The Talk: Nonblack Version

I disagree with a lot of your views Unk, but I respect you a lot for standing up against these idiots who spread poison throughout this country.

Good start. Now you just need to work on agreeing with me on everything else! :cool:

Alright let's find a common ground. I like Kit-Kats. If you don't there's no point to this exercise :razz:

I'm generally not big on sweets but I too enjoy Kit-Kats. Have you ever had strawberry Kit-Kats? They're quite wonderful.
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My son is 14 and has little interaction with blacks living as we do in an almost all-white country. As he is a US citizen too and may someday attend university in America, I have spoken to him about some of the realities of American life that were included in the article. I would be negligent in my duties as a father if I failed to do so because others would deem it politically incorrect. My responsibilities far outweigh any such considerations.
Publius1787 needs to understand his vision of the world will be dead in America by 2030 except for a very, very elderly crack pots.

I could post hours of video but you get my point. If these kids grow up and start breeding illegitimate children like themselves without a father than I see no reason that this will ever end. Of course, your above statement is nothing but speculation, contradiction, assumption, and wishful thinking. The numbers say otherwise.

Your vision of the world is only due for extinction, because America's youth and young adults overwhelmingly disagree with you.

Oh I was expecting that. People have been disagreeing with the facts for years. Why? Because whenever someone brings up the facts and tells the truth about the status of things they are immediately labeled a racist. I call that thought policing and I won’t tolerate it. In your case, disagreement with someone’s statement is not tantamount to being right. When black culture changes on the whole to the point that they are at least just as violent as white culture then I will be the first one jumping for joy! Until then I will assume the status quo and hope for the best.

How’s about we quit the contradiction and have a civil argument? I have a video for what your doing as well.

[ame=]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]


Murder Offenders by Age, Sex, and Race, 2010

Age Total Sex Race Male Female Unknown White Black Other Unknown Total 15,094 9,972 1,075 4,047 4,849 5,770 251 4,224 Percent distribution1 100.0 66.1 7.1 26.8 32.1 38.2 1.7 28.0
FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Blacks are ~13% of the population
USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

According to the FBI, they committed 38% of murders

Whites are 78% of the population
According to the FBI, they committed 32% of murders

Either help the situation or further poison the situation :(

What's your solution?

Step 1: Realize you have a problem and white people aren’t responsible for your actions. So as long as you think you’re a victim you will never realize your true potential.

That’s 90% of the solution. However, such a realization of hard truth will deprive liberals of their loyal voting base as blacks become just as self-reliant, if not more, as whites and vote for the party of holding yourself responsible for your actions.
Son, just assume every single black person you see is a violent criminal looking for a chance to rape a white woman or kill any white person they can find.

You will be right more often than you will be wrong, and decent black folk will understand when you apologize- they work under the same assumption about their own race.

For the record, I have no problem with black people; we should sterilize ******* and lock them in cages to keep society safe.

Chris Rock - Black People VS. Niggaz (Bring the Pain 1996) - YouTube

*******? Really? We should start with the white ******* first.
My son is 14 and has little interaction with blacks living as we do in an almost all-white country. As he is a US citizen too and may someday attend university in America, I have spoken to him about some of the realities of American life that were included in the article. I would be negligent in my duties as a father if I failed to do so because others would deem it politically incorrect. My responsibilities far outweigh any such considerations.

Why am I not surprised?
My son is 14 and has little interaction with blacks living as we do in an almost all-white country. As he is a US citizen too and may someday attend university in America, I have spoken to him about some of the realities of American life that were included in the article. I would be negligent in my duties as a father if I failed to do so because others would deem it politically incorrect. My responsibilities far outweigh any such considerations.

Why am I not surprised?
Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.
What's your point Var. Black people are evil?

No, on the whole they have a much higher propensity of deviance.

Based on what, you racist POS? Most serial killers and mass murderers would happen to be "white".

Very true. But serial killers and mass murders are few and far between. I certainly have a better chance of being shot during a robbery than I would being caught up in a mass killing. Likewise, I certainly have a higher probability of being robbed by a black male than I would a white male, especially in my neighborhood. Now compare the number of people killed by white instigated mass killings and serial killings to murders committed by black males. There is no comparison! Then compare the propensity for blacks to commit murder to the propensity of whites to commit murder. Once again, no comparison.

In any case, there is no need in the white community to have the serial killer conversation to stem off the epidemic because there is no epidemic. Just a few nuts here and there, and thus, is not a culturally created problem! On the other hand, I would be jumping for joy if the black community could just get their propensity for violence down to the white level!

Oh, and why is it that every time someone brings up the numbers they get called a racist? A real man admits the facts when he sees them. Now if I said “I hate black people and I would never want to hire one no matter what his qualifications,” that would be racist. But look what you did above! You just stuck your head in the sand via ignoring the facts, called me a racist with absolutely no explanation, and redirected with a straw man fallacy (Serial killings) that holds zero relevance. Did it make you feel better? Did you notice how I acknowledged the validity of your point and responded in kind? That’s what adults do! Children only contradict as you did above.

Now are you going to address the facts or are you going to repeat the same nonsensical behavior as shown in your response only to add credence to my above assessment? Or will you ignore me altogether as to pretend you didn’t just get intellectually stomped in the hopes this anonymous embarrassment (a contradiction, I know) will go away?
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Publius1787, sense of the "factual" is very distorted.

Look at the money python video above and tell me what your doing wrong.

There is no point to be taken from MP. From you, your point is obvious: mentally disturbed.

Yeah, that isn't an argument either. It has more to do with your emptions than it does with respect to addressing the facts. Else why post at all? To learn? To have an argument? To seek out opposing opinions and learn from them? To sharpen your own skills? Nope, not you. Just shallow falsified self-gratification void of intellectual discourse. But then again, you have absolutely no idea of what I am talking about do you?
No, on the whole they have a much higher propensity of deviance.

Based on what, you racist POS? Most serial killers and mass murderers would happen to be "white".

Very true. But serial killers and mass murders are few and far between. I certainly have a better chance of being shot during a robbery than I would being caught up in a mass killing. Likewise, I certainly have a higher probability of being robbed by a black male than I would a white male, especially in my neighborhood. Now compare the number of people killed by white instigated mass killings and serial killings to murders committed by black males. There is no comparison! Then compare the propensity for blacks to commit murder to the propensity of whites to commit murder. Once again, no comparison.

In any case, there is no need in the white community to have the serial killer conversation to stem off the epidemic because there is no epidemic. Just a few nuts here and there, and thus, is not a culturally created problem! On the other hand, I would be jumping for joy if the black community could just get their propensity for violence down to the white level!

Oh, and why is it that every time someone brings up the numbers they get called a racist? A real man admits the facts when he sees them. Now if I said “I hate black people and I would never want to hire one no matter what his qualifications,” that would be racist. But look what you did above! You just stuck your head in the sand via ignoring the facts, called me a racist with absolutely no explanation, and redirected with a straw man fallacy that holds zero relevance. Did it make you feel better? Did you notice how I acknowledged the validity of your point and responded in kind? That’s what adults do! Children only contradict as you did above.

BS. You're suggesting that whites don't commit crimes, and not at the same rate as blacks. I say, it depends where you are.
I certainly don't believe statistics, undoubtedly, "compiled" by whites, to serve a white agenda, which demonizes blacks. And look how you readily dismiss any notion of whites bearing and taking responsibility for the deviant behavior of their own.
Do you realize the sudden rash of mass murders?
Obviously, you're a panderer to mindset that the problem is "a black one"...and that whites bear no responsibility.
You are a racist. You are, because blanket indictments, of a whole race, are wrong. Did you learn nothing from the Holocaust? People are not monolithic, in thought, word, or deed. You suggest that criminality and depravity are "race-based", when there is no evidence for that.
You're entitled to your opinion...not your own facts. But as children, which you alluded to, are prone to do....they make snap judgments without having all the facts at their disposal. So, I'd refrain from pointing out my shortcomings, when yours are prominently being displayed.
My son is 14 and has little interaction with blacks living as we do in an almost all-white country. As he is a US citizen too and may someday attend university in America, I have spoken to him about some of the realities of American life that were included in the article. I would be negligent in my duties as a father if I failed to do so because others would deem it politically incorrect. My responsibilities far outweigh any such considerations.

Why am I not surprised?
Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.

In the school I went to (Thank God for the public library) they would have ever heard of the Czech Republic. What advanced inter-city education are you speaking of?
My son is 14 and has little interaction with blacks living as we do in an almost all-white country. As he is a US citizen too and may someday attend university in America, I have spoken to him about some of the realities of American life that were included in the article. I would be negligent in my duties as a father if I failed to do so because others would deem it politically incorrect. My responsibilities far outweigh any such considerations.

Why am I not surprised?
Perhaps because it is quite clear from my location. Even a victim of an inner-city public education might be aware that the Czech Republic is not exactly sub-Saharan Africa. But then I could be wrong.
Czech Republic? Oh, my bad. Now I get why you come across as a Nazi. You should get out some other ethnicities. Get you some culture.
I certainly don't believe statistics, undoubtedly, "compiled" by whites, to serve a white agenda, which demonizes blacks.


Do go on

Please. The stats were fudged way before Eric Holder arrived on the scene. J. Edgar Hoover lost his fucking mind trying to discredit Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Eric Holder has to try to do his fucking job with the tools and in the construct he finds himself with. I went on.
Based on what, you racist POS? Most serial killers and mass murderers would happen to be "white".

Very true. But serial killers and mass murders are few and far between. I certainly have a better chance of being shot during a robbery than I would being caught up in a mass killing. Likewise, I certainly have a higher probability of being robbed by a black male than I would a white male, especially in my neighborhood. Now compare the number of people killed by white instigated mass killings and serial killings to murders committed by black males. There is no comparison! Then compare the propensity for blacks to commit murder to the propensity of whites to commit murder. Once again, no comparison.

In any case, there is no need in the white community to have the serial killer conversation to stem off the epidemic because there is no epidemic. Just a few nuts here and there, and thus, is not a culturally created problem! On the other hand, I would be jumping for joy if the black community could just get their propensity for violence down to the white level!

Oh, and why is it that every time someone brings up the numbers they get called a racist? A real man admits the facts when he sees them. Now if I said “I hate black people and I would never want to hire one no matter what his qualifications,” that would be racist. But look what you did above! You just stuck your head in the sand via ignoring the facts, called me a racist with absolutely no explanation, and redirected with a straw man fallacy that holds zero relevance. Did it make you feel better? Did you notice how I acknowledged the validity of your point and responded in kind? That’s what adults do! Children only contradict as you did above.

BS. You're suggesting that whites don't commit crimes, and not at the same rate as blacks. I say, it depends where you are.
I certainly don't believe statistics, undoubtedly, "compiled" by whites, to serve a white agenda, which demonizes blacks. And look how you readily dismiss any notion of whites bearing and taking responsibility for the deviant behavior of their own.
Do you realize the sudden rash of mass murders?
Obviously, you're a panderer to mindset that the problem is "a black one"...and that whites bear no responsibility.
You are a racist. You are, because blanket indictments, of a whole race, are wrong. Did you learn nothing from the Holocaust? People are not monolithic, in thought, word, or deed. You suggest that criminality and depravity are "race-based", when there is no evidence for that.
You're entitled to your opinion...not your own facts. But as children, which you alluded to, are prone to do....they make snap judgments without having all the facts at their disposal. So, I'd refrain from pointing out my shortcomings, when yours are prominently being displayed.

1) No, I am suggesting that whites have a lower propensity of violent crime than blacks. Why? Culture.

2) You don't believe the numbers? Are there any you do believe? So whites are racists and they make the numbers up? Can you back that up with anything or are you a racist?

3) If I can count the mass killings on my fingers out of a population of 300,000,000 then there isn't a cultural problem.

4) Whites do not bear responsibility for the black propensity of violence.

5) No, I am a culturist. And there are some messed up cultures out there!

6) American white culture does not equate to the German white culture of 1930's-40's Nazi Germany.

7) Criminality is not raced based, it's culturally based. Some cultures have a higher propensity for committing violent crimes than others. It's a fact of life. If see a guy with his pants hanging around his ankles, a doo-rag on his head, and a pair of unlaced shoes of which is cared for more than his ability to comprehend the English language, my mind says "stay away from this guy, he comes from a jacked up culture and possesses unpredictability in his actions as he does in dress."

You've addressed none of my points above on their merits. However, you do have a new list of straw men for me to chase after. Feel better now?
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