The tea party is the wrong way

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

No it doesn't. The left has been whining about political funding since the Supreme Court ruled that money = speech. The Tea Party spent practically nothing on the campaign to unseat Cantor. The structure concocted by the poorly written hastily passed "campaign finance reform" dictates how political funding is handled and it tends to favor incumbents. Violate it at your peril if you are a republican. Look what happened to Dinesh DiSouza.
Cantor, when he realized he was in trouble for being off campaigning for other party members, and NOT in his own district, launched a blizzard of ads against his opponent that weren't true...and he paid for it

The people called his bluff. He deserved it.
It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself

Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

Wrong, we do know their names----------they are Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Truman, Franklin. People who understood what freedom means and what the price of freedom really is.
It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself

Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

has the question of things YOU believe in never occurred to YOU?
George soros BY HIMSELF funds over 2 dozen left-wing groups like think tanks, and "advocacy groups" that "inform" what so many people like you think

like I said; I just took the first sentence of your response to me; and that was all I needed to confirm what what a mindless hypocrite you are
"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself

Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

Wrong, we do know their names----------they are Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Truman, Franklin. People who understood what freedom means and what the price of freedom really is.

All those people are dead and conveniently have no ability to approve the actions any of the lesser men who use their iconic images for their own narrow ends.
Who told you to cry and rant about Fox News?

answer: other loser lemming fascist-wannabes with their panties in a knot THAT ANYBODY would question the left-wing agenda

in your world nobody questions it (the left-wing agenda);
so you fear and hate what you don't understand
you're worse than any "right-winger"
you are exactly what you whine about
"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself

Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

has the question of things YOU believe in never occurred to YOU?
George soros BY HIMSELF funds over 2 dozen left-wing groups like think tanks, and "advocacy groups" that "inform" what so many people like you think

like I said; I just took the first sentence of your response to me; and that was all I needed to confirm what what a mindless hypocrite you are

I would wager that I re-examine my political beliefs more in a single day than you have in your entire life, it's called critical thinking, you should try it.
Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

Wrong, we do know their names----------they are Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Truman, Franklin. People who understood what freedom means and what the price of freedom really is.

All those people are dead and conveniently have no ability to approve the actions any of the lesser men who use their iconic images for their own narrow ends.

I bet you got a faded Che Guevara t-shirt though

ur a joke
Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

has the question of things YOU believe in never occurred to YOU?
George soros BY HIMSELF funds over 2 dozen left-wing groups like think tanks, and "advocacy groups" that "inform" what so many people like you think

like I said; I just took the first sentence of your response to me; and that was all I needed to confirm what what a mindless hypocrite you are

I would wager that I re-examine my political beliefs more in a single day than you have in your entire life, it's called critical thinking, you should try it.

wow; you spent all that time "thinking critically" and STILL came out looking like the typical ignorant left-wing loser whining about Fox?

tsk tsk tsk
i'll believe you actually re-examine your beliefs when you post something, anything, that doesnt appear to be the same ol left-wing clap-trap
Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

Wrong, we do know their names----------they are Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Truman, Franklin. People who understood what freedom means and what the price of freedom really is.

All those people are dead and conveniently have no ability to approve the actions any of the lesser men who use their iconic images for their own narrow ends.

History has recorded the beliefs of those men. The tea party shares those beliefs, the marxist left does not.

Rant and rave all you want, you are wrong about the tea party and what it stands for.
i'll believe you actually re-examine your beliefs when you post something, anything, that doesnt appear to be the same ol left-wing clap-trap

I do not post the same old clap-trap, I post new and improved, brilliantly conceived clap-trap.
The tea party has a lot of the same goals as the taliban and ISIS! They hate civilization!

You have gone full on retard.

Thanks for the show

Retard is not policially correct. Instead, use the term Progressives which is still politically correct at this time.

Within 10 years, who knows, the term Progressive could be as politically incorrect as retard.
Wrong, we do know their names----------they are Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Truman, Franklin. People who understood what freedom means and what the price of freedom really is.

All those people are dead and conveniently have no ability to approve the actions any of the lesser men who use their iconic images for their own narrow ends.

History has recorded the beliefs of those men. The tea party shares those beliefs, the marxist left does not.

Rant and rave all you want, you are wrong about the tea party and what it stands for.

I've been trying to make the point that what they say they believe in and the reckless path they would cut through American civil liberties to get there are two entirely different things. Social change is messy, how many more cops and prisons do you think it would take to abolish the food stamp program, for instance? Or how much land would the federal government have to seize from border residents to fully militarize the border? You people want to force all this stuff to happen now, within the span of a single term in office, and run the risk of becoming what you claim to hate by having to force change at the point of a gun because you are too impatient.
Oh crap, we're not? That's horrible. I mean when you started accusing them then clearly it was our job to convince you. You've been here with an open mind, and we've utterly failed. I'm so disappointed.

LOL, what a bozo...

The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

What evidence do you have for that claim?

He hates them because they want to cut his welfare checks, isn't that enough?
The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

What evidence do you have for that claim?

He hates them because they want to cut his welfare checks, isn't that enough?
The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

What evidence do you have for that claim?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

So what is your experience based on then that people who want to cut your welfare checks want to shut you up as well?
The tea party has a lot of the same goals as the taliban and ISIS! They hate civilization!

You have gone full on retard.

Thanks for the show

Retard is not policially correct. Instead, use the term Progressives which is still politically correct at this time.

Within 10 years, who knows, the term Progressive could be as politically incorrect as retard.
Any bets on what label they will claim next?

How about "Freedom Fighters"?:lol:
occupied said:
I've been trying to make the point that what they say they believe in and the reckless path they would cut through American civil liberties to get there are two entirely different things.

How do you know their intentions? Do you know next weeks lottery numbers, too?

What reckless path?

Did you read the tea party platform?

I don't see anything about cutting through civil liberties
occupied said:
Social change is messy, how many more cops and prisons do you think it would take to abolish the food stamp program, for instance?

Who said anything about abolishing the food stamp program? You made that up.

Did you read the tea party platform?

occupied said:
Or how much land would the federal government have to seize from border residents to fully militarize the border?
You invent theoretical problems.
I don't know but I'm sure the government retains some type of easement or curtilage rights on the actual borderline itself....just like every other nation in the world does on theirs.

What does "fully militarize the border" mean, anyway?...and where in the tea party platform did you see any of this?

occupied said:
You people want to force all this stuff to happen now,within the span of a single term in office, and run the risk of becoming what you claim to hate by having to force change at the point of a gun because you are too impatient.

"you people" ( Who?) want to force WHAT exactly? What do you mean by "all this stuff"?
What are you talking about specifically?

...all you've presented so far is open bias, wild generalizations, a dose of unfounded speculation and "what if".
occupied said:
I've been trying to make the point that what they say they believe in and the reckless path they would cut through American civil liberties to get there are two entirely different things.

How do you know their intentions? Do you know next weeks lottery numbers, too?

What reckless path?

Did you read the tea party platform?

I don't see anything about cutting through civil liberties
occupied said:
Social change is messy, how many more cops and prisons do you think it would take to abolish the food stamp program, for instance?

Who said anything about abolishing the food stamp program? You made that up.

Did you read the tea party platform?

occupied said:
Or how much land would the federal government have to seize from border residents to fully militarize the border?
You invent theoretical problems.
I don't know but I'm sure the government retains some type of easement or curtilage rights on the actual borderline itself....just like every other nation in the world does on theirs.

What does "fully militarize the border" mean, anyway?...and where in the tea party platform did you see any of this?

occupied said:
You people want to force all this stuff to happen now,within the span of a single term in office, and run the risk of becoming what you claim to hate by having to force change at the point of a gun because you are too impatient.

"you people" ( Who?) want to force WHAT exactly? What do you mean by "all this stuff"?
What are you talking about specifically?

...all you've presented so far is open bias, wild generalizations, a dose of unfounded speculation and "what if".

You are probably one of those blind fools who thinks the right is incapable of tyranny, if you believe that shit then you have lost already, you would follow these people all the way down the road to being the American Taliban.

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