The Story You're Not Hearing in the MSM: July 2014 SCOTUS Upholds Ban on Gay Marriage

To reiterate, the tyranny of the majority cannot be used to deny individuals their Constitutional rights. The SCOTUS has no option but to uphold this principle or it has to declare the 14th Amendment to equal rights under the law unconstitutional. That is never going to happen so gay marriage is here to stay.

Show me where the US Constitution specifies that a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors suddenly qualify for protection under "race" "religion", "gender" or "country of origin".

Do you think that while the Justices are thinking "LGBT" they are not also thinking "P" too? [polygamy] etc?
To reiterate, the tyranny of the majority cannot be used to deny individuals their Constitutional rights. The SCOTUS has no option but to uphold this principle or it has to declare the 14th Amendment to equal rights under the law unconstitutional. That is never going to happen so gay marriage is here to stay.

Show me where the US Constitution specifies that a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors suddenly qualify for protection under "race" "religion", "gender" or "country of origin".

Do you think that while the Justices are thinking "LGBT" they are not also thinking "P" too? [polygamy] etc?

Show me where the constitution says anything about those things you mentioned except religion :cool:
To reiterate, the tyranny of the majority cannot be used to deny individuals their Constitutional rights. The SCOTUS has no option but to uphold this principle or it has to declare the 14th Amendment to equal rights under the law unconstitutional. That is never going to happen so gay marriage is here to stay.

Show me where the US Constitution specifies that a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors suddenly qualify for protection under "race" "religion", "gender" or "country of origin".

Do you think that while the Justices are thinking "LGBT" they are not also thinking "P" too? [polygamy] etc?

Show me where the constitution says anything about those things you mentioned except religion :cool:
The 14th Amendment if memory serves.
Show me where the US Constitution specifies that a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors suddenly qualify for protection under "race" "religion", "gender" or "country of origin".

Do you think that while the Justices are thinking "LGBT" they are not also thinking "P" too? [polygamy] etc?

Show me where the constitution says anything about those things you mentioned except religion :cool:
The 14th Amendment if memory serves.

You should probably read it before talking about it.
To reiterate, the tyranny of the majority cannot be used to deny individuals their Constitutional rights. The SCOTUS has no option but to uphold this principle or it has to declare the 14th Amendment to equal rights under the law unconstitutional. That is never going to happen so gay marriage is here to stay.

Show me where the US Constitution specifies that a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors suddenly qualify for protection under "race" "religion", "gender" or "country of origin".

Do you think that while the Justices are thinking "LGBT" they are not also thinking "P" too? [polygamy] etc?

Homosexuality isn't a “limited set of deviant sexual behaviors,” gay Americans manifest a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections.

This fact can be found here in the Constitution:

It suffices for us to acknowledge that adults may choose to enter upon this relationship in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons. When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.


And the justices clearly understand that the issue concerns only equal protection of the law with regard to same-sex couples' right to access marriage law, having nothing to do with 'polygamy.'
Show me where the US Constitution specifies that a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors suddenly qualify for protection under "race" "religion", "gender" or "country of origin".

Do you think that while the Justices are thinking "LGBT" they are not also thinking "P" too? [polygamy] etc?

Show me where the constitution says anything about those things you mentioned except religion :cool:
The 14th Amendment if memory serves.

And it's the 14th Amendment that prohibits the state from seeking to disadvantage gay Americans:

In explaining the respect the Constitution demands for the autonomy of the person in making these choices, we stated as follows:

“These matters, involving the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.” Ibid.

Persons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these purposes, just as heterosexual persons do.

Sil, this dog won't hunt, the war is over, and you lost. How long before you start dealing with the reality that gay people now get to get married like straight people? That never should have been up for a vote in the first place but it wouldn't matter now if it was, you'd still lose since the times have changed, and yet, you haven't...

we fully understand your :gay: position....., on your knees or......??
Sil, this dog won't hunt, the war is over, and you lost. How long before you start dealing with the reality that gay people now get to get married like straight people? That never should have been up for a vote in the first place but it wouldn't matter now if it was, you'd still lose since the times have changed, and yet, you haven't...

we fully understand your position....., on your knees or......??

I don't get on my knees, but I like it when the wife does. Carry on little man, equality for gays is a done deal...
I think it's time to move on with this's over, gays won. Just be happy for them or pretend to be for votes maybe.
I think it's time to move on with this's over, gays won. Just be happy for them or pretend to be for votes maybe.

Nah, I'm not happy for them legally-accessing adoptable kids while they do stuff like this in front of them in public:




This dog not only hunted "Paint" but it bit the Gay Agenda right in the butt July 18, 2014. The fight isn't over. In fact for your side the pendulum swing-back has only just begun.

Brace yourself for a series of legal setbacks. If that's what you call restoring the control of human behaviors and who may marry back to state level "a defeat". I consider it a victory for democracy.

A limited grouping of deviant sex behaviors-as-cult using the 14th Amendment to dictate to an unwilling majority is the dog that ain't gonna hunt friend...

prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.
This dog not only hunted "Paint" but it bit the Gay Agenda right in the butt July 18, 2014. The fight isn't over. In fact for your side the pendulum swing-back has only just begun.

Brace yourself for a series of legal setbacks. If that's what you call restoring the control of human behaviors and who may marry back to state level "a defeat". I consider it a victory for democracy.

A limited grouping of deviant sex behaviors-as-cult using the 14th Amendment to dictate to an unwilling majority is the dog that ain't gonna hunt friend...

prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.

Homosexuals are not a minority.

Everyone has the ability to claim to be a homosexual. Not everyone can lay claim to being an African-American, a Native American, of Latino origin, or a woman(though I don't consider them a minority).
This dog not only hunted "Paint" but it bit the Gay Agenda right in the butt July 18, 2014. The fight isn't over. In fact for your side the pendulum swing-back has only just begun.

Brace yourself for a series of legal setbacks. If that's what you call restoring the control of human behaviors and who may marry back to state level "a defeat". I consider it a victory for democracy.

A limited grouping of deviant sex behaviors-as-cult using the 14th Amendment to dictate to an unwilling majority is the dog that ain't gonna hunt friend...

prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.

Homosexuals are not a minority.

Everyone has the ability to claim to be a homosexual. Not everyone can lay claim to being an African-American, a Native American, of Latino origin, or a woman(though I don't consider them a minority).

If you do something stupid on the job. Don't apologize for it, just tell the boss you are gay. They can't fire you that way, it would be discrimination.
If you do something stupid on the job. Don't apologize for it, just tell the boss you are gay. They can't fire you that way, it would be discrimination.


Let's say you are at your day job, working the window at McDonalds. You purposely dump a extra-large drink into the lap of a customer. Claiming your gay won't protect you from being fired as your not being fired for being homosexual, your being fired for purposely dumping a soda is a customers lap.

In the same way. You purposely dump a extra-large drink into the lap of a customer. Claiming your Jewis won't protect you from being fired as your not being fired for being Jewish, your being fired for purposely dumping a soda is a customers lap.

I don't have the slightness confidence that the ban will be upheld by the SCOTUS. I don't think they care if the will of the people are suppressed nor voters are disenfranchised.

No shit. Look at the Citizens United decision.
prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.

Homosexuals are not a minority.

Everyone has the ability to claim to be a homosexual. Not everyone can lay claim to being an African-American, a Native American, of Latino origin, or a woman(though I don't consider them a minority).

If you do something stupid on the job. Don't apologize for it, just tell the boss you are gay. They can't fire you that way, it would be discrimination.

Actually in a good number of states they can fire you.
prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.

Behaviors aren't "minorities". So your premise fails before your argument even gets off the ground... :eusa_hand:
prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.

Behaviors aren't "minorities". So your premise fails before your argument even gets off the ground... :eusa_hand:

Onus is on YOU to PROVE that homosexuality is a "behavior".

Until you can your position is a non starter.
prescisely defined constitutional rights that protect minorities against unconstitutional discriminatioin by the majority (voters or not}. SCOTUS has re-affirmed this many times. And with Kennedy (maybe the most ardent defender of gay rights on the Court) solidly aligned with the four "liberal" leaning justices PMH is right, the ship has sailed on the groups who want to codify discrimination.

Behaviors aren't "minorities". So your premise fails before your argument even gets off the ground... :eusa_hand:

Onus is on YOU to PROVE that homosexuality is a "behavior".

Until you can your position is a non starter.

Nope, when trying to remove People's right to govern themselves, the onus is LGBT's to PROVE that homosexuality isn't just a limited set of deviant sexual behaviors.

And if for some reason the onus was in favor of the unproved argument seeking to whittle away at democracy, and I had to prove it was a behavior, I could. Easily. At my fingertips are over 300 peer-reviewed studies in the high eschelons of the research community that prove that not only is homosexuality a behavior, but that it can be passed on socially via social-learning. And that doubles the need for us to stay vigilant if we don't want it to become mainstreamed.

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