The tea party is the wrong way

What evidence do you have for that claim?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

So what is your experience based on then that people who want to cut your welfare checks want to shut you up as well?

My welfare check is several decades late so shove your ignorant stereotyping you hillbilly rebel flag saluting trailer dweller.
I support the Tea Party's lower taxes and less GOV beliefs, but they also have anti-GOV radicals among them in addition to the isolationist kooks both from the losertarian crowd.

The Tea Party GOP members fucked up with the GOV shutdown being amateurs playing right into the hands of Obama and Reid along with the liberal media. You can't shutdown the HoR and expect Democraps running the White House and Senate to play along without you getting the blame for the fucking shutdown.

First, the GOP needs to take back the Senate then take back the White House to curb the crazy ass spending these last few years. The Tea Party dolts that believe shutting down the GOV gets that done are typical idiots from bumpkinville USA in deep water over their heads.
occupied said:
I've been trying to make the point that what they say they believe in and the reckless path they would cut through American civil liberties to get there are two entirely different things.

How do you know their intentions? Do you know next weeks lottery numbers, too?

What reckless path?

Did you read the tea party platform?

I don't see anything about cutting through civil liberties

Who said anything about abolishing the food stamp program? You made that up.

Did you read the tea party platform?

You invent theoretical problems.
I don't know but I'm sure the government retains some type of easement or curtilage rights on the actual borderline itself....just like every other nation in the world does on theirs.

What does "fully militarize the border" mean, anyway?...and where in the tea party platform did you see any of this?

occupied said:
You people want to force all this stuff to happen now,within the span of a single term in office, and run the risk of becoming what you claim to hate by having to force change at the point of a gun because you are too impatient.

"you people" ( Who?) want to force WHAT exactly? What do you mean by "all this stuff"?
What are you talking about specifically?

...all you've presented so far is open bias, wild generalizations, a dose of unfounded speculation and "what if".

You are probably one of those blind fools

Great rebuttal.

who thinks the right is incapable of tyranny,

Weren't we talking about the tea party platform?..I mean, I was anyway.

You have worked hard to avoid it all morning.

if you believe that shit then you have lost already, you would follow these people all the way down the road to being the American Taliban.
Believe WHAT, keep changing the subject.

So far, every time I refute your claims, you just make up some new shit and try again.

You can't/haven't proven a single thing you've alleged. You're batting .000

LMAO..but you keep swinging. :lol:
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

So what is your experience based on then that people who want to cut your welfare checks want to shut you up as well?

My welfare check is several decades late so shove your ignorant stereotyping you hillbilly rebel flag saluting trailer dweller.

You've decided based on no evidence that the Tea Party would shut up protesters and you're calling me a stereotyping hillbilly? LOL, that's a clown statement, bro...
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

So what is your experience based on then that people who want to cut your welfare checks want to shut you up as well?

My welfare check is several decades late so shove your ignorant stereotyping you hillbilly rebel flag saluting trailer dweller.

Stars and Bars insult noted.
I see...You LIKE their ideas ....but you don't "think" they mean you're supporting the people who are slandering them...but you like their ideas...

You are a very confused hyperpartisan spinning around and around in circles....

Can you post a link to their "intentions" ?

Yeah..that's rational :lol:

They are awesome ideas, there may even be ways of making it happen but alas the tea party lacks any ability at bringing people who disagree with them over to their way of thinking. The level of political consensus and compromise required to do any of that without things being far worse or falling into martial law is alien to your kind. It's why I see you people not as freedom loving but dementedly hungering for fascism.


Yes, Rota, that is what you do and fail at.

You are indeed an unimportant hyperpartisan that provides amusement here.

Now take in Brat in VA, who dumped Cantor. Go sit at Brat's feet.
How do you know their intentions? Do you know next weeks lottery numbers, too?

What reckless path?

Did you read the tea party platform?

I don't see anything about cutting through civil liberties

Who said anything about abolishing the food stamp program? You made that up.

Did you read the tea party platform?

You invent theoretical problems.
I don't know but I'm sure the government retains some type of easement or curtilage rights on the actual borderline itself....just like every other nation in the world does on theirs.

What does "fully militarize the border" mean, anyway?...and where in the tea party platform did you see any of this?

"you people" ( Who?) want to force WHAT exactly? What do you mean by "all this stuff"?
What are you talking about specifically?

...all you've presented so far is open bias, wild generalizations, a dose of unfounded speculation and "what if".

You are probably one of those blind fools

Great rebuttal.

who thinks the right is incapable of tyranny,

Weren't we talking about the tea party platform?..I mean, I was anyway.

You have worked hard to avoid it all morning.

if you believe that shit then you have lost already, you would follow these people all the way down the road to being the American Taliban.
Believe WHAT, keep changing the subject.

So far, every time I refute your claims, you just make up some new shit and try again.

You can't/haven't proven a single thing you've alleged. You're batting .000

LMAO..but you keep swinging. :lol:

Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I point at the dark side of human nature, The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.
So what is your experience based on then that people who want to cut your welfare checks want to shut you up as well?

My welfare check is several decades late so shove your ignorant stereotyping you hillbilly rebel flag saluting trailer dweller.

Stars and Bars insult noted.

The confederate flag should be insulted everyday and twice on Sunday as the symbol of eternal losers.
You are probably one of those blind fools

Great rebuttal.

Weren't we talking about the tea party platform?..I mean, I was anyway.

You have worked hard to avoid it all morning.

if you believe that shit then you have lost already, you would follow these people all the way down the road to being the American Taliban.
Believe WHAT, keep changing the subject.

So far, every time I refute your claims, you just make up some new shit and try again.

You can't/haven't proven a single thing you've alleged. You're batting .000

LMAO..but you keep swinging. :lol:

Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I point at the dark side of human nature, The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.

right...whatever you say.
What you dead headed libs need to realize is this demonization of the Tea Party has failed.

The downfall of Eric Cantor should have given you a clue. :lol:
That debunks nothing, human history says that the first thing hardline conservatives do upon gaining power is use every tool at their disposal (courts, spies, police and military) to settle scores and harass any opposition. How do you feel the TP is somehow different when vengeance minded right-wingers have always resorted to coercion and force to consolidate their position?

Maybe you should have kept that talking point in your ass, it stinks dude

With a hypothetical tea party government, anti-government/anti-corporate protest would be practically illegal and a good way to be beaten and jailed, It's one of the things you guys thirst for, to sic the dogs on worthless libs who can't keep their discontent with plutocracy to themselves.

Worthless libs who protest and destroy public property. This is why they get jailed.
What you dead headed libs need to realize is this demonization of the Tea Party has failed.

The downfall of Eric Cantor should have given you a clue. :lol:

It's a clue alright but it makes more of a case against republicans having a grasp of the electorate and their concerns than anything good.
You are probably one of those blind fools

Great rebuttal.

Weren't we talking about the tea party platform?..I mean, I was anyway.

You have worked hard to avoid it all morning.

if you believe that shit then you have lost already, you would follow these people all the way down the road to being the American Taliban.
Believe WHAT, keep changing the subject.

So far, every time I refute your claims, you just make up some new shit and try again.

You can't/haven't proven a single thing you've alleged. You're batting .000

LMAO..but you keep swinging. :lol:

Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I poin The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. t at the dark side of human nature,Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?

What you dead headed libs need to realize is this demonization of the Tea Party has failed.

The downfall of Eric Cantor should have given you a clue. :lol:

It's a clue alright but it makes more of a case against republicans having a grasp of the electorate and their concerns than anything good.

^^Partisan Dain Bramage^^
Great rebuttal.

Weren't we talking about the tea party platform?..I mean, I was anyway.

You have worked hard to avoid it all morning.

Believe WHAT, keep changing the subject.

So far, every time I refute your claims, you just make up some new shit and try again.

You can't/haven't proven a single thing you've alleged. You're batting .000

LMAO..but you keep swinging. :lol:

Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I poin The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. t at the dark side of human nature,Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?


That's all kinds of fucked up there. Work for decades to keep the super rich from totally dominating everything you do and think and that's the thanks we get.
Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.

Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.

The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

Sure. Explain to me how the government is not constitutional...another question I have repeatedly asked and never received an answer. My guess, most teapers are pissed because their choice for President wasn't elected, so that must mean America is no longer Constitutional.
Great rebuttal.

Weren't we talking about the tea party platform?..I mean, I was anyway.

You have worked hard to avoid it all morning.

Believe WHAT, keep changing the subject.

So far, every time I refute your claims, you just make up some new shit and try again.

You can't/haven't proven a single thing you've alleged. You're batting .000

LMAO..but you keep swinging. :lol:

Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I poin The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. t at the dark side of human nature,Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?


Liberals seek equality and justice and a consistent application of the law.

Those on the extreme right seek to expand the size and power of government to safeguard their special interests, to prevent change, and to discourage diversity and individual liberty they perceive as a threat to the status quo from which they profit.

The right’s opposition to public accommodations laws is a prime example, along with opposition to other necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures designed to protect the health and safety of workers and consumers alike.

Life in a modern, industrialized, technologically advanced, 21st Century society such as the United States is far too complex to be appropriately and successfully administered by the simplistic, naïve, childish, inane, and reactionary social/legal/economic paradigm advocated by the likes of the ‘tea party.’
Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I poin The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. t at the dark side of human nature,Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?


That's all kinds of fucked up there. Work for decades to keep the super rich from totally dominating everything you do and think and that's the thanks we get.
Except that when you progressives get your way, the super rich dominate even more.

You can thank us for not throwing rocks at you.
Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.

Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.

The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

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