The tea party is the wrong way

Pussy boy, I get what you are saying.and you raise a good question (albeit unintentional).

The infrastructure you want to keep shouldn't be inhibited by the government by being run by the gov't. The private sector is much more capable of results than anything government backed. Nonetheless, any gov't has the responsibility to encourage the sciences, education, infrastructure, culture, etc...

How can government promote leadership in the world without all of the letter departments? Most of the agencies were created because there was a need that was not being met or because people were being abused. How would we prevent that from happening again if we got rid of the alphabets?

The teapers can provide no answers to these questions because their policy is knee jerk and a reaction to losing the White House twice to a black man.

Ok, I'm going to pick one alphabet agency and your give me three major accomplishments they have. Ready? The department of education.

Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.
Ok, I'm going to pick one alphabet agency and your give me three major accomplishments they have. Ready? The department of education.

Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.
Where have I refused to debate anything? He listed the platform of the Tea Party. What was I supposed to do? Again, another teaper tactic...nothing to say, just attacks and nonsense.
Ok, I'm going to pick one alphabet agency and your give me three major accomplishments they have. Ready? The department of education.

Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.

Grow up.

We are asking you for alternative programs, not talking points, not toppling the government.

Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish?
The Democratic Party rejects solutions by the TEA Party and has done so for a while.

The also reject the proposals by the GOP.

And all they offer in return is TAX THE RICH, TAX THE RICH...........

Decide to cut ANY SOCIAL PROGRAM and they go into their usual Rants............and then have the nerve to complain that the GOP offers no solutions............

How about your side doing America a Favor, and cut 1% without any more military cuts and SHOW US solution to the looming debt crisis.....................
Hey, Nuts, tell us who runs the govt.

Define republic.

You don't know what a republic is at all. That is exactly why you don't understand the current problem. You want a Pure Democracy with more usury............We have unfunded liabilities that now exceed 120 Trillion. How are we going to pay for that.......................Let alone balance the budget today.............
Pussy boy, I get what you are saying.and you raise a good question (albeit unintentional).

The infrastructure you want to keep shouldn't be inhibited by the government by being run by the gov't. The private sector is much more capable of results than anything government backed. Nonetheless, any gov't has the responsibility to encourage the sciences, education, infrastructure, culture, etc...

How can government promote leadership in the world without all of the letter departments? Most of the agencies were created because there was a need that was not being met or because people were being abused. How would we prevent that from happening again if we got rid of the alphabets?

The teapers can provide no answers to these questions because their policy is knee jerk and a reaction to losing the White House twice to a black man.

Ok, I'm going to pick one alphabet agency and your give me three major accomplishments they have. Ready? The department of education.

Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

You also said most of the agencies were created to meet a need, now answer my question, what are the three major accomplishments of the DOE?
Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.

Grow up.

We are asking you for alternative programs, not talking points, not toppling the government.

Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish?
Exactly, they don't know because there are no talking points available. So they revert to dirty debate tactics.
Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.

Grow up.

We are asking you for alternative programs, not talking points, not toppling the government.

Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish?

Unless you've been asleep on these boards I've proposed many alternatives and most are to LIMIT THE GOV'T...........Limiting them is NOT TOPPLING THEM..............and who are THEM anyway.............Are they kings and Queens, that We the People need to bow to..................................

They have abused their powers and are responsible for the mess we are in............Your solution is always the same slogan that everyone is used to..............Education, Science, and Technology.................Yadda yadda.

You are in need of some new material.

Now, Fake.............Cut 1%...................You really don't want my solution because I'd take a Chain saw to the Federal Budget tommorrow if I could.
Eagle, that would destroy the United States and put the weight entirely on the poor.

Not going to happen.
Hey, Nuts, tell us who runs the govt.

Define republic.

You don't know what a republic is at all. That is exactly why you don't understand the current problem. You want a Pure Democracy with more usury............We have unfunded liabilities that now exceed 120 Trillion. How are we going to pay for that.......................Let alone balance the budget today.............

How do you know what I want or understand. Apparently, it is you who has no understanding.
Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.
Where have I refused to debate anything? He listed the platform of the Tea Party. What was I supposed to do? Again, another teaper tactic...nothing to say, just attacks and nonsense.

Talk about poor reading comprehension, I didn't list anything, I asked a simple straight forward question that you didn't answer.
Eagle, that would destroy the United States and put the weight entirely on the poor.

Not going to happen.

That is a myth and a Lie. We did fine before these programs were put into place.....Many of them, and did I say I'd cut everything...........No I didn't.

Right now the debate is that we need to raise the minimum wage.........By the same people who have helped lower the Standard of Living in this country through the currency and debt of the destroying the value of the dollar they have hurt every American..........The poor get it worse...........The CPI over the last decades have went through the roof..............So now you need more money to make it.......So we borrow more to pay for it again as we increase the CPI with wage increases................and then it happens again..........and again.........and again...........

That is like replacing a fuse without troubleshooting the cause of it blowing.
Ok, I'm going to pick one alphabet agency and your give me three major accomplishments they have. Ready? The department of education.

Wait, I was asking you questions, as a Tea Party lemming. Read for comprehension, I am not advocating alphabet agencies...I am asking you teapers to offer an alternative....which of course, you guys won't offer.

I have noticed the game you teapers play...someone asks you a question and you respond with a nonsense question instead of an answer. And you guys wonder why people think the teapers are suspect.

You also said most of the agencies were created to meet a need, now answer my question, what are the three major accomplishments of the DOE?
And I asked you questions first. As for the need of a Department of Education, to keep the nation's schools competitive and the nation educated. Has that effort failed...maybe, maybe not - it depends on how you look at it.

Now are you going to answer my questions or continue to play the nonsense Teaper game.
Define republic.

You don't know what a republic is at all. That is exactly why you don't understand the current problem. You want a Pure Democracy with more usury............We have unfunded liabilities that now exceed 120 Trillion. How are we going to pay for that.......................Let alone balance the budget today.............

How do you know what I want or understand. Apparently, it is you who has no understanding.

I beg to differ on that. It is obvious to me that you have no understanding of our Republic as your talking points and that of the left don't have any clue of what a Republic is supposed to be.
Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.
Where have I refused to debate anything? He listed the platform of the Tea Party. What was I supposed to do? Again, another teaper tactic...nothing to say, just attacks and nonsense.

Talk about poor reading comprehension, I didn't list anything, I asked a simple straight forward question that you didn't answer.

What question? Where? Talk about poor reading comprehension, where did I say YOU listed anything?
You don't know what a republic is at all. That is exactly why you don't understand the current problem. You want a Pure Democracy with more usury............We have unfunded liabilities that now exceed 120 Trillion. How are we going to pay for that.......................Let alone balance the budget today.............

How do you know what I want or understand. Apparently, it is you who has no understanding.

I beg to differ on that. It is obvious to me that you have no understanding of our Republic as your talking points and that of the left don't have any clue of what a Republic is supposed to be.
First of all, I am not a lefty...I just abhor the Tea Party. I see you guys for what you are. I was asked who runs the government. I responded Define Republic because therein lies the answer.

Again, you are invited to participate in the thread I started in the CDZ. Perhaps you can focus a little better when you have to refrain from hurling insults.
The Tea Party isn't the reason Dems have failed; isn't the reason Obama has failed

See Democrats, Progressives and liberals for what THEY are; losers and intolerant excuse-making crybabies

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