The Swamp Screams

They can't just leave quietly and honorably. The crazy and angry left wingers have to embarrass themselves with a "fiery letter'. Maybe if we could get them to fall on their swords ....
Note to Elizabeth Shackelford: Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
They're not needed as much now that the U.S. has abandoned it's role as leader of the free world
They're not needed as much now that the U.S. has abandoned it's role as leader of the free world

Good point, as an also ran with Trump in office, why pretend? Russia and China are the sole world powers while the boy plays "leader".
Still waiting for Jeff Sessions to indict someone...

Every day nobody gets publicly indicted, it is one more day Sessions can hit up those already indicted under seal for bribes to drop the charges. So far, Sessions apparently has sold out EVERY ONE....

And by 'nobody', you mean the actual diplomats?

Yeah, who needs diplomats in the State Department. Next thing you're going to tell me is that soldiers are nobodies in the military.

"Nobody" is one who is easily expendable and has no influence as to the running of the organization. An employee. A lackey, if you will.

As to diplomacy, eight years of Obama's nonsense needs to be undone. Dump his lackeys.
Look at the kind of things that she has been retweeting.. I glad that she has resigned so that tax payers' money will not be spent on her anymore. She probably was wasting tax payers money on teaching the Somalians on how to make bombs without using metal. We must get them fools from out of the government before they will try something foolish, like killing innocent babies around the world and said that they were following Pres.Trump's orders. They are some sickos..

Elizabeth Shackelford Retweeted
Yashar Ali ‏Verified account @yashar Aug 12
Who took this photo? Should be nominated for a Pulitzer. A black police officer protecting a group of men who wish him harm. Incredible.


Elizabeth Shackelford (@lizzyshackelfor) | Twitter

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