The Talk: Nonblack Version

Hoover targeted MLKJ because he was Red,not because he was Black. He abused his power targeting a number of suspected communists.

You got arrested because you commited robbery and had crack in your pocket, not because your skin is almost as dark as the cop's.
Look at the money python video above and tell me what your doing wrong.

There is no point to be taken from MP. From you, your point is obvious: mentally disturbed.

Yeah, that isn't an argument either. It has more to do with your emptions than it does with respect to addressing the facts. Else why post at all? To learn? To have an argument? To seek out opposing opinions and learn from them? To sharpen your own skills? Nope, not you. Just shallow falsified self-gratification void of intellectual discourse. But then again, you have absolutely no idea of what I am talking about do you?

Your points are emotive, Publius, not rational or reasonable. That is the point. Your racism wastes oxygen. Yell all you want, that's what the Board is for. Just don't expect it to receive acceptance.
There is no point to be taken from MP. From you, your point is obvious: mentally disturbed.

Yeah, that isn't an argument either. It has more to do with your emptions than it does with respect to addressing the facts. Else why post at all? To learn? To have an argument? To seek out opposing opinions and learn from them? To sharpen your own skills? Nope, not you. Just shallow falsified self-gratification void of intellectual discourse. But then again, you have absolutely no idea of what I am talking about do you?

Your points are emotive, Publius, not rational or reasonable. That is the point. Your racism wastes oxygen. Yell all you want, that's what the Board is for. Just don't expect it to receive acceptance.

Another falsely self-gratifying post? I thought I was a waste of oxygen? Have you responded on anything I’ve posted on the merits? No? Then why continue to waste oxygen? Oh, I know, unearned self-gratification. What mental disorder do you suffer from? See how I, through a series of observations, was not only able to assess that you have a mental disorder but showed you how I came to that conclusion? Not that it is a bad thing; most people have them to some degree. My writing is only emotive if you are getting your feelings hurt. If that is the case just remember that this is an internet forum and you could just as easily type why you think that my writing is emotive without turning it in to a contradiction as opposed to an argument. You are here to argue right?
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In certain locations, whites have a greater propensity for committing crime. Think KKK.

Yes, criminality is culturally based, not racially based.

Our culture is at fault, and guns are part of that.

You see nothing but your own shadow in Plato's cave, Publius.

You are indeed the weakest link in this thread.
In certain locations, whites have a greater propensity for committing crime. Think KKK.

Yes, criminality is culturally based, not racially based.

Our culture is at fault, and guns are part of that.

You see nothing but your own shadow in Plato's cave, Publius.

You are indeed the weakest link in this thread.

Let’s see what we have here other than a fella who hates to waste oxygen on me but insists on doing it anyway. I guess he was just comforting himself?

1) & 2) OK, an agreement, except I don't know where he gets the KKK statistics from. But look out for # 3) He used "Our," as if there is only one culture in the United States. (Notice how he is adding on to the straw man of others as opposed to debating the op on its merits, i.e. the op is about talking to your kids about the dangers of black culture) 4) Plato's cave analogy, I like it but you don't explain why, making it a contradictory statement of opinion without merit and not an argument. And ... 5) Personal attack without explanation making it a contradictory statement of opinion without merit and not an argument based on relevant facts. Therefore, if you are calling me the weakest link without explanation it must be for the lack of an argument via your behalf and no complement could be greater for me! But you need not shower me with such things. I am bashful in the face of flattery. Was the "indeed" for special effect or does that special word make it true in your mind, and thus, comforting in a falsely kinda self gratifying way?
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Publius, you have made no comment other than cultural determinants direct social behavior.

Have you?

Don't whine about personal attacks when you use them yourself, outs you as a dishonest hypocrite.
Why am I not surprised?
Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.
Czech Republic? Oh, my bad. Now I get why you come across as a Nazi. You should get out some other ethnicities. Get you some culture.

That’s the problem, people want to be a part of a culture in a group think kind of way and deviate from being an independently minded rational person. There’s the problem, now ……. What to do with it? Well, I can’t think for others. Perhaps they could learn to think for themselves?
criminality is culturally based, not racially based
Culture is a function of history, environment, and race (blood)

[ame=]Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition: Edward O. Wilson: 9780674002357: Books[/ame]
criminality is culturally based, not racially based
Culture is a function of history, environment, and race (blood)

[ame=]Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition: Edward O. Wilson: 9780674002357: Books[/ame]

Stop the Julius Streicher fascist-based race nonsense.

Go stare are your Mussolini poster on the basement wall of your shrine to race, breath deeply, and have happy thoughts.
Publius, you have made no comment other than cultural determinants direct social behavior.

Have you?

Don't whine about personal attacks when you use them yourself, outs you as a dishonest hypocrite.

I like to call them assessments.

My "personal attacks" are backed by an assessment of which is clearly displayed in a logical sequence making the viewer aware of how I came to that conclusion. Thus it is not a personal attack, but, a claim backed by an argument of factual statements. A diagnosis if you will. Have you done the same? No, you make your personal attacks value judgments based on opinion other than fact. Indeed, when you make a claim with no statement of how you came to that conclusion you are indeed posting for no other reason but unearned self-gratification to make up for your lack of intellect.

Example: You disagree with me? Then you’re a poo poo head!

See, that was wrong. And yet, no different than what you posted. Indeed this is a child’s contradiction and not a true argument. Geeze, you owe me for these free lessons!
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Publius crumbles and mumbles, explaining why he is not a hypocrite for doing what he condemns in others.

We can disagree with each other without being mean spirited, yes. Let it begin with you, and I will follow. Be my sensei, Publius.
Publius crumbles and mumbles, explaining why he is not a hypocrite for doing what he condemns in others.

We can disagree with each other without being mean spirited, yes. Let it begin with you, and I will follow. Be my sensei, Publius.

Please don't glaze over this. Read it all.

One who replies without engaging in argument is engaging in contradiction. Why contradiction? Why name-calling without as much as an explanation of how he came to that conclusion? Because you lack the intellect for argument and the only tools available to you are contradiction and name calling so as to give yourself an artificial warm and fuzzy, confirming your lack of intellectual ability, but at the same time, thinking that you are intellectually superior. Why intellectually superior? Because to the feeble minded, contradiction and name calling isare arguments, and it makes them feel good about themselves, though, they are only complement their competitor. If you had argued as opposed to simply contradicting then there would be no need to feel that I am mean spirited even though I am not really mean spirited but telling the truth based upon an assessment of your actions ( I even showed you how I came to my conclusions). Yet you have failed to figure this out? Does the truth hurt your feelings? It shouldn’t! Why? Because learning the truth is a positive thing! Now start arguing and stop contradicting so that I may be able to learn from you! You never know, there may be a liberal out there with a valid argument that will prove me wrong and that will excite me more than anything in the world! Why? Because I learned something! And if I don’t learn anything new, well, I just get the opportunity to sharpen my argument. Unlike you and that other fella, I not only concede points that are correct but I tell you via an intellectual process why I disagree with the points that I did not concede to as opposed to just simply utilizing contradiction absent of explanation, which of course, is a concession within itself.

Will that was less than exciting. I must go for now. Watch that Monty Python video! You will find humor if nothing else.

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Why am I not surprised?
Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.
Czech Republic? Oh, my bad. Now I get why you come across as a Nazi. You should get out some other ethnicities. Get you some culture.
Let's see, I've lived in Greece, Spain, the US and the Czech Republic for at least 5 years each, speak three languages and two more passably, am a citizen of two countries and traveled extensively on four continents. You really are a victim, but that is not my fault either.
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Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.
Czech Republic? Oh, my bad. Now I get why you come across as a Nazi. You should get out some other ethnicities. Get you some culture.
Let's see, I've lived in Greece, Spain, the US and the Czech Republic for at least 5 years each, speak three languages and two more passably, am a citizen of two countries and traveled extensively on four continents. You really are a victim, but that is not my fault either.

I've lived in Chicago, and Houston. I've traveled across the U.S. and to Canada and the Bahamas. I studied Latin, German....I married a European, who speaks, reads and writes 5 languages, and is quite the most intelligent person I have ever met. Find a victim.
Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.
Czech Republic? Oh, my bad. Now I get why you come across as a Nazi. You should get out some other ethnicities. Get you some culture.

That’s the problem, people want to be a part of a culture in a group think kind of way and deviate from being an independently minded rational person. There’s the problem, now ……. What to do with it? Well, I can’t think for others. Perhaps they could learn to think for themselves?

When I want your opinion....I'll ask for it. Go and bother someone else, who thinks you're worth the time of day.
Very true. But serial killers and mass murders are few and far between. I certainly have a better chance of being shot during a robbery than I would being caught up in a mass killing. Likewise, I certainly have a higher probability of being robbed by a black male than I would a white male, especially in my neighborhood. Now compare the number of people killed by white instigated mass killings and serial killings to murders committed by black males. There is no comparison! Then compare the propensity for blacks to commit murder to the propensity of whites to commit murder. Once again, no comparison.

In any case, there is no need in the white community to have the serial killer conversation to stem off the epidemic because there is no epidemic. Just a few nuts here and there, and thus, is not a culturally created problem! On the other hand, I would be jumping for joy if the black community could just get their propensity for violence down to the white level!

Oh, and why is it that every time someone brings up the numbers they get called a racist? A real man admits the facts when he sees them. Now if I said “I hate black people and I would never want to hire one no matter what his qualifications,” that would be racist. But look what you did above! You just stuck your head in the sand via ignoring the facts, called me a racist with absolutely no explanation, and redirected with a straw man fallacy that holds zero relevance. Did it make you feel better? Did you notice how I acknowledged the validity of your point and responded in kind? That’s what adults do! Children only contradict as you did above.

BS. You're suggesting that whites don't commit crimes, and not at the same rate as blacks. I say, it depends where you are.
I certainly don't believe statistics, undoubtedly, "compiled" by whites, to serve a white agenda, which demonizes blacks. And look how you readily dismiss any notion of whites bearing and taking responsibility for the deviant behavior of their own.
Do you realize the sudden rash of mass murders?
Obviously, you're a panderer to mindset that the problem is "a black one"...and that whites bear no responsibility.
You are a racist. You are, because blanket indictments, of a whole race, are wrong. Did you learn nothing from the Holocaust? People are not monolithic, in thought, word, or deed. You suggest that criminality and depravity are "race-based", when there is no evidence for that.
You're entitled to your opinion...not your own facts. But as children, which you alluded to, are prone to do....they make snap judgments without having all the facts at their disposal. So, I'd refrain from pointing out my shortcomings, when yours are prominently being displayed.

1) No, I am suggesting that whites have a lower propensity of violent crime than blacks. Why? Culture.

2) You don't believe the numbers? Are there any you do believe? So whites are racists and they make the numbers up? Can you back that up with anything or are you a racist?

3) If I can count the mass killings on my fingers out of a population of 300,000,000 then there isn't a cultural problem.

4) Whites do not bear responsibility for the black propensity of violence.

5) No, I am a culturist. And there are some messed up cultures out there!

6) American white culture does not equate to the German white culture of 1930's-40's Nazi Germany.

7) Criminality is not raced based, it's culturally based. Some cultures have a higher propensity for committing violent crimes than others. It's a fact of life. If see a guy with his pants hanging around his ankles, a doo-rag on his head, and a pair of unlaced shoes of which is cared for more than his ability to comprehend the English language, my mind says "stay away from this guy, he comes from a jacked up culture and possesses unpredictability in his actions as he does in dress."

You've addressed none of my points above on their merits. However, you do have a new list of straw men for me to chase after. Feel better now?

Not really...but I'm going to feel insanely better...right after I put you on ignore. Bye.

Murder Offenders by Age, Sex, and Race, 2010

Age Total Sex Race Male Female Unknown White Black Other Unknown Total 15,094 9,972 1,075 4,047 4,849 5,770 251 4,224 Percent distribution1 100.0 66.1 7.1 26.8 32.1 38.2 1.7 28.0
FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Blacks are ~13% of the population
USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

According to the FBI, they committed 38% of murders

Whites are 78% of the population
According to the FBI, they committed 32% of murders
I suggest you look at the correlation between income and crime and education and crime. People with low incomes and less education such as blacks commit a higher percentage of crimes than those with higher income and education such as whites. In other words what you're seeing is a correlation between low education and income and crime.
Or do you think dark skin color causes crime? If so, I would like to hear about that.
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You're looking at symptoms, not the disease.

Like violent tendencies, income and education are tied to IQ.

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
[ame=]Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition: Edward O. Wilson: 9780674002357: Books[/ame]

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