The tea party is the wrong way

So...some things happened that you don't disagree with and because of that, you are saying the Government is unconstitutional. Did any of this unconstitutionality occur before Obama?

Yawn..........People point out violations of the Constitution and you straw man it into our saying the Government is Unconstitutional. Again, Yawn.

Obama has violated it, and ignores laws he doesn't agree with. ICE for example. He swore and oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, by ignoring laws does he not violate that oath?

Have others done so in the past? Yes, Absolutely............The Defense of Obama is usually that others did it, so it's ok for him to do it now...................

So, if a robber robs a bank and gets away with it...............I should be able to do it to............Get caught..........well the other guy did it..............

Blah Blah Blah.

Yawn...and you people were incredibly silent prior to Obama and you blame him for the norm in Washington.

So, what is your REAL motivation?

So, if a Cliven Bundy refuses to pay a lawful bill and gets away with it because a bunch of teapers and nutters threatened an armed insurrection, should I get away without paying my taxes.

Yawn...I didn't think any of the Teapers could come up with a rational reason.

Why are you lying about the Bundy incident? You know you're not telling the whole story. If you have to lie then you're nothing but a propaganda parrot.
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So...some things happened that you don't disagree with and because of that, you are saying the Government is unconstitutional. Did any of this unconstitutionality occur before Obama?

Yawn..........People point out violations of the Constitution and you straw man it into our saying the Government is Unconstitutional. Again, Yawn.

Obama has violated it, and ignores laws he doesn't agree with. ICE for example. He swore and oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, by ignoring laws does he not violate that oath?

Have others done so in the past? Yes, Absolutely............The Defense of Obama is usually that others did it, so it's ok for him to do it now...................

So, if a robber robs a bank and gets away with it...............I should be able to do it to............Get caught..........well the other guy did it..............

Blah Blah Blah.

Yawn...and you people were incredibly silent prior to Obama and you blame him for the norm in Washington.

So, what is your REAL motivation?

So, if a Cliven Bundy refuses to pay a lawful bill and gets away with it because a bunch of teapers and nutters threatened an armed insurrection, should I get away without paying my taxes.

Yawn...I didn't think any of the Teapers could come up with a rational reason.

When you become rational perhaps I'll pay attention to what you think. Perhaps.

You ignore the violations of the current POTUS.
Or do you ditch that side of the argument because it sucks...............

You ignore the TEA Party Platform. Refuse to really engage, and we are supposed to allow you to change the subject, and then change what we actually say. That's typical, as you make shit up as you go............

Limited Gov't...........Lion's and Tigers and Bears.........Oh No...............
Less Taxation.........ditto........

And so on............Your side attacks the TEA Party because they are starting to make the Status Quo nervous..............people who will not back down in a fight................Your side wants us to Capitulate.....................It's not gonna happen...........

We are destroying the future of our country for our children. It has been done and continues to be done by the Status Quo. The TEA Party is taking some of them down, and I'm with them...............Deal with it.
Tea Party Platform

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes - Excessively high taxes are a burden for those exercising their personal liberty to work hard and prosper as afforded by the Constitution. A fiscally responsible government protects the freedom of its citizens to enjoy the fruits of their own labor without interference from a government that has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens.

2. Eliminate the National Debt - By implementing fiscally conservative policies at all levels of government, progress can be made toward eliminating the U.S. National Debt. Massive increases in the National Debt have created and continue to create a huge burden for the next generation of Americans, thus imperiling the country’s short-term and long-term economic health and prosperity.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending - All deficit spending must be eliminated immediately. We insist that government representatives at all levels maintain a fiscally responsible budget and balance the books as would be expected of any American business.

4. Protect Free Markets - America’s free enterprise system allows businesses to thrive as they compete in the open marketplace and strive toward ever better services and products. Allowing free markets to prosper unfettered by government interference is what propelled this country to greatness with an enduring belief in the industriousness and innovations of the populace.

5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States - The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be adhered to without exception at all levels of government. This includes the Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and their provisions designed to protect states’ rights and individual liberties.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.

8. Believe in the People - The American people, given their guaranteed freedoms, will thrive in a democratic, capitalist environment which allows individuals to strive toward ever greater achievements, innovations and the efficient production of needed and valued goods and services.

9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives. The Tea Party movement is seen as a threat to the entrenched political parties and thus is the continual target of smear campaigns and misrepresentation of its ideals. We choose not to respond to these attacks except to strongly and explicitly disavow any and all hate speech, any and all violence as well as insinuations of violence, and any and all extreme and fringe elements that bring discredit to the Tea Party Movement. We are a peaceful movement and respect other's opinions and views even though they do not agree with our own. We stand by the Tea Party beliefs and goals and choose to focus our energies on ensuring that our government representatives do the same.

10. Maintain Local Independence - The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Tea Party movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.
So...some things happened that you don't disagree with and because of that, you are saying the Government is unconstitutional. Did any of this unconstitutionality occur before Obama?

BTW, I can agree with you aboutthe IRS scandal...if it all comes out to be true, heads need to roll. But the rest of your reasoning is nonsense.

You agree with the government tactics at the Bundy Ranch?

Do you think Bundy should have to pay his bills like everyone else in America? What is law enforcement supposed to do...offer Bundy flowers and ask that he do the right thing?

But no, I think the government should have been more aggressive with these racist nutters who want a revolution.

Race Card Played.


Riddle me this.................The Federal Gov't has control of over 80% of Nevada................Last I heard 86%.............

Why not just end Nevada's existence as they don't have Jack Squat left anyway?
How about No States at all..................In your world Gov't is GOD................States are nothing.....................

That's why the Bundy Ranch is important. Because it opens the eyes of how the Gov't over time has gotten more land............Taking the land from States based on unlimited power from Federal Branches.
Yawn..........People point out violations of the Constitution and you straw man it into our saying the Government is Unconstitutional. Again, Yawn.

Obama has violated it, and ignores laws he doesn't agree with. ICE for example. He swore and oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, by ignoring laws does he not violate that oath?

Have others done so in the past? Yes, Absolutely............The Defense of Obama is usually that others did it, so it's ok for him to do it now...................

So, if a robber robs a bank and gets away with it...............I should be able to do it to............Get caught..........well the other guy did it..............

Blah Blah Blah.

Yawn...and you people were incredibly silent prior to Obama and you blame him for the norm in Washington.

So, what is your REAL motivation?

So, if a Cliven Bundy refuses to pay a lawful bill and gets away with it because a bunch of teapers and nutters threatened an armed insurrection, should I get away without paying my taxes.

Yawn...I didn't think any of the Teapers could come up with a rational reason.

When you become rational perhaps I'll pay attention to what you think. Perhaps.

You ignore the violations of the current POTUS.
Or do you ditch that side of the argument because it sucks...............
Says you. The current POTUS has issues just as Bush had issues. The political struggle and the struggle to define the powers of the Executive Branch is nothing new and has been a battle fought in every administration. Tell me how you are rational when you only speak up now.
You ignore the TEA Party Platform. Refuse to really engage, and we are supposed to allow you to change the subject, and then change what we actually say. That's typical, as you make shit up as you go............
No, I started a thread in the CDZ asking teapers to define themselves...your ilk couldn't do it because you have no rational argument. It is the same nonsense over and over and over...I don't think you guys even know the Tea Party platform...and that is because your platform is based on hate and not policy or the Constitution.
Limited Gov't...........Lion's and Tigers and Bears.........Oh No...............
Less Taxation.........ditto........

And so on............Your side attacks the TEA Party because they are starting to make the Status Quo nervous..............people who will not back down in a fight................Your side wants us to Capitulate.....................It's not gonna happen...........
No, not nervous politically. We are worried you and your ilk are going to start a race war or attempt an armed coup.
We are destroying the future of our country for our children. It has been done and continues to be done by the Status Quo. The TEA Party is taking some of them down, and I'm with them...............Deal with it.
Yes, the Tea Party is destroying the future. You guys don't even know your own platform, you just want to yell the loudest and scream revolution when things don't go your way.

As for our children's future...with the tea party, I see a future of civil war and obstructionism. I see people who would try to make the country fail in an effort to achieve your goals (whatever they may be).
You agree with the government tactics at the Bundy Ranch?

Do you think Bundy should have to pay his bills like everyone else in America? What is law enforcement supposed to do...offer Bundy flowers and ask that he do the right thing?

But no, I think the government should have been more aggressive with these racist nutters who want a revolution.

Race Card Played.

Do you read and hear what the tea party pussies have to say about race on this forum and across the country? I am sure you do, but just ignore it (or appreciate it). Not a card, just the truth.
Riddle me this.................The Federal Gov't has control of over 80% of Nevada................Last I heard 86%.............

Why not just end Nevada's existence as they don't have Jack Squat left anyway?
How about No States at all..................In your world Gov't is GOD................States are nothing.....................
How long has the Feds had control of that land and why? Do you know, do you care? Have you ever read the NV Constitution?

As for my world, you have no clue. I believe in state rights...I don't believe in redefining those rights because I don't like the current President. I am not looking for an excuse to pull out my gun and threaten the peace for a bum named Bundy.
That's why the Bundy Ranch is important. Because it opens the eyes of how the Gov't over time has gotten more land............Taking the land from States based on unlimited power from Federal Branches.

How much more land has the government taken from NV since its inception?
Yawn..........People point out violations of the Constitution and you straw man it into our saying the Government is Unconstitutional. Again, Yawn.

Obama has violated it, and ignores laws he doesn't agree with. ICE for example. He swore and oath to preserve and protect the Constitution, by ignoring laws does he not violate that oath?

Have others done so in the past? Yes, Absolutely............The Defense of Obama is usually that others did it, so it's ok for him to do it now...................

So, if a robber robs a bank and gets away with it...............I should be able to do it to............Get caught..........well the other guy did it..............

Blah Blah Blah.

Yawn...and you people were incredibly silent prior to Obama and you blame him for the norm in Washington.

So, what is your REAL motivation?

So, if a Cliven Bundy refuses to pay a lawful bill and gets away with it because a bunch of teapers and nutters threatened an armed insurrection, should I get away without paying my taxes.

Yawn...I didn't think any of the Teapers could come up with a rational reason.

Why are you lying about the Bundy incident? You know you're not telling the whole story. If you have to lie then you're nothing but a propaganda parrot.
What is the whole story?

Oh, I forgot. We have a black President, so that justifies nutters threatening the American way.
Your Racist rants are nutz.......................

Perhaps one day you will care to engage on the principles posted numerous times.

The TEA Party is here to stay. We aren't backing down. We don't care about your usual tactics of calling people Racist, Bigots, and many other names.........WE are against you and your policies. We are against the Rhino's and the abuses of Gov't that threatens the Standard of living more many many years to come.

We refuse to back down. We are not Rhino's who will roll over at the first hint of engagement, which is why Nutz and the rest feel threatened.
The tea party is for turning this country into a third world shit hole.

The feds have assumed powers the Constitution never gave them, you don't think that's a bad thing, that make you stupid, not the Tea Parties. You want go give them the powers, use Article 5 as the founders intended, don't just go along with lawlessness, that makes you responsible for the abuses of the feds. The courts have proven themselves to be unconcerned or incapable of keeping the feds in check so it's left to us, it's your choice if you want to bend over or stand up, I chose to stand up and call it like it is.
The tea party is actually the good way (it could become better by changing their social conservative views)
Your Racist rants are nutz.......................

Perhaps one day you will care to engage on the principles posted numerous times.
That is why I posted a thread about the Tea Party in the CDZ. Teapers chose not to participate because they can't have a rational discussion.
The TEA Party is here to stay. We aren't backing down. We don't care about your usual tactics of calling people Racist, Bigots, and many other names.........WE are against you and your policies. We are against the Rhino's and the abuses of Gov't that threatens the Standard of living more many many years to come.
You don't care because that is what you are. You have no policies and you have no idea what my policies are personally. The only thing that threatens any standard of living is the bigotry and obstructionism of the teapers.
We refuse to back down. We are not Rhino's who will roll over at the first hint of engagement, which is why Nutz and the rest feel threatened.

Once again, not threatened by you politically. But I am cleaning my guns for when your ilk start your race war or revolution. I will be on the side of the true patriots.
The tea party is actually the good way (it could become better by changing their social conservative views)

Yes that would be better, when elected at the state level they gave the rich a big fat tax cut and then went after abortion like a bunch of moral majority throwbacks, where is the fiscal conservatism in that? You can barely get them to discuss their social agenda but it is clear that Jerry Falwell would wholeheartedly approve of their shitty legislative war on clinics, contrception and by extension, women.
The tea party is actually the good way (it could become better by changing their social conservative views)

Yes that would be better, when elected at the state level they gave the rich a big fat tax cut and then went after abortion like a bunch of moral majority throwbacks, where is the fiscal conservatism in that? You can barely get them to discuss their social agenda but it is clear that Jerry Falwell would wholeheartedly approve of their shitty legislative war on clinics, contrception and by extension, women.

Takes money to remain number one. Starving first rate insitutions have to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

I am all for efficiency and expecting accountability... But damn.
The tea party platform is full of shit. How is any of our first world insitutions unconsitutional? Do you have any case law to back your arguement up???

You arachist are asking for something that looks like Somalia.

English isn't your first language huh?
The tea party platform is full of shit. How is any of our first world insitutions unconsitutional? Do you have any case law to back your arguement up???

You arachist are asking for something that looks like Somalia.

I hate agreeing with this piece of shit...but he is right.
The tea party platform is full of shit. How is any of our first world insitutions unconsitutional? Do you have any case law to back your arguement up???

You arachist are asking for something that looks like Somalia.

English isn't your first language huh?

If that's your arguement. Well, civilization and sense isn't yours.

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