The Story of one "EX" Gay

marx, that was not supposed to flame christians, I have nothing against them, i am saying that if pale holds christian values, like thinking that gluttony is wrong, judaism is not the right religion, etc., then why does he not hate them, they are much more numerous and more power ful than homosexuals are.
karl marx,
Even if homosexuality could be cured, just pretend in the future that they had a cure that had a 100% chance of effectiveness, I doubt that many homosexuals would care to be cured. I know that I wouldn't, but that is because I accepted myself. It goes for the same way as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse etc., in the the fact that you can't force someone to change if they don't want to. the only way to make an alcoholic change is if they view alcoholism as a severe problem that negatively affects their life, same way with depression. People are not going to seek help if they don't want to. One of my friends is manic depressive (or bipolar), she won't get help, even after multiple times of me and her friends telling her because she does not believe that it affects her life in a negative way. in fact, according to her, she doesn't even believe hat there is something wrong with her.
The point is that you can't change someon if they don't want to change, that is the reason why when parents force their kids to go to the ex-gay camps, it usually does not work, because the kids do not care to change.
That is true, you can't make people change if they don't want to. In your hypothetical example homosexuality would then be a choice, just like alcoholism becomes a choice for the person who refuses treatment.

"Accepting yourself" may mean that you've rejected the possibility that change is possible or that you've given up on entertaining the possibility. I suppose an alcoholic could claim that he or she has accepted themself as an alcoholic and that his identity is founded on the disorder.

I do believe that, however, many would want to get out of the homosexual lifestyle if an effective cure should ever be developed. However, until the psychiatric community opens its mind to the possibility, there won't be a cure, or if one exists even now, it will be ridiculed as the stuff of quackery.

If a cure for homosexuality were to ever become reality, I don't believe it would be forced on gays. However, it would be a good thing that people would have a way out of that lifestyle.
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marx, that was not supposed to flame christians, I have nothing against them, i am saying that if pale holds christian values, like thinking that gluttony is wrong, judaism is not the right religion, etc., then why does he not hate them, they are much more numerous and more power ful than homosexuals are.
I believe that Jews number about 2% of the population, gays on the other hand, are about 3-5 percent of the population. The Jews are actually a race of people. A person is considered Jewish if their mother is Jewish. To say that Jews are more powerful than gays is pretty specious. Jews are politically organized, to an extent, just like gays are. Jews have a defamation league, just like gays do. Jews have been oppressed, just like gays. But to say that Jews are somehow have an "in" to the political process over gays is laughable, at best.
Now correct me if i am wrong, but you seem to be under the idea that homosexuality is wrong. That is you opinion and i am not going to try to change that, but to many people, they have nothing against homosexuality so one reason for the apa not to do that is because it is showing bias. Generally, the people most oppossed to homosexuals are christians, so the APA would probably be seen as trying to be in favor of christians or republicans if they tried to cure homosexuality. The thing is that the APA does not consider it to be a disease or consider it to be bad. Why should they try to find a cure for a non-existent problem. Now I do agree with you in the fact that many people would like to get out because, knowing from first-hand experience, it is tough at first because so many people look at being homosexual as wrong.
Then there comes to the part or mental attraction. If homosexuality was only a physical attraction, it would be easier to get over, but I, for example, am not mentally attracted to women. To me, I feel that most of them are annoying and moody. Of course I am biased, but that is how I feel about them. Accepting oneself means that they don't care to change and they could not see themselves as being straight.
we part ways of acceptance...I advised you on another thread that you started "WTF" (how fitting eh)...well son I must now be blunt...If your parents did their job...well you would not be 'playing with your pee pee in the tee pee'! I am sorry to break this to you but homosexual behavior is nothing more than sexual immaturity...or if you prefer the term,a fetish! You were programmed... like it or not... and no matter how you prefer to deny it, it is a fact of life...sexual behavior is learned...the desire to mate is learn how to act on it!:confused:
Wow, that's all I have to say. My parents raised me right, Arch. I can't help being who I am. That's all I have to say. It's not a choice and it's not something I was "programmed" into being.
thank you for correcting me, I thought that jewish people had a greater population but after looking at national statistics, you are right, my bad.
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Thing is though, I'm not the one hop scotching around sucking other men's dicks and fucking them up the ass... YOU are. So which one of us should be more entrusted to decifer the truth?

You're sick in the head already. I'm not. You're perverted beyond help. I don't need help. You're attracted sexually to the same sex. I'm not. You're chances of dying young because of your deviant, sick, behavior is three times more likely than me. Shall I go on?

The point is, as a practicing queer, why should ANYONE take your word for ANYTHING when you're sense of what's right and wrong are SO fucking WARPED?
Again: Blah blah blah. That's all I'm reading and seeing with your bullshit. Your ex-gay thing was laughable too. SATANIC POSSESSION, RAWR! I've really just gotten to the point where I read what you've said and it just ends up being put on a backburner. I know you believe what you say and that's fine and dandy. But you're more full of it than those you detest.
Then there comes to the part or mental attraction. If homosexuality was only a physical attraction, it would be easier to get over, but I, for example, am not mentally attracted to women. To me, I feel that most of them are annoying and moody.

The homophobes on this board are also annoying and moody. You never know who's behind the keyboard, maybe they are actually women posing as machos.
pale, no one takes your word for anything, and is your sense of "right" treating other people different than you like crap and insulting them? You seem very insecure about homosexuals. I assume that you are probably christian, so why don't you hate jews, there are more of them than homosexuals and they have more power. Why don't you hate gluttons, over 61% of people in the US are overweight and 31% are obese, thats way more people than homosexuals. Or why don't you seem to attack all muslims, or buddhists, or hinduist, etc. you say that you have a sense of right and wrong yet you continously attack a group of people that have done nothing to you.
You are the warped one with the amount of hatred you have towards others with different points of view.

"No one takes my word for anything"? I beg to differ. My reputation points on this board indicate differently.

In any case, how many times do I have to tell you WHY I dislike queers? If I go through it again now, it will THREE TIMES to you ALONE!

I think what your problem is, along with your mental illness, is that you can't accept the fact that there is someone here that finds you and what you do disgusting, and I'm TELLING you that. You fags have been so militant in the past with badgering people that express their dislike of you, that you've come to think that people SHOULDN'T. Well get used to it if you're going to stay here.
OK Pale, we know you hate "fags". But do you always have to be so hateful about it?

Did something happen to you that makes you take it so personally like being raped by a teacher or priest? That would make sense. Otherwise maybe you should try having a bit more of a sense of humor about it. Just a suggestion.
Again: Blah blah blah. That's all I'm reading and seeing with your bullshit. Your ex-gay thing was laughable too. SATANIC POSSESSION, RAWR! I've really just gotten to the point where I read what you've said and it just ends up being put on a backburner. I know you believe what you say and that's fine and dandy. But you're more full of it than those you detest.

That's right little sick one, just blow off what I have to say, because it comes from the VAST MAJORITY of people. Not just Americans, but in the WORLD!

However, I do believe you know shit when you see it, seeing as you've had your dick shoved in enough butt holes packing shit.
Now correct me if i am wrong, but you seem to be under the idea that homosexuality is wrong. That is you opinion and i am not going to try to change that, but to many people, they have nothing against homosexuality so one reason for the apa not to do that is because it is showing bias. Generally, the people most oppossed to homosexuals are christians, so the APA would probably be seen as trying to be in favor of christians or republicans if they tried to cure homosexuality. The thing is that the APA does not consider it to be a disease or consider it to be bad. Why should they try to find a cure for a non-existent problem. Now I do agree with you in the fact that many people would like to get out because, knowing from first-hand experience, it is tough at first because so many people look at being homosexual as wrong.
Then there comes to the part or mental attraction. If homosexuality was only a physical attraction, it would be easier to get over, but I, for example, am not mentally attracted to women. To me, I feel that most of them are annoying and moody. Of course I am biased, but that is how I feel about them. Accepting oneself means that they don't care to change and they could not see themselves as being straight.

APA President Supports Therapy Treating Unwanted Homosexual Tendencies

By Gudrun Schultz

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, August 29, 2006 ( –President of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Gerald P. Koocher, broke with the APA’s long-held stance against homosexual re-orientation therapy earlier this month, saying the organization would support psychological therapy for those experiencing unwanted homosexual attractions, the National Association for the Therapy and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH) reported.

Speaking with NARTH President Joseph Nicolosi at the APA’s annual convention in New Orleans, Dr. Koocher stated, “APA has no conflict with psychologists who help those distressed by unwanted homosexual attraction.” Dr. Koocher emphasized that so long as patient autonomy and choice were respected, the APA’s Code of Ethics would certainly encompass psychological treatment of those who wish to be free of homosexual attraction.

The APA has long been hostile toward the work of NARTH, saying attempts to alter the sexual inclinations of homosexual or lesbian persons amount to discrimination against homosexuality.

“This is a historic step for client autonomy and self-determination,” said NARTH psychologist Dr. Dean Byrd in the organization’s report. “Dr. Koocher’s statements were clear and unambiguous in support of the rights of those who are distressed by their unwanted homosexual attraction. In fact, the message conveyed by Dr. Koocher today is identical to NARTH’s mission statement. I hope that APA and NARTH can now begin a fruitful dialogue about this very important issue.”

Despite the groundbreaking statement by the APA’s president, there appears to be a lack of consensus among members on the organization’s official position on homosexual reversal therapy. Cybercast News Service reported today on a statement by an APA spokesperson who said the scientific validity of reparative therapy for homosexuals is unfounded and insupportable.

“The APA’s concern about the positions espoused by NARTH and so-called conversion therapy is that they are not supported by the science,” APA Public Affairs Manager Pamela Willenz wrote in response to questioning by CNS. “There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence that sexual orientation can be changed.”

Clinton Anderson, director of the APA Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns Office, told CNS there is “no evidence” that reparative therapies work, and said “they may in fact cause harm for many people.”

That “evidence” can be easily found, however, in the lives of those who have successfully undergone reparative or conversion therapies, said Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, to CNS. Exodus International is a coalition of Christian ministries that offer outreach to people with unwanted homosexual attraction.

“If they’ve done any kind of study that’s proven that reparative therapy [does not work] or that change isn’t possible, then they’ve obviously not interviewed those of us who have successfully overcome homosexuality.”

Chambers participated in a protest at the APA convention by ex-homosexuals and pro-family groups, seeking the APA’s recognition of the legitimacy of homosexual therapy.

The APA removed homosexuality from the list of recognized mental disorders (DSM) in 1973, a decision some suggest was motivated by pressure from homosexual advocacy groups without regard for accurate scientific research. See coverage:

See CNS coverage:

See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

Ex-Gays Protest APA Claim that Homosexuality is Irreversible

Contact the APA:
1000 Wilson Boulevard,
Suite 1825,
Arlington, Va.
phone: 703-907-7300
email: [email protected]
That's right little sick one, just blow off what I have to say, because it comes from the VAST MAJORITY of people. Not just Americans, but in the WORLD!

However, I do believe you know shit when you see it, seeing as you've had your dick shoved in enough butt holes packing shit.
I know being a rude jerk makes you feel better about yourself, but you're not proving anything right now. What you say comes from people who are afraid of what homosexuality is because they don't really know anything about it or understand it.

Also, I'm submissive, not dominant! How could you be so rude as to get that wrong? GOD.

Final note: when did the majority thinking something is right make it right?
OK Pale, we know you hate "fags". But do you always have to be so hateful about it?

Did something happen to you that makes you take it so personally like being raped by a teacher or priest? That would make sense. Otherwise maybe you should try having a bit more of a sense of humor about it. Just a suggestion.

All I have to do is envision what it is they do to each other, and it turns my stomach in disgust.

And I'm not one to beat around the bush. If I find you disgusting, I'll tell you, and why.

And no, I've never been molested or raped. Had I been, the person that did it would be in their grave right now.
I know being a rude jerk makes you feel better about yourself, but you're not proving anything right now. What you say comes from people who are afraid of what homosexuality is because they don't really know anything about it or understand it.
I'm just exposing what it is you perverts do.

Also, I'm submissive, not dominant! How could you be so rude as to get that wrong? GOD.
TMI. :talk2:

Final note: when did the majority thinking something is right make it right?
The "majority" is simply with nature. Man with woman. That's the way people were designed and intended. YOU on the other hand, well, you're sick.
So, are we all agreed that ex-gays should be allowed to tell their stories without harrassment? That those who are uncomfortable with their homosexual feelings should be able to seek treatment, should be able to receive encouragement from those who have been through treatment? Are we agreed that information about treatment should not be supressed or ridiculed?
I'm just exposing what it is you perverts do.

TMI. :talk2:

The "majority" is simply with nature. Man with woman. That's the way people were designed and intended. YOU on the other hand, well, you're sick.
I know you're intelligent enough to get the middle saying was a joke.

As for "exposing" what us perverts do is not your business. We're still just like any heterosexual couple. We are capable of loving each other and the such on a physical and emotional level as well as spiritual.

The majority isn't always correct. Those who want to forcefully change homosexuals aren't good and those who lie about being able to aren't good people either.
So, are we all agreed that ex-gays should be allowed to tell their stories without harrassment? That those who are uncomfortable with their homosexual feelings should be able to seek treatment, should be able to receive encouragement from those who have been through treatment? Are we agreed that information about treatment should not be supressed or ridiculed?
I'll agree to it, but I will debate the truth behind the treatment and information.

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