just posted an article about how you fags now want to tell normal people what "YOU" think "tolerance" should be. It's not GOOD enough that people DO tolerate you, now you have to DEMAND upon us just what it is you think tolerance should be.

so I'm the "militant one" because I have yet to call you a single name, but all you can do is say stuff about how I am a "faggot", "queer", me and my "butt buddies", etc.
yet, you seem to be the one, starting up a thread to flame homosexuals. See, this is where your logic always fails. According to you, it is okay that you constantly berate me with your hateful words yet when I disagree with you , I'm suddenly trying to censor your ideas and bring down the core ethics of the American population???

My "logic" is NATURE, and I'm not the one bucking nature. You are.

And yes, you fags DO denegrate humanity as a whole with your filthy, perverted ways.
you are calling me the militant one?
so I'm the "militant one" because I have yet to call you a single name, but all you can do is say stuff about how I am a "faggot", "queer", me and my "butt buddies", etc.
yet, you seem to be the one, starting up a thread to flame homosexuals. See, this is where your logic always fails. According to you, it is okay that you constantly berate me with your hateful words yet when I disagree with you , I'm suddenly trying to censor your ideas and bring down the core ethics of the American population???

And for Avatar, how does the gay community bypass the democratic process? I would really like to know about that one, And how does the gay community dictate what people do or don't do??? We are a minority so could I assume the opposite and say that since you and many other people consist of the majority that you, in fact, tell us what we can and can't do. Last time I checked, I can't be legally joined with another man, I am not entitled to benefits that straigh couples are, so I really don't see how we control you, it is really the opposite way.

How is pointing to the fact that there are recovering homosexuals, a point that utterly destroyed the entire argument of the homosexual community, flaming homosexuals?

How is the gay community not bypassing the Democratic system? Rather than letting the people decide whether they want to accept gay marriage as part of society they have been militant in forcing it on the people. They pushed it through the Massachusetts Supreme Court and forced the people to accept it. Officials of San Fransisco have blatantly violated the laws of California, which was voted on directly by the people, to license and solemnize gay marriages.

Never once has the gay community tried to advocate their position through the Democratic process and convince people to accept their position. Instead they have always pushed it through the Courts. Lawrence v. Texas made it illegal for citizens of the united states to engage in the Democratic process concerning homosexuality.

Of course people are going to be upset with you trying to undermine both family values and the very foundation of this Republic. Personally I am sick and tired of people parading perversion in front of me and telling me Im wrong for objecting to it. I am tired of people telling me I am a "hateful bigot" because I disagree with what they do, especially when they try to force it upon society. And I am sick and tired of people trying to undermine the foundations of freedom in this nation.

This is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people and im tired of the homosexual community as well other minority interests groups telling the American people that we dont have a right to have a government and society as we want them and that we are going to have your skewed point of views forced upon us.

If you want to go do whatever you want with consenting adults in the privacy of your own home go ahead. Yeah its sick, Yeah its unhealthy and yeah its a detriment to society but its your own choice. But stop trying to parade it in front of people. Stop trying to force people to accept it. Because the more you try to force people to accepet it the more you will find a backlash from good and decent people who arent going to put up with such trash.

And it is trash. You turn something as beautiful and sacred as sex and turn into utter garbage because you claim "I can't help it".

Its called self control you have it. But you choose not to use it. And it makes you utterly miserable. But rather than conclude that you are miserable from your actions, you accuse others for making you miserable. I've listened to gay activists and some of them are very clear that the reason they are pushing this is to make everyone as miserable as they are. You are miserable because you are making bad choices. So stop making bad choices and you wont be miserable.

I am just tired of people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves. I am tired of all the excuses. I am tired of all this sophistry. I am tired of people whining about how they cant do anything about it. You choose your actions. Take responsibility for them. Stop trying to excuse them and avoiding the consequences of your bad mistakes. And stop trying to force others to accept responsibility for your bad mistakes too. Because its society that suffers because of your mistakes. The effects might not be immediately but within a generation or two we will see the horrible effects of it. You cant fool around carelessly with the powers that create life without getting burnt and burning everything around you.
OCA, you should probably go back to college, or if you haven't, go to college because you are not describing biology. Last time I checked, gender and sexuality is not in the course curriculum of a biology course, you are probably talking more about the realm of psychology.
And by the way, if you think psychology says homosexuality is a choice and that it is wrong, then I would advise you to take a psychology course.
A Logic course may also help you because you seem to lack it.

Severna Park, eh? Probably explains why nobody has ever put a foot in yourc ass and told you that you are making bad choices.

Anyway most human sexuality courses are under the biology section. Psychology says queerness isn't a choice because of immense pressure that the homosexual leadership laid upon an APA conference way back about 30+ years ago so they would change their position, now any reputeable psychologist weho comes out as homosexuality being a choice or mental disorder gets pummelled by the queer leadership.
Good point. OCA seems to be overly focused on the physical aspects of relationships. You are also right in recommending that he take a course in basic logic. Don’t hold your breath with the hope that he improves. I’ve debated him for months and even when I clearly point to his erroneous and fallacious comments, he almost never admits to them.

LMFAO! Matts you get trashed by everyone on this subject with your innane analogies and holier than thou attitude. I've smacked you down each time you've dared to climb my mountain.
OCA's official position on queers marriage:

homosexuality is a choice and a wrong one at that, if you want to fist your buddy's ass in the privacy of your own home have at it but in the public arena you need to know that shit is not considered kosher. Queers are not interested in marriage, they are interested in legitimizing their perversion of choice and marriage is just the vehicle they are driving to get to that point..........they will never arrive at their destination.
How is pointing to the fact that there are recovering homosexuals, a point that utterly destroyed the entire argument of the homosexual community, flaming homosexuals?

How is the gay community not bypassing the Democratic system? Rather than letting the people decide whether they want to accept gay marriage as part of society they have been militant in forcing it on the people. They pushed it through the Massachusetts Supreme Court and forced the people to accept it. Officials of San Fransisco have blatantly violated the laws of California, which was voted on directly by the people, to license and solemnize gay marriages.

Never once has the gay community tried to advocate their position through the Democratic process and convince people to accept their position. Instead they have always pushed it through the Courts. Lawrence v. Texas made it illegal for citizens of the united states to engage in the Democratic process concerning homosexuality.

Of course people are going to be upset with you trying to undermine both family values and the very foundation of this Republic. Personally I am sick and tired of people parading perversion in front of me and telling me Im wrong for objecting to it. I am tired of people telling me I am a "hateful bigot" because I disagree with what they do, especially when they try to force it upon society. And I am sick and tired of people trying to undermine the foundations of freedom in this nation.

This is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people and im tired of the homosexual community as well other minority interests groups telling the American people that we dont have a right to have a government and society as we want them and that we are going to have your skewed point of views forced upon us.

If you want to go do whatever you want with consenting adults in the privacy of your own home go ahead. Yeah its sick, Yeah its unhealthy and yeah its a detriment to society but its your own choice. But stop trying to parade it in front of people. Stop trying to force people to accept it. Because the more you try to force people to accepet it the more you will find a backlash from good and decent people who arent going to put up with such trash.

And it is trash. You turn something as beautiful and sacred as sex and turn into utter garbage because you claim "I can't help it".

Its called self control you have it. But you choose not to use it. And it makes you utterly miserable. But rather than conclude that you are miserable from your actions, you accuse others for making you miserable. I've listened to gay activists and some of them are very clear that the reason they are pushing this is to make everyone as miserable as they are. You are miserable because you are making bad choices. So stop making bad choices and you wont be miserable.

I am just tired of people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves. I am tired of all the excuses. I am tired of all this sophistry. I am tired of people whining about how they cant do anything about it. You choose your actions. Take responsibility for them. Stop trying to excuse them and avoiding the consequences of your bad mistakes. And stop trying to force others to accept responsibility for your bad mistakes too. Because its society that suffers because of your mistakes. The effects might not be immediately but within a generation or two we will see the horrible effects of it. You cant fool around carelessly with the powers that create life without getting burnt and burning everything around you.

Pale Rider...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Avatar4321 again.
LMFAO! Matts you get trashed by everyone on this subject with your innane analogies and holier than thou attitude. I've smacked you down each time you've dared to climb my mountain.

Mountian?!? – LOL – more like an anthill.

Oh, wow! From where do I begin? Do you remember this?

I'm guessing that mattskramer is queer?

What erroneous and irrelevant name-calling. I suppose that if I want to allow people to drink alcohol, I must be an alcoholic. If I want people to be allowed to smoke, I must have a nicotine addiction. Your logic and reasoning ability leaves very much to be desired.

Within the same thread, see:

Have never heard of one being denied the right to visit a butt buddy in the hospital, show me some examples.

Look up “Flanigan v. University of Maryland Medical System Corporation”
No. That might be too difficult or time-consuming for you. I’ll do the legwork for you. Just read:

Finding an example was just too easy. Next time, do just a little bit of research before showing your laziness and ignorance.

Don’t you see that I am not a coward to answer challenges put to me. Let’s see how you weasel out of answering the simplest of questions. See:

Everybody read the 2nd amendment again, there is no ambiguity there nor is it vague. An armed citizenry is the best deterrent to a tyrannical government.

Now as for the ridiculous arguments about IBCM's and bazookas, let me know where the common citizen can get his hands on one....until then we'll consider that argument to be foolish.

Uh. No. It is not foolish to consider whether something is right or wrong before it happens. You need not have an event happen before considering if such an even, should it happen, is right or wrong. Even Johnney had enough class to give me a straight answer.

Look, debating you is child’s play.
OCA's official position on queers marriage:

homosexuality is a choice and a wrong one at that,

The great one has spoken. LOL. Well, everyone is entitled to his opinion.

if you want to fist your buddy's ass in the privacy of your own home have at it but in the public arena you need to know that shit is not considered kosher.

Gay or straight, such activity should not be done in public. So – no argument there.

Queers are not interested in marriage, they are interested in legitimizing their perversion of choice and marriage is just the vehicle they are driving to get to that point..........they will never arrive at their destination.

That was a nice bit of mind reading. LOL
There is the suggestion, still under investigation, of course, that straight people DO become gay, many times because of abuse, neglect, or other factors.

I can claim that homosexuality can be changed because of numerous testimonies, not just one.

Tsk tsk tsk, using sources that are inherently biased to begin with as well as use misinformation and definitely don't use random samples.

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