The Structural Core of the Twin Towers was misrepresented to NIST-Obstruction of Justice


Evidence & Reason Rule
Aug 23, 2009
The proper sequence of investigation IS;

1) What happened-In this case, what did it happen to?

2) How did it happen

3) Who did it.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to defeat that logical sequence in this thread.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to assert any core except for the one evidenced here by independent verifications UNLESS they have evidence outside of what is noted here as incompetent

Those interested in the truth will suffer the onerous redirects applied by this forum in order to view evidence.

The structural core of the Twin Towers was a steel reinforced cast concrete rectangular tubular core.

Evidence of the true core structure was stolen form the public by Guiliani in December of 2001. This is a mockup of the original information published by the NYCLU in a letter to Bloomberg complaining about Guiliani taking the WTC documents from the civic center room at the NYC dept. of buildings.

New York Civil Liberties Union Press Release February 6 200

The true structural core was described by L.E. Robertson on 9/13/2001. This is a mock up page because the original was altered by infiltration into Newsweek after being up for years.

September 13 2001 Newsweek article-Leslie Robertson 9-11

This is the deception probably created by misinformation from FEMA engineers. Clearly, such a core cannot stand because it has no diagonal bracing.


This is a screen shot of the ONLY mention of sources for structural information of the NIST, WTC report.


Here is a copy of a safety report by August Domel, certified in 12 states as a structural engineer, who prepared a safety report for FEMA before the clean up in November of 2001. The original is no longer on the ncsea site. Taken down after 2011 perhaps.

Here is a picture from 9/11 that shows the cast concrete core of WTC 2 standing at about 400 feet. All of the steel framework exterior, the load bearing structure has already fallen. Note, absolutely no steel of any kind protrudes from the core area.


Here is an animated .gif created by a forum user in perhaps 2007 that learned of the concrete core from my posting and then went out and found a video which showed a huge piece of the WTC 1 core wall, north side, falling into the core area.


Since 2003, not one image of steel core columns INSIDE the core area has been posted by those attempting to assert that there was a "steel framed core". All that has been posted are misrepresented construction photos that actually show, " elevator guide rail" support steel. Completely incompetent evidence. Therefore images from 9/11 showing the Towers coming down is the only acceptable form of evidence. All professional statement of a text nature are also incompetent. The NIST and WTC reports are incompetent and fraudulent, concealing the means of mass murder used in treason.

A complete review of the deception is found here.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

These are pages containing a 2010 disclosure of treason to the US district court in Los Angeles. The presiding judge and another promptly worked to conceal treason and violate united states code.

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382
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Are you a qualified structural engineer?

Just asking because there is no point in going any further if you lack the basic knowledge necessary to understand how the buildings were constructed and what forces were applied before and during the collapse.
The proper sequence of investigation IS;

1) What happened-In this case, why did it happen to?

2) How did it happen

3) Who did it.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to defeat that logical sequence in this thread.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to assert any core except for the one evidenced here by independent verifications UNLESS they have evidence outside of what is noted here as incompetent

Those interested in the truth will suffer the onerous redirects applied by this forum in order to view evidence.

The structural core of the Twin Towers was a steel reinforced cast concrete rectangular tubular core.

Evidence of the true core structure was stolen form the public by Guiliani in December of 2001. This is a mockup of the original information published by the NYCLU in a letter to Bloomberg complaining about Guiliani taking the WTC documents from the civic center room at the NYC dept. of buildings.

New York Civil Liberties Union Press Release February 6 200

The true structural core was described by L.E. Robertson on 9/13/2001. This is a mock up page because the original was altered by infiltration into Newsweek after being up for years.

September 13 2001 Newsweek article-Leslie Robertson 9-11

This is the deception probably created by misinformation from FEMA engineers. Clearly, such a core cannot stand because it has no diagonal bracing.


This is a screen shot of the ONLY mention of sources for structural information of the NIST, WTC report.


Here is a copy of a safety report by August Domel, certified in 12 states as a structural engineer, who prepared a safety report for FEMA before the clean up in November of 2001. The original is no longer on the ncsea site. Taken down after 2011 perhaps.

Here is a picture from 9/11 that shows the cast concrete core of WTC 2 standing at about 400 feet. All of the steel framework exterior, the load bearing structure has already fallen. Note, absolutely no steel of any kind protrudes from the core area.


Here is an animated .gif created by a forum user in perhaps 2007 that learned of the concrete core from my posting and then went out and found a video which showed a huge piece of the WTC 1 core wall, north side, falling into the core area.


Since 2003, not one image of steel core columns INSIDE the core area has been posted by those attempting to assert that there was a "steel framed core". All that has been posted are misrepresented construction photos that actually show, " elevator guide rail" support steel. Completely incompetent evidence. Therefore images from 9/11 showing the Towers coming down is the only acceptable form of evidence. All professional statement of a text nature are also incompetent. The NIST and WTC reports are incompetent and fraudulent, concealing the means of mass murder used in treason.

A complete review of the deception is found here.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

These are pages containing a 2010 disclosure of treason to the US district court in Los Angeles. The presiding judge and another promptly worked to conceal treason and violate united states code.

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

1) What happened-In this case, why did it happen to?

The Towers collapsed. Because two big, fuel filled jets crashed into them.

2) How did it happen

See above.

3) Who did it.

Muslim terrorists.
The proper sequence of investigation IS;

1) What happened-In this case, why did it happen to?

2) How did it happen

3) Who did it.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to defeat that logical sequence in this thread.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to assert any core except for the one evidenced here by independent verifications UNLESS they have evidence outside of what is noted here as incompetent

Those interested in the truth will suffer the onerous redirects applied by this forum in order to view evidence.

The structural core of the Twin Towers was a steel reinforced cast concrete rectangular tubular core.

Evidence of the true core structure was stolen form the public by Guiliani in December of 2001. This is a mockup of the original information published by the NYCLU in a letter to Bloomberg complaining about Guiliani taking the WTC documents from the civic center room at the NYC dept. of buildings.

New York Civil Liberties Union Press Release February 6 200

The true structural core was described by L.E. Robertson on 9/13/2001. This is a mock up page because the original was altered by infiltration into Newsweek after being up for years.

September 13 2001 Newsweek article-Leslie Robertson 9-11

This is the deception probably created by misinformation from FEMA engineers. Clearly, such a core cannot stand because it has no diagonal bracing.


This is a screen shot of the ONLY mention of sources for structural information of the NIST, WTC report.


Here is a copy of a safety report by August Domel, certified in 12 states as a structural engineer, who prepared a safety report for FEMA before the clean up in November of 2001. The original is no longer on the ncsea site. Taken down after 2011 perhaps.

Here is a picture from 9/11 that shows the cast concrete core of WTC 2 standing at about 400 feet. All of the steel framework exterior, the load bearing structure has already fallen. Note, absolutely no steel of any kind protrudes from the core area.


Here is an animated .gif created by a forum user in perhaps 2007 that learned of the concrete core from my posting and then went out and found a video which showed a huge piece of the WTC 1 core wall, north side, falling into the core area.


Since 2003, not one image of steel core columns INSIDE the core area has been posted by those attempting to assert that there was a "steel framed core". All that has been posted are misrepresented construction photos that actually show, " elevator guide rail" support steel. Completely incompetent evidence. Therefore images from 9/11 showing the Towers coming down is the only acceptable form of evidence. All professional statement of a text nature are also incompetent. The NIST and WTC reports are incompetent and fraudulent, concealing the means of mass murder used in treason.

A complete review of the deception is found here.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

These are pages containing a 2010 disclosure of treason to the US district court in Los Angeles. The presiding judge and another promptly worked to conceal treason and violate united states code.

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

1) What happened-In this case, why did it happen to?

The Towers collapsed. Because two big, fuel filled jets crashed into them.

2) How did it happen

See above.

3) Who did it.

Muslim terrorists.

Evidence of the true core structure was stolen form the public by Guiliani in December of 2001. This is a mockup of the original information published by the NYCLU in a letter to Bloomberg complaining about Guiliani taking the WTC documents from the civic center room at the NYC dept. of buildings.
New York Civil Liberties Union Press Release February 6 200

Are you fucking crazy? There's not a word in your "mockup" of alleged letters between the NYCLU and Guiliani's office that even remotely refers to WTC structural docs.
What kind of happy horseshit are you trying to pull?
The proper sequence of investigation IS;

1) What happened-In this case, why did it happen to?

2) How did it happen

3) Who did it.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to defeat that logical sequence in this thread.

I will report ANYONE that attempts to assert any core except for the one evidenced here by independent verifications UNLESS they have evidence outside of what is noted here as incompetent

Those interested in the truth will suffer the onerous redirects applied by this forum in order to view evidence.

The structural core of the Twin Towers was a steel reinforced cast concrete rectangular tubular core.

Evidence of the true core structure was stolen form the public by Guiliani in December of 2001. This is a mockup of the original information published by the NYCLU in a letter to Bloomberg complaining about Guiliani taking the WTC documents from the civic center room at the NYC dept. of buildings.

New York Civil Liberties Union Press Release February 6 200

The true structural core was described by L.E. Robertson on 9/13/2001. This is a mock up page because the original was altered by infiltration into Newsweek after being up for years.

September 13 2001 Newsweek article-Leslie Robertson 9-11

This is the deception probably created by misinformation from FEMA engineers. Clearly, such a core cannot stand because it has no diagonal bracing.


This is a screen shot of the ONLY mention of sources for structural information of the NIST, WTC report.


Here is a copy of a safety report by August Domel, certified in 12 states as a structural engineer, who prepared a safety report for FEMA before the clean up in November of 2001. The original is no longer on the ncsea site. Taken down after 2011 perhaps.

Here is a picture from 9/11 that shows the cast concrete core of WTC 2 standing at about 400 feet. All of the steel framework exterior, the load bearing structure has already fallen. Note, absolutely no steel of any kind protrudes from the core area.


Here is an animated .gif created by a forum user in perhaps 2007 that learned of the concrete core from my posting and then went out and found a video which showed a huge piece of the WTC 1 core wall, north side, falling into the core area.


Since 2003, not one image of steel core columns INSIDE the core area has been posted by those attempting to assert that there was a "steel framed core". All that has been posted are misrepresented construction photos that actually show, " elevator guide rail" support steel. Completely incompetent evidence. Therefore images from 9/11 showing the Towers coming down is the only acceptable form of evidence. All professional statement of a text nature are also incompetent. The NIST and WTC reports are incompetent and fraudulent, concealing the means of mass murder used in treason.

A complete review of the deception is found here.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

These are pages containing a 2010 disclosure of treason to the US district court in Los Angeles. The presiding judge and another promptly worked to conceal treason and violate united states code.

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

9-11-misprision of treason Title 18 part I chapter 115 2382

Having read through the links in your sources I have to say you are dead wrong.

None of them prove any misrepresentation to the NISt report.

The WTC and NISt report still stand unrefuted by any evidence.

You failed.

The core of the towers was steel
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Another historical documentation of the concrete core of the Twin Towers was found by a member of the democratic underground in about 2004. They copied a page from the Oxford Encyclopedia of Innovation and Technology then scanned it.


From 9/11 itself is the best proof of the concrete core. This annotated image was included with the 2010 disclosure of treason to the us district court in Los Angeles.
To the left of the end view of a remaining core wall is where still core columns would be if they existed.

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Another historical documentation of the concrete core of the Twin Towers was found by a member of the democratic underground in about 2004. They copied a page from the Oxford Encyclopedia of Innovation and Technology then scanned it.

Still failing to produce proof that it had a concrete core.

Sorry it had a steel core that is fact
The elements that engineered the destructive event used obsolete plans made by L.E. Robertson hand drawn for the purpose of presenting the Tower design Minoru Yamasaki who was he pioneer of concrete cores for very talk towers.

A copy of the blueprints may have been found in the WTC documents taken illegally by Guiliani from the NYC dept of buildings and given to someone in Larry Silversteins group. They then scanned them and proceeded to fake revision tables on the sheets to make appear as final drawings.

This is a cropping from the original high res scans of blueprints from Silverstein, to Dykan Avery, to Gage, to greg Hoffman of This is actual evidence of fraud use to conceal treason. It is a part of what was disclosed to the us district court above.

The revision tables are photoshopped onto the scans of obsolete blueprints to make them appear as final drawings.


A close up of the non alpha characters, obvious pixel assemblies in the cells of the revision tables.


I pointed these out to Gage at on of his presentations at a public library in San Luis obispo in Nay of 2008. I asked him to produce a SINGLE image of a steel core column inside the core area on 9/11 an he could not. Said there was video but never produced it.

Seriously, how can anyone think the title block would be free handed with a pencil for such structures. Gage wants us think these are final drawings for what were the tallest buildings in the world.
People do not know the history of the WTC at all. Ward Churchill, a Colorado university professor, part Lakota Souix Indian I think, learned it was a Dutch trading post when NYC first started and had 7 buildings on it. Apparently there were a number of Indians hung there as a part of a fraud and taking which was covered up there.

With that status the land owners the NY port authority have a history that connects to admiralty law, making them in some ways like a different nation.

You might notice that some of these links documenting covert manipulation on the web go to British intelligence. Of course also not well known is the fact that money from sources like Rothschild financed the union army.

After the civil war they called in the debt which basically had them
Buying the us government and put in control covertly.

So it's not surprising to find commonwealth Countries conspiring centrally to cognitively infiltrate web forums and attempt to foul the thinking of Americans trying to defend the constitution.

Here is an Obama advisor, a Supreme Court justice, caught telling BO that he should invest in " "cognitive infiltration" in 2008.

Obama confidant s spine-chilling proposal -

Then here is British Intel and their operation.

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate Deceive and Destroy Reputations - The Intercept

So if there appears to be a lot of unaccountable agreement based in what could easily be false social groups, this is their training manual.

This was part of what Edward Snowden released.

British spy agency taps cables shares with NSA Guardian
For decades, the NSA and GCHQ have worked as close partners, sharing intelligence under an arrangement known as the UKUSA agreement. They also collaborate with eavesdropping agencies in Canada, Australia and New Zealand under an arrangement known as the "Five Eyes" alliance.

This is a sample of some of the images on the page which were screen shots of a power point presentation that Glen Greenwald posted in his article.


Basically cognitive infiltration uses social pressures covertly imposed by a group pretending to be independent individuals to those viewing a forum, but they are actually working together.

In this way they can influence the thinking of a group without the group knowing it.
The top left image is one of the most impossible picture to explain if one believes there were steel core columns in the center of the core.

Firstly the center of the core is to the right and in front of those fine vertical
elements having a slight arc impossible for heavy box columns to have.

That is the high tensile steel rebar specially made for the concrete core. It was made in a DOD munitions plant. The rebar was 3" in diameter and came on 40' foot sticks that were butt welded together as the concrete progressed upwards.

The 1990 documentary I viewed in 2 one hour parts on PBS, explained that this rebar was on 4' foot centers inside the concrete core walls. There was other smaller rebar tied to this heavy vertical steel in a grid. All of the rebar had a special, very thick plastic coating that was supposed to protect the concrete from the transmission of vibration and corrosion over the years.


The lower right picture is the core structure of WTC 2 standing at about 400 foot tall. Same image as in the OP.
A friend did some searching for the Twin Towers concrete core back in 2005 and found this emai account by someone that actually knew about the design of the Twins.

We studied the Trade Towers extensively when I was in
school. They were one of the first examples of an innovative and
efficient structural concept called "tube" restraint. The Sears
Towers are a variation called "bundled tube construction" and the
idea is based on a minimum of interior columns, with the exterior
facade having more numerous exterior perimeter columns. In
the case of the WTC, there are no interior columns. Only a
central concrete core roughly 60-80 feet square comprised of
several vertical voids that house exit stairs, hoistways for
the elevators, utility raceways and mechanical chases; and also,
significantly, the sprinkler system main lines. The floors were
prefabricated broad cellular panels of parallel trusses and main
decking that had a light weight concrete topping applied after
they were installed. They spanned a distance of roughly 60 feet
from the concrete core to the exterior gridwork of columns and
horizontal beams."


Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: The Wizard of Oz <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: [email protected]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: The Letter
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 19
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 04:07:51 GMT
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: 1001218071 (Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:07:51 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:07:51 PDT

As many of you know, I have a brother who lives in Birmingham, Ala who is an
architect of some stature in his community. He has never let his successes go to
his head, and is still the nice guy I grew up with.
Just a day or two ago, my parents got a letter from him regarding the recent
national tragedy in New York and Washington DC. He gave some technical details
about the construction methods used in the WTC Towers which are very
interesting, and also talks about his own thoughts on effects of the destruction
on the country and himself. I found it extremely interesting, even if he is my
brother, and, with his permission, will post it here in the NG for you to read
if you care to. The technical aspects of the constructions get a little
detailed, but he wrote it aiming at our parents who are non- professional in his
field, but learned a little from him when he was in school.
His own thoughts are interesting, to me, but I may be just prejudiced. Read it
if you wish, or just move on to the next one.
Reply to: wizard (at) wiz dot mailshell dot com
Complaints to: [email protected]


Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: The Wizard of Oz <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: [email protected]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (Win98; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: The Letter
References: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 120
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 04:29:09 GMT
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: 1001219349 (Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:29:09 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 21:29:09 PDT

The following is his letter in its entirety, without any editing by me:

September 17, 2001
Dear Mom and Dad,

I had just started a letter to you folks when I checked my voice mail
and had a message from Dad to call him back. I enjoyed our brief call, and
thanks for the stock update. I am still shaken over what has happened. I keep
replaying that day over and over in my head. We studied the Trade Towers
extensively when I was in school. They were one of the first examples of an
innovative and efficient structural concept called "tube" restraint. The Sears
Towers are a variation called "bundled tube construction" and the idea is based
on a minimum of interior columns, with the exterior facade having more numerous
exterior perimeter columns. In the case of the WTC, there are no interior
columns. Only a central concrete core roughly 60-80 feet square comprised of
several vertical voids that house exit stairs, hoistways for the elevators,
utility raceways and mechanical chases; and also, significantly, the sprinkler
system main lines. The floors were prefabricated broad cellular panels of
parallel trusses and main decking that had a light weight concrete topping
applied after they were installed. They spanned a distance of roughly 60 feet
from the concrete core to the exterior gridwork of columns and horizontal
beams. the floor trusses restrained the exterior walls and prevented them from
buckling outward. The exterior structural system was prefabricated in panels of
multiple columns (steel tubes only 14 inches square) that spanned vertically
through 2 or three floors. This was a fast way to erect the building and helped
enclose the building faster. At the upper floors, the winds are so high at
times that no other work can begin (including pouring the floor topping) until
the exterior is in place.

Once the building was closed in, the underside of the floor assemblies
were sprayed with a cementitious mineral fiber coating for fire resistance.
Then the sprinkler lines were run, along with ductwork laterals from the main
ducts built into the floor assemblies. A ceiling grid would have been hung and
minor interior partitions fastened to the floor and ceiling grid and covered
with gypsum board panels. A building that size, 10 million square feet, would
have each floor (roughly 40,000 square feet each) separated by fire/smoke
barriers and exit corridors that prevented the migration of smoke and fire
throughout a given floor.

The stairs would have been considered an absolutely safe haven to leave
a fire-envolved floor to an area of safety. In high rise construction, the
stair towers are required to have the capability of being pressurized by large
fans so that, in a fire emergency, smoke will be kept out of the stair; even
with a number of the stair doors open. Otherwise it makes a perfect chimney.
That is why you should never use an elevator in a fire. There are hose
connections and hose cabinets at each floor so the firemen can fight the blaze
where ever it may occur without hauling hose up the building.

I'm no structural engineer, but the impact of the planes must have
severely damaged the center core. They were designed to handle a Boeing 707; a
typical plane in use in the late 60's. But no one imagined the thousands of
gallons of fuel that poured into the structure. With essentially every fire
barrier breached, the fuel must have flowed everywhere, and poured down the
cavities between floors. They say the fuel combined with all of the furnishings
produced fire temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees. Building beams and
columns are protected with the fire proofing to prevent structural failure at
temperatures of 1500 degrees for 1-hour. That is the way we design them per the
requirements of the various building codes. Combined with the automatic
sprinkler systems, the fire proofing in a structural steel building is intended
to give firemen enough time to contain the blaze.

With the sprinkler risers severed, and the cascading flood of fuel, the
firemen would never have been able to save the building's structure from
thermal failure in time. Ironically, Building 2 survived exactly one hour
before it collapsed. Building 1 lasted close to 1 3/4 hours. When the high
temperature caused the first few floor trusses to sag and pull away from the
exterior wall, the wall buckled outwards, causing a chain reaction of dropping
floor trusses, and buckling walls all the way to the bottom. The center core
would have been only designed to accommodate gravity loads, vertically imposed
loads. The falling floors must have created so much lateral force that the core
disintegrated in the same chain reaction. As each floor pancaked, a shockwave
blew out the windows and expelled the dust cloud of pulverized concrete, gypsum
dust, and the cementitious fiber fireproofing. It was one of the first
buildings constructed without asbestos fireproofing, so there should have been
no danger of that in the dust cloud.

In the last week, I have moved from shock and disbelief, through grief,
and have settled into an anger that won't go away. I keep thinking of those now
5,400 innocent people looking themselves in the mirror for the last time,
getting dressed for the last time and going to work. I can't imagine how those
firemen searching through the debris must feel. People of my generation, as I
mentioned to you before, never had a Great Depression, or a Pearl Harbor to
galvanize us and crystallize our beliefs; to bring us together as one nation. We
were just a pampered, unappreciative, self-centered bunch of self important
egos; wondering how best to get ahead. I don't think that is the case any more.
I still don't think the seriousness and gravity of this tragedy has hit us;
those of us without your WW II perspective.

September 18, 2001

I saw David Letterman last night; his first broadcast since Tuesday. He
will probably never have a re-run of it, and if you didn't see it, it would be
hard to describe. Last week I wondered how his show and Leno's would be able to
come back with their usual irreverent "make-fun-of-everything-that-moves" brand
of humor. Letterman's show opened with no music or monologue. Just him sitting
at his desk with scattered quiet applause. He said that he didn't now if this
show would work, doubting whether he could pull it off. Then he proceeded to
convey his thoughts for about twenty minutes. His hands were shaking and his
voice wavered. He lavished Giuliani with praise, saying he was "the definition
of courage..." He used profanity, un-edited but somehow appropriate. It was
riveting. His first guest was Dan Rather, who has always seemed to me too cool
and professional to the point of being dull. Well he made it clear by the way
he spoke and the things he said, that he had been waiting a long time to unload
his thoughts and speak his mind. He broke down twice; too emotional to finish
what he was saying. It was an incredible sight.

I don't know what is going to happen next. Does anybody? I can't
believe how astonishingly unbelievable this all has been. I think I know now
how you all might have felt on December 7th. But look where we are 60 years
later. I'm glad we have the experienced folks in there. Cheny, Powell,
Rumsfeld. And the young frat boy Bush doesn't seem that way any more. He has
really risen to the horrible occasion. I can't bring myself to think what Gore,
Reno, and Albright would do to muster confidence in the country. I know we'll
get through this. Those buildings will be built back like they were, only
taller. And we'll leave your grandchildren a safer world. God bless America.

You folks take care.

Love, Phil
People do not know the history of the WTC at all. Ward Churchill, a Colorado university professor, part Lakota Souix Indian I think, learned it was a Dutch trading post when NYC first started and had 7 buildings on it. Apparently there were a number of Indians hung there as a part of a fraud and taking which was covered up there.

With that status the land owners the NY port authority have a history that connects to admiralty law, making them in some ways like a different nation.

You might notice that some of these links documenting covert manipulation on the web go to British intelligence. Of course also not well known is the fact that money from sources like Rothschild financed the union army.

After the civil war they called in the debt which basically had them
Buying the us government and put in control covertly.

So it's not surprising to find commonwealth Countries conspiring centrally to cognitively infiltrate web forums and attempt to foul the thinking of Americans trying to defend the constitution.

Here is an Obama advisor, a Supreme Court justice, caught telling BO that he should invest in " "cognitive infiltration" in 2008.

Obama confidant s spine-chilling proposal -

Then here is British Intel and their operation.

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate Deceive and Destroy Reputations - The Intercept

So if there appears to be a lot of unaccountable agreement based in what could easily be false social groups, this is their training manual.

This was part of what Edward Snowden released.

British spy agency taps cables shares with NSA Guardian
For decades, the NSA and GCHQ have worked as close partners, sharing intelligence under an arrangement known as the UKUSA agreement. They also collaborate with eavesdropping agencies in Canada, Australia and New Zealand under an arrangement known as the "Five Eyes" alliance.

This is a sample of some of the images on the page which were screen shots of a power point presentation that Glen Greenwald posted in his article.


Basically cognitive infiltration uses social pressures covertly imposed by a group pretending to be independent individuals to those viewing a forum, but they are actually working together.

In this way they can influence the thinking of a group without the group knowing it.
So when are you gonna produce evidence of a concrete core?
NIST didn't use proper computer model simulations of Building 7 either.

But that's ok, Americans are to wrapped up in the latest Sports Championship to even care.
Too many TV watching Sports Zombies in here.

Look at the computer simulations NIST of Building 7 falling and compare to actual video of it coming down. They're obviously different.

"No it isn't!"
- Willfully Stupid Person
Too many TV watching Sports Zombies in here.

Look at the computer simulations NIST of Building 7 falling and compare to actual video of it coming down. They're obviously different.

"No it isn't!"
- Willfully Stupid Person

Of course they are different which does not mean NISt used one which was inadequate

You are not especially better informed or enlightened than those you look down on as sports zombies.

That is a typical delusion of conspiracy theorists but it is a delusion like all of their other claims.
The top left image is one of the most impossible picture to explain if one believes there were steel core columns in the center of the core.

Firstly the center of the core is to the right and in front of those fine vertical
elements having a slight arc impossible for heavy box columns to have.

That is the high tensile steel rebar specially made for the concrete core. It was made in a DOD munitions plant. The rebar was 3" in diameter and came on 40' foot sticks that were butt welded together as the concrete progressed upwards.

The 1990 documentary I viewed in 2 one hour parts on PBS, explained that this rebar was on 4' foot centers inside the concrete core walls. There was other smaller rebar tied to this heavy vertical steel in a grid. All of the rebar had a special, very thick plastic coating that was supposed to protect the concrete from the transmission of vibration and corrosion over the years.


The lower right picture is the core structure of WTC 2 standing at about 400 foot tall. Same image as in the OP.

Those images are of structural steel not rebar

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