The Story You're Not Hearing in the MSM: July 2014 SCOTUS Upholds Ban on Gay Marriage

Not sure why it's being hidden on Fox but I have several theories.

What are they?

Election strategy & purposeful stoking of middle voter rage at far left legal "victories" committing incremental theft of democratic rule in an apparent escalating & unstoppable way....A purposeful collusion of silence on small or large victories of traditional marriage so those fear-oxen keep a steady pull on that yoke that is tugging millions of middle dem votes towards a protest vote in 2014 & 2016.
To speak of this as a far-flung fantasy, doesn't even begin to do it justice. There are people currently talking to pet frogs who are more worthy of the title "sane"...
What are they?

Election strategy & purposeful stoking of middle voter rage at far left legal "victories" committing incremental theft of democratic rule in an apparent escalating & unstoppable way....A purposeful collusion of silence on small or large victories of traditional marriage so those fear-oxen keep a steady pull on that yoke that is tugging millions of middle dem votes towards a protest vote in 2014 & 2016.
To speak of this as a far-flung fantasy, doesn't even begin to do it justice. There are people currently talking to pet frogs who are more worthy of the title "sane"...

I'd rather be called crazy instead of stupid..
It's not a big story. OP thought the Supreme Court had upheld a gay marriage ban.

They didn't. The merely allowed a lower court's stay to remain in place
until the case comes to them. Not a big deal.

HUGE difference from an actual ruling upholding the ban as constitutional.

And how is that effectively different from stopping gay marriage? The SCOTUS had two choices: 1.Stop gay marriage in Utah pending appeal 2. Allow gay marriage in Utah pending appeal. They chose to stop it.

On MSNBC's Maddow'd hear every blip of legal news about gay marriage turned up to volume "11" & blowing out their set speakers. She would devote most of her hour hashing out the details with video clips..interviews..diatribes..sermons..foam spitting out the sides of her mouth. And this news? This huge big "bummer" for gay cultees in Utah?


& that in itself is newsworthy...
It's not a big story. OP thought the Supreme Court had upheld a gay marriage ban.

They didn't. The merely allowed a lower court's stay to remain in place
until the case comes to them. Not a big deal.

HUGE difference from an actual ruling upholding the ban as constitutional.

And how is that effectively different from stopping gay marriage?

Higher courts routinely keep lower court injunctions/stays in place until they make a ruling.


That's why this is not big news.
It's not a big story. OP thought the Supreme Court had upheld a gay marriage ban.

They didn't. The merely allowed a lower court's stay to remain in place
until the case comes to them. Not a big deal.

HUGE difference from an actual ruling upholding the ban as constitutional.

And how is that effectively different from stopping gay marriage?

Higher courts routinely keep lower court injunctions/stays in place until they make a ruling.


That's why this is not big news.
The 10th circuit didn't. :eusa_hand: They refused the Utah stay..forcing the Utah AG to appeal that to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS was preserving the status quo of the lower court, the stay would've been denied Utah. But it was granted..which was a CHANGE of the 10th circuit's decision

This is BIG news...
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And how is that effectively different from stopping gay marriage?

Higher courts routinely keep lower court injunctions/stays in place until they make a ruling.


That's why this is not big news.
The 10th circuit didn't. :eusa_hand: They refused the Utah stay..forcing the Utah AG to appeal that to SCOTUS. If SCOTUS was preserving the status quo of the lower court, the stay would've been denied Utah.

This is BIG news...

There is a big difference between the US Supreme Court keeping a stay in place until they make a decision on gay marriage bans and "upholding a ban on gay marriage". Big difference.

And I have shown you that all the major media outlets, including Fox, did report this story.
Fucking idiot - upholding the "stay" -- meaning gay marriages won't commence until the bigots have exhausted their appeals.

Don't worry, you'll be able to tie the knot with Frankie soon enough.

Wasn't it such a great time in the US when all we had to worry and fight about was inter-racial marriage?

sigh, once again, being black and being gay are way two different things. How blacks don't come down on you for making the comparison is anyone's guess.
I don't have the slightness confidence that the ban will be upheld by the SCOTUS. I don't think they care if the will of the people are suppressed nor voters are disenfranchised.
I don't have the slightness confidence that the ban will be upheld by the SCOTUS. I don't think they care if the will of the people are suppressed nor voters are disenfranchised.
Curiously both looney left & looney right politicals are spouting that mantra but for completely different reasons. The left hasn't done its strategic homework & refuses to read Windsor 2013. The right as always has done both, in contrast. That mantra is their...shall we say..."extra credit project"...

Now you believe that there is a "conspiracy" to "bury" a routine legal stay proceeding?


No. The reasons the two political parties are burying the story are different. I doubt there is collusion.


No one is "burying the story" because there is no story to bury. However don't let that stop your paranoia from running rampant.

Are you hoping you ad hominems will detract from the topic? Yes...I think you are :eusa_shifty:
No. The reasons the two political parties are burying the story are different. I doubt there is collusion.


No one is "burying the story" because there is no story to bury. However don't let that stop your paranoia from running rampant.

Are you hoping you ad hominems will detract from the topic? Yes...I think you are :eusa_shifty:

Just calling it as I see it since there is zero substantiation for your bizarre allegations about a routine legal process.
Just calling it as I see it since there is zero substantiation for your bizarre allegations about a routine legal process.

Oh well see, that's the point. It WASN'T a routine legal process. The 10th circuit denied Utah the stay on gay marriage. Routine at the SCOTUS level thereafter would've been upholding the status quo.

Only they didn't.

They found that Utah could still deny gay marriages in the interim and so doing overturned the status quo. That isn't routine. That's called NEWS.

And it was buried. On purpose...
Sil, this dog won't hunt, the war is over, and you lost. How long before you start dealing with the reality that gay people now get to get married like straight people? That never should have been up for a vote in the first place but it wouldn't matter now if it was, you'd still lose since the times have changed, and yet, you haven't...
Idiot alert. How long before you find your brain?
Republicans are wasting a ton of taxpayer in exhausting the appeals process for something that is here to stay and which the SCOTUS will never strike down.

States are just going through the motions now of enforcing state laws until they got struck down by the SCOTUS.

The SCOTUS struck down DOMA. Case closed. It all just follows from that. Banning same-sex marriage is a Republican pipe dream now. Even the AG of Utah admitted that benefits and everything else will follow to those couples who got married for that short window earlier in the year after it was struck down by a circuit court when the SCOTUS finally puts its stamp on the matter.

The SCOTUS will never ever act to take away the marriage status of two people who got married when it was legal. It's simply cruel and unusual to try to nullify someone's marriage.

The irony is that the military is among the leaders in changing red state attitudes because as long as people on live on army bases and some of those people are gay and were married in another state, the military's push is to protect their married troops and other service members where ever they were married.

Republicans are just playing the domino game now, wasting taxpayer money when they could simply decide to recognize gay marriages, which they all know is here to stay. They only cling to their stance to save face with their base of voters, who they know are a bunch of crazy zealots that might not give them fundraising money is they were to agree to just let these bans die like the Old West.
Just calling it as I see it since there is zero substantiation for your bizarre allegations about a routine legal process.

Oh well see, that's the point. It WASN'T a routine legal process. The 10th circuit denied Utah the stay on gay marriage. Routine at the SCOTUS level thereafter would've been upholding the status quo.

Only they didn't.

They found that Utah could still deny gay marriages in the interim and so doing overturned the status quo. That isn't routine. That's called NEWS.

And it was buried. On purpose...

Onus is on you to prove that it wasn't routine. Everyone else, including Foxnews, knows that it was routine hence the lack of media coverage.

So is the entire world wrong and only you "know" the "truth"?

Republicans are wasting a ton of taxpayer in exhausting the appeals process for something that is here to stay and which the SCOTUS will never strike down.

1 States are just going through the motions now of enforcing state laws until they got struck down by the SCOTUS.

2 The SCOTUS struck down DOMA. Case closed. It all just follows from that. Banning same-sex marriage is a Republican pipe dream now. Even the AG of Utah admitted that benefits and everything else will follow to those couples who got married for that short window earlier in the year after it was struck down by a circuit court when the SCOTUS finally puts its stamp on the matter.

3 The SCOTUS will never ever act to take away the marriage status of two people who got married when it was legal. It's simply cruel and unusual to try to nullify someone's marriage.

4 The irony is that the military is among the leaders in changing red state attitudes because as long as people on live on army bases and some of those people are gay and were married in another state, the military's push is to protect their married troops and other service members where ever they were married.

5 Republicans are just playing the domino game now, wasting taxpayer money when they could simply decide to recognize gay marriages, which they all know is here to stay. They only cling to their stance to save face with their base of voters, who they know are a bunch of crazy zealots that might not give them fundraising money is they were to agree to just let these bans die like the Old West.

Wow, so many errors. Where to start?

1. California isn't going through the motions. They are gutting family code laws governed by Prop 8, illegally, and in defiance of their constituents as we speak without due process.

2. Only part of DOMA was struck down. And in that part that was struck down, the logic they used in order to do so was that states discreet communities, in a broad swath, get to weigh in on gay marriage and after they do, the fed cannot tell them whether or not those decisions are valid. Do you understand what that means? Read the links in the OP and follow the Windsor 2013 discussions...

3. Yeah I get it. Y'all think you can illegally make gay marriage legal. We'll see how they handle this. They might get creative but they won't take away a state's right to protect its orphans. Again, follow the links in the OP for those discussions. "Cruelty" will be weighed on the scale in favor of children before adults. And with the unseemly evidence coming in, you might be surprised what that means for the LGBT cult [with their public pride parades advertising their parental values...]

4. The military was forced by the CIC and his Senate dem LGBT activists. Look for that to change as all these "legal victories" forced upon the states by LGBT lawyers drive millions into the GOP vote out of protest from the middle ranks. How quickly do you think a GOP president and Senate/House will change all that military nonsense? Answer: Lightening fast.

5. I don't know how republicans really feel, though I can guess. I am a lifelong registered middle-democrat...for now....
In Utah you have these laws:

Title 62A

Utah Human Services Code

Chapter 4a

Child and Family Services

Section 403

Reporting requirements.

62A-4a-403. Reporting requirements.

(1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2), when any person including persons licensed under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act, has reason to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect, or who observes a child being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, that person shall immediately notify the nearest peace officer, law enforcement agency, or office of the division.

(b) Upon receipt of the notification described in Subsection (1)(a), the peace officer or law enforcement agency shall immediately notify the nearest office of the division. If an initial report of abuse or neglect is made to the division, the division shall immediately notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency. The division shall, in addition to its own investigation, comply with and lend support to investigations by law enforcement undertaken pursuant to a report made under this section.

Does a Utah citizen have a right to alert to those laws if kids are in public observing this:




Would Utah have grounds to anticipate this might be a danger to a child?:

Marriage Equality isn't a gay pride parade there Sil. It's people being equal before the law, which is why your side lost. No one can find any reason that a reasonable person, meaning not you, finds valid for that kind of discrimination. The State's best interest is to get people married, not deny them.

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