The Syrians Knocked Down HOW MANY Missiles?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Let's see....our Russian socks claim the number was almost 80...or was it 90? Our own commiecrats, so engulfed in hatred for the President, would likely believe none of the Allied missiles hit their target and the pictures of smoking ruins are fake. I told this board yesterday that antiquated Soviet anti-aircraft can't radar-acquire and destroy a modern cruise-missile. They fly too low and fast, particularly the new JASSM with the 1,000 lb. warheads fired from the B1 bomber. So how many missiles were knocked down? ZERO. The Syrians, left on their own by the treacherous Russians, wildly fired 40 ground-to-air missiles into the air AFTER the Allied missiles had struck their targets. Some veered wildly out of control landing in other words, they missed us and bombed themselves.


Syria fired 40 missiles 'at nothing' after allied air strikes destroyed three Assad chemical sites
Let's see....our Russian socks claim the number was almost 80...or was it 90? Our own commiecrats, so engulfed in hatred for the President, would likely believe none of the Allied missiles hit their target and the pictures of smoking ruins are fake. I told this board yesterday that antiquated Soviet anti-aircraft can't radar-acquire and destroy a modern cruise-missile. They fly too low and fast, particularly the new JASSM with the 1,000 lb. warheads fired from the B1 bomber. So how many missiles were knocked down? ZERO. The Syrians, left on their own by the treacherous Russians, wildly fired 40 ground-to-air missiles into the air AFTER the Allied missiles had struck their targets. Some veered wildly out of control landing in other words, they missed us and bombed themselves.


Syria fired 40 missiles 'at nothing' after allied air strikes destroyed three Assad chemical sites
What is hilarious, the Russians claimed they did not interfere in our elections, left says, sure they did, the Russians lie. Then they, the left, believe them on this. Can’t make it up. All anti America all day everyday for these leftists punks

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