The stupidity of the UK virtue signaling protesters on display

This is going to be fun to watch today. The UK HATES Trump. At least, unlike the fucking morons in this country, they haven't lost their minds.


lucy has no idea of what putin wants, or she would not write what she is writing

all trumpers are indeed being "groomed" to accept the end of civil liberties to protest, to speak freely, to dissent, and to petition

You also have no idea what Putin wants, you are told by the MSM what Putin wants and they don't know what he wants, it's all mainly hysterical Propaganda. China is a threat, but the MSM do not hysterically blame China and trash China for EVERYTHING and at every opportunity.
Lucy, what you are saying applies to the Right as well in terms of herding the masses.

I think there is some of that Jake but I also think that unlike the Left at least the Right is okay with Independent Thought. I have posted things at this forum at times to say I can disagree on certain things and it has been accepted that we on the Right don't have to agree on 100% everything.
These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.


Or maybe the stupidity is from those who don't see things happening because it doesn't pop up on their right wing news feed.

Protests over China state visit

Mall protests over China state visit to Britain"

The UK protests China.

Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Saudi state visit

Mohammad bin Salman UK visit: Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit"

Protesters march on Downing St as the Queen meets Turkish president

Anti-Erdogan protesters march on Downing Street as the Queen and Theresa May meet 'fascist' Turkish president"

Ignorance is a wonderful thing.

So why no MEGA World wide publicity then like with The Donald?

You'd have to ask your own media about that one.

You sit back and wait for the media to come to you, then complain things didn't happen because the Austrian press didn't make the letters big enough for you.

Are you fucking seriously complaining that someone didn't shout loud enough so you could hear it?

You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway).

^^^^ Triggered! Also Off Topic in Zone 2 Politics.

Why would I have to ask our MSM about crap that occur in London? Our population likes The Donald he should visit us and not the Shit Hole that is London.

"You're on a fucking political forum, and you can't even be bothered to do one minute research to find out that what you're talking is worse than comes out the back of an Austrian cow (which is probably from the Ukraine anyway)."

WTF you make no sense, but keep digging and have your bags already packed in case of....
His comments about the OP and research are absolutely right on.

Why are not the Leftists protesting what is happening in Venezuela? It's because the Venezuelan Dictatorship is Leftist, they are LITERALLY MURDERING and JAILING ANYONE who disagrees with the Leftist Dictatorship and yet SILENCE from Leftists across the World.

Leftists Cherry Pick, they have NO problem with MURDEROUS Leftist Dictatorships it has always been this way:

Castro = Good, Pinochet = Evil, Mao = Good, Marcos = Evil etc.
This is going to be fun to watch today. The UK HATES Trump. At least, unlike the fucking morons in this country, they haven't lost their minds.




^^^^ Suffragettes Against Trump, um the Suffragettes ceased to EXIST in Britain after 1928, this just illustrates what low IQ Muppet Ditto Heads these morons are marching and screaming like escaped mental patients.
This is going to be fun to watch today. The UK HATES Trump. At least, unlike the fucking morons in this country, they haven't lost their minds.


Worse. They lost their heritage...

How many in London are British British the majority of London is now African and Islamic, WTF why should Britain be respected when their capital city is NOT in the possession of the British British and the Mayor is a Pakistani Haji. Sir Winston Churchill would be DISGUSTED.


Not only Churchill, but Gladstone and American President John Quincy Adams:


And John Wesley:

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The right is not OK with independent thought. Only those who are being groomed would think that the right permits freedom of expression and independent thought. Look what happens to the mainstream GOP when they are out of step with the goons and loons of the far right, like Gohmert and Gowdy, etc.
Here is a good example of Right Wing grooming. All know that Marcos, Pinochet, Castro, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot et al are evil.

Only the groomers would put forth that the right believe Marcos and Pinochet and Salazar and Franco were good.

That is what groomed fascists think. And heavens help those who disagree with that.
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Here is a good example of Right Wing grooming. All know that Marcos, Pinochet, Castro, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot et al are evil.

Only the groom right think Marcos and Pinochet and Salazar and Franco were good.

That is what groomed fascists think. And heavens help those who disagree with that.

Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot were especially evil.


The below slightly differs estimates 30 MILLION and not 25 MILLION murdered in the Soviet Union.


"Only the groom right think Marcos and Pinochet and Salazar and Franco were good."

They all saved their nations from becoming Communist, why is that not a good situation?

They sort of remind me of a Trump rally, back in 2016 when he really drew crowds.

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

These Far Left Mental Midgets were NOT protesting when Erdogan visited London OR when the Saudi King visited London OR when the Chinese visited London, all this CRAP about them giving a shit about Human Rights and Virtue Signalling and Protesting The Donald because of Human Rights is just total CRAP.

The Leftists are a combination of low IQ Muppets and hypocritical Commie POS.

So says Little Miss Lucy Schicklgruber, modern day nazi.

Classic libspeak!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
Trump appears to be taking it personally. He would do well to keep it to himself.

The Donald has not commented only a minor comment, he does not give a crap about these Far Left losers who are a minority, eg. London has 8 MILLION population there are not MILLIONS on the street protesting him just a minority of Screaming losers.
If he didnt care he wouldn't talk about it and he DID talk about it. More like whined actually. Saying that if that's the way they feel about it he doesn't want to go there. The goes on to say London USED to be a nice place.

Here is a good example of Right Wing grooming. All know that Marcos, Pinochet, Castro, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot et al are evil.

Only the groomed right think Marcos and Pinochet and Salazar and Franco were good.

That is what groomed fascists think. And heavens help those who disagree with that.

Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot were especially evil.


The below slightly differs estimates 30 MILLION and not 25 MILLION murdered in the Soviet Union.


"Only the groom right think Marcos and Pinochet and Salazar and Franco were good."

They all saved their nations from becoming Communist, why is that not a good situation?

They were fascist authoritarian dictators who killed tens of thousands of people and even more, who opposed Constitutional liberty, and government by the will of the people.

The left all around the world, truly are useful idiots for the world globalist elites.

Anyone ever see them make a legitimate point?


Here or there?

We know that trumpanzees are being groomed to believe that protests are illegal and protesters should be locked up.

Not locked up. Maybe just smacked around a little. Nothing too serious mind you.
The OP is being a crisis actor in a non-important issue.

And the OP is opining ineffectively in another country's affairs.
We all know a pathetic virtue signaling waste of fucking time like you would NOT care about your fucking rich pathetic left wing white virtue signaling hypocrites over there.

None of you have actually addressed the blatant double standards clearly seen. All way too familiar for you pieces of dry shit over here.

What is proven beyond the shadow of any and all doubt is you motherfuckers are lying ignorant hypocritical gasbags.

I knew there was a reason I have an ignorant ass like you on ignore. Your pathetic nonsensical double talk only reveals you stand for nothing you simple minded puppet.

Now, you and the rest of you deranged losers can all take your stupid ignorant dreck and shove it up your ass.
Your virtue signaling is nothing more that a result of Alt Right grooming, theowl.

Brits have every right to feel and act as they do as long as they are doing so within the law.

They certainly do not any advice from the alt right.
Your virtue signaling is nothing more that a result of Alt Right grooming, theowl.

Brits have every right to feel and act as they do as long as they are doing so within the law.

They certainly do not any advice from the alt right.
Didnt say they didn't have the right you dumb fuck. You are a fucking loser.

Way to get away from the point like the moron you are.

The fact that you avoid the point proves everything I claim about you is true.

You deranged windbag.
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