The tea party is the wrong way


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?


That's all kinds of fucked up there. Work for decades to keep the super rich from totally dominating everything you do and think and that's the thanks we get.
Except that when you progressives get your way, the super rich dominate even more.

You can thank us for not throwing rocks at you.

Progressives have never gotten their way without allowing conservatives every opportunity to sabotage it. You people bitch about liberals running roughshod over you and I wonder what weird pharmaceutical destroyed your sense of reality. Nothing about the government shows anything more than a cursory nod to the liberals who still vote for these free market neocons who call themselves democrats. Where is anyone who professes a concern for the working class? Without that main core value no one can rightfully be called a progressive.
Life in a modern, industrialized, technologically advanced, 21st Century society such as the United States is far too complex to be appropriately and successfully administered by the simplistic, naïve, childish, inane, and reactionary social/legal/economic paradigm advocated by the likes of the ‘tea party.’

Yes, indeed.

Centrally planned economies did great in the former USSR, Somalia, Cuba , Venezuela and those socialist paradises.
Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.

The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

I have asked teapers...over and over again, what is unconstitutional about our government. Always silence.

The truth is, they deem it to be unconstitutional because we have a black President...nothing more. They weren't shedding the same tears when Clinton and Carter were President...nor have I seen any legislation proposed or passed by the teapers that back up the idea that they want a Constitutional government. All they do is spew BS and use racism to attract idiot revolutionaries.
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The Tea Party supports constitutional government. That's the American way.
Will the Teapublican party repeal the big government USAPATRIOT Act?

Or end the big government drug war that was started by the criminal Nixon (R) in 1972 after his own special committee told him to legalize Cannabis?

Will the Teapublican party uphold the First Amendment prohibiting religion from controlling our government?

Why did the Teapublican party cheer while Bush (R) lied the nation into a war that the CIA designed to never end?
The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

I have asked teapers...over and over again, what is unconstitutional about our government. Always silence.

The truth is, they deem it to be unconstitutional because we have a black President...nothing more. They weren't shedding the same tears when Clinton and Carter were President.
Well, spying on Americans without a warrant or just cause is unconstitutional. That's the Fourth Amendment. It's clear as day. That's why the USAPATRIOT Act needs to be repealed.

The drug war allows for thousands of unconstitutional searches and seizures every year, as well. Also, the framers of the Constitution probably didn't intend for Congress to vote to give the US President unilateral authority to declare endless war on whoever.

But, yeah, the Teabaggers weren't crying up this kind of a storm with Clinton, and they impeached him for lying about a blow job.
Life in a modern, industrialized, technologically advanced, 21st Century society such as the United States is far too complex to be appropriately and successfully administered by the simplistic, naïve, childish, inane, and reactionary social/legal/economic paradigm advocated by the likes of the ‘tea party.’

Yes, indeed.

Centrally planned economies did great in the former USSR, Somalia, Cuba , Venezuela and those socialist paradises.

I think you missed the thrust of the argument, the tea party has a lot of simple solutions to complex problems that are probably wrong and very likely to create bigger problems but they are dead set on trying it anyway. Prime among this is the belief that tax cuts for the wealthy will eventually trickle down, we just have not given them enough of a break yet.
Life in a modern, industrialized, technologically advanced, 21st Century society such as the United States is far too complex to be appropriately and successfully administered by the simplistic, naïve, childish, inane, and reactionary social/legal/economic paradigm advocated by the likes of the ‘tea party.’

Yes, indeed.

Centrally planned economies did great in the former USSR, Somalia, Cuba , Venezuela and those socialist paradises.

I think you missed the thrust of the argument, the tea party has a lot of simple solutions to complex problems that are probably wrong and very likely to create bigger problems but they are dead set on trying it anyway. Prime among this is the belief that tax cuts for the wealthy will eventually trickle down, we just have not given them enough of a break yet.
The thrust of the argument is dead wrong. The problems are simple, not complex.

The argument that we desperately need an immense, omnipresent, oppressive progressive nanny state, for no better reason than that the year on the calendar is different, is as intellectually lazy as you can get.

Progressives like you and Clay boy really think far too much of yourselves.
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Life in a modern, industrialized, technologically advanced, 21st Century society such as the United States is far too complex to be appropriately and successfully administered by the simplistic, naïve, childish, inane, and reactionary social/legal/economic paradigm advocated by the likes of the ‘tea party.’

Yes, indeed.

Centrally planned economies did great in the former USSR, Somalia, Cuba , Venezuela and those socialist paradises.

I think you missed the thrust of the argument, the tea party has a lot of simple solutions to complex problems that are probably wrong and very likely to create bigger problems but they are dead set on trying it anyway. Prime among this is the belief that tax cuts for the wealthy will eventually trickle down, we just have not given them enough of a break yet.

Tax cuts will ONLY work if they are accompanied by reducing expenses.

In 2008 , Bush II reduced taxes while vastly increasing expenses thereby sending the economy into a massive recession.

Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I poin The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. t at the dark side of human nature,Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?


That's all kinds of fucked up there. Work for decades to keep the super rich from totally dominating everything you do and think and that's the thanks we get.

You've worked at looting everyone who works hard and produces something for the benefit of moochers and ticks on the ass of society.
Do you style yourself the defender of the faith? You are still pointing at bullet point lists from Koch funded think tanks while I poin The tea party seeks power and power corrupts. t at the dark side of human nature,Ideological purity sounds wonderful in speeches but it's left outside of locked doors where the real deals are made and brother, you're dealing with the devil of big money and entrenched interests.


Isn't it a fact that liberals also seek power? That the liberal/progressive/egalitarian axis of evil has been acquiring power by leaps and bounds since 1913?

Why is "ideological purity" not a concern when you bastards seek to establish a Communist republic?


Liberals seek equality and justice and a consistent application of the law.

Those on the extreme right seek to expand the size and power of government to safeguard their special interests, to prevent change, and to discourage diversity and individual liberty they perceive as a threat to the status quo from which they profit.

The right’s opposition to public accommodations laws is a prime example, along with opposition to other necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures designed to protect the health and safety of workers and consumers alike.

Life in a modern, industrialized, technologically advanced, 21st Century society such as the United States is far too complex to be appropriately and successfully administered by the simplistic, naïve, childish, inane, and reactionary social/legal/economic paradigm advocated by the likes of the ‘tea party.’

You believe your life needs to be "administered" only because you're a servile bootlicking toady, and you're probably sucking on the government tit.
The tea party does not ultimately believe in anything except that they should be in charge and that those who opposed or scared them will pay dearly.


They believe in corporations doing everything for the 1% rich enough to receive it. This isn't the country we want. Most of the institutions they whine about being unconstitutional have never been found to be so.

Even the founders debated these issues and didn't all find a central bank, etc unconsitutional. To argue that our cdc, usgs, noaa, and park service is, is without merit and just makes them look truly dumb.

Yes, indeed.

Centrally planned economies did great in the former USSR, Somalia, Cuba , Venezuela and those socialist paradises.

I think you missed the thrust of the argument, the tea party has a lot of simple solutions to complex problems that are probably wrong and very likely to create bigger problems but they are dead set on trying it anyway. Prime among this is the belief that tax cuts for the wealthy will eventually trickle down, we just have not given them enough of a break yet.

Tax cuts will ONLY work if they are accompanied by reducing expenses.

In 2008 , Bush II reduced taxes while vastly increasing expenses thereby sending the economy into a massive recession.

Tax cuts for the wealthy only work to get more campaign contributions from the wealthy, they have no other purpose.
That's all kinds of fucked up there. Work for decades to keep the super rich from totally dominating everything you do and think and that's the thanks we get.
Except that when you progressives get your way, the super rich dominate even more.

You can thank us for not throwing rocks at you.

Progressives have never gotten their way without allowing conservatives every opportunity to sabotage it. You people bitch about liberals running roughshod over you and I wonder what weird pharmaceutical destroyed your sense of reality. Nothing about the government shows anything more than a cursory nod to the liberals who still vote for these free market neocons who call themselves democrats. Where is anyone who professes a concern for the working class? Without that main core value no one can rightfully be called a progressive.

Yeah, right, $4 trillion in spending on liberal social welfare boondoggles is a "cursory nod" to liberals. Nothing could be more absurd than the claim that liberalism hasn't been given a fair shot. Modern Democrats are indistinguishable from communist. They have never said one word about the free market that wasn't an attack on it.
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Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.

The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

They really don't have a clue on what they're talking about. They're the modern day archarist that want to get rid of government. Facts, we don't need no stinking facts.

Could they post a real arguement for what they say they want? Based on the consitution???
I think you missed the thrust of the argument, the tea party has a lot of simple solutions to complex problems that are probably wrong and very likely to create bigger problems but they are dead set on trying it anyway. Prime among this is the belief that tax cuts for the wealthy will eventually trickle down, we just have not given them enough of a break yet.

Tax cuts will ONLY work if they are accompanied by reducing expenses.

In 2008 , Bush II reduced taxes while vastly increasing expenses thereby sending the economy into a massive recession.

Tax cuts for the wealthy only work to get more campaign contributions from the wealthy, they have no other purpose.

Only parasites make comments like that.

If you believe that you are ENTITLED to your neighbors' wealth then it will irritate you to no end if the government allows him/her to keep his money.

What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

So what is your experience based on then that people who want to cut your welfare checks want to shut you up as well?

My welfare check is several decades late so shove your ignorant stereotyping you hillbilly rebel flag saluting trailer dweller.

Now we're getting somewhere. You're just a hater.
The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

They really don't have a clue on what they're talking about. They're the modern day archarist that want to get rid of government. Facts, we don't need no stinking facts.

Could they post a real arguement for what they say they want? Based on the consitution???

We don't want to get rid of government. We want to get rid of the small far leftist gang running everything and put in people who will tell us the truth and stop the corrupt trash in charge.
This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

They really don't have a clue on what they're talking about. They're the modern day archarist that want to get rid of government. Facts, we don't need no stinking facts.

Could they post a real arguement for what they say they want? Based on the consitution???

We don't want to get rid of government. We want to get rid of the small far leftist gang running everything and put in people who will tell us the truth and stop the corrupt trash in charge.

Leftwingers and rightwingers will lie like a rug.

We DO want to get rid of government.

They really don't have a clue on what they're talking about. They're the modern day archarist that want to get rid of government. Facts, we don't need no stinking facts.

Could they post a real arguement for what they say they want? Based on the consitution???

We don't want to get rid of government. We want to get rid of the small far leftist gang running everything and put in people who will tell us the truth and stop the corrupt trash in charge.

Leftwingers and rightwingers will lie like a rug.

We DO want to get rid of government.


Speak for yourself. The Tea Party is not anti-government.
The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?

This makes no sense, as we currently have ‘Constitutional government.’

The government is functioning now in accordance with the Constitution, with the original intent of the Framers, and as acknowledged and codified by its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The ‘tea party’ represents many on the right who are either ignorant of, or have contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

They really don't have a clue on what they're talking about. They're the modern day archarist that want to get rid of government. Facts, we don't need no stinking facts.

Could they post a real arguement for what they say they want? Based on the consitution???
They won't even try,

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