The Supernova of News: UN rights council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake:

It is an effective tactic.

Take any subject...any issue....any event. Source a skeptic or a contrarian. Pretend that the source is credible. Repeat said source's claim over and over until it becomes verified fact in your own fucked up head.
It is an effective tactic.

Take any subject...any issue....any event. Source a skeptic or a contrarian. Pretend that the source is credible. Repeat said source's claim over and over until it becomes verified fact in your own fucked up head.
We're not talking DNC here.

However, the sources are questionable.
As I said in another topic, an Iranian paper quoting the Russian Foreign Ministry.....

I'd prefer a more objective source, like :lol:
Didn't everyone know this already! The American source said the tape was heavily edited. The tape was a compilation of several chemical attacks over a period of years strung together to look like one attack. Then said it was all from Assad's attack. Greta Van Susteren went over the you tube videos available on the internet where the footage came from.

There is absolutely nothing to tie Assad to this attack. There's more to tie the rebels to the attack.
Didn't everyone know this already! The American source said the tape was heavily edited. The tape was a compilation of several chemical attacks over a period of years strung together to look like one attack. Then said it was all from Assad's attack. Greta Van Susteren went over the you tube videos available on the internet where the footage came from.

There is absolutely nothing to tie Assad to this attack. There's more to tie the rebels to the attack.

You must be right. After have never made a crazy, implausible statement. Never.
[ame=]Syria war: deadlock in the UN Security Council - YouTube[/ame]
Here's the actual press release from UN HRC: DisplayNews

No mention of the video being faked...

It's also possible that Russian and Chinese elements in the UN itself are spinning their story.

But one thing is for certain:

We have no incontrovertible proof that Assad is guilty, in fact, it's quite the opposite.

I'll request deletion 24 hours from now if no more sources report this.
They call our president a Marxist yet get their info from the Marxist News Network, irony indeed. I believe those siding with Russia are not American at all but plants that are Marxist.
Here's the actual press release from UN HRC: DisplayNews

No mention of the video being faked...

It's also possible that Russian and Chinese elements in the UN itself are spinning their story.

But one thing is for certain:

We have no incontrovertible proof that Assad is guilty, in fact, it's quite the opposite.

I'll request deletion 24 hours from now if no more sources report this.

Show me the proof that Assad is not guilty or redact your statement.
Didn't everyone know this already! The American source said the tape was heavily edited. The tape was a compilation of several chemical attacks over a period of years strung together to look like one attack. Then said it was all from Assad's attack. Greta Van Susteren went over the you tube videos available on the internet where the footage came from.

There is absolutely nothing to tie Assad to this attack. There's more to tie the rebels to the attack.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that the al Qaeda rebels did this to try and get the U.S. to aid them. Obama has already armed them.

This was one of the few times that Obama acted like he was sure about what happened and who was responsible. Reminds me of how he was confident that a film maker was responsible for the senseless murders of Chris Stevens and three other victims. Just like that time, the media went with the story and repeated it over and over. Even when proof surfaced showing it was all false, they wouldn't correct it. They won't admit it this time, either, so virtually any source beats the liberal media.

Today is the year anniversary of the terrorist attack on Benghazi and Obama still claims to know nothing, yet he talks a big game claiming he knows what's what in Syria. I am highly skeptical.
Here's the actual press release from UN HRC: DisplayNews

No mention of the video being faked...

It's also possible that Russian and Chinese elements in the UN itself are spinning their story.

But one thing is for certain:

We have no incontrovertible proof that Assad is guilty, in fact, it's quite the opposite.

I'll request deletion 24 hours from now if no more sources report this.

Show me the proof that Assad is not guilty or redact your statement.

That is not how it works. There is a presumption of innocence. Innocent until proven guilty. Where is the evidence of his guilt?

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