The tea party is the wrong way

there is no Tea Party racism; it is a figment of the racist minds of race-obsessed liberals and rabid, butt-hurt progressives who cant admit the left-wing agenda has failed

If you say so, Bubba.

How was the Klan...I mean Teaper meeting last night?

You will get no respect from us, if your only opinion of us are a bunch of racist and Klan members.

That is a standard tactic used by them thar libs.............If you don't have a party affiliation at all, then why are you using their tactics...................

I respond in kind. The teapers on this forum are some of the nastiest butt fucks I have ever come across. Most of them, racist pussies. As or my party affiliation, I am GOP...I am just being pushed away from the GOP because of the teapers and their racist nonsense.
During the so called Gov't shutdown..................No cuts were made unless you consider Cut and Run by Rhino's a cut in the Federal Gov't.........They should have never agreed to raise the ceiling without cuts to the endless debt of this Gov't............That is why they are Republicans In Name only. And that is why the TEA Party is attacking them and taking some of them out.
And they will quickly become establishment Republicans. That is what you guys don't get...these teapers are playing you. They have and will do nothing except tarnish the Republican party with their racist rhetoric and obstructionism.
Again, why the Teaper movement now. Why not under Bush? Why not under Clinton? Why has the government all of a sudden become so horrible under Obama. Why the obstructionism? Why all of the pictures of Obama looking like a monkey? Why the obvious and thinly veiled racial nonsense when talking about Obama?

silly self-deceiving loser. try answering your own question; why HAS government become so horrible under Obama? because he is a failed excuse of a leader; so government under him has become almost as inept and dysfunctional as he is. and painting the whole Tea Party as racist for one or two posters makes you look stupid. Oh and the Left called Bush "the Chimp"for 8 years...................hypocrite; racist

One or two posters...what forum are you talking about? Take a good look at who represents you and their attitude towards race. Take an honest look and get back to me.

BTW...when the left was attacking Bush, I was even harder on them! I am not a liberal...I just hate the racist nonsense of the Tea Party and your pathetic excuses.

I wonder, is anyone going to answer my questions?

Have you ever been to a Tea Party event or are you just going by the lefts spin? The ones I have been to wouldn't tolerate any body acting ignorant or bigoted in any manner, and yes there were people representing most all races.
If you say so, Bubba.

How was the Klan...I mean Teaper meeting last night?

You will get no respect from us, if your only opinion of us are a bunch of racist and Klan members.

That is a standard tactic used by them thar libs.............If you don't have a party affiliation at all, then why are you using their tactics...................

I respond in kind. The teapers on this forum are some of the nastiest butt fucks I have ever come across. Most of them, racist pussies. As or my party affiliation, I am GOP...I am just being pushed away from the GOP because of the teapers and their racist nonsense.
During the so called Gov't shutdown..................No cuts were made unless you consider Cut and Run by Rhino's a cut in the Federal Gov't.........They should have never agreed to raise the ceiling without cuts to the endless debt of this Gov't............That is why they are Republicans In Name only. And that is why the TEA Party is attacking them and taking some of them out.
And they will quickly become establishment Republicans. That is what you guys don't get...these teapers are playing you. They have and will do nothing except tarnish the Republican party with their racist rhetoric and obstructionism.

YAWN; again; there is no racism to speak of in the Tea party; and "obstruction" is just what racist losers like you cry if others don't roll over for the failed brother in the White House
The tea party is for turning this country into a third world shit hole.

I'm a TEA party member and, while I don't necessarily agree with abortion, in your case - I would have allowed an exception with your abortion.
silly self-deceiving loser. try answering your own question; why HAS government become so horrible under Obama? because he is a failed excuse of a leader; so government under him has become almost as inept and dysfunctional as he is. and painting the whole Tea Party as racist for one or two posters makes you look stupid. Oh and the Left called Bush "the Chimp"for 8 years...................hypocrite; racist

One or two posters...what forum are you talking about? Take a good look at who represents you and their attitude towards race. Take an honest look and get back to me.

BTW...when the left was attacking Bush, I was even harder on them! I am not a liberal...I just hate the racist nonsense of the Tea Party and your pathetic excuses.

I wonder, is anyone going to answer my questions?

Have you ever been to a Tea Party event or are you just going by the lefts spin? The ones I have been to wouldn't tolerate any body acting ignorant or bigoted in any manner, and yes there were people representing most all races.

I have...just a bunch of ignorant nutters who couldn't communicate their position coupled with racist assholes who ran the event.

I womder, is anyone gonna to address my questions, or are you guys just gonna attack me?
The tea party is for turning this country into a third world shit hole.

I'm a TEA party member and, while I don't necessarily agree with abortion, in your case - I would have allowed an exception with your abortion.
typical teaper response...just discussion of the issues at hand

That's all they can do. These people would bitch either way as they blame Obama for our collapsing rank in this world. Well, maybe they should look at themselves for that?
-Infrastructure collapsing
-Science edge going to china
-Education going into the ground

Maybe, mr.asshole teapartier should look at his/her self? Oh'yesss, you have no solutions besides kill government at all cost.
The tea party is for turning this country into a third world shit hole.

I'm a TEA party member and, while I don't necessarily agree with abortion, in your case - I would have allowed an exception with your abortion.
typical teaper response...just discussion of the issues at hand

Jesus Christ! DISCUSSION!?!?! Give me a break. I have been called every invective imaginable by these Nazis - from the standard "Teabagger" to "Uncle Tom". That's right, I'm black.

Screw them AND their "discussion". Oh, and I'm not a "Teaper" either.
I'm a TEA party member and, while I don't necessarily agree with abortion, in your case - I would have allowed an exception with your abortion.
typical teaper response...just discussion of the issues at hand

That's all they can do. These people would bitch either way as they blame Obama for our collapsing rank in this world. Well, maybe they should look at themselves for that?
-Infrastructure collapsing
-Science edge going to china
-Education going into the ground

Maybe, mr.asshole teapartier should look at his/her self? Oh'yesss, you have no solutions besides kill government at all cost.

OK Mister Rogers....680 BILLION dollars BY YOUR President for "infrastructure" and "shovel ready" jobs. How's THAT working for you?

Science "edge" going to China - see next response.

Education going into the ground. Union Nazi teachers teaching everything EXCEPT education. We've gone from 1 or 2 in the world to 46th. How's those bullshit liberal policies working for you, Nazi?

"Kill government at all costs"? Well, you got me there. Government has gotten us into this mess. You're goddamned right - I want "government" dead.
Talk about poor reading comprehension, I didn't list anything, I asked a simple straight forward question that you didn't answer.

What question? Where? Talk about poor reading comprehension, where did I say YOU listed anything?

Play your ignorant assed games, follow the thread back a bit and if you have an IQ above 3 you'll see. Personally I bet you won't.

You're trying to reason with a typical negro.
They have little concept of actual "right" or "wrong".... never mind the reasoning ability or logic.

All they understand and agree on is that if something agitates or inconveniences white people, it's "good".

They'll say ANYthing to get a reaction...and if you do try to engage them, they play the old circular logic game to waste time and have you repeat the same point over and over again.

They're good for entertainment purposes, but you'll never get one of them to engage in an honest debate.
What question? Where? Talk about poor reading comprehension, where did I say YOU listed anything?

Play your ignorant assed games, follow the thread back a bit and if you have an IQ above 3 you'll see. Personally I bet you won't.

You're trying to reason with a typical negro.
They have little concept of actual "right" or "wrong".... never mind the reasoning ability or logic.

All they understand and agree on is that if something agitates or inconveniences white people, it's "good".

They'll say ANYthing to get a reaction...and if you do try to engage them, they play the old circular logic game to waste time and have you repeat the same point over and over again.

They're good for entertainment purposes, but you'll never get one of them to engage in an honest debate.

:lol: And there is your typical, racist teaper. They can't engage in honest conversation so they start thr racial attacks. Who said the tea party is not racist...this idiot is one of your best representatives. Maybe he will answer my questions...doubt it, like I said, Teapers are inky interest in hate and have no real platform.

I wonder if any of the other teaoers will condemn this racist buffoon...doubt it because the tea party is racist.
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Play your ignorant assed games, follow the thread back a bit and if you have an IQ above 3 you'll see. Personally I bet you won't.

You're trying to reason with a typical negro.
They have little concept of actual "right" or "wrong".... never mind the reasoning ability or logic.

All they understand and agree on is that if something agitates or inconveniences white people, it's "good".

They'll say ANYthing to get a reaction...and if you do try to engage them, they play the old circular logic game to waste time and have you repeat the same point over and over again.

They're good for entertainment purposes, but you'll never get one of them to engage in an honest debate.

:lol: And there is your typical, racist teaper. They can't engage in honest conversation so they start thr racial attacks. Who said the tea party is not racist...this idiot is one of your best representatives. Maybe he will answer my questions...doubt it, like I said, Teapers are inky interest in hate and have no real platform.

I wonder if any of the other teaoers will condemn this racist buffoon...doubt it because the tea party is racist.

You are correct, it's no accident that they have absorbed the more bigoted elements of the republican party. I am pretty sure it's by design because any new political movement needs all the angry zealots they can get and you do not get much more angry than white bigots are right now.
You are correct, it's no accident that they have absorbed the more bigoted elements of the republican party. I am pretty sure it's by design because any new political movement needs all the angry zealots they can get and you do not get much more angry than white bigots are right now.
Leftist bigotry is still bigotry. You've made numerous bigoted comments and trying to wrap it in righteous indignation won't work on anyone but another leftist bigot.
You are correct, it's no accident that they have absorbed the more bigoted elements of the republican party. I am pretty sure it's by design because any new political movement needs all the angry zealots they can get and you do not get much more angry than white bigots are right now.
Leftist bigotry is still bigotry. You've made numerous bigoted comments and trying to wrap it in righteous indignation won't work on anyone but another leftist bigot.

Notice how they deflect to avoid acknowledging the tea party is racist. Instead of condemning racism, they respond by pointing their stinky fingers and screaming racism. I wonder if there are any honest, non-racist teapers out there.
You are correct, it's no accident that they have absorbed the more bigoted elements of the republican party. I am pretty sure it's by design because any new political movement needs all the angry zealots they can get and you do not get much more angry than white bigots are right now.
Leftist bigotry is still bigotry. You've made numerous bigoted comments and trying to wrap it in righteous indignation won't work on anyone but another leftist bigot.

Why did you reply to me rather than the racist piece of trash who is really, really making the tea party types look bad? Does he have your agreement then?

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