The Taliban Are On The Way...With 80 Billion In US Military Equipment!

It can be turned around, but people have got to stop listening to the leftist, and somehow make their way back to the light.
The sad thing here is they accept all the propaganda from the left as gospel sad.

Who was it wanted to create a UD Gov't ministry of truth?


'The whole truth nothing but the truth as long as it's our truth'
How is the Taliban going to get itself, its equipment, and its munitions (none of which they know how to maintain) from Afghanistan to Israel?

Thunk has out thought himself, yet again.
How is the Taliban going to get itself, its equipment, and its munitions (none of which they know how to maintain) from Afghanistan to Israel?
Probably the same way they been doing it for hundreds of years.

Let me see.....these stupid Taliban have the wherewithal to make sophisticated IED's but can't fix an aircraft?
The sad thing here is they accept all the propaganda from the left as gospel sad.

Who was it wanted to create a UD Gov't ministry of truth?


'The whole truth nothing but the truth as long as it's our truth'
They're in panic mode behind the Oz curtain.
And we have a MSM that may as well be working for our enemies.
Kinda like the KIA reporting during 'Nam......40 American KIA's, 24,000 VC.
Israel will look like Iraq and Ukraine soon and a majority of the world won't care.
And looking like we could be next unless we start ww3..... or did we already ? Or a worse pandemic .
The sad thing here is they accept all the propaganda from the left as gospel sad.

Who was it wanted to create a UD Gov't ministry of truth?


'The whole truth nothing but the truth as long as it's our truth'
Sorry, but that woman looks a bit off her rocker. She is loud, and her feet abideth not in her home. That's what she reminds me of.
Sorry, but that woman looks a bit off her rocker. She is loud, and her feet abideth not in her home. That's what she reminds me of.
And she was going to be the 'information Czar'.....until RW media exposed the Biden agenda......but our stupid lefties here had no clue..... :auiqs.jpg:
And she was going to be the 'information Czar'.....until RW media exposed the Biden agenda......but our stupid lefties here had no clue..... :auiqs.jpg:
I remember it well..... That's what the agenda has been with the Obiden government, otherwise replace critical positions in government with radicals that have drank to Kool aid, and that will aid and abed the agenda's and goals reached for. To hell with the people and the country. All one has to do is peel back the layers of their onions in order to see it all. Not a purdy sight.
I remember it well..... That's what the agenda has been with the Obiden government, otherwise replace critical positions in government with radicals that have drank to Kool aid, and that will aid and abed the agenda's and goals reached for. To hell with the people and the country. All one has to do is peel back the layers of their onions in order to see it all. Not a purdy sight.
Also a majority of fed employees hired since Obama have been Democratic Socialists.......remember all the hassles Trump had getting anything done through different departments?
Reports of multiple Israeli tourists killed in Egypt...War is spreading!
Ge whiz, and Egypt got free labor outta them for years, too. So now when their successful former slaves visit thousands of years later, Egypt kills them? :puke:
"The Taliban Are On The Way...With 80 Billion In US Military Equipment!"

So Biden ordered our military service to leave American adversaries in Afghanistan with $80 Billion dollars in US Military Equipment his first month in office, when he was trying to destroy every evidence of Trump's successes and attempts to bring about world peace in the snap of his incompetent fingers, did he? How generous of him to take orders from the likes of Hillary and other deep staters and wagging his stupid tail while he was at it. hmmmmm. I get more and more sure that damn election 2020 was heisted from the rightful winner with every shitty creepy and self-inflicted wounding of America they perform--open the border to let ten million people, a million of whom work to pull off another 9-11 in every state of the union. God I hate the damned deep state. Biden is gonna be the death of freedom our fathers left us yet.

Biden is cutting off his nose to spite his face, and dragging the whole country around doing it. It's time to kick the plaguarist/imposter out.
"Hey, lets fuck up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, what could possibly go wrong?"
Well, let's open the border and let millions of thugs in along with Mexico's peasant class who never wanted to be peasants so we're now housing and educating them in our universities at taxpayer expense, and they're learning more sophisticated ways to wipe America and Israel off the map and indoctrinating American kids to boo-hiss Israel in public notice and create hatred for future generations for anything but the communist country the Democrat deep staters are inserting one iota at a time, and they're already wiping out Amendment I, free speech will soon be no more unless it gets Democrats elected to run the biggest giv-a-mint from taxpayers only to call taxpayers who didn't vote deep state Democrats names like "Fascist," with false narratives that smell like fascist-speak which is consistant with the saying "When you point your finger in hatred at somebody else, you have three fingers pointing back at yourself." Laws of mercy!
Israel will look like Iraq and Ukraine soon and a majority of the world won't care.
And looking like we could be next unless we start ww3..... or did we already ? Or a worse pandemic .
Soon? What I saw of Bombing on Oct 7 made Israel look like the target their adversaries wanted to, plus on stateside, their border-crossing enrollees at formerly leading universities at taxpayer expense, convinced student bodies to poison the well on Israel and turned them into ethnic haters and friendships with student whose Hamas/Hezbollah brainwashees taught them to hate Israel and to hate America more. Guess who opened the border and the same one who set them up with $80 billion dollars' worth of American weaponry, aerial transport, and ammunition. And Biden gets millions from Ukraine, but who knows how much for an $80 billion dollars' worth of taxpayers defense articles to the nation's worst enemies. I say we put Biden on trial for the $5 million he extorted out of the Ukraine, aka softened with the term "bribery" by the hate-filled press against President Trump. Biden isn't bragging on how many millions of dollars he got for "forgetting" about America's $80 billion in military helicopters, weapons, tanks, and ammo just sitting there waiting to be used if America needed backup in a hostile country. In all that's about $400 for every man woman and child in America the day Biden ordered withdrawal from Afghanistan in the most unilateral and unconstitutional manner you could think of. We have a leader who obeys the secretive and deep state mob and makes decisions sans procuring information he either ignored from the military or ordered them to leave military gold behind. I'd hate to think which, but in the past, Biden was caught on a hidden phone camera bragging about extorting 5 million dollars from a third world country while he was Vice President of the USA. That is blatantly a stab at the emolument clause in the Constitution. You can't convince me the American people gave Biden their votes. The older ones knew he was a plagiarist, but they may not know he likely had his thumb in every pie that foreign aid packages are. Somebody taught him how to take money away from foreign packages by extorting money secretly from the leaders, with threats to close down the money tree they would be getting shortly. He had that down to a science by the smooth talking he used to frighten third world recipient country they owed him a few million dollars here and there.

80 billion dollars. That's close to $400 for every man, woman and child in this country of 300,000,000 people of all ages. And nobody saw all that cash coming through the skies of Air Force Two except agents charged with taking a bullet for a vice president and are called the secret service. I hope the Supreme Court takes on this case. And not next week, now.

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