The Strict Father Model, true or not?


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2016
A pretty simple question actually, are you what you consider to be conservative and you do find this either valid or the reason you are so?

"The strict father model is discussed by George Lakoff in his books, including Moral Politics, Don't Think of an Elephant, The Political Mind, and Whose Freedom?. In these books, the strict father model is contrasted with the nurturant parent model. Lakoff argues that if the metaphor of nation as family and government as parent is used, then conservative politics correspond to the strict father model. For example, conservatives think that adults should refrain from looking to the government for assistance lest they become dependent."
Strict father model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In his 2004 analysis, Don’t Think of an Elephant!, George Lakoff contrasts the mental models of the conservative and progressive mindsets. See Lakoff clip. The former, he denominates the “strict father.” This worldview is premised on the presumption that the world is a dangerous place. There always has been and forever will be evil in the world. This is a world in which there are winners and losers. There is absolute right and absolute wrong. Children are born to do what feels good, not what is right. Therefore they have to be made “good.” This is the world in which a strict father protects and supports the family, while teaching his children right from wrong. Children must be obedient to the moral authority of the father. Punishment sometimes is necessary to secure such obedience. Punishment teaches internal discipline. Moreover, it is what is necessary for survival and success in a difficult, competitive world. Lakoff ‘s strict father model links morality with prosperity. The same discipline that makes you moral, allows you to prosper. Self interest is a moral quality. As each pursues his/her individual self-interest , the interest of all is maximized. To be a “good person,” you have to be obedient, to learn what is right, do what is right and pursue your self interest, prosper and become self-reliant."Lakoff’s Strict Father v. Nurturant Parent « Coaching Counsel

And please, skip the bleeding-heart liberal crap. Liberals don't make their decisions based on feelings, they make them on the rough opposite of what is described above. Bad people require good laws. People would screw the guy next door otherwise and sometimes he needs help to make it.
This "strict father" model isnt for every child.

some people have to do it their own way. Using the strict father model on these particular children renders them useless, welfare/family dependant cowards, or criminals.

Natural born rebels cannot be tamed, only brutlized.
What kind of traitor parent would teach their child that it is RIGHT to take a beating without hitting back?

No wonder the white race is commiting suicide. We've been trained to, not by SJWs(they just give us the gun), but by a system that rewards submision and betas, but punishes fighting spirit.
I've seen this idea before and it is usually found within the writing of early socialist. However, there may be some valid points that people raised by a very strict parent may learn that this is how authority works. There seems to be a flaw in your argument. You say that people with strict fathers view the world as an evil place. The world is actually filled with evil because people someone in the past has done something wrong, someone in the present is doing something wrong, and someone in the future will also be doing something wrong. It isn't because people were raised with strict fathers that they see the world like this it is because our experience tells us this is true and that is true for people not raised by a strict father since they live in the same world as those raised by strict fathers so if the world is an evil place for people raised by strict fathers then the world is also an evil place for people not raised by strict fathers since they live in the same world. It is not paranoia but just practical experience. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? That is evil. Have you ever had anyone lie to you? That is evil Have you ever had anyone kill? The daily blastings of people killed with a gun is evil. The left tells us that everyday that is evil so there is evil in the world.

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