The stupidity of the UK virtue signaling protesters on display

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.
The OP is being a crisis actor in a non-important issue.

And the OP is opining ineffectively in another country's affairs.

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.

So why no MEGA World wide publicity then like with The Donald?

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.

So why no MEGA World wide publicity then like with The Donald?

You'd have to ask your own media about that one.

You sit back and wait for the media to come to you, then complain things didn't happen because the Austrian press didn't make the letters big enough for you.

Are you fucking seriously complaining that someone didn't shout loud enough so you could hear it?

You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway).

^^^^ Triggered! Also Off Topic in Zone 2 Politics.

Why would I have to ask our MSM about crap that occur in London? Our population likes The Donald he should visit us and not the Shit Hole that is London.

"You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway)."

WTF you make no sense, but keep digging and have your bags already packed in case of....
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Trump appears to be taking it personally. He would do well to keep it to himself.

The Donald has not commented only a minor comment, he does not give a crap about these Far Left losers who are a minority, eg. London has 8 MILLION population there are not MILLIONS on the street protesting him just a minority of Screaming losers.
Far more actual Brits support Trump's views if not the man. Only the remoaners and the globalist elite in the UK hate our President.
Far more actual Brits support Trump's views if not the man. Only the remoaners and the globalist elite in the UK hate our President.

Those who support The Donald have more Class, in general Conservatives do not get on the streets SCREAMING and having FITS there is a reason why it is called The SILENT Majority.
Far more actual Brits support Trump's views if not the man. Only the remoaners and the globalist elite in the UK hate our President.

I read that last night The Donald and Melania looking beautiful and elegant as usual, they had a nice dinner in GORGEOUS surrounding with 200 of the very top British Businessmen and Businesswomen, so they had a great night and enjoyed themselves in a friendly atmosphere with peoples who not ONLY like them but are also RELEVANT.

The filthy unwashed Far Leftists were out SCREAMING like mental patients SCREAMING to NOBODY but the MSM, The Donald pay no attention to them he did not EVEN SEE the filthy Commie POS.

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.

So why no MEGA World wide publicity then like with The Donald?

You'd have to ask your own media about that one.

You sit back and wait for the media to come to you, then complain things didn't happen because the Austrian press didn't make the letters big enough for you.

Are you fucking seriously complaining that someone didn't shout loud enough so you could hear it?

You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway).

^^^^ Triggered! Also Off Topic in Zone 2 Politics.

Why would I have to ask our MSM about crap that occur in London? Our population likes The Donald he should visit us and not the Shit Hole that is London.

"You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway)."

WTF you make no sense, but keep digging and have your bags already packed in case of....

Because you complained that the media was going mental over Trump but not over others. Now, how would you know they're going mental over Trump?

Let's see, because you watch mainstream media.

I make no sense?

Right, this is just "fake news" repackaged in another form.

Yes, what a surprise, someone on the right basically says they don't care about the truth. Someone on the right makes claims which are bullshit and they squirm out of them when get shown, after very short research, how wrong they are.

You said the left "These Far Left Mental Midgets", and then you accuse ME of being off topic in the politics forum. What a fucking cheek.

You were off topic the minute your finger touched the keyboard.

Then you went off on one with lies that anyone can look up and see are lies. Then you claim bullshit for why you didn't do any research.

This is what most of the people on the right are on this forum. They're people who "know" everything, but they "know" things because they MADE THEM UP, just as you did.

The stupidity of the left? Low IQ of the left? High enough to do their fucking research at the very least.

Did you have anything to say that wasn't fake, deflection, typical bullshit "debate" tactics? Anything at all to say on this matter?

No. Right.
These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.

So why no MEGA World wide publicity then like with The Donald?

You'd have to ask your own media about that one.

You sit back and wait for the media to come to you, then complain things didn't happen because the Austrian press didn't make the letters big enough for you.

Are you fucking seriously complaining that someone didn't shout loud enough so you could hear it?

You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway).

^^^^ Triggered! Also Off Topic in Zone 2 Politics.

Why would I have to ask our MSM about crap that occur in London? Our population likes The Donald he should visit us and not the Shit Hole that is London.

"You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway)."

WTF you make no sense, but keep digging and have your bags already packed in case of....

Because you complained that the media was going mental over Trump but not over others. Now, how would you know they're going mental over Trump?

Let's see, because you watch mainstream media.

I make no sense?

Right, this is just "fake news" repackaged in another form.

Yes, what a surprise, someone on the right basically says they don't care about the truth. Someone on the right makes claims which are bullshit and they squirm out of them when get shown, after very short research, how wrong they are.

You said the left "These Far Left Mental Midgets", and then you accuse ME of being off topic in the politics forum. What a fucking cheek.

You were off topic the minute your finger touched the keyboard.

Then you went off on one with lies that anyone can look up and see are lies. Then you claim bullshit for why you didn't do any research.

This is what most of the people on the right are on this forum. They're people who "know" everything, but they "know" things because they MADE THEM UP, just as you did.

The stupidity of the left? Low IQ of the left? High enough to do their fucking research at the very least.

Did you have anything to say that wasn't fake, deflection, typical bullshit "debate" tactics? Anything at all to say on this matter?

No. Right.

"You were off topic the minute your finger touched the keyboard."

I was not Off Topic I respond directly to what is in the OP and the video in the OP I was On Topic, unlike you Xenophobe with your Off Topic rant in # 9 Posting.
Far more actual Brits support Trump's views if not the man. Only the remoaners and the globalist elite in the UK hate our President.

Those who support The Donald have more Class, in general Conservatives do not get on the streets SCREAMING and having FITS there is a reason why it is called The SILENT Majority.

Yes, they have class. They have the class to make statements that aren't true. They have the class to believe statements that aren't true. They have the class to believe a guy who goes around ripping up traditional alliances and weakening the US at the time of China's rising.

The right don't get on the streets screaming huh?

Again, you manage to miss the shit the right do.

That you only seem to see left and right is rather disturbing.

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.

So why no MEGA World wide publicity then like with The Donald?

You'd have to ask your own media about that one.

You sit back and wait for the media to come to you, then complain things didn't happen because the Austrian press didn't make the letters big enough for you.

Are you fucking seriously complaining that someone didn't shout loud enough so you could hear it?

You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway).

^^^^ Triggered! Also Off Topic in Zone 2 Politics.

Why would I have to ask our MSM about crap that occur in London? Our population likes The Donald he should visit us and not the Shit Hole that is London.

"You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway)."

WTF you make no sense, but keep digging and have your bags already packed in case of....

His comments about the OP and research are absolutely right on.
Trump appears to be taking it personally. He would do well to keep it to himself.

The Donald has not commented only a minor comment, he does not give a crap about these Far Left losers who are a minority, eg. London has 8 MILLION population there are not MILLIONS on the street protesting him just a minority of Screaming losers.

So, if someone doesn't protest, this means they don't agree with the protesters?
Far more actual Brits support Trump's views if not the man. Only the remoaners and the globalist elite in the UK hate our President.

Those who support The Donald have more Class, in general Conservatives do not get on the streets SCREAMING and having FITS there is a reason why it is called The SILENT Majority.

Yes, they have class. They have the class to make statements that aren't true. They have the class to believe statements that aren't true. They have the class to believe a guy who goes around ripping up traditional alliances and weakening the US at the time of China's rising.

The right don't get on the streets screaming huh?

Again, you manage to miss the shit the right do.

That you only seem to see left and right is rather disturbing.

Those traditional alliances should be destroyed, also Fuck NATO, Fuck Globalism, those traditional alliances now Anti-Western considering they are supporting the Importing of Third World Shit Holers into Western nations, the whole thing needs trash and burn, Wrecking Ball and with that to build a New International Order that is designed for Patriots in EVERY Western nation, we LOVE The Donald we consider him on Our Team.

It is those traditional alliances with the Pro-Importing of Third World Shit Holers Into Western Nations it is them who are WEAKENING The West. Take the Wrecking Ball to it all. GO TRUMP!


Trump appears to be taking it personally. He would do well to keep it to himself.

The Donald has not commented only a minor comment, he does not give a crap about these Far Left losers who are a minority, eg. London has 8 MILLION population there are not MILLIONS on the street protesting him just a minority of Screaming losers.

So, if someone doesn't protest, this means they don't agree with the protesters?

Why are they not on the streets? For the Anti-Iraq War thing when it was GWB and Tony Blair the Stop The War crowd got ONE MILLIONS on the same streets, not that it had any affect, but if MILLIONS in London HATE The Donald they should be able to get MILLIONS protesting him, but all they can get is at top 50,000-100,000 in a city that has 8 MILLIONS in population.

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