The tea party is the wrong way

Since the Fake will not engage...................

Cut 1% for 6 years........Or just 1% right now..............

If a CEO couldn't cut 1% of overhead in a year he'd be scratching his unemployed butt...................

But with the Gov't it's always impossible...............

Simple solutions are available to the CURRENT DEFICIT, but not the long term outlook...............We can't pay what's coming, especially when we can't pay the bills now.............That is a path to disaster.....................Anyone who can't see that is blind.

I agree with your cuts and would even say 10% across the board. They can save that on pomp and circumstance alone. But that is hardly a Tea Party specific plan.

I still wonder...why won't a teaper ever answer my questions.

We should demand efficiency and work to trim the debt. Just taking an axe to all of science or infrastructure will leave us worse off. How about cutting deeper into welfare or over sea's bases?

There's programs that aren't causing our debt at all and would suffer greatly under a 10% across the board.

Reality sucks............As I said, even at 10%, the unfunded liabilities will destroy we don't have the means to pay for a century of USURY and growth in the scope of the Federal Gov't.............

Which is exactly why the founders wanted a limited Gov't. Let the States deal with the problems in their own State, and find the means to pay for it within the state...........or local for that matter.............

We are headed for a currency crash, and losing the Reserve status of the world with the dollar..........

This is reality. Saying it can't be done is DEFEATISM.............
Race is all the teapers seem to see. It was one of YOUR ilk and YOU who want to claim Obama is part white...(why, I don't know...but you can have him). Silly should look up the one drop rule.

silly idiot. we don't "claim he is part White" he IS part white.

you and YOUR ILK want to PROJECT Dems own Jim Crow era racism onto the Tea Party and say they don't like Obama because of the "one drop" rule

idiots and hypocrites

Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

silly self-deceiving loser. try answering your own question; why HAS government become so horrible under Obama? because he is a failed excuse of a leader; so government under him has become almost as inept and dysfunctional as he is. and painting the whole Tea Party as racist for one or two posters makes you look stupid. Oh and the Left called Bush "the Chimp"for 8 years...................hypocrite; racist
Since the Fake will not engage...................

Cut 1% for 6 years........Or just 1% right now..............

If a CEO couldn't cut 1% of overhead in a year he'd be scratching his unemployed butt...................

But with the Gov't it's always impossible...............

Simple solutions are available to the CURRENT DEFICIT, but not the long term outlook...............We can't pay what's coming, especially when we can't pay the bills now.............That is a path to disaster.....................Anyone who can't see that is blind.

I agree with your cuts and would even say 10% across the board. They can save that on pomp and circumstance alone. But that is hardly a Tea Party specific plan.

I still wonder...why won't a teaper ever answer my questions.

We should demand efficiency and work to trim the debt. Just taking an axe to all of science or infrastructure will leave us worse off. How about cutting deeper into welfare or over sea's bases?

There's programs that aren't causing our debt at all and would suffer greatly under a 10% across the board.

Obviously, you have never been involved with the government and the way they do things. Hell, they could save 1% alone, just being niggardly with office supplies. Cut out 5 dinners, there goes another 1%. Cut out 10 dinners...2%. Cutting 10%, IMO, would have little to no effect if done correctly...have you ever had to save money. Can you cut your expenses by 10% without losing your quality of life. I can...and it wouldn't even be a hardship.
Race is all the teapers seem to see. It was one of YOUR ilk and YOU who want to claim Obama is part white...(why, I don't know...but you can have him). Silly should look up the one drop rule.

silly idiot. we don't "claim he is part White" he IS part white.

you and YOUR ILK want to PROJECT Dems own Jim Crow era racism onto the Tea Party and say they don't like Obama because of the "one drop" rule

idiots and hypocrites

Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

There was a conservative movement during the time of Clinton. It just wasn't called the TEA party.........

The TEA Party is a result of 2 parties same result..........It is an attempt to bring back Conservatism and Constitutional Fundamentals to our nation........

That notion isn't new. It's been going on forever, unless you live in a cave.
silly idiot. we don't "claim he is part White" he IS part white.

you and YOUR ILK want to PROJECT Dems own Jim Crow era racism onto the Tea Party and say they don't like Obama because of the "one drop" rule

idiots and hypocrites

Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

silly self-deceiving loser. try answering your own question; why HAS government become so horrible under Obama? because he is a failed excuse of a leader; so government under him has become almost as inept and dysfunctional as he is. and painting the whole Tea Party as racist for one or two posters makes you look stupid. Oh and the Left called Bush "the Chimp"for 8 years...................hypocrite; racist

One or two posters...what forum are you talking about? Take a good look at who represents you and their attitude towards race. Take an honest look and get back to me.

BTW...when the left was attacking Bush, I was even harder on them! I am not a liberal...I just hate the racist nonsense of the Tea Party and your pathetic excuses.

I wonder, is anyone going to answer my questions?
look at the mind-phuk left-wing losers do on themselves

part of the idiot wants to admit Obama has failed; but he actually thinks that is proof of some kind of sabotage by the other Party

cuz he just cant be a bad leader right? that only happens to the other Party right?
it's hilarious the way left-wing nutjobs are so smugly unaware of the inescapable conclusions their idiotic excuses and and charges against the other side lead to
silly idiot. we don't "claim he is part White" he IS part white.

you and YOUR ILK want to PROJECT Dems own Jim Crow era racism onto the Tea Party and say they don't like Obama because of the "one drop" rule

idiots and hypocrites

Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

There was a conservative movement during the time of Clinton. It just wasn't called the TEA party.........

The TEA Party is a result of 2 parties same result..........It is an attempt to bring back Conservatism and Constitutional Fundamentals to our nation........

That notion isn't new. It's been going on forever, unless you live in a cave.

The tea party is nothing more than libertarians - minus the potheads.
Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

silly self-deceiving loser. try answering your own question; why HAS government become so horrible under Obama? because he is a failed excuse of a leader; so government under him has become almost as inept and dysfunctional as he is. and painting the whole Tea Party as racist for one or two posters makes you look stupid. Oh and the Left called Bush "the Chimp"for 8 years...................hypocrite; racist

One or two posters...what forum are you talking about? Take a good look at who represents you and their attitude towards race. Take an honest look and get back to me.

BTW...when the left was attacking Bush, I was even harder on them! I am not a liberal...I just hate the racist nonsense of the Tea Party and your pathetic excuses.

I wonder, is anyone going to answer my questions?

i'm not the one who isn't taking an 'honest look"; you aren't.
you cant back up your charges of racism with facts. take an honest look and get back to me
look at the mind-phuk left-wing losers do on themselves

part of the idiot wants to admit Obama has failed; but he actually thinks that is proof of some kind of sabotage by the other Party

cuz he just cant be a bad leader right? that only happens to the other Party right?
it's hilarious the way left-wing nutjobs are so smugly unaware of the inescapable conclusions their idiotic excuses and and charges against the other side lead to

It is funny when idiot teapers try to make arguments for others. Where did I say Obama was sabotaged? I told you, I am not a liberal and I am no fan of Obama. Nonetheless, I am a reasonable person who doesn't play the nonsense games and finger pointing because my candidate isn't in power. I don't need other people to tell me how to think, like you. I can form my own opinion and I can see the truth without special glasses.
Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

There was a conservative movement during the time of Clinton. It just wasn't called the TEA party.........

The TEA Party is a result of 2 parties same result..........It is an attempt to bring back Conservatism and Constitutional Fundamentals to our nation........

That notion isn't new. It's been going on forever, unless you live in a cave.

The tea party is nothing more than libertarians - minus the potheads.

Baloney.........I'm not a pure libertarian...........I don't agree with all their platforms...................

But I do believe in the original intent of the Constitution, and when we decided to ignore it especially with the enumerated powers we allowed the Federal Gov't to grow in size and scope which is our major malfunction now............That is usury.
there is no Tea Party racism; it is a figment of the racist minds of race-obsessed liberals and rabid, butt-hurt progressives who cant admit the left-wing agenda has failed
look at the mind-phuk left-wing losers do on themselves

part of the idiot wants to admit Obama has failed; but he actually thinks that is proof of some kind of sabotage by the other Party

cuz he just cant be a bad leader right? that only happens to the other Party right?
it's hilarious the way left-wing nutjobs are so smugly unaware of the inescapable conclusions their idiotic excuses and and charges against the other side lead to

It is funny when idiot teapers try to make arguments for others. Where did I say Obama was sabotaged? I told you, I am not a liberal and I am no fan of Obama. Nonetheless, I am a reasonable person who doesn't play the nonsense games and finger pointing because my candidate isn't in power. I don't need other people to tell me how to think, like you. I can form my own opinion and I can see the truth without special glasses.

you cant form your own opinion; stop deluding yourself about that dimwit. you idiotic unsupported charges of racism are lame and old
there is no Tea Party racism; it is a figment of the racist minds of race-obsessed liberals and rabid, butt-hurt progressives who cant admit the left-wing agenda has failed

If you say so, Bubba.

How was the Klan...I mean Teaper meeting last night?
there is no Tea Party racism; it is a figment of the racist minds of race-obsessed liberals and rabid, butt-hurt progressives who cant admit the left-wing agenda has failed

If you say so, Bubba.

How was the Klan...I mean Teaper meeting last night?

what race am I dimwit?

I am guessing, by your name, that your fellow teapers call you a sand ****** when you aren't around.
there is no Tea Party racism; it is a figment of the racist minds of race-obsessed liberals and rabid, butt-hurt progressives who cant admit the left-wing agenda has failed

If you say so, Bubba.

How was the Klan...I mean Teaper meeting last night?

You will get no respect from us, if your only opinion of us are a bunch of racist and Klan members.

That is a standard tactic used by them thar libs.............If you don't have a party affiliation at all, then why are you using their tactics...................

During the so called Gov't shutdown..................No cuts were made unless you consider Cut and Run by Rhino's a cut in the Federal Gov't.........They should have never agreed to raise the ceiling without cuts to the endless debt of this Gov't............That is why they are Republicans In Name only. And that is why the TEA Party is attacking them and taking some of them out.

Hope to bag Cochran next............And mount his Rhino head on a wall.
if Obama keeps failing; are you o-bots going to take away his Black card?

or just remain in denial about how much of a loser he is?
the race card is all the loser o-bots have left in their bag of excuses for Obama's failures

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