the suburbs of our nation’s capital are now infested with the worst transnational gangs like MS-13!!

Having lived my entire life in the suburbs of D.C., I’d like to point out that those areas are absolutely thriving
The frontline effects of the open border don’t stay at the border. They’re all around DC

The frontline effects of the open border don’t stay at the border. They’re all around DC

Have things really gone that much downhill, however? Even 30 years ago, the suburbs of Washington were infested with school kids scheduling regular Gang Rape Parties every weekend in their parents' homes. And that was in affluent Montgomery County and snooty Catholic prep school kids- if you'll remember the testimony before the Senate last fall. Think how bad it must have been with less rich kids that went to government school?

The entire region went to hell in a hand basket a long ass time ago.

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