The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

Looks like the Daughter business has consequences. Who would have the authority in that organisation to sanction these crooked payments?
What's crooked about a gift? A gift whose taxes were already paid when the original buyer bought them?

When she gets out she can relaunch herself as a prison reformer.
She will never get "in." Another FAIL for Tommy the Aintant.
You may even have to pay tax on the gift. The person who receives your gift does not have to report the gift to the IRS or pay gift or income tax on its value. ... If you are married, both you and your spouse can give separate gifts of up to $10,000 to the same person each year without making a taxable gift.

GIFT GIVING - Internal Revenue Service

tramp didn't pay taxes on any gift, he gave bonuses and he did NOT pay tax on those either.
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Looks like the Daughter business has consequences. Who would have the authority in that organisation to sanction these crooked payments?
What's crooked about a gift? A gift whose taxes were already paid when the original buyer bought them?

When she gets out she can relaunch herself as a prison reformer.
She will never get "in." Another FAIL for Tommy the Aintant.
You may even have to pay tax on the gift. The person who receives your gift does not have to report the gift to the IRS or pay gift or income tax on its value. ... If you are married, both you and your spouse can give separate gifts of up to $10,000 to the same person each year without making a taxable gift.

GIFT GIVING - Internal Revenue Service

tramp didn't pay taxes on any gift, he gave bonuses and he did NOT pay tax on those either.

Show me a company that paid taxes on perks they gave to employees above and beyond the taxes due on them at the time of purchase?

Then tell me why politicians and not the IRS are after Trump then if he failed to pay taxes.

Looks like the Daughter business has consequences. Who would have the authority in that organisation to sanction these crooked payments?

When she gets out she can relaunch herself as a prison reformer.

  • Ivanka filed a disclosure form in 2017 when she became a presidential adviser reporting payments she received from a consulting company she co-owned
  • Those payments, totaling $747,622, 'exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization' for hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver
Ummmm......if she reported receiving the payments and the Trump organization reported paying them, what's the issue?
Then tell me why politicians and not the IRS are after Trump then if he failed to pay taxes
The DA isn't a politician, for one. And the IRS may very well charge Weisselberg as well, since it is named as the victim of fraud in the indictment.
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Looks like the Daughter business has consequences. Who would have the authority in that organisation to sanction these crooked payments?

When she gets out she can relaunch herself as a prison reformer.

  • Ivanka filed a disclosure form in 2017 when she became a presidential adviser reporting payments she received from a consulting company she co-owned
  • Those payments, totaling $747,622, 'exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization' for hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver
Ummmm......if she reported receiving the payments and the Trump organization reported paying them, what's the issue?
As the article explains, the problem would arise if they paid her as an employee and as a contracted nonemployee with the intention of dodging taxes. This is one of the bits of fraud Weisselberg is charged with.
  • Ivanka filed a disclosure form in 2017 when she became a presidential adviser reporting payments she received from a consulting company she co-owned
  • Those payments, totaling $747,622, 'exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization' for hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver
Ummmm......if she reported receiving the payments and the Trump organization reported paying them, what's the issue?

The problem is how it was characterized:

Those payments, totaling $747,622, 'exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization

The Trump organization wrote it off as consulting fees, which they were not. They were a gift, as Ivanka didn't actually do any actual consulting.

Because of it being a gift, instead of a consulting fee, meant that the IRS tax rules say:

First the basics, what are business gifts under the tax law? If you give gifts in the course of your trade or business or for the production of income to an individual, these constitute “business gifts”.

And what are the tax rules for deducting business gifts? The tax law states that you can deduct no more than $25 for business gifts you give directly or indirectly to each person during your tax year.

That means the Trump organization took an illegal deduction of $747,597
You're allowed to pay as an employee and as a contractor.
If both reported the income, what's the dodge?
Because bribes, kick-backs, and other illegal payments aren't deductible.

26 CFR § 1.162-18 - Illegal bribes and kickbacks.

And gifts are only deductible to a maximum of $25 per person.

Trump only exceeded that by $747,597
You're allowed to pay as an employee and as a contractor.
I didn't say otherwise. I suggest you read the article again. They did not report that compensation as pay to Ivanka. This is what the article is trying to tell you and is what is at the heart of the fraud charges against Weisselberg.
Somewhere Trump and his army of lawyers and CPA's are laughing at Dems. :auiqs.jpg:
Uh...hey genius...trump doesnt have an army of CPAs. He has weisselberg and a tax firm he hires to do his taxes. Weisselberg is charged with multiple felonies and the tax firm gave up the booty under subpoena.
Uh...hey genius...trump doesnt have an army of CPAs. He has weisselberg and a tax firm he hires to do his taxes. Weisselberg is charged with multiple felonies and the tax firm gave up the booty under subpoena.
The irony is, if they subpoenaed Trump for his taxes, all he would have had to turn over was his tax returns. Instead they subpoenaed his tax preparers, and requested all the paperwork they had from Trump.
Uh...hey genius...trump doesnt have an army of CPAs. He has weisselberg and a tax firm he hires to do his taxes. Weisselberg is charged with multiple felonies and the tax firm gave up the booty under subpoena.
The irony is, if they subpoenaed Trump for his taxes, all he would have had to turn over was his tax returns. Instead they subpoenaed his tax preparers, and requested all the paperwork they had from Trump.
And the tax firm may not be culpable anyway. They work with the information they are given. Of course they would resist subpoenas as much as possible, because they know full well their high dollar clientele roster is full of tax frauds. Gotta maintain the business.
And the tax firm may not be culpable anyway. They work with the information they are given. Of course they would resist subpoenas as much as possible, because they know full well their high dollar clientele roster is full of tax frauds. Gotta maintain the business.
But the biggest argument a person has against a subpoena, is 4th amendment security of a persons papers and expectation of privacy.

But the act of giving those papers to a third party, such a tax preparer, removes that expectation of privacy.

This very small Organization is just that.
Family owned and operated.

These clowns thought they were above the law.

Agree.......if Weiselberg decides to serve the REST of HIS LIFE in prison, then that is still an indictment on the Crime Family known as trump. Even if trump never goes down.

Patience, this takes time for people to weigh their consequences.

The Sheep are all bleating in unison. This behavior is exactly why Vance filed these charges even though he knew they were bullshit: He knew the sheep would all repeat the talking points.
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And the tax firm may not be culpable anyway. They work with the information they are given. Of course they would resist subpoenas as much as possible, because they know full well their high dollar clientele roster is full of tax frauds. Gotta maintain the business.
But the biggest argument a person has against a subpoena, is 4th amendment security of a persons papers and expectation of privacy.

But the act of giving those papers to a third party, such a tax preparer, removes that expectation of privacy.
Nope. The 4th amendment makes an exception for subpoenas, and having your taxes done by someone else doesn't invalidate your 4th Amendment rights.

All you proved is that you're a total dumbass.
I think we are just starting to catch a glimpse at how a company with so many assets can bankrupt casinos, be blacklisted by Wall Street because of defaults, and have to go borrow money from a foreign institution that launders criminal russian money on the regular.

They are all dirtbag criminals with the business sense of a steaming turd.
He has already held his hands up to this. Ignorance is no defence though. From my limited experience with the law, I suspect that his lawyers will be telling him to stfu because the DA will be writing all this shit down to use against him.

In a similar vein I would be advising his lawyers to get some payment up front.

Has there ever been a grubbier ex Pres ?

My experience with you is that you're totally full of shit.
The two oldest trump boys admitted guilt when they made the statement everyone dodges taxes and it's not a big deal.

It is a big deal. Especially to the amount they didn't pay.

It's disgusting to see people who have the money to pay taxes but go out of their way and commit crimes to not pay their share in taxes.

I hope all those involved are hit with HUGE fines and put in prison.

maybe if there werent so many people not paying any taxs, the rich that pay more than their fair share wouldnt try avoiding them when they can,,

its every americans responsibility to pay as little as possible,,, starve the beast and let it die,,
Which rich pay more than their fair share?
most of them,, more so sense half the population pay nothing in income tax and a portion of them get more than they paid in,,

anymore stupid questions you would like to ask me??
Unfortunately, it looks like even ”stupid questions” stump you.

Either that or you a liar.


So what is a fair share?
a fair share is when everyone pays the same,,,

right not the minority pay the majority of taxs,,
The same amount or the same proportion?

How is “fair” when the impact is much harsher on the low wage worker than the wealthy?
choose one, both are off balance and not fair,,,

you mean the low wage worker that pays nothing in income taxs???
Either way would disproportionately affect the low wage worker. The amount for a wealthy person, would come out of discretionary spending. The same amount for a poor person, would come out of necessities: food, utilities, housing.

I assume we are arguing a progressive tax rate vs a flat tax rate?
the low wage worker doesnt pay anything, so how does it effect him???
The minimum taxable individual income is 12,400...that is really low. Poverty level for a single person is 12,760. For a family, it is higher. That means there are a lot of low workers trying to support a family on very little and paying income tax.

How about all those rich people paying nothing?
youre leaving out the tax credits they get,,

so they are just not paying their fair share,, they arent paying anything and get back extra,,
What tax credits?

Looks like the Daughter business has consequences. Who would have the authority in that organisation to sanction these crooked payments?

When she gets out she can relaunch herself as a prison reformer.

  • Ivanka filed a disclosure form in 2017 when she became a presidential adviser reporting payments she received from a consulting company she co-owned
  • Those payments, totaling $747,622, 'exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization' for hotels in Hawaii and Vancouver
Ummmm......if she reported receiving the payments and the Trump organization reported paying them, what's the issue?
totally legal.

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